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单词 Hardship
1. We are ready to face any hardship.
2. Hardship and penury wore him out before his time.
3. Many people are suffering economic hardship.
4. His boyhood conditioned him to hardship.
5. Students may suffer severe financial hardship as a result of the government's decision.
6. He was willing to face any hardship in fulfillment of his duty.
7. Housing benefit provides a cushion against hardship.
8. They say that hardship is good for the soul.
9. They are living in genuine hardship.
10. The cold was no real hardship to me.
11. Dauntless in spirit[/hardship.html], they became steeled through hardship.
12. After years of worry and hardship, her health broke.
13. Many students are suffering severe financial hardship .
14. His life was touched by hardship and personal tragedy.
15. They were condemned to a life of hardship.
16. After several years of hardship fortune smiled at him.
17. They have already survived considerable hardship.
18. Hardship disposes man to meet adversity.
19. To be the first to bear hardship and the last to enjoy comfort is our credo.
20. There is going to be hardship, but we have to grit our teeth and get on with it.
21. It was no hardship to walk home on such a lovely evening.
22. Even the King and Queen experienced hardship during the war.
23. In times of economic hardship, firms cut back on training.
24. The union made hardship payments to some of the sacked workers.
25. Their love of life comes in spite of, almost in defiance of, considerable hardship.
26. When he was a child, he went through one hardship after another.
27. They have been so feather-bedded in the past that they can't cope with hardship now.
28. Rail services to rural areas could be withdrawn without undue hardship.
29. The tax increases will, in the aggregate, cause much hardship.
30. The 1930s was a time of high unemployment and economic hardship in much of the United Kingdom.
1. We are ready to face any hardship.
2. Hardship and penury wore him out before his time.
3. Many people are suffering economic hardship.
4. His boyhood conditioned him to hardship.
5. Students may suffer severe financial hardship as a result of the government's decision.
6. He was willing to face any hardship in fulfillment of his duty.
7. Their love of life comes in spite of, almost in defiance of, considerable hardship.
8. The tax increases will, in the aggregate, cause much hardship.
31. They've been promised their full July salary minus the hardship payment.
32. The two men endured great hardship during their trek across Antarctica.
33. These policies resulted in many elderly and disabled people suffering hardship.
34. She could not reconcile herself to a life of hardship and poverty.
35. Many students suffer financial hardship.
36. Thirst and hardship and the closing of grazing lands.
37. The refugees face a winter of extreme hardship.
38. There is no success without hardship. Sophocles 
39. Yet constant raids were causing great losses and hardship.
40. They lead medieval-style lives of appalling hardship.
40. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
41. Martic must consider such hardship cases.
42. Students suffer considerable hardship as a result.
43. If you decide and will not to be defeated by hardship and adversity, good things will happen. Dr T.P.Chia 
44. Some are rushed in as emergency cases leaving bills unpaid, rent in arrears and families in financial hardship.
45. Since the beginning of all storytelling, true lovers are shown as willing to die or face extreme hardship to save each other.
46. Because this would cause Mr Goodman financial hardship, a High Court judge said that it was wrong to grant a stay.
47. But he did not let such hardship deter him from his dreams.
48. Children are also sensitive to stress caused by anxiety, uncertainty and economic hardship.
49. In the years after 1930 the world depression caused severe hardship.
50. This was of course in the days prior to National Health Insurance when prolonged illness meant real hardship.
51. On the one hand, the law is traditionally, and rightly, ready to relieve them against hardship and imposition.
52. They claim the Act will lead to more financial hardship for breadline families and trigger more violence in the home.
53. One in three said financial hardship had affected their academic performance and future plans.
54. A global fall in the price of rice spread hardship and even starvation to many parts of Indochina.
55. Grievances were felt particularly strongly by migrant workers who bore the brunt of the hardship because they were almost completely unorganized.
