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单词 To be sure
1. She looked over her shoulder to be sure of her footing.
2. He is young, to be sure, but very experienced.
3. Employers want to be sure recruits understand business Europe-wide.
4. He likes to be sure of his bodily comforts.
5. We booked several flights just to be sure.
6. United must beat Liverpool to be sure of winning the championship.
7. It is impossible to be sure about the value of land.
8. He is intelligent, to be sure, but he's also very lazy.
9. England must win this game to be sure of qualifying for the World Cup.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. I left a message so as to be sure of contacting her.
11. This is not his best book, to be sure, but it is still worth reading.
12. We arrived early, to be sure of getting a good seat.
13. It was difficult, to be sure, but somehow we managed to finish the job.
14. Book early if you want to be sure of a seat.
15. The ruling party jiggered the election results to be sure they would stay in power.
16. You have to book early to be sure/certain of getting a room.
17. To be sure of a good set when making the jam(), use preserving sugar with added pectin.
18. Enumerate the items again to be sure none is missing.
19. He is clever, to be sure, but not very hard-working.
20. There was, to be sure, a minority position.
21. Always check the date stamp to be sure.
22. Each has their own small variations, to be sure.
23. A pathetic figure, to be sure.
24. What a tease life was, to be sure!
25. No match for open, urban brown-water, to be sure.
26. To be sure, life goes on.
27. To be sure, there are even greater differences.
28. To be sure, the Amex has enjoyed some successes.
29. The US will need a three-to-one superiority in forces to be sure of a successful attack.
30. I took a careful note of where I had left the bag, so as to be sure to find it on my return.
1. She looked over her shoulder to be sure of her footing.
2. The US will need a three-to-one superiority in forces to be sure of a successful attack.
3. He likes to be sure of his bodily comforts.
31. To be sure, coupons have their backers.
32. To be sure, the generational shift has been gradual.
33. Kip meant for me to feel upset, to be sure.
34. Try the demonstration yourself first to be sure it will go smoothly.
35. To be sure, this is not the only criterion: the voices of other Christians may be very confused.
36. To be sure, aquariums in once-blighted areas of Baltimore and Monterey, Calif., helped to revitalize those cities.
37. To be sure, lots of histories compete for market share.
38. I think children are influenced by these films, but it's impossible to be sure about this.
39. But they'd had a thorough look through his life just to be sure and hit the jackpot entirely by chance.
40. The Treasury reckons it needed to be sure of the trend.
41. To be sure,(http:///to be sure.html) bonds continued to benefit from a two-day rally in the U. S. Treasury market.
42. To be sure, not all strategists use money flow as a market gauge.
43. To be sure, retail spending figures released last week, also were stronger than expected.
44. Dennis Jarrett replies: A somewhat splenetic reaction, Mr Francis, to be sure.
45. To be sure, my historical mentors in this race also took a whack at my Catholic heritage.
46. But even there it is hard to be sure that there was no ultimate control from the temples.
47. It is important to be sure that your results are not distorted by such factors.
48. Megaplex projects are still scrutinized by regulators, neighbors, environmentalists and others, to be sure.
49. The Communist variant of management Centralism goes much further, to be sure, than the variant found in democratic societies.
50. To be sure, the film offers up some contemporary savvy.
51. To be sure, the literature review has several real uses.
52. The surviving protocols for the preparation of the Chat vaccine are too vague for us to be sure.
53. They did this every time they met to be sure that Jean-Pierre should not lose contact simply by running out of power.
54. To be sure, an inaugural address is not the occasion for a president to list the details of his legislative agenda.
55. Maybe it would have got better without treatment - it happened sometimes; it was difficult to be sure.
56. Fourthly, from the outset it is important to be sure that there is agreement with the patient about what is planned.
57. To be sure, this Court has construed the Commerce Clause to accommodate unanticipated changes over the past two centuries.
