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单词 Facies
1. Clastic facies pattern recognition is somewhat systematic.
2. You may call my facies whimsical.
3. There is a suboutcrop of amphibolite facies TTG gneiss overlain by Neoproterozoic Zhangbaling Group at Nanhuang region in Jiashan, East Anhui.
4. The shoal ( or bank ) and shoal facies are important types of carbonate deposits.
5. The facies of a modern beach is probably seldom preserved in the geological record.
6. The research of sedimentary facies is an important foundational work for the exploration and evaluation of petroliferous basins.
7. There is Permian lake facies mudstone which has big potence to produce hydrocarbon in the front structural belt of Bogeda mountain in the north of Taibei depression.
8. Littoral and fluvial facies depositional soft soil distributes widely in the Zhujiang River Delta of China.
9. Dynamical metamorphism under greenschist facies is the condition of mineralizing enrichment.
10. The black graptolite shale facies indicate a deep - water, half enclosed and anoxic sedimentary environment.
11. Accordingly, facies differentiation is weak laterally but may be pronounced through the clinobeds.
12. To some extent, the facies evolution reflects the tectonic controls on the sedimentation of foreland basin.
13. This paper describes the Indirection of log facies analysis and the log an - alysis for facies indices.
14. The facies includes alluvial fan, fan - delta, offshore lake, shallow lake and deep lake facies.
15. The abandoned channel micro facies of fluvial reservoir blocks the fluid in the lateral.
16. This provides precedent for facies - controlled modeling of complex block reservoirs of fluvial facies.
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17. The basin facies area, however, is mainly with deep-water sediments characterized by radiolarian silicalite.
18. The latter is further sub - divided into gravelly and sandy braided fluvial facies.
19. The sedimentary environment can be divided into intertidal zone and subtidal zone where the mud flat, mixed flat, sand flat and channel facies developed on the low ramp.
20. Seismic stratigraphy is the study of stratigraphy and depositional facies as interpreted from seismic data.
21. Thermodynamic activity - traces acted as the regional metamorphic facies and its belts.
22. The weathering crust of Majiagou Formation in Ordovician of Changqing Gasfield in Ordos Basin is the major pay zone with the evaporated marginal sea facies.
23. Plant area was distributed over Quaternary system alluvium and deposit of oxbow lake facies, base rock is Tertiary red rock.
24. Finally through analyzing the of fracture pressure, caving pressure and pore pressure, three calculation models are building and explanation cut plane of land facies of typical well is formation.
25. The late stage is characterized by recrystallization in a stable enviroument. The metamorphism of low pressure type of low amphibolite facies only occurs on the main boundary planes of the zone.
26. mouth and limnetic, littoral, weathered continental drift bed and flood deposit facies. ...
27. The bedded me tamorphite series in Foping area had been formed by regional metamorphism of amphibolite facies .
28. By contrasting the plane distribution of oxidation fronts and sedimentary facies, it can be found that oxidation fronts are obviously controlled by interchannel fine-grained sediments.
29. Highstand System Tract mainly develops depositional system of offshore - meare, fluvial facies and prograded delta.
30. Lakeshore and shallow Lake deposits are main microfacies types of lake facies.
31. Being a member of the core complex in the Qinling folded belt the Qinling Group, is highly metamorphosed into amphibolite facies with migmatization.
32. The rocks from the Group Complex have been highly metamorphosed into the green schist facies.
33. The deformation was changing from plastic intensity to weakness and the metamorphic facies ranged from amphibolite to low-grade greenschist.
34. According to space distribution of the sedimentary facies, Longhuo ancient platform was an isolated one, surrounded with troughs in the Carboniferous period.
35. It is filled with coal formation of late Mesozoic terrestrial facies clastic rock and bentonite.
36. According to seismic reflection structure, it can be divided into 3 types: slope, plat form and depressed area, including 16 seismic facies.
37. The main sedimentary system includes fluvial, delta, alluvial fan and lake facies.
38. The reservoir physical property were primarily dominated by sedimentary facies 、 corrosion and dolomization.
39. Through the work of 1/50000 regional geological survey and the research of the sedimentary facies in the area, the author systematically sets up sedimentary sequence of Carboniferous period stratum.
40. Hunji rock is formed in seashore environment, mixed carbonate sediment in beach or tideland facies with quartz sand taken from bayou or beach by coastwise flow and circumfluence.
41. Sanjiang area in northeast China is one of the marine-terrigenous facies oil-gas bearing basin of Mesozoic in China.
42. Permeability heterogeneity in plane is an important characteristic of fluvial facies formation.
43. And then the ultimate ground stress model and direction(), typical ground stress cut plane of land facies are gained by means of differential strain method checking.
44. Precambrian high grade terrene(granulite facies terrene), consisting of all continental shields (basements) in the world, are the representatives of lower crust.
