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单词 Giving up
1, Giving up smoking reduces the risk of heart disease.
2, They brainwash people into giving up all their money.
3, He was proud of himself for not giving up.
4, Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.
5, Attempt doesn't necessarily bring success, but giving up definitely leads to failure.
6, She had to choose between giving up her job or hiring a nanny.
7, As we were on the point of giving up hope, a letter arrived.
8, They defied/flouted/broke with convention by giving up their jobs and becoming self-sufficient.
9, The minute you think of giving up,()think of the reason why you held on so long .
10, When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on so long in the first place.
11, The defeated general showed his submission by giving up his sword.
12, I'm not giving up my holiday to suit you, so you can put that in your pipe and smoke it!
13, Giving up smoking had a magical effect on his stamina.
14, She had mixed feelings about giving up her job.
15, We were on the point of giving up.
16, After giving up smoking, he became fat and irritable.
17, I'm not giving up without a fight!
18, Giving up an addiction is a humbling experience.
19, Giving up smoking has taken years off her.
20, Is she serious about giving up her job?
21, I got withdrawal symptoms after giving up smoking.
22, Giving up our car has radically altered our lifestyle.
23, He is thinking of giving up teaching.
24, Aren't you chancing your arm a bit giving up a secure job to start up a business?
25, They found it hard to justify their son's giving up a secure well-paid job.
26, Her parents were opposed to her giving up her course,(http:///giving up.html) but she did it anyway.
27, She's giving up her job and moving on to pastures new.
28, You know that maybe it's time for miracles 'Cos I ain't giving up on love.
29, He was suffering from all the classic withdrawal symptoms associated with giving up heroin - inability to sleep, anxiety, sweating and fever.
30, I can't help feeling slightly wistful about the perks I'm giving up.
1, Giving up smoking reduces the risk of heart disease.
2, They brainwash people into giving up all their money.
3, He was proud of himself for not giving up.
4, She had to choose between giving up her job or hiring a nanny.
5, As we were on the point of giving up hope, a letter arrived.
6, They defied/flouted/broke with convention by giving up their jobs and becoming self-sufficient.
7, The defeated general showed his submission by giving up his sword.
8, Giving up smoking had a magical effect on his stamina.
31, It'll break your father's heart if you tell him you're giving up college.
32, Giving up a secure job seems to be the height of folly.
33, I was on the point of giving up the search when something caught my eye in the bushes.
34, What's all this nonsense about you giving up your job?
35, He had to choose between giving up his job and giving up his principles. He chose the former.
36, Becoming self-employed meant giving up a secure salary, together with sick leave and long vacation time.
37, Giving up your seat to an older person seems to be a thing of the past.
38, He wanted her at any cost, even if it meant giving up everything he had.
39, I don't mind giving up a couple of hours a week to deal with correspondence.
40, Mary stared at him hard and eventually shamed him into giving up his seat to the old lady.
41, As Mike saw it, marriage would mean giving up his freedom.
42, This time you've met your match , Adam Burns! I'm not giving up without a fight!
43, Giving up smoking helps reduce the risk of heart disease.
44, I tried to dissuade him from giving up his job.
45, He thought about giving up his job, but then common sense reasserted itself.
46, The deal offers an increase in policy value in return for giving up guarantees.
47, We had to sign a waiver,(Sentencedict) giving up any rights to the land in the future.
48, The restructuring involves Mr Ronson giving up control of the company.
49, Giving up his job was a small price to pay for his children's happiness.
50, I'd love to be a professional writer, but I'm not giving up my day job just yet.
51, She says she was virtually blackmailed into giving up her claim to the property.
52, That does not mean giving up lectures.
53, Not once did she think of giving up.
54, She doesn't hector us about giving up things.
55, I have always regretted giving up my piano lessons.
56, No one pretends that giving up smoking is easy.
57, No one is giving up hope.
58, Is quitting my job giving up?
59, I hope Jeff's serious about giving up smoking.
60, But the locals aren't giving up yet.
61, Cov giving up, Leeds running riot.
62, For some, giving up smoking may not be easy.
63, We are just giving up the wild ride.
64, And the commercial providers are not giving up, either.
