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单词 Bred
1. What's bred in the bone will come out in the flesh. 
2. Well fed, wed bred.
3. Well fed, well bred.
4. As worms are bred in a stagnant pool, so are evil thoughts in idleness. 
5. What is bred in the bone will not go out of the flesh. 
6. Terriers are bred for their fighting instincts.
7. Some types of dog are bred for aggression.
8. Greyhounds were originally bred as hunting dogs.
9. The rabbits are bred for their long coats.
10. I'm a countryman born and bred.
11. Both the twin brothers were born and bred in London.
12. These goats are specially bred for their wool.
13. She was born and bred a Catholic.
14. Spartan youths were bred as warriors.
15. She bred her daughter to become a statesman.
16. He has been bred to be a gentleman.
17. She was too well bred to show her disappointment.
18. These dogs are bred to fight.
19. He's London born and bred.
20. I'm a Londoner, born and bred.
21. Six mice were bred in the laboratory.
22. The bear bred two cubs.
23. I was born and bred in the highlands.
24. He was born and bred in Boston.
25. I was born and bred in Liverpool.
26. He's a Parisian born and bred.
27. He was born and bred a gentleman.
28. Society's obsession with sex has bred a generation of unhappy children.
29. These dogs have been bred to work as guide dogs for the blind.
30. She was too well bred to want to hurt the little boy's feelings.
1. Terriers are bred for their fighting instincts.
2. Some types of dog are bred for aggression.
3. Greyhounds were originally bred as hunting dogs.
4. The rabbits are bred for their long coats.
5. I'm a countryman born and bred.
6. Both the twin brothers were born and bred in London.
7. She bred her daughter to become a statesman.
31. Fear of failure was bred into him at an early age.
32. Cruelty and the fighting instinct have not yet been bred out of the human species.
33. They crossed a tiger with a lion and bred a tiglon.
34. These dogs were originally bred in Scotland to round up sheep.
35. Animals bred in captivity would probably not survive if they were released into the wild.
36. Meyer's a Texan, born and bred.
37. Ian was born and bred in Gloucester.
38. Chihuahuas were bred by Aztecs to be sacrificed.
39. He was a Cambridge man born and bred.
40. Malcolm Bevan was born and bred in Soudley.
41. That was innate - was bred into his bones.
42. These trees are bred to resist pollution.
43. These are bred with original stock, or its offspring.
44. Only some endangered animals can be bred in zoos.
45. For them, familiarity has bred contempt.
46. Chickens bred for meat lay fewer eggs.
47. Greater mobility has bred greater volatility.
48. The traditional agricultural land use in the Pentland Hills is sheep farming, mainly of pure bred Blackface flocks.
49. The piglet they bred at school has been declared supreme champion at one of the country's top farming shows.
50. It bred a new generation of workers with no memory of mass unemployment.
51. To date it does not appear that this species has been bred in captivity.
52. Peter and Webster were bred successfully at the start of this year.
53. Mr Waigel is a Bavarian born and bred who has little love for Bonn but none at all for the former Prussian capital.
54. It has always been bred with an emphasis on good food conversion rates, whether for the production of meat or milk.
55. Second, the animals given these substances are bred in a manner that probably increases their susceptibility to cancer.
56. Wild Angels have bred in the tank quite happily on numerous occasions.
57. Gnat and Mosquito larvae, including Bloodworms, can not be bred, as they are the young stages of flying insects.
58. The new product has been created by implanting spider genes into a specially bred herd of tiny brown goats.
59. This was a favourite feature in olden times,[/bred.html] and a similar petal formation can be seen in some modern bred fuchsias.
60. Another line of research linking alcohol and serotonin involves rats bred for their avid preference for alcohol.
61. A history of lynching has bred this reflex in her.
62. The more centralized, urbanized and mechanized a society becomes, the less control we have and the more violence is bred.
