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单词 Stored
1. The substance is dehydrated and stored as powder.
2. The ancient Egyptians stored information on scrolls.
3. The data is stored on the magnetic tape.
4. All these facts were stored in his memory.
5. Water is stored in tanks under the roof.
6. DNA is stored in the nucleus of a cell.
7. He stored some money for the future.
8. The gases are stored in cylinders.
9. The corn was stored in large sacks.
10. The data is stored on a hard disk and backed up on a floppy disk.
11. The owner's name and address is stored on a microchip and implanted in the dog's body.
12. The data is stored in the computer's memory.
13. The data are stored in the computer's memory.
14. The gas is stored under pressure in the tank.
15. The library is stored with over 2 million books.
16. Most of her jewellery is stored in bank vaults.
17. Some packaging cartons can be stored flat.
18. I've stored my winter clothes in the attic.
19. He simply stored the tapes away.
20. Goods of a similar kind should be stored together.
21. The data is stored in digital form.
22. The seeds should be stored at low temperatures .
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. It's all stored on the computer.
24. They've stored their furniture while they go abroad.
25. Perishable food should be stored in a refrigerator.
26. Standard letters can be stored on floppy discs.
27. I stored up the old furniture in the warehouse.
28. New material is scanned, indexed and stored electronically.
29. The compact design of the machine allows it to be stored easily.
30. Other recommendations relate to the details of how such data is stored.
1. The substance is dehydrated and stored as powder.
2. The ancient Egyptians stored information on scrolls.
3. The data is stored on the magnetic tape.
4. All these facts were stored in his memory.
5. DNA is stored in the nucleus of a cell.
6. The gases are stored in cylinders.
7. The corn was stored in large sacks.
8. The compact design of the machine allows it to be stored easily.
9. Other recommendations relate to the details of how such data is stored.
10. The data is stored on a hard disk and backed up on a floppy disk.
11. The owner's name and address is stored on a microchip and implanted in the dog's body.
12. The radioactive material is stored in a special radiation - proof container.
31. The files are stored in Mac format.
32. I stored all the apples from our trees.
33. The fire extinguishers are stored in the galley.
34. The information is stored on computer.
35. He hoped the electronic equipment was safely stored away.
36. The information is stored on a large database.
37. All data is stored on a central file server.
38. Medicines should be stored away from direct sunlight.
39. The gas is stored in liquid form.
40. Excess food is stored as fat.
41. The wine is stored in special racks.
42. All carry-on luggage must be stored under your seat or in the overhead compartments.
43. Files have been stored in such a haphazard manner that they are impossible to find.
44. The records will be stored on the computer's hard disk.
45. The department's backup disks are all stored in a different building.
46. Information must be stored so that it is secure from accidental deletion.
47. The papers were stored away in a secret place, and there they will probably remain until they are come across by someone who realized their importance.
48. I've stored my thick sweaters and jackets until next winter.
49. The paintings were carefully stored in crates dependent on their size.
50. He had arranged for the boxes to be stored until they could be collected.
51. Some types of garden furniture must be stored inside in the winter.
52. Thousands of pieces of data are stored in a computer's memory./stored.html
53. The images are stored in a digital format within the database.
54. The radioactive material is stored in a special radiation - proof container.
55. She had stored up all her anger and eventually snapped.
56. Butane can be conveniently stored as a liquid in a can.
57. Modern freezing techniques enable the chickens to be stored for weeks.
58. I stored my possessions in my mother's house while I was living in Spain.
59. The box of papers had been stored in a cellar at the family home.
60. Sound and pictures can be stored digitally, as on a CD.
61. Standard letters can be stored on floppy discs. 2.
62. These chemicals must be stored at an even temperature.
63. Keep the apples stored in a cool, dry place.
64. Seeds are best stored in airtight containers.
65. Words were stored sequentially as their equivalent ASCII code.
66. Much of the information is stored in databases.
67. Medicine should always be stored in a cool place.
68. He stored the artwork on his Maryland farm.
69. The aircraft was stored de-rigged in farm buildings.
70. Boolean Variables Numbers are stored in binary format.
71. The data is stored in a relational database.
72. The milk is dehydrated and stored as powder.
73. These sub-dictionaries are stored on disk and are read in as required.
74. American historians are dismayed at the condition of the texts stored in the library.
75. It can't even be given away, so it ends up being stored at enormous expense on even more land.
76. In a nuclear engine they are simply the propellant gas boiled off stored liquid.
77. That is quite a different matter from filling in forms stored in computers and obtaining quickie divorces.
78. In question-answering systems the computer generates answers to the user's query based on stored information.
79. The highlighted text will be added to the end of the stored document.
80. If it is stored for too long in rick or barn, rats and mice can cause heavy losses.
81. The character's width, its height is already known by the point size, is stored in a width table.
82. The sauce may be stored in a tightly sealed container without refrigeration.
82. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
83. The target word that the user intended to write at each position is also known and stored in a file.
84. HelpDesk requests are stored in an historical database, which can be searched for effective answers to future reader queries.