58. Dole and Gramm, to be sure, enjoy fund-raising advantages of their own, as powerful long-serving senators.
59. What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure, but scattered along the life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable. Joseph Addison 
60. To be sure, there are more young men and women in this age group because of the 1960's baby boom.
61. It can be very difficult to be sure of why a hoard of objects was buried in the ground.
62. To be sure, Kirin is financially stronger than its competitors.
63. To be sure, many of those calls were orchestrated by political interest groups and stimulated by irate talk show hosts.
64. You need to be sure of your facts before making any accusations.
65. To be sure, some small-business lobbying groups do not make political contributions.
66. To be sure, a shift in consumers' habits may account for some of the recent surge in credit card use.
67. To be sure, designers on one side may pirate good ideas, may imitate design features, from the other side.
68. The president, to be sure, opposes many Republican tax proposals.
69. To be sure, the new generation of flexible, individually controlled telecommunications technologies offers new hope for educational improvement.
69. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
70. To be sure, predicting how many cell phones and semiconductors to make is a difficult game.
71. The sea was such a mess that it took him a few moments to be sure of the reef.
72. This was done to be sure that the constipation was and would be adequately treated.
73. To be sure of a good set, use preserving sugar with added pectin.
74. A public health hazard, to be sure, but not exactly the stuff of a page-turner.
75. To be sure, scientists have created disease by inoculating animals with brain tissue from infected animals.
76. He checked to be sure he was out of sight of the other passengers in the lounge.
77. But to make certain that MacDonald would be chosen, he had to be sure of his own party and the Liberals.
78. There is, to be sure, a certain logic in the view which advocates the relinquishment of doomed creatures to eternity.
79. To be sure, plenty of homosexuals rejected this characterization, just as many had rejected the earlier characterization of sin.
80. Females evolved the ability to be charmed to be sure of picking the best males.
81. To be sure this point is covered, you should add it to your list of questions.
82. Before they could engineer an escape, they had to be sure that none of the guards were suspicious.
83. To be sure, people in the Southwest Marketing and Distribution Division grew much better at making recommendations.
84. To be sure, not all construction shares are performing well.
85. It is, to be sure, highly unlikely that superstars hold back their best ideas.
86. The outside air temperature was above minimum, but I switched on the engine anti-ice anyway, just to be sure.
87. First, to be sure, some reap material benefit from inflation.
88. They marked the spots and checked to be sure the radios were working, then let the turtles go.
89. He loitered in the empty street, trying to be sure it was the right house.
90. Most air travellers would be prepared to pay more to be sure of travelling safely.
91. The economic indicators, to be sure, should put these worries in perspective.
92. The higher-paying jobs, to be sure, are expected to stay in Southern California even if production continues to move south.
93. No rush to build yet To be sure, there is no flood of biotechs rushing to build factories.
94. The greatest mistake in this business is to be sure of yourself.
95. If we're to communicate, you and I, we have to be sure we're speaking the same language.
96. You are well advised, when the Whitney Biennial comes along, to be sure to remember your reading glasses.
97. To be sure, these projects have helped to bring in tourists.
98. It is, to be sure, an unprecedented attack by corporations and governments on trade unions.
99. He wanted to be sure he could return to London if he didn't like his new job.
100. Said she could check with the hotel if she wanted to be sure.
101. To be sure, formidable obstacles lie ahead for advocates of a merger.
102. Travellers would offer them bread and milk to be sure of a safe journey.
103. Tell people there's an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they have to touch it to be sure. George Carlin 