65, We're not giving up hope.
66, She never once thought of giving up. Everyone admired her fighting spirit.
67, For her, the only supreme sacrifice would have been in giving up her husband.
68, I recall passing several boring hours in the California desert under dense, unbroken clouds before giving up.
69, But by giving up a little privacy, you can get free Internet access, too.
70, Before giving up this half-filled sheet of paper to his file system, the official had noted well its contents.
71, I even entertained, though for the briefest minute, the notion of giving up Jasper altogether.
72, Jose Bautista fared even worse, giving up five runs, one a homer to minor-leaguer Tyrone Horne.
73, I've spent a lot of time and effort getting this far. I'm not giving up now.
74, He also promised to let the ruble float, giving up all efforts to control its rate against the dollar.
75, At the most it may mean giving up a job.
76, Is it any different from giving up a liberty to smoke?
77, Nina wondered for the hundredth time if she'd made the right decision giving up her place in Joe's home.
78, Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to try just one more time. Thomas A. Edison 
79, Why should not his giving up his liberty to complain be consideration?
80, If you can't communicate and talk to other people and get across your ideas(http:///giving up.html), you're giving up your potential. Warren Buffett 
81, As suggested elsewhere, one of the problems with selection is giving up the attractive paths that are not being chosen.
82, His regrets, his apology, his talk of giving up business and his painful honesty had all been faked.
83, I would hide stones and Bess would rout round with her nose, never giving up until they were found.
84, The evidence now suggests that giving up smoking in the seventh decade of life brings health benefits.
85, And there are countless other examples of women giving up their career dream to make a relationship work.
86, Then Sebastian started talking in terms of giving up his job, and Leith had something else to worry about.
87, For an information pack on giving up, write with an sae to.
88, I had imagined that friendship meant giving up privacy, and closeness meant complete submersion in the other person.
89, Nobody harvests its spongy woods and makes the trunks sigh like toy soldiers giving up life.
90, But giving up will immediately reduce the risk of heart disease, and circulation problems can improve within just weeks.
91, And despite giving up five sacks to Seattle, the offensive line has been a pleasant surprise.
92, It contains plenty of helpful advice on giving up smoking.
93, Have you ever thought of giving up work and being a full-time mother?
94, Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times. Mark Twain 
95, For many, the critical point in the conflict will revolve around giving up work.
96, More often, of course, separation involves a younger carer giving up the role, about which there is often profound ambivalence.
97, Whatever it is beneath the sunny waves, it is not giving up easily.
98, The simple act of giving up a sedentary occupation brought about the improved the state of health.
99, Then he had started on again about getting married and giving up her job.
100, He was outstanding, working three scoreless innings, only giving up a walk.
101, Further, there is a significant grief reaction to giving up the substance or process of addiction itself.
102, Don't give up because things are hard, but work harder, when you think of giving up. Anthony Liccione 
103, Somehow she managed to take a proper breath, not the little shallow gasps she had been giving up to now.
104, One immediate result of my departure from Berkeley was my giving up my flat by the school and going back to London.
105, However, socioeconomic preconditions and reasons for giving up smoking have not been investigated to the same extent.
106, Frieder on Wednesday confirmed that Holly is giving up basketball and leaving school.
107, It meant giving up the security of my salary, together with sick leave, fringe benefits(Sentencedict), and long vacation time.
108, When Mohibullah went to prison I was so upset I thought about giving up squash completely.
109, How many old people are tossed aside after giving up decades of their lives to the same job?
110, Upstairs, Petey blew his nose and sipped water after finally giving up his dinner and feeling like he could walk again.
111, There was nothing particularly creditable in giving up an immoral life when you had fully satisfied that nagging curiosity.
112, Giving up his five wives and dozen concubines, Vladimir demanded that all his subjects in Kiev become baptized.
113, If this were so, giving up smoking would not alter an individual's chance of developing lung cancer.
114, Last year a local deejay spent a month trying to bribe listeners into giving up information about the mysterious runner.
115, But I didn't make any hard and fast decisions about giving up painting at all.
116, Failing a loan, Cutler can finance growth by giving up his salary and reinvesting more earnings in the company.