85. God, our Creator, has stored within our minds and personalities, great potential strength and ability. Prayer helps us tap and develop these powers. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 
86. Letters can be compiled from standard paragraphs stored in the memory.
87. In this context, news relates to the messages stored in more than 85,000 discussion groups.
88. The optimum size of hash table can only be determined if the approximate number of items to be stored is known.
89. More importantly, few if any stored samples go back farther than the mid fifties.
90. Even fraction of a second, the optical density of the nucleus is measured and stored in the computer's memory.
91. Acceptable word candidates remaining after lexical look-up are stored for further analysis.
92. It allows a separate header text file to point to the file or files to be stored.
93. He only hoped the electronic equipment was safely stored away.
94. All this is stored and cared for in the six large unheated cupboards in the linen room.
95. Mosfet Q6 avalanches repetitively and absorbs the energy stored in the leakage inductance of the coil.
96. The bivvy bag can be stored in a separate compartment at the base of the larger compression sack.
97. This is the pixel format in which remotely-sensed images are stored.
98. The vector sequence obtained is matched against what is stored in the database.
99. When he'd stored his new acquisitions in it there was still lots of room left for more books and papers.
100. The equipment, which should be stored nearby, can be sorted on to shelves or into bins and buckets.
101. Professor Brown had developed an expertise for predicting how much lava is stored in a volcano.
102. When the heat input ceases the space will cool rapidly as there is no stored heat to temper it.
103. Instead, a user dials into the Internet worldwide computer network and uses software and data that are stored there.
104. Floating point variables are stored in binary floating point format with their least significant byte first.
105. Lakes and ponds were tapped, water from the Lys sterilized and stored in barges, and cisterns built to trap rainwater.
106. If a user is stored in the character database then very high performance can be achieved.
107. You are able to input new and popular patterns to be stored at a later date for use again and again.
108. Information is not stored in a single memory location, as in conventional computing, but is distributed throughout the sys-tem.
109. Light whisky is stored in seasoned charred oak casks, which impart little colour or flavour.
110. It's stored in a depot in Monpazier at the moment.
111. The drawback is that the high-rise upper deck means very little can be stored there during travel.
112. The calculations had been completed and stored many months ago.
112. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
113. It is also possible to release stored energy suddenly, resulting in a violent reflex contraction of the back muscles.
114. Without the system electronically stored data/information can only consist of proto-records.
115. The drawings help explain what to do. 11 Breeding flour beetles Flour beetles live in and feed on stored flour.
116. There are two ways in which cask beer can be stored that interfere with the vital secondary fermentation.
117. The words were stored in various sub-dictionaries containing vocabulary words and suffixes.
118. This indicates that ferritin is released into the serum normally in direct proportion to the amount stored in tissues.
119. This is of course very easy since what the spreadsheet has stored in cells C and D is a time serial number.
120. But that evening, pulp mill workers crept beneath the building and bored through the floor and into the barrels stored there.
121. Storage costs often exceed the value of goods stored during the normal turnover period.
122. Electronic Publishing-a generic term for the distribution of information which is stored, transmitted and reproduced electronically.
123. Pleasure boats and fishing boats had once been stored in the vast rooms below the earth.
124. Because the original speaker's words are stored the personal characteristics remain, even the accent is readily detectable in some cases.
125. A great deal of that historical information was conveniently stored at the University of Edinburgh, three hundred miles northwest of Cambridge.
126. A high proportion of information stored in computer databases is confidential.
127. This shape matrix was then compared to a stored dictionary of words to find the word most consistent with the shape information.
128. Most of the cases affected rural families where children slept near stored grain that investigators believed was contaminated with the fungus.