56. Plunging prices have caused extreme hardship for farmers and workers throughout the Third World.
57. But having said that, you have to close sites and obviously that does lead to hardship.
58. Even in situations of hardship, government action is undesirable because it can undermine individual initiative and independence.
59. We have endured hardship in order to provide continuous feedback.
60. Manypeople have also suffered massive economic hardship in the monetary crisis.
61. Working-class women who endured hardship and self-sacrifice and survived with something of themselves still intact.
62. It was no hardship for him to give up what she called sinning.
63. More wisdom is acquired by people during hardship and adversity - and what is learned from failure tends to make people wiser. Dr T.P.Chia 
64. Owners, it said, could apply for extensions if they faced unreasonable financial hardship.
65. A Benevolent Fund has been established and been able to help an increasing number of members facing hardship.
66. The couple has not repaid a $ 27, 000 grant, citing economic hardship.
67. The winter just ending had been exceptionally severe, causing great hardship to the poorer people.
68. He may also face the prospect of long-term hardship, if he can not return to work at all.
69. Are there any special circumstances making legal representation desirable or would hardship follow if it was withheld?
70. The more you learn from hardship and adversity, the more you are equipped to face the future. Dr T.P.Chia 
70. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
71. As families face greater financial hardship, the health threats that poverty represents become starker.
72. But among those in the forest, the hold of the militia has begun to loosen after two months of hardship.
73. Today's elderly experienced great hardship and deprivation during their formative years.
74. The balance of the contribution was paid into the welfare fund, which was used to provide interest free hardship loans.
75. In the old days they could stand great hardship and travel long distance without water.
76. As we have heard, it has been claimed that there has been widespread hardship among students this summer.
77. I daydream that I am going to pay my parents back for all the hardship I am causing them.
78. Consequently, he experienced considerable financial hardship which was exacerbated towards the end of his life by illness.
79. As a result they suffer from poverty, physical hardship, neglect, sickness and disability, loneliness, humiliation and fear.
80. The decision has left some of them facing financial hardship.
81. I personally was born into a poor family and know well the rigors and hardship that accompany genuine need.
82. He was a man who suffered hardship gladly, a hunter and a soldier.
83. Knight said such a situation would create an undue hardship for businesses that would have to pay the cost of health benefits.
84. Having children has been a perfectly logical response of families to the hardship and famine which have resulted from these processes.
85. Hardship and discontent may declare themselves there, in a victim's revenge.
86. People associate the old days with good times, and seem to forget the hardship they endured.
87. Rising food prices caused great hardship for most of the population.
88. Criteria for eligibility in criminal cases remains unchanged and will continue to be based on the test of undue hardship.
89. They say it's failing millions of people living in severe hardship.
90. The hardship and neglect suffered by the sick was confirmed by a report published by the Lancet in 1866.
91. The headlong rush by the brewers to switch tenants to long leases is creating misery and hardship.
92. Their meeting will happen against a backdrop of increasing hardship for ordinary Russian citizens.
93. The vacation hardship allowance was almost unheard of and was not being demanded.
94. When we visited the country, our predominant impression was one of poverty and hardship.
95. We made the locks at Gairlochy on Saturday evening and found it no great hardship to lay there throughout the following Sunday.
96. The gargantuan effort was conducted under almost unimaginable conditions of hardship and coercion.
97. This was no hardship, for he was marvellously outspoken and indiscreet about many things.
98. Suddenly, I needed witnesses, including hardship cases, those who had suffered.
99. But the court may take into account hardship to the tenant.
100. No hardship: the wit pours forth on every page,[http:///hardship.html] along with the lamentations.
101. First, there was the risk of physical shortage, causing dislocation and possible hardship.
102. Governments are constantly striving to create equality thus avoiding conflict and hardship such as this Court ruling has done.
103. U.S. officials argue that Hussein is to blame for most of the hardship.
104. He describes his childhood as Dickensian in its poverty and hardship.
105. However, in the short run, Gdynia was more than capable of causing the Danzigers severe economic distress and genuine hardship.