63. The second method is to buy a pair that have already bred.
64. He has bred four other champions and captured the top Dobermann awards of 1987, 1988 and 1989.
65. I was born and bred and grew up in Rossendale Valley and left at the age of 27.
66. Many campaigners feel that chimps for scientific purposes should be bred in captivity, to avoid draining the wild resources.
67. The music became a fixture on urban radio in the '80s and bred a generation of fans.
68. They announced yesterday that their treatment also eliminates the genetic defect in laboratory mice, bred with cystic fibrosis.
69. This was the most important feature of the breed's decline from grace, since it was bred solely for work.
70. Before we had her she did a lot of show jumping and has bred a foal.
71. David MacKinlay was a Lewisach born and bred, educated at Stornoway who made good in the outside world.
72. By then we had evolved beyond the comforting comedy of repeated formulas, where familiarity bred content.
73. More rabbits are likely to move in, more rabbits are bred and no area stays denuded for very long.
74. Names trip off his tongue with an ease bred through familiarity.
75. To those bred in greater ease, I suppose this is one of his less attractive sides.
76. Birds are bred by crossing champions, to try to guarantee a high quality of song.
77. Bred in vast numbers in the Far East they are sold for under a £1.
78. For almost two weeks, Saigon was a hothouse that bred a combustion of burning chemicals and fuel.
79. The hand workers I know, running for union office, are being bred out of existence, even as crypto-yuppies.
80. Guccione said the number has declined over the years partly because the number of greyhounds being bred each year is falling.
81. To do so you would have to keep careful pedigree records of caddises bred in captivity, and breeding them is difficult.
82. Some breeds of dog, such as German shepherds, were bred to be aggressive.
83. That first post-natal subservience, bred of physical dependence, was too ingrained ever to be totally eradicated.
84. In fact, the behaviour of the janissaries bred a smouldering resentment which erupted from time to time into acts of armed resistance.
85. Wild specimens should also be bred with domesticated stock to introduce new bloodlines.
86. The strange couplings and consequent hybrid styles or aesthetics it bred were multitudinous.
87. Mum Ann, east Belfast born and bred, is hoping her boy helps the Glens to victory.
88. It was time to sign off before familiarity bred contempt[sentencedict .com], and just in case it already had I decided to hurt her.
89. They were an ordinary family, all born and bred locally, but their relationship with Alexander was both friendly and relaxed.
90. Although they have bred successfully once, they are still nervous.
91. The long association with Jogis had bred out canine slavishness.
92. Then the fear of him that had been generated bred a will to resist.
93. This relates directly to their ancestry; these short-legged hounds were bred to pursue their quarry by scent over considerable distances.
94. These activities supported high-stakes gambling, for example, on the outcome of fights between selectively bred bull terriers.
95. From this you have probably guessed that this species can be bred in captivity.
96. In this country there are nearly three hundred birds being bred on farms and it's increasing.
97. The mouse is bred with the genetic defect but remains alive, enabling potential cures to be tested out on it.
98. Some canine difficulties arise because a change bred for in a particular character alters the development of a different one.
99. They're being bred by farmer, Christopher Marler and this year, there's been something of a baby boom.
100. I think that a horse has to be a minimum of 7/8 bred now to become a top class event horse.
101. Until 1960 des Forges and Harber recorded eight cases and a pair may have bred in 1973.
102. I must say this openly: d'Aubigny I liked immediately, a gentleman born and bred, a true courtier like myself.
103. My father bred cocker spaniels, and these endearing animals were very much part of our childhood.
104. The congenital apathetic inefficiency bred by the regime as the best way of keeping people down had also delayed the demolition process.
105. They have developed a bond with the Dragon Princes down the centuries which is now bred into their very spirit.
106. Both dogs are familiar with the Byker circuit, having been bred by Brough-based Norman Oliver before moving on.
107. The new Bill covers introduced as well as native species and will allow ministers to decide which animals may be commercially bred.
