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单词 Definite
1. The doctor is quite definite about Tom having measles.
2. That's definite then, is it?
3. I have no definite plans for tomorrow.
4. I need a definite answer.
5. I want a definite answer.
6. Can you give me a definite answer by tomorrow?
7. Let's fix a definite date for the next meeting.
8. Our ideas began to crystallize into a definite plan.
9. Give me a definite answer.
10. His vague ideas crystallized into a definite plan.
11. Is it definite that he's leaving?
12. We demand a definite answer.
13. I've heard rumours, but nothing definite.
14. It's too soon to give a definite answer.
15. It's impossible for me to give you a definite answer.
16. The date for the meeting is now definite: 5th March.
17. I'm not sure-I can find out for definite if you like.
18. I can't say for definite who did it, but I certainly have my suspicions .
19. They have very definite ideas on how to bring up children.
20. We insist upon a definite answer.
21. She's not definite about retiring from the game.
22. He seemed definite about what had happened.
23. I didn't make a definite promise, mind you.
24. She made no definite plans for her future.
25. In a double-blind trial, there were definite improvements.
26. Within a group, each individual had a definite status.
27. There's a definite family likeness around the eyes.
28. I should like to think about your suggestion before I give a definite reply.
29. We'll have to wait until the new year before we can make any definite plans.
30. I should scope out his real goal before I give him a definite reply.
1. That's definite then, is it?
2. I need a definite answer.
3. I want a definite answer.
4. Can you give me a definite answer by tomorrow?
5. Let's fix a definite date for the next meeting.
6. Our ideas began to crystallize into a definite plan.
7. Give me a definite answer.
8. Is it definite that he's leaving?
9. I've heard rumours, but nothing definite.
10. It's too soon to give a definite answer.
11. It's impossible for me to give you a definite answer.
12. The date for the meeting is now definite: 5th March.
13. We'll have to wait until the new year before we can make any definite plans.
14. I'm not sure-I can find out for definite if you like.
15. I can't say for definite who did it, but I certainly have my suspicions .
16. They have very definite ideas on how to bring up children.
17. We insist upon a definite answer.
31. She's a definite for the Olympic team.
32. It's definite that he will come to help us.
33. There has already been a definite improvement.
34. This skirt has a definite flare.
35. We need a definite answer by tomorrow.
36. That's a very definite possibility.
37. It's now definite that the plane crashed.
38. Mary is very definite about this.
39. She has very definite opinions.
40. These statistics display a definite trend.
41. We didn't have any definite proof.
42. She has certain definite beauties, such as her eyes.
43. Her Royal Highness has definite views about most things.
44. I want a definite answer, 'yes' or 'no'.
45. The answer was a definite no.
46. There are definite weaknesses in their security arrangements.
47. Earrings for men were once a definite no-no.
48. A spokeswoman confirmed there was no definite plan to stage a concert in the park.
49. She has very definite ideas about what kind of a job she wants.
50. The look on her face was a definite sign that sth was wrong.
51. She considers that it is too early to form a definite conclusion.
52. I can give you no definite answer until I've seen him.
53. It's impossible for me to give you a definite answer at this time.
54. Did you manage to pin him down to a definite date?
55. A good crowd will be a definite advantage to me and the rest of the team.
56. 'We're moving our office to Glasgow.' 'That's a definite, is it?'
57. We need to record sufficient data to enable definite conclusions to be reached.
58. 'Is Sarah coming to the party?' 'Yes, she's a definite.'