117, After 20 years on the couch, Richard is finally giving up therapy.
118, Yet it's easy to cut down on fat without changing your diet completely or giving up all your favourite foods.
119, He hates the idea of giving up even one day of power.
120, Campbell groans before giving up. 5 p. m. -- Campbell takes Benjamin to the dentist.
121, Meanwhile John Lawer insists he won't be giving up on his epic adventure or his one-man campaign against three-wheel discrimination.
122, Ace Mark Leiter pitched four innings, giving up a run, walking two and striking out two.
123, Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different. Oprah Winfrey 
124, Detective work is about a lot of things, mostly it's about not giving up.
125, The department store chain is giving up a well-located outlet in its bid to compete in the shrinking department store retailing world.
126, But the Sox are balking at giving up two center fielders.
127, Discussions may be held about popular movies in which heroes come back from repeated adversity and prevail by not giving up.
128, If you've smoked 30 a day for 20 years, is it worth giving up?
129, Read in studio A successful businessman is giving up the security of office life to become a rock singer.
130, Perhaps, the giving up is one kind of extrication?
131, Senate majority leader Harry Reid is not giving up.
132, Anyway it beats just giving up and doing nothing.
133, The young soldier had to summon up all his courage to prevent himself from giving up.
134, Naturally, the rural representatives who controlled state government had little incentive to reapportion, because to do so would mean giving up their power.
135, It is caused by our idea of not giving up the advantage (the car key) we have had?Sometimes, if we abandon some of our parochialism , advantages, and intransigence, we can get more.
136, "We've been closer, " he said. "Mostly I'm talking about our second unit, giving up leads, letting teams get back into it, letting their bench outplay us. "
137, He was preaching me sermon about giving up smoking to his son.
137, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
138, Besides, giving up on a heartfelt aspiration is worse than failing.
139, The chief sponsor of the New York law, state Senator Emanuel Gold, says he's not giving up.
140, By offering a stateful programming model without giving up the scalability inherent in statelessness, continuation servers make Web application development much easier.
141, But giving up the transformative lift of a very high heel can be difficult.
142, Arjuna, prescribed actions which are performed as a matter of duty giving up attachment to fruitive results is considered renunciation in the nature of goodness.
143, The Western nations had no intention of giving up their hard-won right of entry to the Japanese market.
144, However, looking at that be flown to pare off the factory of horizon, she still reserves giving up this maneuver.
145, All the recent talk about the future of and giving up control over our links on Twitter to third parties made us look into alternative solutions for shortening our links over the last few weeks.
146, Employers don't appreciate the extra night's hotel bill, but since you're giving up your weekend, they usually fall in line.
147, The diary is not the one who will always update, but it is only the note of someday, I begin to exculpate from my giving up in the midway.
148, In Khabarovsk some have complained about giving up what they see as Russian territory.
149, Negotiations reconvene. Soon the North hints it can be enticed or bribed into giving up a slice of its nuclear program.
150, In comparison, those aged between 18 and 24 are more likely to be yo-yo dieters, with a fifth giving up within a month.
151, Basing on three-dimension elasticity and giving up any assumptions, the authors obtain the state equations for the orthotropic body.
152, This knock back does not mean I feel like giving up the fight, even if there is now one less race in which to compete.
153, Im renumber one isly msimilarg resolutions- like giving up smoking.
154, However, fulsome pressure maybe take people to extremity, even giving up their life.
155, It is not booze, fags or flab that many people fantasise about giving up this new year. One in four working people in Britain want to celebrate 2005 by quitting their jobs.
156, Will your father take kindly to the idea of your giving up the job?
157, "It seems they felt that giving up a little bit of processor performance for a lot of graphics performance was a reasonable tradeoff, " says Nathan Brookwood, principal analyst at Insight 64.
158, Anhui Power and other original shareholders are giving up equity capital expansion.
159, Mahan was behind the entire time and under extreme pressure when he eventually lost it at the 17th hole, ending with a bogey, and giving up the championship.
160, However, you may still be able to enjoy all the benefits of Windows 7 without giving up your favorite apps, thanks to a new compatibility feature called XP Mode.