106. She was taciturn and almost melancholic; her parents had raised her on stories of hardship.
107. It was no hardship to look at him, she thought dreamily.
108. How nobly they fought to maintain their dignity in the face of such awful hardship and humiliation.
109. Aside from the psychological strain of settling in, some had to face considerable physical hardship.
110. Miss Buechler is talking about the pilgrims coming to a rocky shore to spend a winter of hardship in the new land.
111. A sizeable minority said hardship was forcing them to give up education.
112. On Jan. 14 Olszewski had agreed to look into budget proposals from the Solidarity trade union which would cause less hardship.
113. Most travellers suffered appalling hardship and danger, none more so than the great Victorian explorers.
114. Excessive reliance on corporate entities managing only the costs creates suffering and hardship for patients and their families.
115. What's the point in saving everything for a comfortable old age if you're suffering hardship now?
116. But recurrent harvest failures, the most notorious of which led to devastating famine in 1891, imposed severe hardship on many.
117. This form may, therefore, work hardship to tenants, particularly where there is a genuine dispute as to liability.
118. The people in this country have endured almost a decade of economic hardship.
119. These statistics indicate that even slight rent increases would cause considerable hardship among housing association tenants.
120. They accept that, in principle, it is possible for private and public companies to suffer severe financial hardship.
121. The vouchers, redeemable from public funds, were meant to alleviate social hardship among the most needy of the population.
122. A slave might not be ill-treated or subjected to undue hardship.
123. It was in these areas that the depressed level of grain prices caused most hardship.
124. In considering what would amount to undue hardship, the nature and cost of the accommodation should be looked at.
125. In the event of a serious loss considerable hardship can be caused by under insurance.
126. The burden of proof should be upon the employer to demonstrate undue hardship.
127. For his family it was a life of hardship and sacrifice.
128. They are made by all Ministers who are confronted with allegations of student poverty and hardship.
129. The economic hardship facing farmers worsened in the years after 1914.
130. The anxiety, hardship and distress suffered by people as they wait for decisions from the Home Office are obvious to anyone.
130. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
131. Sargant, J. granted the injunction, even though in doing so it would involve considerable hardship on the part of the Council.
132. Serving a company in a foreign land, for example, is no longer either a privilege or a hardship.
133. Students are undoubtedly a section of the population who have suffered substantial hardship as a result of Government-inspired measures.
134. This policy caused great hardship in villages where it was not possible to grow enough rice for the needs of the residents.
135. Mosfilm remains weakened by economic hardship, but employees were confident the worst was over.
136. It had been a year of hardship and self-doubt, but for the most part the new managers had persevered.
137. It was a friendship that endured, that stood all the standard tests of time, sickness and hardship.
138. She endured, and even enjoyed, considerable physical hardship on occasion.
139. The result of this anomalous position has been that the majority of the disabled have had to suffer great financial hardship.
140. He was a man who suffered hardship gladly, a hunter and a soldier. From boyhood he disdained an easy life.
141. The scope of their kinship networks is smaller, but just as significant because they provide help in times of hardship.
142. It was impossible for any society to absorb without hardship a shock like that of the massive loss of trade to Gdynia.
143. Moving to South London was no hardship for the elderly man.
144. There was no history of violence or physical hardship in my upbringing at all.
145. Roads were turned to mud by days of rain and Fiorio had the additional hardship of a bubbling radiator to contend with.
146. In the face of economic hardship, union women have gone beyond the limited reformism of their labor federations.
147. Men whose stern faces and seasoned appearance proclaimed their experience in war and hardship.
148. You can't book and might be forced to hang out a while in the noisy Champagne Bar-no great hardship.
149. Workers have attributed skin rashes, dizziness, muscle cramps and miscarriages to the chemicals and physical hardship they endure.
150. This measure would protect states from fiscal hardship when caseloads increase due to regional economic downturns or other factors.