104. We have to be sure to notify them when we move.
105. Ingard, guessing wrong about the airport, put in an enormous tender to be sure of getting the land.
106. To be sure, what travels on the electronic highways is limited, often flawed, and occasionally deceptive.
107. He had wanted to be sure before tackling Mary Penrose; now he was.
108. I was different, to be sure, but he accepted me as a kindred spirit of sorts.
109. With this trick you have to be sure you have chosen the right person and moment!
110. To be sure, the electronic marketplace is still in the very early stages of development on the World Wide Web.
111. If you have to be sure before you dare open your mouth, most people are going to stay quiet.
112. If you play our offense, you have to be sure with your tackling.
113. To be sure, some investors feel the impact of a weaker yen on bonds may be limited.
114. To be sure, dressing up the college admissions application often motivates the teen charity work, but so what?
115. I was too smudged with booze and travel to be sure.
116. Get a vet to check him over to be sure.
117. To be sure, some geologists have found flaws in certain parts of the theory, but few reject it entirely.
118. The greatest obscenities, to be sure, were photographs of nudes.
119. To be sure, the going will be tough for Hashimoto, who heads the Liberal Democratic Party.
120. No big deal To be sure, O. J. Simpson was treated with kid gloves.
121. Make the call to be sure you are not paying a dollar to save a dime.
122. You need to be sure that the structure you plan to practice is a genuine structure in the language.
123. To be sure, a large-enough drop in heating oil demand could undermine a rebound in prices, analysts said.
124. At one point she let her shoulder touch Clare's arm, to be sure that he was really there.
125. To be sure, the on-line travel industry is still in its infancy, but it appears poised for explosive growth.
126. To be sure, there is much within the educational establishment that cries out for reform.
127. Rank wanted to be sure of an international market for their newly acquired product.
128. The exiled oppressor of her people had to die, and she had to be sure of it.
129. They put me though every test in the book to be sure I was healthy.
130. To be sure, investors should keep a close eye on indicators of problem loans(/to be sure.html), analysts said.
131. Although it is impossible to be sure what happened, this latest incident follows a developing pattern of violence in the camps.
132. Put the cap on and turn the jar sideways to be sure that there are no air bubbles.
133. To be sure, too much detail would detract from the ritual of the road trip / quest myth.
134. They only need to be sure that their arguments are valid ways of ascertaining truth.
135. As the students are drawing, walk around to be sure that they are drawing an exact picture of the hanging hammer.
136. To be sure, even the great Constitutional Convention had its own sideshows.
137. To be sure, their calculations were only global averages, and sea level varied from ocean to ocean.
138. However, the insurer probably will inspect the new house carefully, to be sure that it is properly retrofitted against earthquakes.
139. And these are just some of the questions you need to ask yourself if you want to be sure of financial security!
140. To be sure, his hand satchel.
141. To be sure, holding Avon's stock takes courage.
142. " To be sure, " replied Orrin, gaily.
143. Check to be sure you have adequate disk space.
144. To be sure, hybridity poses risks.
145. He proved to be sure - footed and reliable.
146. To be sure, you can't at West Side Story totally removed the era that produced it.
147. "To do what, Mr. Wolff?" Thurgood Stinson asked. "To rescue your friends, to be sure. But what then-continue on your campaign, or return to Tirol?"
148. To be sure, teens often deny outright any possibility that their uncool parents could possibly influence them in any way, and particularly in regard to religion.
149. "We wanted to be sure that there was scientific evidence that flash-heated milk was truly free of HIV and immunologically beneficial, " Israel Ballard told SciDev.Net.
150. In his History of the Peloponnesian War, to be sure, he refrains from offering a picture of the best regime.
151. To be sure, career people tend sometimes to look only at academic certificates as the means to preferment .
152. He wants to be sure there is no cist or tumor back there.
153. Self-confidence is to be sure of oneself and one's abilities.
154. In order to be sure of world events and important changes, it is necessary to go back at least 1000 years and prove up the cycles.
155. Mr. Collins, to be sure, was neither sensible nor agreeable.
156. One of those ways, associated with higher crop yields, is to be sure that limitations of some other nutrient do not detrimentally affect N uptake and use.
157. Authentication at the packet level allows users to be sure that the packet received came from a particular machine, and that its contents were not altered somewhere along the way.
158. The workpeople, to be sure - riggers and what not - were most annoyingly slow; but time cured that.
159. To be sure, that average salary doesn't apply to all types of graduates. Depending on their career path, some are much better - and much worse-off than others.
159. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
160. To be sure, light carry weak charge which can explicate the light as the wave.
161. There was , to be sure, a faddish aspect to this enthusiasm.
162. To be sure, cars and trucks today generate one-tenth the pollution of a vehicle in 1970.
163. To be sure, it is not at all without interest to develop it here, before so vast an audience, since it is a question of nothing less than that operation that we call alienation.