45. Holes surface pore focus on upper and middle subfacies of effusive facies which locates edifice slope.
46. Taoyuan gold deposit locates in impurity carbonate rock containing volcanic materials of Lower Carboniferous, lower rock formation, littoral- neritic facies.
47. The main sedimentary facies in this area include lacustrine facies and gravity flow facies.
48. At last, according to the palaeogeography characteristic and sedimentary evolution model, the general sedimentary facies model of Jurassic in Qiangtang basin was founded.
49. During the middle-late period of basin as arid climate , except wide developed land facies red coarse clastic rock was deposit, there was a little carbonate deposit.
50. The facies types of the Lower Cretaceous are mainly delta, lake and turbidity.
51. Provenance analysis mainly includes comparison of debris compositions, heavy mineral assemblages, sedimentary facies, geochemical analysis, cathodoluminescence image of quartz and so on.
52. The thin sand bed is composed of tight mixed type cementation facies and untight mixed type cementation facies.
53. Volcanic eruption facies and flooding facies are extensively developed in the Sihetun area, west Liaoning.
54. The upper crust is mainly composed of slates, phyllites, schists, granulite of greenschist facies (partly low-amphibolite facies) and granite intrusions, and sedimentary rocks at the top.
55. In Tazhong-88 Well, the conodont fossils in the late of Middle Ordovician and the early of Late Ordovician slope facies have been found for the first time.
56. The inner subfacies of extrusive facies of subaqueous volcanic rocks are good reservoirs.
57. The Devonian and Carboniferous strata of Novaya Zemlya can be generally divided into the Barents and Kara facies zones.
58. The accumulation of oilis governed by lateral changes from permeable to impermeable facies.
59. However, it is characterized by strong inhomogeneity with large facies change.
60. Sedimentary facies research is one of the fundamental works in the integrated study on petroleum geology.
61. From facies logo the clastic rocks of investigative area mainly develop in lake. The microfacies mainly include beach and bar, also include marsh mud flat facies and storm facies.
62. Benxi formation belongs to barrier island-tidal flat sedimentology system of terrigenous clasts coast. Reservoir sedimentary facies is mainly barrier island sedimentary.
63. It was observed that the TSF intensity of the oils increases with aromatic concentration, and the oils from paludal facies have higher TSF intensity than that of the lacustrine oils.
64. Since this sedimentary facies model consists of points in the vector space, zonation can be made according to the principle of "shortest distance" between vector points.
65. Hydrocarbon source rock in Langshan Formation is mainly limestone of neritic facies, whose thickness increases toward the depocenters. The organic matter is mainly of sapropel type.
66. Vocalnic activity characterizes extru - sive facies - spurt - deposit facies, which constitutes multi - rhythmic volcanic spurting.
67. Seismic stratigraphy - the study of stratigraphy and depositional facies as interpreted from seismic data.
68. The bathyal - abyssal facies , littoral facies , neritic facies and delta facies are beneficial to and gas exploration.
69. Fan-delta system is characterized by rapid facies variation, narrow facies zone and multiple supply sources, which make it difficult for detailed correlation of fan-delta sandstone reservoirs.
70. In vertical, the evolution of sedimentary facies of Yi-ma Group is alluvial fan system. lake delta system, lake system from the bottom of the Group to the top.
71. Through accurate description and dissection of deltaic front outcrops(), 11 petrographic facies types are established.
72. As sediments of palaeocrater-lake facies, the Xiaotian Romation consists of deep black-black-grayish boackSandstone, siltstone and shale with intercalation of marlite lens.
73. The core function of geological study in reservoir modeling is mainly incarnated by applying facies controlling and geological conceptional models.
74. In the east part of the North China, there are potential carbonate source rock of sea facies of Lower Paleozoic and good coal formation source rock of Upper Paleozoic.
75. Granulite - the metamorphic gneiss district level are mostly granulite facies to senior amphibolite facies.
76. It is suggested that the sandy lenticular bodies of alluvial flat and neritic facies are favourable reservoir zones for ultra shallow biogas exploration.
77. The results demonstrated that the Lower Carboniferous of Chaobei area is a set of littoral facies deposit, mainly limestone, a few sandstone and mudstone,[] ten microfacies can be identified.
78. Archaean era granulite facies metamorphite series are extensively outcropped in Sa - heqiao, Hebei province.
79. The Chengchuan Formation are heteropic deposits ( sandy and loessic facies ) formed contemporaneously under the wind action.
80. The main facies of Suining formation are ferruginous-shale film, anhydrite , dolomite and calcite.
81. The amphiboles of retrogressive metamorphic stages in the granulite and eclogite were mainly formed under the condition of amphibolite facies of medium pressure facies series.