129. Most of the supplies were stored in the bowels of the ship.
130. Burning these releases stored carbon are CO2 into the air, contributing to the greenhouse effect.
131. Paths could then be continued from all new short words that are stored on the word graph. 7.3.1.
132. The situation is modified when records are stored in buckets holding several records, but synonyms still occur.
133. Even the best word processor may forget what text is stored in each boilerplate macro.
134. Using n-grams, those candidate strings which are found to exist in the list of n-grams are then stored in a list.
135. In winter the rootstock should be removed and stored in very slightly damp soil and kept cool in a dark place.
136. There are commercially produced stands or easels to hold the papers, but a home-made version is cheap and easily stored.
137. Changes in samples stored at elevated temperatures represent acceleration of changes occurring at room temperature.
138. They will keep indefinitely in a jar stored in a cool(), dry place.
139. The file will be stored on disk line by line, with a carriage return after each line.
140. Examinations are most frequent in the early part of the test and on the samples stored at elevated temperatures.
141. The representation must allow us to compute a link between descriptions of acoustic input and stored descriptions.
142. They also say the 25-ton stainless steel casks used at some plants to stored cooled material above ground are too expensive.Sentence dictionary
143. They should be kept in a rigid container made for the purpose and stored in a secure place.
144. Data is stored in the central system, where specialist software looks after billing.
145. A rechargeable battery protects the stored programme data for up to eight months in the event of the programmer being unplugged.
146. Like many homes, her house had a cupboard under the stairs where things like suitcases and cleaning items were stored.
147. Materials and equipment less frequently used or too heavy for pupils to handle easily should be stored on upper shelves.
148. Most user and system activity was captured and stored in machine-readable log files.
149. Carrots from the garden were stored in containers of sand in the cellar.
150. But more important, they stored their data in the digital form that computers so readily digest.
151. Membership in a gun club is required and all guns must be stored in locked containers.
152. We do not know how cognitive maps are stored in the brain.
153. Attribute data relate to the properties of the points, lines and polygons that are stored in the cartographic database.
154. Since they can be stored indefinitely under local conditions without refrigeration, they are called storable propellants.
155. You can combine, or merge, documents that are stored separately on the disk.
156. The contents of any message stored in the teleprinter's memory can be viewed on the visual display unit. 8.
157. This enables messages sent from the object database to access information stored in the Sybase system.
158. Winter hunting equipment, for example-including snow goggles, ice picks, and harpoons-was stored in skin bags.
159. The red stockings and garters are stored away but you never know - they may soon be out again for another airing.
160. He then said that the program would not have been patentable had it been stored on a floppy disk.
161. The antenna was stored in a large box atop Spartan.
162. Nowadays we literally can not afford to neglect the investment, the hard financial investment, stored in our built environment.
163. Lord knows, it took long enough to compile all the information stored in there.
164. If we consume more energy than we expend, the surplus is stored as fat.
165. We have an enormous amount of data stored on 9C computers nationwide.
166. Do not refrigerate potatoes; if stored below 40 degrees, they develop a sweet taste and tend to darken when cooked.
167. Macros stored on disk are useful when you will use a series of keystrokes in many different documents.
168. Even fresh food, if stored for long periods, will lose its vitamin content.
169. Distraction turns out to make a big difference in how well memories are stored.
170. Instead, the glucose remains stored in the person's liver, which becomes enlarged.
171. One of the most important is using information about the type of data stored in order to to prevent howlers.
172. Inspect stored fruit every week and throw out any that has started to go rotten.
173. These images can be stored in computer files and viewed on the screen of any personal computer connected to the system.
174. The defendants stored on their land large quantities of combustible materials which ignited in mysterious circumstances.
175. Thus,[] an integer can be stored in 2 different formats in a real variable.
176. She stored that memory away, together with the memory of the forest in the foreground as she walked on.
177. The stored characters that most closely match the input are identified as the most likely interpretation of that input.
178. A major barrier between human beings and digitally stored information had been lifted.
179. The gas given off was purified and stored in the familiar gasholder, ready for use.
180. This leads to overflow records usually being stored in unblocked format, even if the records in the prime data area are blocked.
181. This root is then stored and may be accessed in the lexicon at run-time rather than determined on the fly.
182. All computer information when inside the computer is stored in binary code form.
183. The crystal glasses have to be carefully washed by hand and the Royal Doulton china stored away.
184. During the allied bombings of 1943 it was very badly damaged and much of the internal work and stored archives were lost.
185. Particular attention may be needed in ensuring a good correlation with related records stored on other media.
186. With such an iterative loop going, energy reinforcement and possible noise help decide the competition among stored possibilities.