164. To be sure, this nonlinear digital filter mentioned in the paper are suitable for the intelligent instruments and digital measurement systems with a micr...
165. To be sure, there was a tremendous artistic efflorescence in the nineteen-seventies, the worst decade of the century for the New York economy.
166. The team used several methods to date a variety of material from the site near Puebla, Mexico, in order to be sure they were right about the age.
167. To be sure, the Puritans had been a dissenting sect in England, but they became an established church in Massachusetts.
168. I read their written contracts, clause by clause; to be sure nothing had been omitted from the oral agreement.
169. To be sure, in a formal sense Stalinism did issue from Bolshevism.
170. To be sure, this crisis was never really all about Greece's current debt woes anyway.
171. The six Greek soldiers in the wooden horse waited for another hour, to be sure.
172. To be sure that Chinese government is facing a host of issues in the attempt to act the reforms necessary to shift from a common based agricultural economy to a market based industrial power.
173. I marked the ground and then paced it out to be sure.
174. Participate commercial Contract Review procedure to be sure all the economic items are consisted with approved quotation.
175. And Chrysler managed to sell exactly 500 Fiat 500s during its first month of availability -- not a huge number to be sure but enough to avoid a shutout in the small car game.
176. Chief Justice Roberts does not mark a big shift from Chief Justice Rehnquist, to be sure.
177. That is a strike against Mr Obama, to be sure.
178. It is nonsense, to be sure; but I conceit that every two-legged creature, that I see coming near me, is about to cover me with the poisonous proceeds of its impurities.
179. I needed to be sure she was a virgin so I sent her to my own gynaecologist in The Hague, and he has certified that she is.
180. To be sure, the ice-sheathed continent is bathed in cold by fierce circumpolar winds and other climate factors and the lands east of the Transantarctic Mountains are getting even colder.
181. Just to be sure, the team followed up with six radial velocity observations at the Keck I telescope in Hawaii.
182. Also I have included angle Iron Rings for the duct joints as we do in all the plants, I was wanting to be sure we have a very nice looking system as well as works well in the new building.
183. Frequent ophthalmologic follow ups are mandatory to be sure that therapy is being performed correctly and to avoid the possible unfavorable effects of noncompliance.
184. To be sure, today’s 20-something file-sharer may someday pay $200 to watch Vampire Weekend rock the Astrodome.
185. But do not misunderstand me: to be sure, we are all aware that there are shortcomings in the way the U.N. carries out its business, " Brimmer said.
186. To be sure, the Republican analysis doesn't rely entirely on spurious attributions of cost — it also relies on using three-card monte tricks to make money disappear.
187. Carrying out the operation unit of domestic less, have innovators few reports, the effect is difficult to be sure.
188. To be sure, modernism had its illustrious intellectual ancestry. Platonism began the West's pursuit of abstract truth from the times of ancient Greece.
189. When he went into town, to be sure, there was high talk at the tavern.
189. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
190. To be sure, the consensus forecast for annual per-share earnings of $99.91 is still bullish, reflecting confidence that the economy can avoid a double-dip recession.
191. I dare to be sure that building must be bombed down totally in the air attack.
192. Amid the torn flesh , blood, and dirty, tousled hair, it was difficult to be sure.
193. How can I test the Copperhead to be sure that the buttons assignment are working?
194. To be sure, Mandarin has become increasingly useful, particularly in Asian business circles.
195. When buying bedding, Woodruff says to be sure to buy extra-long sheets because college beds are longer than the average twin -- to accommodate the taller kids.
196. If you want to combine languages inside of a file, you have to be sure that the resulting grammar isn't ambiguous, i.e. that for each input there is only one way to interpret it.
197. If draw money item pays to be sure to give completely, criterion the insurance gold beneficiary beneficiary that payee agrees for the contract or its precatory are acting get a person.
198. Check labels for American Society for Testing and Materials approval, to be sure toys meet national safety standards.
