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单词 Persistent
1, The weeds were very persistent.
2, She can be very persistent when she wants something.
3, His cough grew more persistent until it never stopped.
4, Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. Albert Einstein 
5, How do you deal with persistent salesmen who won't take no for an answer?
6, Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behaviour.
7, Persistent criminals who have gone unpunished by the courts have been dealt with by local people.
8, If she hadn't been so persistent she might not have gotten the job.
9, Albert had a persistent headache that lasted for three days.
10, Persistent offenders face a prison sentence.
11, Some infections can be quite persistent.
12, A persistent ringing roused Christina from a pleasant dream.
13, Severe penalties are dealt out to persistent offenders.
14, I can't take much more of this persistent criticism.
15, She resented his persistent approaches.
16, Symptoms include a sore throat and dry,[http:///persistent.html] persistent cough.
17, He was still bothered by a persistent leg injury.
18, Be persistent - don't give up.
19, She felt embarrassed by his persistent attentions.
20, The pain was dull but persistent.
21, Despite persistent denials, the rumour continued tospread.
22, There were persistent rumours of drug taking among staff.
23, After a cold, many patients complain of persistent catarrh.
24, At 16, Scott was already a persistent offender .
25, The school expelled him for persistent misbehaviour.
26, He has been a persistent critic of the president.
27, Famine is a persistent problem in many parts of the world.
28, He is regarded at the BBC as a tenacious and persistent interviewer.
29, I fail to live up to the people who love me, still persistent waiting for the one I love.
30, Symptoms of the illness include a high temperature and a persistent dry cough.
1, The weeds were very persistent.
2, She can be very persistent when she wants something.
3, His cough grew more persistent until it never stopped.
4, How do you deal with persistent salesmen who won't take no for an answer?
5, Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behaviour.
6, Persistent criminals who have gone unpunished by the courts have been dealt with by local people.
7, If she hadn't been so persistent she might not have gotten the job.
8, He is regarded at the BBC as a tenacious and persistent interviewer.
9, Albert had a persistent headache that lasted for three days.
31, You've got to admit - he's nothing if not persistent.
32, The improvement in standards has been steady and persistent, but has attracted little comment from educationalists.
33, Although the infection cleared up, he was left with a persistent cough.
34, There have been persistent rumours that the managing director might take early retirement.
35, She is a persistent offender and has been arrested five times this year for shoplifting.
36, He resigned over persistent rumours of his affair with an actress.
37, Shoppers picked their way through puddles caused by persistent rain.
38, The U.S. trade deficit has been a persistent problem.
39, Police violence against blacks remained a persistent problem.
40, In the persistent silence only Dada found his voice.
41, The country has suffered from persistent economic problems.
42, Persistent Tommy Morrison faces Arthur Weathers on the card.
43, This is when Sardinia has its most persistent winds.
44, These users are very strongly motivated and persistent.
45, Tabloid reporters are very clever and persistent.
46, The persistent problem of over-legislating and under-resourcing was highlighted.
47, The theme is so persistent as to invite analysis.
48, Be humble, be patient,[http:///persistent.html] be persistent. Dr T.P.Chia 
49, He has a persistent cough because of his smoking.
50, And persistent offenders face losing their licence.
51, All had persistent infection with high-risk human papillomavirus.
52, Persistent, pervasive, and omnipresent, romance novels are everywhere.
53, Our persistent cultural blind spot on the effects of such exclusion is now proving to be very problematic.
54, Patients with chronic persistent hepatitis may, however, survive for years without histological progression.
55, It is Carney, though, deferential but persistent, who does most of the questioning.
56, Successful people are not necessarily more intelligent than the average people, but they are more courageous, more determined and more persistent. Dr T.P.Chia 
57, Water resistance: coped well with showers and persistent light rain, though some water penetrated in downpours.
58, They may take a week or so to work, but can kill most deep-rooted perennial weeds without being persistent.
59, Another persistent neurosis for the county has been their running between the wickets.
60, He was suffering from frequent migraine attacks and had persistent desert sores which refused to heal.
61, Be persistent Failure can not live with persistence, so, providing you keep trying, you can not fail.
62, Over a period of years of this pattern, patients may gradually have more and more persistent neurological changes.
63, But they must also provide powerful facilities to reduce the proportion of total failures and to aid demanding and persistent users.
64, Poverty has become persistent, and apparently self-reinforcing, for millions of city dwellers, most of them black or Hispanic.
65, This lack of involution results in so called calibre persistent submucosal arteries.
66, The technical literature suggests that structural factors may have been more important than price factors in explaining the persistent deficit.
67, The commonest symptom is a persistent cough, with frequent bouts of chest infection.
68, Experts say they expect price rises to be gradual but persistent.
69, Rather, it meant being very persistent when she got into her escape pattern, or left open circles of communication.
70, When persistent problems do occur there may be an underlying medical reason.
71, Persistent colonic dilatation may constitute an indication for surgical intervention.
72, But historically speaking, this reverence for language is deeply ingrained and persistent.
72, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
73, With such programmes there is, however, a persistent problem of renewal of connection with the classroom.
74, One of those illusions was my persistent sensation that my personality was dissolving.
75, In the long run, persistent current account deficits are difficult and costly to sustain and are damaging to an economy.
76, Persistent talk of takeovers attracted investors into the banking industry in the last year.
77, Instead they retain the status of written professional standards. Serious or persistent breach of the standards could amount to professional misconduct.
78, I took her hand in mine and it was warm, and I felt still that strong persistent throb of life.
79, They are being urged to see their own doctors if they develop symptoms such as a persistent cough, sweating or weight loss.
80, These Normandy mosquitoes were the largest and most persistent that I had ever encountered.
81, The most persistent rumor last week was that the Larimore Dam had broken.
82, This was when the wealth of national communities began, for the first time, to show a steady and persistent improvement.
83, Complaints about payment in kind or in truck were persistent in many parts of the country.
84, Persistent investigations into her finances and actions make her the first presidential spouse to enter a second term faced with potential indictment.
85, When added to the usual treatments for this condition it cleared up persistent ulcers in 40 out of 60 cases.
86, The review follows persistent criticism that the Press Council is an ineffective body which commands little respect.
87, A rising inflationary trend and a persistent fiscal deficit during 1990 were exacerbated by the continuing civil war and rising petrol prices.
88, The promotion of women ran into fierce resistance, which led to persistent and quite unacceptable forms of discrimination.
89, The other, related mistake is the persistent tendency of Malthusians to underestimate human ingenuity.
90, The persistent tendency to cover up for our lack of effectiveness by using vague language must be strongly resisted.
91, Long linear field banks or persistent field boundaries can often be suggested as something more than just divisions in the fields.
92, Another patient developed a persistent hepatitis of unknown aetiology at six months followed by a normal biopsy specimen at 15 months.
93, He said one of his main concerns was the problem of persistent offenders.
94, The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion. Albert Einstein 
95, The combination of persistent earnings and the new telecommunications legislation should make broadcasters and other entertainment outlets more attractive.
96, Usually the problem is quite minor, but anything particularly painful or persistent should always be checked.
97, He's made 2 escape attempts and had a reputation for persistent violence.
98, I must ask my right hon. Friend to wait for an answer to his question about persistent offenders.
99, This research has shown that certain misconceptions commonly arise which can be very persistent, yet go unnoticed.
100, However later investigations showed that the quanta were indeed persistent.
101, The system serves people with severe and persistent mental illnesses who lack private health insurance.
102, The persistent pattern of inequality in economic[Sentence dictionary], social and educational services has contributed to the widening gaps between regions.
103, It was probably inappropriate, dumb, or even rude, but it was the persistent question on my mind.
104, If you choose and decide to be hardworking, determined and persistent, and you behave positively and act courageously, luck will be on your side. Dr T.P.Chia 
105, Like it or not, it is a fact that religion is more dominant and persistent in rural societies than industrial ones.
106, Giardia lamblia produces a wide spectrum of infection in man ranging from asymptomatic carriage through acute to persistent diarrhoea with intestinal malabsorption.
107, More especially, what accounts for Labour's abject and persistent failures?
108, He had been in a persistent vegetative state since being crushed in the Hillsborough disaster on April 15, 1989.
109, Persistent infection with adenovirus 12 has not been detected in the small bowel of patients with coeliac disease.
110, Despite persistent rumours in Washington of further infidelities, Mr Clinton says there will be no more surprises about him.
111, In his later years, he was also to suffer from persistent bronchial trouble and emphysema exacerbated by his smoking.
112, But Mr Weinberg was persistent, and would send a script practically every week.
113, Persistent conflicts of interest, resulting in periodic political and economic crises, bear this out.
114, Surgery was performed in cases of persistent high grade dysplasia, or carcinoma.
115, But these activities are not the type of persistent misconduct contemplated as the object of the independent counsel law.
116, The authority has warned that it will not hesitate to prosecute persistent offenders.
117, The chief means of proactive enforcement is routine sampling, which will bring to light or confirm the existence of persistent pollutions.
118, Others focus on persistent, concentrated poverty and the attendant hopelessness and detachment from the labor force.
119, Although she told him she had nothing to say which might help, he was very persistent.
120, Faced with a persistent excess of expenditure over income, they may cut student numbers or they may increase income.
121, Because of their stability, they are hard to dispose of and are persistent environmental contaminants.
122, The leaf litter of this remarkable plant is therefore bulky and relatively persistent.
123, Rusedski is recovering from an operation to clear up a persistent problem in the tendons of his right foot.
124, Feelings of dependence and loss of control were a persistent theme in the new managers' discussions throughout the first year.
125, Although the infection cleared up, he was left with a mild diarrhoea that proved very persistent.
126, Rangers had to go to the expense of putting £30,000-worth of protective covering over the pitch after a day of persistent rain.
127, The persistent association of Kohlberg's professional prestige with Gilligan's work is an interesting current example.