108. Because the gene pool for a growing breed is slight, munchkins are generally bred with other cats.
109. Marsh harriers pass through and have recently bred, and even a passing osprey is a possibility.
110. He had been born and bred on the river, but had never seen anything like it before.
111. His whole inclination was against the violence all around him and against the insurrection it bred.
112. At the end of 400 generations, the E. coli bacteria had bred new strains of itself with slightly different genes.
113. It also ensures that omissions are not made simply because you have dictated the letter so often that familiarity has bred contempt.
114. Although only four birds had ever been recorded before 1948, Little Ringed Plovers have bred in Sussex frequently since 1950.
115. Many species of tropical freshwater, marine and coldwater fish are being successfully bred by fishkeepers all over the world.
116. Decomposing waste and disease-carrying bacteria compete with the fish for oxygen, limiting the number of fish that can be bred.
117. Or were they zombie bodies, specially bred and conditioned, and thus essentially unhuman?
118. Peregrines last bred successfully in 1957, and are now only winter visitors and passage migrants.
118. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
119. If the maharajah noticed he was too well bred to show it.
120. The planned deregulation has bred concern that Petron will face stiffer competition and an erosion of its 42 percent market share.
121. However, it has been replaced by Friesians for milk and is now bred more for beef.
122. The sheer numbers of creatures involved, particularly rats and mice, demands that where practicable they are bred for the purpose.
123. Pendley Goldfinch, who was born on 27 September 1980 and bred by Joanne Yates.
124. The forms have not been bred into his bones; even his body is the wrong shape.
125. Several colour strains have bee bred since the original black and silver variety came out on the market many moons ago.
126. Now, I tell you this, I am a rogue born and bred.
127. It hardly mattered whether unfounded suspicion, bred by professional jealousy, or something more serious had prompted this anonymous note.
128. But as a local born and bred Liverpudlian person.
129. This had bred a warm and enduring response.
130. They bred conformity and role - playing.
131. Bred was boning up for an examination.
132. Conclusion These normal microflora values in feces were reference values in intestinal of heathy domestically bred young rhesus macaque.
133. Mice bred to be void of the gene, called TREK-1, acted as if they had been downing anti-depressants for at least three weeks.
134. Trust an ignorant city - bred darky not to know the difference between a farm and a plantation.
135. As if being reared for the stewpot wasn't bad enough, these chickens have been bred into a form their own ancestors surely wouldn't recognize.
136. They complain that the fruit is being homogenised just like the insipid tomatoes bred to look pretty behind cellophane on supermarket shelves.
137. Leprosy bacilli taken from two newly detected patients with lepromatous leprosy have been inoculated into the rear foot pads of BALB/C pure bred mice.
138. But the consequences of inaction could be worse than the feared economic damage that has bred overcaution .
139. The results showed that for the hens bred in wet curtain Cooling system the egg laying rate was 1.
140. Mohammed Atta and Ayman al-Zawahiri were bred in the tyrannical republic of Hosni Mubarak.Zawahiri, the vengeful Cairene aristocrat, was explicit about that.
141. The religious tradition of Massachusetts bred its brand of devotional literature.
142. "Texuan-815" was a kiwifruit new strain which belongs to Actinidia chinensis bred by Anhui Agricultural University.
143. Hot words passed on both sides and ill blood was plentifully bred.
144. Females bred to boars that have been subjected to heat stress may have a lowered farrowing rate and smaller litter sizes.
145. The Alaska Rabbit, a thickset , short rabbit, was bred in Germany despite its name's suggestion!
146. And success has bred success - liberalisation is producing prosperity, encouraging further reform.
147. Often those species that can be most easily bred are the most useless in reclamation.
148. The double low variety used backcross male parent for double high GMS, the double low GMS had been bred through continuous backcross, at the same time, the double low hybrid has be en bred.
148. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
149. New rice variety-ZUPEI 7 is the first variety bred by biotechnique which has the advantage of good quality, heigh yield, cold resistance and rice blast resistance.
