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单词 Illegitimate
1. About 68 per cent of illegitimate births were jointly registered by both parents.
2. The rebels regard the official parliament as illegitimate.
3. The election was dismissed as illegitimate by the opposition.
4. It is quite illegitimate to argue that the government had no choice.
5. The mother of an illegitimate child had no legal recourse to the father.
6. Also patron of illegitimate children and medical social workers.
7. Many of these insurance claims are illegitimate.
8. Men separated from their women father illegitimate children.
9. Francis's illegitimate daughter, Anna, was there with her boyfriend.
10. We're not peppering the world with illegitimate children.
11. He also had an illegitimate son, Chrysippus.
12. Anyway, lots of really famous people had illegitimate children.
13. Celie's loss is that of her illegitimate children.
14. The doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty was illegitimate, if not incomprehensible, to Rousseau.
15. If a widow had an illegitimate child, outdoor relief was likely to be stopped altogether.
16. In the last century, mothers of illegitimate babies could be declared insane.
17. Between 1977 and 1987 illegitimate births increased from 55,400 to 158,400; 76 percent of this increase was in jointly registered births.
18. The family was an illegitimate branch of the Yorkshire Hoptons, being descended from Sir Robert Swillington by his mistress Joan Hopton.
19. The illegitimate son of a maidservant, Frank Roberts was born at Edinburgh in 1915.
20. Some of them pretend they're the illegitimate sons of noblemen, and some of them pretend some one else did the murder.
21. It is quite illegitimate to treat a person in such a situation as a mere swindler.
22. Yet he made no attempt to harass the driver into any illegitimate speed.
23. In the mid-1980s, about one-third of first births are illegitimate as was discussed in chapter 3.
24. In the early 1970s the normal response to a pre-marital conception was marriage; abortion or illegitimate birth were less favoured alternatives.
25. Culture will specify the relations that exist within the organisation and define what is to count as legitimate or illegitimate behaviour.
26. A few days after they had learnt that Haroun was the illegitimate son of Jazali an extraordinary thing had happened.
27. It is unmarried women in their late 20s who have the highest risk of illegitimate birth.
28. The point is that violence is a necessary part of human interaction with the non-human world, but absolutely illegitimate within it.
29. During the interview, he also addressed allegations that he has an illegitimate daughter.
30. When he died aged 85, his young mistress and 10 illegitimate children inherited his money.
1. About 68 per cent of illegitimate births were jointly registered by both parents.
2. It is quite illegitimate to argue that the government had no choice.
31. Symkyn's father-in-law is the village parson, which means, of course, that Symkyn's wife is of illegitimate birth.
32. John F.. Kennedy won by a hair and under questionable circumstances, yet his presidency was never considered illegitimate.
33. In a Newcastle study, more than 70 percent of first illegitimate pregnancies were followed by another.
34. Harry's oblique reappearance comes in the form of his illegitimate daughter Annabelle.
35. It is tempting, but completely illegitimate, to slide from analysis of the production of official solutions to their implementation.
36. Another uncle, Ignacio, offers to take Manuel Gustavo on as his own illegitimate son.
37. Trying artificially to separate politics and management, or treat the former as an illegitimate intrusion, is naive.
38. The power conferred upon corporate managers by the business company was potentially unchecked and hence illegitimate within the framework of liberal democracy.
39. In 1960, 2 percent of white births and 22 percent of black births were illegitimate.
40. From such perspectives, requirements for any further debt repayments are immoral and illegitimate.
41. During that time Clint openly lived with blonde Sondra and fathered an illegitimate daughter Kimber in 1964.
42. The peers recognized that the salespeople often saw their requests as unimportant or even illegitimate.
43. He never married, but had an illegitimate son, Hezekiah Knowles.
44. His illegitimate son Cesare had difficulty in being accepted for the priesthood until granted dispensation.
45. It also ranks highly in terms of total fertility, illegitimate births and the number of elderly people.
46. She too had brought an illegitimate daughter to the union, and died giving birth to Godwin's own daughter Mary.
47. By defining the conquest as the origin story, and then by portraying it as illegitimate, Royce took a considerable risk.
48. The Guardian of Feb. 29 reported that the foreign intelligence service had been disbanded following allegations of illegitimate espionage and fraud.
49. In the 1980s abortion or illegitimate birth have been the most likely outcomes.
50. Would the promise of a complete stranger to pay a mother to maintain her illegitimate child be binding on the promisor?
51. We are beginning to see what happens when Church teaching is ignored: illegitimate births, suicide, depression,[] divorce.
52. For the historian it is equally illegitimate to overlook what they had in common as it is to neglect the differences.
53. Furthermore, it sets out the proper responses to the exhibition and precludes others as illegitimate and inappropriate to the subject.
54. Among black teenagers 82 percent of all births were illegitimate in 1980.
55. In 1994 the magazine published pictures of President Franc ois Mitterrand's illegitimate daughter.
56. Lately he had taken an interest in a younger woman who had borne an illegitimate child and been abandoned by her lover.
57. He died in 1574, leaving the property to his illegitimate daughter Hester, who married Lord Wooton.
58. The market egalitarianism argument fails to draw a distinction between the legitimate and illegitimate use of non public price sensitive information.
59. Though not under a legal liability to maintain his illegitimate child, the father is under a moral duty to do so.
60. The presence of an illegitimate child to that elder brother had been kept a dark secret.
61. Yet how little concern is expressed within the church over this illegitimate use of power by men.
62. We refer, of course, to the existence of her illegitimate son.
63. An illegitimate child; a bastard.
64. The agency made illegitimate use of public funds.
65. In this sentence the writer uses an illegitimate construction.
66. Generally speaking, illegitimate children don't have happy childhoods.
67. illegitimate use of company property.