151. Apart from the possible financial hardship of retirement many find it hard to adjust to having little to do.
152. Although a short period of unemployment may be unwelcome and will certainly cause hardship, it is not necessarily disastrous.
153. Poverty have inured the beggar to hardship.
154. Stoic person responds to hardship with imperturbation.
155. A Stoic person responds to hardship with imperturbation.
156. Despite the hardship, Ustinov was thrilled by my visit.
157. His cold character was molded by hardship.
158. He looked upon privation as no hardship.
159. She had a life fraught with hardship.
160. At a time of hardship,[] working on a vegetable patch is preferable.
161. As a kind of cultural transformation, although its development must undergo hardship and sinuation, the country consciousness is a important mark from feudal society to modern democratic society.
162. Like automobiles, some software excise tasks are trivial and performing them is no great hardship.
163. British writer best known for his novels about poverty and hardship, such as New Grub Street ( 1891 ).
164. In his novel 1984, George Orwell describes the hardship and puzzle of people in pursuing truth and pondering the future under the reign of totalitarianism.
165. Is it the hardship of his life from childhood which gives him that uncomplaining patience?
166. The Central African Republic is one of many hardship posts in WHO.
167. He shows himself to be confident, addicted ( almost compulsively ) to hardship.
168. What did hardship matter , privation, and disappointment , if he arrived at last?
169. Though the condition is usually correctable with several surgeries, families undergo tremendous emotional and economic hardship during the process.
170. As the tough financial settlement is translated into reality, ministers will be faced with real shortages and real hardship.
171. These extreme individual contribution all dies! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Allis the common people suffers hardship!
172. Since the morning when I am appointed as the missioner , I have been considering how to overwhelm the hardship to accomplish it.
173. He values struggle and hardship, since the road toward the overman is difficult and requires a great deal of sacrifice.
174. The hardship allowance for State organizations and institutions established in remote areas will see an appropriate adjustment to improve the level of enterprise retirees.
175. Under the guidance of the theory of Marxist-Leninist united front, the Party sets up the system through a series of hardship footing on the Chinese condition.
176. The Buyi people are waiting for the hardship and dangers and dreamily land for generations.
177. "In times of hardship like in this economy, people scrutinize immigration, but it's been proven time and time again that immigrants contribute to this economy and our country, " he says.
178. What we can see far behind the scene is a pean telling a legend of life that has experienced hardship but never surrenders.
179. This removed a lifeline for many ordinary Somalis and caused severe hardship.
180. He has besieged and encompassed me with bitterness and hardship.
181. Childhood hardship matured in him a precocious sense of responsibility.
182. Privation of the company of all other human beings is a serious hardship.
183. The hardship consciousness of the 3 acting leader of the party is times sex and successional height are united.
184. The summary: we take interest in hardship when it's White hardship, yet accept it without notice when it's endemic to the African American community.
185. Thirty-two students had to suspend studies this year due to financial hardship.
186. Ben-Hur's years of enduring hardship as a Roman slave strengthened him and increased his endurance. He eventually defeated his "friend-turned-enemy" in a chariot race.
187. If birthday is a plane train, then, the starting point is the mother, trajectory bespread is parents' hardship, the window across is friends blessing.
188. We want to follow one's inclinations of, but, luck turns after hardship, the thing that did not waste time.
189. Hardship, frustrating and discouraging, is the God of the destiny that changing unpredictably all the time.
190. In recent months, 500 000 of these displaced have been uprooted yet again by violence around Mogadishu, heaping further humanitarian hardship onto these war-weary people.
191. All wobbly warble and throaty swallow, Lindsay Phillips sings as if he's endured every hardship chronicled in his ominous lyrics.
192. To overcome the hardship of enacting the pre-probability distribution with high certainty factor, this paper proposes one novel way of applying Bayes analysis to classify pattern.