187. Unlimited life goods are typically stored at historic cost in the balance sheet and there is no depreciation.
188. We also bought some of the extra virgin olive oil, stored in huge terracotta jars with wooden lids.
189. Long-term storage is favoured by environmentalists as less nuclear waste is produced, although spent fuel can not be stored indefinitely.
190. For example: a file is to be stored on a 3380 disk, fourteen records per track, starting at cylinder 23.
191. Two separate surveys found that many prepacked sandwiches were being stored at dangerously high temperatures, causing the spread of harmful bacteria.
192. On arrival in Edinburgh, the loans will be stored overnight in the Library's Strong Room.
193. Currently the building is dismantled and is stored at Bo'ness awaiting the day when the rebuilding operation can begin.
194. The seeds of Nuphar must be stored in cold surroundings, either covered with moss or buried in the sand.
195. Behind the carpet was a shallow recess in which the bedding was normally stored.
196. Each attribute or set of related attributes is stored in its own file.
197. This is the technique which detects stored energy in the crystal lattice of minerals, caused by natural radiation.
198. Radioactive waste needs to be stored for 25,000 years before it is harmless.
199. What had gone from the attic she could only guess, for she did not remember half the things they stored there.
200. If the exponent of a floating point number is zero, the number is stored in integer format in the mantissa.
201. The results of a search can be stored on a floppy disc or printed out.
202. Q.V. stamps of Great Britain failed to attract a buyer,[http:///stored.html] and is safely stored away for next year.
203. Unlike other memory chips, flash does not lose the stored contents when the computer is disconnected from a power supply.
204. Enlistedmen control the main military base, where the army's weapons are stored.
205. This might explain why discrepancies have emerged between patient records and stored embryos.
206. A gateway to the Sybase database allows developed applications to call procedures defined and stored in the Sybase database.
207. Most of the commingled corn is stored in grain elevators, said John Wichtrich, general manager for Aventis CropScience.
208. The water produced would be condensed and stored for recycling.
209. As the epithelial cells manufacture the thyroid hormones, the hormones are stored in the thyroglobulin molecule.
210. Kuo said the virus attacks the spot where the layout of its hard drive is stored.
211. Rolled oats, bran, and other ready-to-feed cereals are stored in 44-gallon drums with lids.
212. Mainly it's a guessing game, with model series stored only in the heads of salesmen.
213. The screen displays a list of the macros stored on your default disk drive.
214. The digitized images can be stored on a computer hard disk, or printed out on special photographic paper.
215. Contemporary archivists and historians may not be the best prepared to select which records should be stored for posterity.
216. Cuttings of general interest can be stored under different categories in box files.
217. Integer variables are stored in twos complement format with their least significant byte first.
218. By 10am, the potatoes have been boiled and roasted and stored in insulated containers.
219. The diskette service offers staff the possibility of browsing, searching, and running automated searches based on stored personal-interest profiles.
220. That the goods involved be stored in such a way that they are clearly identifiable.
221. For convenience, this information is not stored in human form, but in some magnetic or electronic device.
222. The read channel retrieves data stored on the disk and writes to the disk.
223. The ice was cut into blocks and stored in a special shed.
224. Recently, a friend of mine who's a teacher was looking through files of exam questions stored on a floppy disk.
225. Whilst files are stored in Mac format, MachTen will allow both Unix and Mac programs to share the same data simultaneously.
226. In many cases, information stored in computer systems is highly confidential.
227. Perhaps developments in electronically stored holograms will reduce the need to keep very large suites of specimens.
228. Good quality stencils can produce several hundred copies per run, and, if stored carefully, can be reused. 2.
229. Fireworks stored in a shed caught fire and caused a massive explosion.
230. Protein is stored in the body and blood fats increase steadily up to the time of birth.
231. Batch processes are designed to cater for five times as many entries as are currently stored in tables.
232. By 1985 at least half of them were lying idle[/stored.html], stored in warehouses because of shortages of skills and software programmes.
233. Sadly, even information specifically stored for secondary analysis can be marred by obscurities in definition that are not easily resolved.
234. His finished paintings were stored at the gallery, or in a room downstairs.
235. All the sewage is now stored within enclosed containers rather than in open beds and the company also intend enclosing the plant inlet.