82. Commercial deposits mainly distribute in a specific sedimentary facies of secondary drainage systems.
83. The lower sedimentary of Yixian Formation show form basin margin to centre three facies coexistence paleogeography characteristics of planar, linear and relatively quiescence water mass depositions .
84. Based on an analysis of the conodont biofacies, it is inferred that there was probably a deep-sea basin facies sedimentary environment in the Wenguer area during the early Middle Permian.
85. Inland foraminifer fossils are considered as one of good indicators of marine facies.
86. The host rocks of Dashuigou independent tellurium ore deposit are mainly green schist facies metamorphic rocks.
87. Chenliu formation is a new established lithostratigraphic unit standing for the sedimentation type of basinal littoral facies tract of early tertiary in Guangxi.
88. Gold deposit's prospecting criteria include sedimentary facies, silication, pyritization and structural fracture belt.
89. The physical properties of lithology exist explicit regular pattern , illustrating the control action of sedimentary facies.
90. By the research of core, logging profiles and micropaleontology, marine delta facies of Zhuhai Formation have been recognized in Huizhou Depresion.
91. Garnet amphibolites from Beiyuan in southwestern Zhejiang Province are the products of high - amphibolite facies metamorphism.
92. The distribution and yield of laminar algal are all controlled by facies and its change.
93. The coal measure facies can be divided into five ones such as dry peat marsh, moist forest peat marsh, transitional margin marsh, living water peat marsh and open water facies.
94. The results indicate how and when the East Shetland Fault linked and controlled sedimentary facies distributions and petroleum system in the Beryl Embayment.
95. Diatomaceous argillutite facies infers a warm and rich oxygen water environment with low hydrodynamic.
96. Analyses and researches systematically the facies and depositional environment of Miocene Epoch Wudaoliang Group in Hoh Xil basin in hinterland of the Tibet Plateau .
97. The metamorphic grades of Minleh and Changma areas are prehnite- pumpellyite and prehnite-actinolite facies, respectively.
98. Introduced is a method for predicting sedimental sand body with fluvial facies.
99. The sediments are mudstone , shale, carbonaceous mudstone and marl of deep and semi - deep lake facies.
100. The sedimentary facies of 4th-order sequence have been characterized by combining seismic data with lithologic log data.
101. Second - order sequence is a sedimentary - facies succession of upward - shallowing.
102. According to the obvious facies sequence and the concentric distribution of salt bed, a stochastic modeling method under geological constraints was applied in the study of F Halite bed.
103. The Dongting Lake form by the river facies, and the main process is the lake facies alluviation and lake-river facies alleviation.
104. Coquina of shoal facies, micrite of neritic facies and sandstone of tidal flat facies may constitute the reservoir rocks in which the fractures serve as reservoir space.
105. The change of mineral facies is considered as one effect which affected on temperature determine of fluid inclusion by decrepitate.
106. It may be concluded that the sedimentary facies, tectogenetic movement[Sentencedict], the formation water and geothermic gradient are all important factors to form the oil-bearing sandstone.
107. This ruby marble is occurred in an old metamorphic complex of dynamothermal metamorphism zone in-low amphibolite facies.
108. The study shows that with upgrade of the petrophysical facies level, both of the reservoir genet...
109. The deposit is located in clastic-carbonate sedimentary formation of neritic facies, the Middle Devonian Xihanshui Group Anjiacha Formation.
110. The favourable ore-bearing facies of Devonian features subdivision of areas in the east-west direction and subdivision of belts in north-south direction.
111. These basalts are characterized by the tectonic settings of the oceanic within plate alkaline basalts in both the submarine eruptive facies and pelagic radiolarian silicalite facies.
112. Sedimentary facies modeling use the Monte Carlo stochastic simulation method based on geostatistics.
113. There was a terrestrial facies lake basin in study area and mainly developed clastic rock during the late Trias.
114. Two or over two lithofacies make up three facies association including slope- submarine valley, submarine fan and basinal plain.
115. The rhodonite deposit was for- med mainly through two stages, sedimentation and regional metamorphism, and its genetic type belongs to epithermal metamorphic facies.
116. Its stratigraphic sequence, lithology and sedimentary facies can be correlated to the Sinian System in Xiangtan manganese mine area.
117. The Longshoushan Group of Paleoproterozoic age in the Dongdashan district is a metamorphic terrane composed of metamorphic rocks of amphibolite facies.
118. The influence reservoir factors in this area are mainly terrigenous clastic components, sedimentary facies and diagenesis.
119. In the south of the Basin , the quaternary sediment is major in lacustrine facies, and the north is major in alluvial-diluvial.
120. At late Cretaceous, resulting from transgression from west to east in Southwestern Tarim Basin, continental clasts decreased eastwardly, while marine facies took dominance.
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