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单词 Buttocks
1 If you don't stop disturbing,your buttocks would be spanked.
2 The table was almost canted over by his buttocks.
3 The beating had left red weals on his buttocks .
4 His father bopped him on the buttocks for he was too naughty.
5 Place your hands under your buttocks to take some of the strain off your back.
6 Her buttocks were twitching rhythmically to the music.
7 You want to rub it on your buttocks?
8 His buttocks were clenched as he moved towards her.
9 Try concentrating on squeezing your buttocks as tightly as you can instead.
10 The arms, legs and buttocks of these children are often stripped of flesh so that the skin hangs in folds.
11 Incredible deltoids, biceps, buttocks, and thighs outlined and simultaneously gripped by the tight cut of his sailor suit.
12 I suffered shrapnel wounds in the buttocks and one arm.
13 All the small buttocks somehow showed and, below that, the small muscled legs and tapering bare feet.
14 They bastinadoed the criminal on the soles of the feet and on the buttocks.
15 Anyway, in a showbiz double whammy the boys with the buttocks have been talking to Bryan Burnett.
16 He dreaded the feel of the big leather belt across his bare legs and buttocks.
17 Fundamentally she is a slightly delinquent page-boy with small buttocks and an upturned nose.
18 She felt the hard wood press against her back and buttocks(), as she was forced to stand against it.
19 She found it, pushed the door open, the light exposing rounded buttocks as she tumbled from the car.
20 It is characterised by unsightly lumps and bumps which collect in the thighs, buttocks, hips and upper arms.
21 He reached out and leaned a hand on her buttocks.
22 They are found on the external genitalia and on the thighs, buttocks, and lower abdomen.
23 He lay in a sort of mental haze until a feeling of restriction just below his buttocks penetrated his still slumbering state.
24 He began to flog Luke unmercifully, bringing the lash down across back, buttocks and legs again and again.
25 But why should the choice involve a showy crown or a pair of luminous buttocks?
26 And is it true that you can achieve that long-desired perfect body shape from toning up different areas like thighs and buttocks?
27 Of these elongated seats those contoured to give good support to the thighs and buttocks were most popular.
28 I tipped forward so that I rested on both buttocks and heels, my head between my knees.
29 Alternatively, she could lie on her stomach with a hot wet towel or a hot-water bottle placed on her buttocks.
30 He lay stinking in the putrid morning sun, trousers pulled down around his buttocks.
1 If you don't stop disturbing,your buttocks would be spanked.
2 They bastinadoed the criminal on the soles of the feet and on the buttocks.
3 His father bopped him on the buttocks for he was too naughty.
31 He began to drag the corpse along, its buttocks bumping over the ground.
32 Female speaker It's an agonising burning, which goes down my buttocks and sciatic nerve.
33 However, Paleolithic and Neolithic art often emphasized the buttocks, sometimes exaggerating them to a suggestion of hills or mountains.
34 She waited with her buttocks bared like a naughty girl, while he selected an instrument of corporal punishment.
35 Female fetishes include male bodily hair, buttocks and odours associated with the male.
36 Martin's potted history of each railway is certainly sufficiently detailed to whet the appetite enough to free buttocks from armchair Dralon.
37 I released her hand and grasped her firmly by the buttocks, small but ripe.
38 She kneads my buttocks, shaping them to her hands, spreading them apart.
39 It flowed over her hips the same way, and over her buttocks.
40 Her shots tore off one man's ear and wounded another man in the buttocks as he fled from the pub.
41 Karl Marx said that the bourgeoisie would suffer from the carbuncles that afflicted his buttocks as he composed Das Kapital.
42 Q: My teen-ager was walking down our carpeted basement steps and fell on her buttocks.
43 He reached out and felt Connie's soft spreading buttocks.
44 Objective To discuss the pathogenesis and comprehensive treatment of myofascitis syndrome in waist and buttocks.
45 They reported that the homosexual men in the set were more likely to report seeing buttocks, anuses or sexually ambiguous figures in the inkblots.
46 Shakira signs show - belly dancing to keep her own body and graceful curve of the buttocks.
47 Your shoulder department and buttocks proportion, your waist highly and so on.
48 An Australian nudist who tried to set fire to what he thought was a deadly funnel web spider's nest ended up with badly burned buttocks, emergency officials said Monday.
49 For standing photos, belly buttocks tight, shoulders back, spine straight.
50 Moderate setter-like feathering adorns the chest, underbody , backs of the legs, buttocks, and may also be present on the second thigh and underside of the tail.