161, Zen Buddhism also stresses giving up earthly affairs, as disenchantment to the world arises, accomplishment is reached with ease.
162, Just as extragalactic astronomers were giving up on stellar collisions, their galactic colleagues adopted them with a vengeance.
163, Over on the other side of the room, Michael J.Madsen is showing off baby photographs.Madsen just sent his notice giving up his parttime gig teaching commercial photography.
164, The family a house and a stipend from the government in return for giving up herding.
165, So, instead of giving up on my home equity loan, I simply educated the lender .
166, The proposed mission, according to the diplomat, would be convincing Gaddafi that the only way he will survive the conflict is by giving up power and leaving Libya for any country he deems safe.
167, Effective money demand has been decreasing because people run for non-monetary assets while giving up monetary assets.
168, As part of the experiment they had to fill the vacuum left by giving up their electronic entertainment by doing voluntary work and other activities - such as talking to their families!
169, Finaly: Giving up is a wisdom(/giving up.html), defect is a benefaction.
170, He taught his loyal subjects saying, "People of Benares wholesomeness begins with giving up the five unwholesome actions once and for all."
171, In the last game between the Dodgers and the Diamondbacks, Kuo Hong-chih pitched one strikeout and one walk in the 9th inning, not giving up a single run.
172, Rickshaw paling was, to him, the ideal profession and quitting it meant giving up all hope.
173, And thank you for giving up your coffee break to help me.
174, " We're giving up free range, getting organized, feathering our emotions.
175, "The filming meant giving up my privacy, " Dau explains, "but I knew it might spread the word and help my people."
176, You can be accepting and respectful of the person and their feelings and beliefs without invalidating or giving up your own position, or without agreeing with the accuracy and validity of their view.
177, "Are they giving up the rights to use the search data that powers display advertising? That's still not clear," said Brigantine Advisors analyst Colin Gillis.
178, Due to the important tax consequences of giving up one's community property interest, individuals signing this section should consult with a competent tax or legal advisor.
179, The commercial market there is a immutable law: Any business or brand, if the innovation would be tantamount to giving up the market to give up, this is an indisputable fact.
180, He believe only through"Language Games"rule, permitting the existence of difference, giving up consensus by paralogy, the legitimation of knowledge can be rebuilt.
181, Life causes wrinkles on our skins, but giving up our enthusiasm will corrode our souls.
182, I only want to win. This knock back does not mean I feel like giving up the fight, even if there is now one less race in which to compete. Let's just wait and see.
183, Hesperidin was extracted from giving up Orange peel and tested antioxygenic activity and protection against moulds.
184, New Delhi would lose little by giving up Aksai Chin.
185, O Arjuna, established in the science of yoga in actions, perform your activities giving up attachment and become equipoised in both success and failure.
186, This article introduces some suggestions and methods of reforming interior wall plastein respect of reducing or even giving up the plastering work.
187, A growing number of long-out-of-work adults facing these odds appear to be giving up.
188, Switzerland and Luxembourg fear - not without cause - that giving up banking secrecy would hit their private - banking business.
189, Another secretary is leaving President Bush's cabinet. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns is stepping down. He is expected to run for the Senate seat Nebraska Republican Chuck Hagel is giving up.
190, Giving up strict control is very good sometimes, if you still have looser constraints as a safety net.
191, Let us emulate Mother Teresa in giving up the earthshaking undertakings; let us assume the attitude of "like a willing ox with head bowed", and let us start the service bit by bit!
192, Arjuna, established in the science of yoga in actions, perform your activities giving up attachment and become equipoised in both success and failure.
193, The behavior habit not only giving up to enrich the opportunity of own knowledge, but also tolerating oneself a freedom desultoriness .
194, At his press conference in Bucharest Mr Putin was asked how he felt about giving up the presidency next month (to become prime minister). "There is nothing to be sorry about.
195, American Deion Sanders announces his return to Baseball with the Cincinnati Reds for the 1997 season, one year after giving up the sport to concentrate on American football.
196, We have all appetence for success, and we know that people who fail because they keep giving up.
197, It helps, travelers report. Employers don't appreciate the extra night's hotel bill, but since you're giving up your weekend, they usually fall in line.




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