68. Perhaps she was an illegitimate daughter.
69. Stalin was the illegitimate child of a landlord by a servant-maid.
70. Therefore, Hsin-up pleading Jane Zhang, and even an illegitimate child can not be Oh, otherwise, would die of!
71. The article gives an account of the systems formation of legitimate childs renouncement and illegitimate childs recognition, which is one of the most important Laws of Domestic Relation.
72. King of England (1035-1040). The illegitimate son of Canute, Harold claimed the English throne after his father's death.
73. They adhered to an old-fashioned and somewhat puritanical morality , and criticized their friend Ingrid Bergman for destroying her film career by having an illegitimate child with Roberto Rossellini .
74. He sought illegitimate support from the government for the election.
75. The only global organization UN is a toothless lion that has been hijacked by those power inebriated countries who conceived it to legitimize their illegitimate actions.
76. They adhered to an old-fashioned and somewhat puritanical morality, and criticized their friend Ingrid Bergman for destroying her film career by having an illegitimate child with Roberta Rossellini.
77. Court case to order the father of an illegitimate child to provide for the child's maintenance.
78. Illegitimate child. Old, denigrating ,[http:///illegitimate.html] and now obsolete term for the child of an unmarried mother.
79. An accused adulterer, Harding was the subject of a best-selling memoir from a woman claiming to be his mistress and mother of his illegitimate daughter.
80. Hollywood star Jane Seymour has claimed Arnold Schwarzenegger has at least 2 more illegitimate children that he has kept secret from the world, the Daily Mail of London reported.
81. The mother - of - nine has publicly spoken of her pain at discovering he fathered an illegitimate child.
82. Then advantages and disadvantages of these legislations are anglicized to provide experience for the perfection of illegitimate child protection legislation in our country.
83. From 1875, English law required both the presence and consent of the father when the birth of an illegitimate child was registered in order for his name to be put on the certificate.
84. He was the father of three legitimate children; and more than twenty illegitimate!
85. He also lingers over the oddly aloof version of intimacy he fashioned with Deborah Read, his semiliterate wife, and his illegitimate son, William, whom he would raise but eventually disown.
86. Illegitimate child claim system is an important system of the family law.
87. Your ideological views are really altogether illegitimate, if not to say quite idiotic.
88. Their talk never matched their walk , thus illegitimate child of hypocrisy.
89. Quite possibly, a few English waifs and strays, especially those of illegitimate birth, came to America, lacking or not knowing their family names.
90. Children who are illegitimate can nevertheless inherit from their parents.
91. An illegitimate child, she grew up in the slums of Naples during wartime in dire poverty.
92. Of course you know that we no longer accept illegitimate government within the subregion, he said.
93. Lancelot and Elaine had an illegitimate son, Galahad, who became a famous knight of the Round Table.
94. For the comparison method, the legislations of illegitimate child protection in other countries and regions are reviewed to broaden horizon in this area.
95. I'm intelligent enough to know I don't have any military power to bargain for this kind of illegitimate money.
96. It is hardly an exaggeration to maintain that illegitimate plants are hybrids.
97. Albert Einstein (who Redniss points out had earlier fathered an illegitimate child with a former student) had a different view.
98. They represented a ruthless and illegitimate regime that could not remain forever.
99. China says Taiwan is an illegitimate breakaway province that must accept reunification, by force if necessary.
100. Secondly, at the multi-flower level, the illegitimate spatial matching of sexual organs was increased in monomorphic populations.
101. Clapton was raised by his grandmother who he thought was his mother until age 9 when he learned that his "sister" was actually is mom and he was an illegitimate child.
102. There were rumors though that he was an illegitimate child. Shuya wasn't interested, so he never bothered to find out more.
103. When Jobs had his own illegitimate child, also at the age of 23, he too struggled with his responsibilities.
104. With the emergence and development of illegitimate child claim system, illegitimate children's status enhances gradually, and their legitimate rights and interests are effectively safeguarded.
105. A port operator shall not make a monopoly of the operation or conduct illegitimate competition and shall not by any means compel another person to accept the port services he provides.
106. He rhapsodized about physics and music with her, called her his Dolly and fathered her illegitimate child--a sickly girl who may have died in infancy or been given up for adoption.
107. They decided to have a baby and married so I should not be an illegitimate.
108. At Francois Mitterand's funeral, his wife, mistress and illegitimate daughter all publically mourned the President.
109. She said, you are an illegitimate daughter, also have no shame to find people to support you.
110. Mazarine Marie Pingeot-Mitterrand, the illegitimate daughter of late President of France Mitterrand, became a prominent French socialist and novelist (see photo), UK media reported.
111. So, female worker is illegitimate when Yo, cannot enjoy birth treatment according to the regulation of labour insurance byelaw, the time that its need to recuperate need not grant wage.
112. She later sought to backpedal by insisting that the settlements remained “illegitimate”.
113. They might have been illegitimate and unrecognized children of Garou wanderers.
114. Article 1068 repeals the restrictions on an illegitimate child who may claim acknowledgement from his or her natural father.
115. Started this blog. In February of this year, I started this blog. It has since become my illegitimate child (it's taken on a life of its own).
116. No drug abuse, alcoholic addictiveness, untidiness , or illegitimate act is permitted for a lodger , please.




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