51 First Lian Kai several daylong meetings, have sat buttocks all hemp.
52 So shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians prisoners, and the Ethiopians captives, young and old, naked and barefoot, even with their buttocks uncovered, to the shame of Egypt.
53 Trisha said that the pain was viselike, and that she also felt a few electric shocks in her buttocks and her thighs.
54 All at once he became conscious of a smart blow upon his buttocks.
55 To poke prod , or pinch ( a person ) between or on the buttocks.
56 Her buttocks and my lower body to pressure in the Siming together.
57 Marry, sir, in her buttocks: I found it out by the bogs.
58 His legs and buttocks had swollen so that they stretched his pants.
59 Pain in your upper leg, buttocks, hips or lower back -- all radiating from the piriform muscle, deep in the buttock.
60 People with psoriatic arthritis might not have obvious psoriasis skin findings or they might have minimal scaly red skin on the scalp, in the bellybutton or between the buttocks .
61 Place the diaper under the infant's buttocks and fold sides in, between his legs.
62 This system improve orange dermatoid organization on the buttocks and the thigh effectively, meanwhile can solve the problems of skin relaxation.
63 Now you can help me firm up my buttocks . Yours are so tight!
64 Spanking on the buttocks, an erogenous zone in childhood, can create in the child's mind an association between pain and sexual pleasure, and lead to difficulties in adulthood.
65 The single biggest muscle in the human body is the gluteus maximus, or the buttocks.
66 He began speaking before Zanetta 's buttocks had made contact with his chair.
67 In the child's bed the buttocks early time performance to be flustered, the chest stuffily, to swallow vertigo, the four limbs asthenia.
67 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
68 The Otterhound is slightly rectangular in body; the length from point of shoulder to buttocks is slightly greater than the height at the withers.
69 Here's a great cardio exercise that also works your legs and buttocks.
70 The gluteus maximus in the buttocks works with the psoas (located high at the front of the thigh) to balance the pelvis from front to back.
71 Chimp semen contains no FSH or LH, but ovulating females develop a red buttocks, clearly signally reproductive readiness.
72 To take the buttocks and legs off the wall, stretch the legs straight up as before and move the mid-thoracic spine into the body toward the front chest.
73 Small white or red bumps on the buttocks are most likely keratosis pilaris.
74 Her breasts and buttocks illustrated Enneper 's surface of negative constant curve differential coefficient of the pseudo - sphere.
75 The stomach and abdomen are areas of great erotic sensitivity, as is the small of the back and the area just above the cleft in their buttocks.
76 Because patients relieve nature by using the relief hole, a bed cushion can not be paved in the relief hole. Therefore, patients who lie on beds for a long time feel painful in the buttocks.
77 He began to lash Luke unmercifully across buttocks and thighs.
78 If your baby has heat rash, you'll most likely see it in the folds of his skin and on parts of his body where his clothing fits snugly, including his chest, stomach, neck, crotch, and buttocks.
79 Her breasts and buttocks illustrated Enneper's surface of negative constant curve, the differential coefficient of the pseudo-sphere.
80 It can help firm up the abdomen and the buttocks.
81 And you made several holes in the buttocks and the knees, too.
82 Cold panniculitis thigh, buttocks and the facial skin after cold nodules and plaques, the surface was green red and purple, the skin lesions subsided after a few weeks.
83 Some women in hunter-gathering societies do have abnormally large buttocks, a condition called steatopygia.
84 She joined Liu Yu-ying on the balcony , where the wind first made her full-bottomed night-dress belly out, then whisked it up to reveal her plump white buttocks.
85 Brush buttocks with bumf before , how to convert now does bumf brush the mouth?
86 A 31-year-old female presented with a 2-3 day history of pruritic symmetric erythematous papules on both axillas, popliteal fossa, buttocks and groins .
87 The buttocks and tail bone sit [ over ] the heel of the rear foot.
88 A pilonidal sinus is a small hole or tunnel in the skin, usually at the very top of the cleft between the buttocks.
89 Is of like hyacinth, chest, buttocks fullness sleek, waist, curve Delicate, very sexy.
90 Waists were by far the most admired of eight physical features, followed by breasts, legs, thighs and plumpness. Hips, buttocks and slimness were the least mentioned, said the study.
91 If you are woman, you can look at your legs and buttocks.




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