150. Our company has successfully bred excellent terminal sire line and female parent sire line.
151. One baron created a stud farm, enslaving 600 Indian women whom he bred like cattle.
152. Having bred too quickly, they began to cannibalize each other.
153. 'Albertine' is one of the most popular roses of all, a wichuraiana rambler bred in France in 1921.
154. Objective To investigate the possible infections of SARS-CoV in civet cat bred in the suburbs of Beijing.
155. The new sugarcane variety YT00-236 was bred from female parent YN73-204 and male parent CP72-1210 by Zhanjiang Sugarcane Research Center of Guangzhou Sugarcane Industry Research Institute.
156. That's the only solution really for us chaps who were born and bred here.
157. Benjamin was bred a silk dyer an apprenticeship in London.
158. Born and bred a countryman, he was bewildered by London.
159. What is bred in the bone will never crane out of the flesh.
160. A new study shows the inexpensive blood pressure drug lisinopril blocked development of multiple sclerosis in laboratory mice bred to develop the disease.
161. Most dogs are first bred between the 10th and 14th day after the onset of proestrus.
162. The animals are very sensitive to disturbance and have never bred in captivity.
163. The well bred contradict oth er people. The wise contra ? dict themselves.
164. Master Zhao Yanjun is syndic of national canine pet club, he has abundant experience in breeding Tibetan Mastiffs , has bred out some famous Tibetan Mastiffs such as "king lion" and "tiger ".
165. There are now Charolais cattle being bred black and red in colour.
166. His children are well bred, whereas those of his sister are naughty.
167. Lines with trait of open bud was bred from the generations of interspecific hybridization mainly.
168. More and more people bred this kinglike arawana, which was the food source of the local people 50 years ago.
169. Various kinds of fish are being bred in the reservoir.
170. Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice, deficient for both T and Blymphocytes, had been bred successfully in laminar air flow units.
171. However, with the increased number of captive bred Harris and Redtail hawks available today at very modest prices, the Buzzard is now being overlooked.
172. There are characters of protection environment, appropriate , fancy bred to plant weeping willow of uncatkin.
173. Researchers who had bred a different gossypol-free cottonseed had tasted the cottonseed meal, and reported that tasted good.
174. And mice bred without MCH remain lean - and fertile - which has made it a popular candidate for anti-obesity drugs as well.
175. The ethic foundation is only bred and produced in the civil society.
176. Langde gooses introduced from Saibala Company of France have been successfully bred. The weight of liver of this kind of goose is 800g.
177. The Labrador is bred primarily as a working gun dog ; structure and soundness are of great importance.
178. Affective wellhead was bred to be polychrome life and sincere life!
179. The new cabbage variety,[http:///bred.html] Ninggan 1 is bred and selected by Xijie Seed Control Station through self-pollination of one mutant plant of the native cabbage variety.
180. I was born and bred in the North of England Started in the Direct Mail business selling collectibles to Soccer fans.
181. A Londoner born and bred, she suspected that a month in the country would bore her to distraction.
182. The technology bred of science has catalyzed stupendous economic growth.
183. On the basis of the experiment, the first new variety of Avena Nuda Huazhong 21 in the world is bred by using anther haploid breeding technique.
184. Cara, a well - bred woman in her thirties, lies in her birthing pool.
185. She walked as delicately as if she had been bred in town.
186. They extracted pea protein hydrolysate from the yellow garden pea and fed a small dose each day to laboratory rats bred to have a severe type of kidney disease called polycystic kidney disease.
187. Lisa: I know the bridegroom. He is a true-blue Singaporean, locally born and bred. The bride is a new immigrant.
188. Mordecai wrote in the name of King Xerxes, sealed the dispatches with the king's signet ring, and sent them by mounted couriers , who rode fast horses especially bred for the king.
189. Scientists have bred new hybrid plants and animals which yield more food.
190. But the race of inferior Houyhnhnms, bred up to be servants, is not so strictly limited upon this article: these are allowed to produce three of each sex, to be domestics in the noble families.




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