59. There's a definite edge to/in her voice when she talks to her husband.
60. She's definite that she wants to do it, and she'll not give an inch, however hard you try to persuade her.
61. He'd shown definite signs of resigning himself to the situation.
62. Fix a definite date for the delivery of your computer.
63. Having to travel such a long way to work is a definite minus.
64. There's been a definite spring in his step ever since he met Joanna.
65. Some knowledge of Spanish is a definite plus in this job.
66. We must peg him down to a definite date for completion.
67. If you have a definite purpose in mind, get to the point promptly.
68. When you came away you made a definite effort to mix.
69. When we have something definite to say, we shall be shouting it from the rooftops.
70. It's not definite that they'll accept our offer, but there's a sporting chance.
71. It is impossible to give a definite answer at this point in time .
72. There was a definite feeling that things were getting worse.
73. The ability to adapt is a definite asset in this job.
74. Total nudity is still a definite no-no on most of Europe's beaches.
75. I'm definite about this.
76. This essay is a definite improvement on your last one.
77. The case was dismissed in the absence of any definite proof.
78. There's not much point in a meeting until he has something definite to put on the table.
79. Let's make the 9th a definite - we'll have a curry and then go to the movies.
80. Their policies have resulted in a definite underlying improvement in the economy.
81. She has a few nebulous ideas about what she might like to do in the future, but nothing definite.
82. We had no trouble finding your house because your directions were definite.
83. Moving to Cottage Grove represented a definite step up for my parents.
84. Commercial property markets are now showing definite signs of life .
85. There's been a definite improvement in your English since you arrived.
86. On young girls it can look really great, but there is a definite age cut-off on this.
87. We have this definite certitude that Cicippio will be freed.
88. He nibbled at my idea, but would not make a definite decision.
89. He nibbled at the idea, but would not make a definite decision.
90. None of those questions has a definite answer.
91. I would like to give a definite answer.
92. A definite buy for any budding simulation buff.
93. A barium meal showed no definite abnormality.
94. For the bluesy sound that you are after, an old Marshall 50 with a 4x12 would be the definite answer.
95. Qualitatively substantial parts of the program code are incorporated in the new program - definite infringement of copyright. 7.
96. It was quite obvious that there had been a definite estrangement between her and her daughter-in-law right from the beginning.
97. This, in traditional form, is a treacly brown colour and lends a definite antique air to what you are polishing.
98. As with the origins of many other events no definite conclusions can be drawn.
99. It was damning evidence by any account, and he also had the definite feeling that Small Dave was on to him.
100. The problems come later, when you discover that there is a definite correlation between sales and your customer's hat sizes.
101. As with all my ablutions, the shave follows a definite and predetermined pattern.
102. By implication it is impossible to postulate any definite inverse correlation between changes in the real wage rate and changes in employment.
103. A postmortem examination failed to establish a definite cause of death and the results of further forensic tests are awaited.
104. The newspaper names have a definite article because there is only one.
105. Everything important to the farm was under the care of a beneficent power, never conceived of as having a definite shape.
106. All are familiar with their own experiences of being asleep, and feel they can give definite answers.
107. Tattersalls will consider its position as soon as the Chancellor's decision is definite.
108. A second piece of evidence is provided by certain uses of the definite article.
109. Newton himself, faced with a definite programme, that is, guided by a positive heuristic, made considerable progress.
110. There was a definite chill in his voice when he answered.
111. For once we had definite news that things were looking up, and it was the perfect antidote to the gruelling journey.
112. In his work, different cultural groups or social classes appear as separate races with definite and visible physical characteristics.
113. But he'd shown definite signs of resigning himself to the situation - until her arrival downstairs after breakfast.
114. Each of these projects carries with it a very definite academic agenda.
115. They have definite life styles and political values, which are concealed under a rhetoric of objectivity.
116. They are all blond and call themselves Gang, without the definite article, which has an icily Germanic ring.
117. Consider, for example, the myriad adventure stories, most of which contain a definite love interest.
118. The drama school audition By now you will have made a definite decision to become an actor - nomatterwhat the problems or obstacles.
119. Demonstratives and the definite article are terms whose mobilisation and use would be strongly linked to this kind of deixis.
120. Originally only four patients were classified as having definite Crohn's disease and 15 as indeterminate colitis leaving 62 with ulcerative colitis.
121. It certainly demonstrates the power of conjugation and provides a definite guide for further puzzles of this type.
122. The accompanying text pages explore these questions and give definite answers as a basis for discussion.
123. The body that had been photographed with a definite cometary tail in 1949 was now a bare rock.
124. The definite article was inclined to appear in strange places, and to disappear from other places where it should have been.