236. It enables moving pictures as well as text and graphics to be stored on compact disks.
237. The home medicine chest Every Koi keeper should have one of these, stored in a cool, dark place.
238. I stored a lot of food in my icebox.
239. All materials that cannot be mounted immediately shall be stored on the laydown yard.
240. Fats and carbohydrates are stored as the adipose tissues of the body.
241. The first was the so - called stored program concept.
242. The password information is stored in your personal key - container list.
243. Temporarily dampening inhibition enhances a form of learning called long-term potentiation —the process by which information is stored through the strengthening of synapses.
244. Events are queued and if indexable, indexed and stored for user access through the search engine.
245. Page-tables can normally be stored only in low memory on 32-bit machines.
246. All fruit can be stored in a fruit bowl or basket on the counter-but be sure to store the bananas away from other produce.
247. The results showed that liquor stored in open-air pottery demijohn could shorten aging time and improve liquor quality.
248. Making ActiveRecord work with the MagLev DB is a highly desirable goal, although there are portions of the ActiveRecord API that assume object state is stored in an SQL based RDB.
249. The hot water it produces is stored in a 1000 litre insulated tank.
250. As source statements are typed, they are manipulated by an editor program and stored on disk.
251. SPIN adopts the partial order reduction strategy to reduce the number of system states that needs to be visited and stored in the state space to solve the model checking problem.
252. Light sensitive product. Product should be stored in dry cool and dark area. Keep away from heat and light source to obtain maximum shelf life.
253. The details of the ordinary business activity of an organization are recorded and stored in its records system, regularly and in the course of its normal business activity.
254. The thermal energy stored in the mixed vapours is intended to be converted to mechanical energy in a thermal power machine, in order to operate an electrical generator.
255. Country codes often require matching a catalogue file against a list of codes stored in a separate file.
256. Persistent object can be stored in Object-Oriented Database directly, or be transferred into Relational Model to be persisted in Relational Database.
257. The configuration files of the controlling FPGA are stored in a serial EEPROM.
258. At high rates of discharge, it could handle 75 percent of its normal capacity, and still stored a third of its regular capacity when discharged at over a thousand times the normal rate.
259. java -Xshareclasses:printAllStats: Use this command to list the shared class cache statistics, including AOT code stored and the space occupied.
260. The data folder information could not stored in registry. Reinstall the data.
261. With the development of the railway informatization, plentiful data has collected and stored in the freight bill information system which acts as the sub-system of the railway information system.
262. In portable mode all configuration data is stored in application folder and no information is written to the registry. Does not support file association.
263. The Distributed Common Ground System-Army (DCGS-A) software is designed to link intelligence analysts to processed communications intercepts[http:///stored.html], imagery and radar collections stored in massive databases.
264. Finally the code in Listing 14 handles the secure deletion of the decrypted text file to remove any clear text information stored on disk.
265. Private or confidential documents stored in the Web site's document tree may fall into the hands of unauthorized individuals.
266. By means of the symmetry of sine and the relation between the address of the ROM and the data of the output, we can get the whole circle of the sine wave form with only 1/4 circle stored in the ROM.
267. In this system, the image of the holes on the spinneret were zoomed in and stored for post-processing.
268. These products are normally bought and stored carefully out of reach of children.
269. Minus seventy degree Celsius stored samples have a storage life of five years.
270. Of course, because such a class is not reusable for more than one data type, you lose the benefits of generalization, and you have to rewrite the class for each type that will be stored.
271. Iron is released from the heme moiety and either stored in the macrophage as ferritin or hemosiderin, or released into the circulation for transport back to the marrow.
272. The subroutine that deals cards is stored on the same library.
273. Most proteins in seeds are stored for the purpose of fetation, for instance: wheat, corn, rice and broomcorn , etc.
274. The power head can ensure that the air-pressure type needleless injector can be stored for a long term.
275. Line 1: The mail requests are stored in this global variable, so that we can make test assertions about the supposedly sent mail.
276. According to the design structure of circuit CAD software, data are putted into the routing program by text file and are stored in data chain.
277. On both the ripening paddy and the paddy fresh harvested and stored, we find the symbiotic and parasitic field fungi to be the dominant while saprophytic storage fungi are seldom discovered.
278. When the Sun goes down, the microbe's nitrogenase enzyme kicks into action, using the energy stored in the glycogen to fix nitrogen from the air into ammonia. Hydrogen is formed as a by-product.
278. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
279. Inga's mind just happens to access information stored away in her brain, while Otto's mind draws on information stored in his notebook.
280. The control information (user name, uploaded file information, and file reference id) is stored in server using an XML document (DocumentManger.xml).
281. The stored procedure schema is always replicated to the Subscribers.




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