128, The striking success of feral horses is ample proof that their behaviour patterns are not only persistent but survival-oriented.
129, A persistent knee injury has forced Northants allrounder Richard Williams, 35, to retire.
130, Thee government, but it had then successfully applied steady and persistent pressure to force Park to reestablish civilian government.
131, Persistent colds, coughs and a temperature have dogged her for the last year.
132, Rain was so persistent in 1930 at Riviera that par was broken exactly once.
133, The excess at ages 5-24 in this area is particularly noticeable and persistent,[http:///persistent.html] continuing up to 1988.
134, All that accentuated the swings of mood in a man capable of intense enjoyment but subject also to persistent melancholy.
135, These may include night sweats, swollen glands, weight loss or a persistent cough.
136, It comes from taking a genuine interest in and having persistent enthusiasm for the company's products, services and customers.
137, This lack of sensitivity to the wellsprings of quality largely stems from shopworn but doggedly persistent ideas on where to economize.
138, The big risk is large and persistent current-account imbalances INDUSTRIAL economies had an excellent year in 1988.
139, This contributed also to persistent readership duplication,[] with the average middle-class reader in the 1960s still reading about 1.25 national dailies.
140, But another incident occurred to prevent an accord, and once more it involved the persistent Lefebvre.
141, Belief is a source of commitment, confidence and courage. If you strongly believe in yourself, you are likely to be goal- oriented, hardworking, determined and persistent in striving for success. Dr T.P.Chia 
142, But the Government accepts that for persistent offenders some kind of youth detention must also be available to the courts.
143, That is the most difficult and persistent area of non-proliferation.
144, Adversity is a hard but great teacher in life - it either builds you up or breaks you down. Adversity has produced many of the most successful people in the world. Adversity has defeated many inspiring and clever people. Adversity harasses the weak but surrenders to those who are determined, persistent and persevering. Dr T.P.Chia 
145, This has alarmed the Local Government Ombudsman who would like powers to investigate persistent offenders.
146, And, anyway, it's not the strongest stallion but the most persistent that wins a contest.
147, Many of these diseases take the form of persistent or chronic infections.
148, Good referees are quick to pick up on this and impose penalties for persistent offenders.
149, Main reasons seem to be persistent low profitability among farmers and their uncertainty about the future.
150, Why, despite some gains, does this inequality remain so persistent?
151, Persistent truants, those truanting for weeks at a time, were seen as posing intractable problems for schools.
152, We are concerned about the small but persistent minority, particularly of young people, who re-offend while already on bail.
153, It is like living in a low-level but persistent depression.
154, The sad fact is that we are amazingly persistent at missing the point.
155, Devaluation has often been perceived as an appropriate measure for countries running high and persistent balance of payments current account deficits.
156, Striker Don Goodman is Sunderland's main fitness doubt today, still bothered by a persistent groin injury.
157, But in our view, they are too often looked upon as cure-all solutions to persistent problems.
158, If these languages conformed to one type of object database system then persistent objects could be shared between applications.
159, An elaborate system of spectral classes has been established by a persistent cadre of asteroid observers.
160, The files show that Booth, Electrophone's founder, was a most persistent individual.
161, Others had a more persistent disorder, some of whom had already been treated unsuccessfully.
162, Five target fish were nominated for the second day as the anglers struggled to overcome persistent torrential rain and buffeting winds.
163, Treatment is straight forward,[http:///persistent.html] but one person in 10 will suffer chronic and persistent infection.
164, Unlike some Straussians, however, he highlights the persistent waltz rhythms that lie at the heart of the horror.
165, Their ascent, by an intricate route on the south-east flank, came only after prolonged and persistent effort.
166, The upshot: A decade later, this compound and some other persistent pesticides were banished.
167, The idea that they do so is one of the most persistent slimming myths of all.
168, When a country has a persistent shortage of foreign exchange, two kinds of policy question arise.
169, Not withstanding a clear description of the from / to challenge as well as persistent feedback and discussion, Tom is stalled.
170, In the Washington area, cabbages are vulnerable to two persistent pests: Aphids and cabbage moth caterpillars.
171, Serious or persistent breach of the standards could amount to professional misconduct.
172, Male speaker I think the company should take action against the persistent offenders, not penalise everybody.
173, The term personalization describes the decoration of persistent objects.
174, Persistent disapproval or criticism can be highly demoralizing.
175, Persistent dumping, as its name implies, goes on indefinitely.
176, Persistent research will uncover a logical justification.
177, When we enact minimum wage and rent controls, persistent surpluses and shortages can occur.
178, The term configuration describes moving, adding, or deleting persistent objects.
179, Runtime API's provide the functionality to manipulate the platform's persistent data objects.
180, Persistent damage or inadequate healing may lead to chronic lameness.
181, His persistent antagonism caused his wife to be alienated from him.
182, She had been astonishingly persistent . So earnest an effort was well deserving of a better reward.
183, His persistent attempts to complain to his superiors were blocked and ignored.




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