193. Her early widowhood condemned her to lead a life of hardship.
194. He shows himself to be confident, addicted ( almost compulsively ) to hardship, somewhat contemptuous of the Indians.
195. When I was 3 years old my family moved to Indonesia(then Dutch East Indies)where I experienced the cruelty and hardship of war by the Japanese who occupied Indonesia.
196. Consider how much more frugal the poor are than we, how much better they forebear hardship.
197. Some people say this plant is lowly, but the spider plant does not listen to arbitrary orders, it does not fear hardship, and in the face of adversity it continues to struggle.
198. But a couple of months to think it over is no hardship, it's a godsend.
199. Under bitter hardship, they have struggled on tirelessly and uncomplainingly.
200. He has besieged me and surrounded me with bitterness and hardship.
201. Embassy employees were eventually granted a 20 percent hardship allowance for their service in an unhealthful post.
202. After going through a lot of hardship(), she finally learned lip-reading and talking to communicate with others. She met with unkind isolation by her primary school classmates.
203. The thunder bastard teak has aggressiveness, we suffered not the small hardship.
204. In consideration of the complexity and hardship of studying AI system, the author raises the intelligence studying tactics, that is: High Jamp Principle and Wave Principle.
205. Above all, the report will say that the government must now address the financial hardship of those with haemophilia and their families who have suffered as a result of tainted blood from the NHS.
206. A devoted cultivator should understand that hardship is part of life.
207. Many describe a life of hardship, unemployment or underemployment, and dependence on government jobs and services.
208. "The wishes in our hearts to sacrifice for our motherland enable us to endure the hardship," said Gao Teng, a machine-gun toting soldier from Jiangxi province.
209. Q .4 Why did Paul work day and night with toil and hardship?
210. Have strong self - learning ability, capable of enduring hardship, with strong dedication and strong sense of honor.
211. The family had undergone great hardship to let him attend senior high school in county town, which meant a big fellow was consuming food without earning any workpoint.
212. Republicans deride the overall plan as a “job killer” intended to revive class warfare, soak the rich and burden business too much at a time of economic hardship.
213. You have a progressive tax system that takes more money from the wealthier people and you have a welfare system that looks at individual hardship and pays out.
214. After enduring the hardship of the arduous fieldwork , the prospecting team discovered many new ores.
215. A father, who is working hardly as an ironsmith, brings up his son under the hardship of living.
216. When you are dead broke and out, can the talk from people bring you out of poverty and hardship?Surely not.
217. For myself, my term of service in India had trained me to stand heat better than cold, and a thermometer of ninety was no hardship.
218. Even now, it hurts me to think that someone who had so much hardship in life should have suffered so at the end.
219. CONVENTIONAL law enforcement wisdom links violent street crime with economic hardship.
220. Do not consider it a hardship to set your servant free,(http:///hardship.html) because his service to you these six years has been worth twice as much as that of a hired hand.
221. It wasn't just the struggles of these men and women that had moved me. Rather, it was their determination, their self-reliance, a relentless optimism in the face of hardship.
222. You must reconcile yourself to a life of hardship and poverty.
223. But the U.S. Supreme Court weakened the protections in 1977 when it ruled in Trans World Airlines, Inc. v. Hardison that anything more than a minimal cost to the employer was an undue hardship.
224. His wrinkly face goes down to his hardship during his life.
225. Before Him was a life of sorrow , hardship , and conflict, and an ignominious death.
226. But life also tells everybody seriously, "The dream is just fanciness without the efforts, hardship, endurance and swear."
227. For the pioneers who set out to confront these lands, following trailblazers like Daniel Boone, the conquest of the West is a story of courage and hardship that forges the character of America.
228. During the trial period you will receive the Monthly Personal Success Bonus payment as an additional hardship allowance.
229. Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva Mahasattva can, in the midst of fear, crisis, and hardship, bestow fearlessness. That is why in this Saha World all call him the "Bestower of Fearlessness."




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