125. We could conclude from this that crust is a definite aspect of character; we all love bread with lots of character.
126. Seven patients with definite Crohn's disease, seven with indeterminate colitis and 52 with typical ulcerative colitis have a functioning pouch.
127. It's a language all its own, with rules and a grammar, but it has no definite article.
128. There can be no definite answer to this problem at the moment.
129. Because there are few definite answers in law, it engages one to be philosophical-or spiritual, you might say.
130. They differ from cuticular processes in containing a definite extension of the body cavity and in some cases they are freely movable.
131. Philosophers need to stop procrastinating and staring at their navels and answer questions like the one above with a definite answer.
132. There was no definite sound, but he knew that Mabel would be somewhere around.
133. The selection of short-term or long-term financing requires the consideration of a very definite risk-return tradeoff.
134. As yet, no definite timescale for assessment by a certification body has been set.
135. Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you ready or not, to put this plan into action. Napoleon Hill 
136. The man had become a myth and acquired the definite article.
137. However, when ice crystals form, they will have definite positions and will be lined up in some direction.
138. The local authorities need to know now how the standard spending assessments will be calculated so that they can make definite financial plans.
139. To the eight children who cycle up and down the central corridor, the lifestyle has a definite appeal.
140. Definite and energetic steps must be taken in other directions to restore the balance of our national economic life ....
141. If not a thoroughly convincing victory it further establishes Mason in the heavyweight division and his career will now take definite shape.
142. Set your mind on a definite goal and observe how quickly the world stands aside to let you pass. Napoleon Hill 
143. Sometimes a mood, or a phase of the menstrual cycle,[http:///definite.html] will bring about a definite aversion to keeping up appearances.
144. The failure to agree on definite targets brought strong criticism from environmentalists.
145. For them this front and these guns are the only possible ones indicated by the definite articles.
146. I've got very strange ideals, and one of the things I've got a very definite mind on is abortion.
147. However, standing on street comers or walking around is not done with any definite end in mind.
148. Many found it difficult to give accurate figures as the livestock year dictated two very definite peak work periods.
149. The refiner defined a definite confine with her fine finger.
150. I'll have consult my home office beforehand give you a definite answer on the price terms.
151. However, China's present civil law has not any definite provision concerning the easement.
152. Philanthropy undertakings are definite d to voluntary, civil management, antitrust.
153. Conclusion CEUS may provide definite value in investigating the peripancreatic vessels invasion, which has the reference value in evaluating resectability of pancreatic carcinoma.
154. This study showed that calcium cyanamide had definite potential in controlling P. canaliculata invasion[http://], being hopeful to be used as a kind of molluscicidal fertilizer in paddy field.
155. These changes in business practices and organizational distribution have a definite impact on the tools and repository infrastructure required to support software delivery.
156. He repeated that up to the present nothing definite had been decided.
157. Words segmentation is a process that successive character sequence is once again combined to word sequence according to definite criterion.
158. They serve a definite purpose in the overall traffic pattern.
159. Advancing the view of the sustainable development has its definite idea headstream.
160. Conclusion: SYC has definite effect on VPB, it can obviously meliorate the activity of cardiovascular autonomic nervous system in the patients.
161. Breed of dog named after the Adriatic coastal region of Dalmatia, its first definite home.
162. It wishes to find a new way for normative research into the concept of generalized positive definite matrix .
163. The integral calculus primary coverage includes: Definite integral, indefinite period classification.
164. There are in English two articles: definite article and the indefinite article.
165. Results The qualified rate of coliform group was 86.25%, there was definite difference in different year and different type catering organization and different mess kit .
166. Space concentration degree of earthquake is a research method of earthquake activity in definite quantity.
167. And the research results provided definite technological support for extended range modular charge technology and unimodular charge technology.
168. The authors believed that CT could make definite diagnosis for benign lesions(teratoma), but had limited value in differentiation be-tween malignant germ cell tumors and malignant thymoma, lymphoma.
169. The present thesis carries a study on the categorial status of the definite article within the framework of phase theory.




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