199. First, take a quick look at an iteration plan view to be sure that you understand the current task assignments.
200. If an organization sets standards for which shapes are to represent different objects in a process, there is no way to error check to be sure that the shapes are used correctly.
201. The DVD is a digital format, to be sure, but it comes in shrink - wrapped plastic.
202. To be sure, Grantham up until now hasn't been a die-hard inflationist.
203. To be sure London was rather thin, but, however, the Little Theatre was open.
204. A way to show their interest is to be sure the Doha Round is completed successfully .... This is an opportunity we should not let pass.
205. Non-abstract composers, to be sure, can become quite wealthy, for example Baron Andrew Lloyd Webber and a number of film composers.
206. To be sure, both these changes benefit society overall, enabling prosperity for far more people around the globe.
207. Demureness, to be sure, is outwardly becoming, it is an outward mark of femininity , like bobbed hair.
208. To be sure, most managerial actions do not benefit from vagueness.
209. To be sure, China's actions on many fronts reflect the unsentimental policy of an emerging power.
210. To be sure, all firms have grown vastly in overall profitability, but the globalisers have done so, on average, more slowly.
211. To be sure, lumping the fast-growing group into one bloc has helped Latinos emerge as a political force.
212. Paul tells us to stand in truth, to be sure of our salvation, to live a holy life, to be at peace in our hearts and to always have the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) in our hands.
213. To be sure following brand status, monitoring brand, establishing internal reporting system, the brand assessment and diagnosis system and so on. So the prevention of aging brand is very necessary.
214. Once you find out the company you're interested in is on the up-and-up, you'll want to be sure it has the support systems you'll need to build your business.
215. To be sure, government accountants may treat the Porkbelly and Blowhard plans differently.
215. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
216. To be sure, the U.S. still ranks fifth in the world and China is a distant 26th, but the gap is slowly closing.
217. Method retrospect nature sums up and analyses 69 example prostata hyperplasias disease vaporization electricity to be sure to nurse in the front around the skill that operation expects.
218. She looked around to be sure her faux pas was undetected.
219. Self-confidence is to be sure of oneself and ones abilities. It is extremely important for all to be self-confident as it is the indispensable condition to their success.
220. To be sure, the rebel forces are often no kinder, and banditry is rife.
221. But after repeated bail-outs of American International Group, a bottomless pit masquerading as an insurance firm, the Treasury would need to be sure that banks are solvent.
222. To be sure, with all the tradition, handed-down values and sound standards of quality involved, the 150-year-old cannot be denied a distinct maturity.
223. A pit stop in the closing laps of the race when a driver calls in for just a few litres of fuel to be sure of making it to the finish.
224. U.S. officials later asked Collins to undergo hypnosis and treatments of sodium pentothal (a "truth drug") to be sure he relayed every detail of the incident truthfully and correctly.
225. You have to be sure because when you are going to declare this to all the eligible bachelors and bachelorette in the world, you’re sure of it you will not hurt anyone you are dating along the way.
226. A negative result would indicate a woman could skip the amnio or CVS; a positive result would suggest she get one done to be sure.
227. To be sure, a state-directed spending boom does not inspire deep confidence, and China's economy remains unbalanced—too much saving, too little consumption.
228. To be sure, nudists have been around since Adam and Eve, but the Internet has made finding like-minded clothes shunners that much simpler.
229. And so it's you, Ben Gunn !'he added.'Well, you're a nice one to be sure.'
230. To be sure, the Republican analysis doesn't rely entirely on spurious attributions of cost — t also relies on using three-card monte tricks to make money disappear.
231. First, you need to be sure of oneself , think that what thing self does being able to make it, only when the cognition arrives at the effort passing self, self definitely can achieve self's aim.
232. 'Right you were , Cap'n Smollett ,'replied Silver.'Dooty is dooty, to be sure.
233. Anyone can call themselves a cosmetic surgeon, so you need to be sure that you are seen by someone qualified and experienced.
234. I was escortead home by a police officer who wanted to be sure the thief had not used the keys in my pocketbook to gain entrance to my apartment.




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