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单词 Noise
1. It's the empty can that makes the most noise
2. Empty vessels make the most noise
3. Don’t make any noise while you work, but use your brain. 
4. An empty barrel makes more noise than a full one. 
5. Stop rocking the chair;you are making so much noise.
6. She was awoken by the noise.
7. The noise awoke me from my sleep.
8. The hill echoed back the noise of the shot.
9. The noise was beginning to irritate me intensely.
10. Lots of people have complained about the noise.
11. He found the noise of the photographers a distraction.
12. There is too much noise in this class.
13. Loud noise can impair your hearing.
14. The noise would have provoked alarm and neighbourly concern.
15. 'What was that noise?' 'I'll go and investigate.'
16. Please stop making that noise?it's getting annoying.
17. The noise aroused the sleeping guard.
17. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
18. The noise of a door slamming wakened her.
19. I was exasperated by all the noise.
20. I'd like to make a complaint about the noise.
21. The noise diverted our attention from the books.
22. I can't concentrate with all that noise going on.
23. I wondered what that noise was.
24. He screamed at the children for making noise.
25. The sudden noise frightened the birds to take wing.
26. Noise is a curse of modern city life.
27. The traffic noise kept me awake.
28. The noise of the typewriters deafened her.
29. The noise was keeping everyone awake.
30. It is with narrow-minded people as with narrow-necked bottle; the less they have in them the more noise they make in pouring out. 
1. The noise awoke me from my sleep.
2. Lots of people have complained about the noise.
3. There is too much noise in this class.
4. The noise would have provoked alarm and neighbourly concern.
5. 'What was that noise?' 'I'll go and investigate.'
6. Please stop making that noise?it's getting annoying.
7. The noise of a door slamming wakened her.
8. The noise ceased at last.
9. I'd like to make a complaint about the noise.
10. The noise diverted our attention from the books.
11. I can't concentrate with all that noise going on.
12. I wondered what that noise was.
13. Noise is a curse of modern city life.
14. The traffic noise kept me awake.
15. The noise of the typewriters deafened her.
16. The noise was keeping everyone awake.
17. The slightest noise will wake him.
17. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
18. A thick wall keeps the noise at bay.
19. The laboratory was well insulated against all outside noise.
20. Noise outside distracted her mind from her studies.
21. The noise out in the street was deafening.
22. It was impossible to sleep because of the noise.
23. One wheel makes a horrible squeaking noise.
24. She heard a noise outside.
25. I couldn't sleep because of the noise.
26. 'Did you complain about the noise?' 'Naturally.'
27. Listen! There's a strange noise in the engine.
28. The noise of the wind made her cries inaudible.
29. The noise is offensive to the ear.
30. 'What was that noise?' he gasped.
31. Don't make so much noise. I'm working.
32. The slightest noise will wake him.
33. A thick wall keeps the noise at bay.
34. The laboratory was well insulated against all outside noise.
35. Noise outside distracted her mind from her studies.
36. The noise out in the street was deafening.
37. It was impossible to sleep because of the noise.
38. One wheel makes a horrible squeaking noise.
39. That noise is driving me crackers/making me go crackers.
40. We must abate the noise in our big cities.
41. I couldn't sleep because of the noise.
42. Their ceaseless noise annoyed the neighbours.
43. 'Did you complain about the noise?' 'Naturally.'
44. The noise would drive anyone scatty.
45. Listen! There's a strange noise in the engine.
46. Tell that kid to stop making so much noise.
47. The noise of the wind made her cries inaudible.
47. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
48. A silencer quietens the noise of the engine.
49. The noise is offensive to the ear.
50. 'What was that noise?' he gasped.
51. I heard a curious noise last night.
52. The noise frightened the birds away.
53. The baby seemed quite unconcerned by the noise.
54. The steam escaped with a loud hissing noise.
55. Listen! What's that noise? Can you hear it?
56. The noise became less and less.
57. The noise of the children was irritating me.
58. Work hard in silence. Let your success be your noise.
59. He shivered as he heard the strange noise in the night.
60. One of the neighbors complained about the noise from the party.
31. I heard a curious noise last night.
32. The baby seemed quite unconcerned by the noise.
33. Don't make so much noise.
34. The steam escaped with a loud hissing noise.
35. Listen! What's that noise? Can you hear it?
36. The noise became less and less.
37. The noise of the children was irritating me.
38. He shivered as he heard the strange noise in the night.
39. One of the neighbors complained about the noise from the party.
40. Please take the children out, their noise is making my head ache.
41. Try not to make a noise when you go upstairs.
42. We had to shout above the noise of the traffic.
43. The noise in the street distracted me from my reading.
44. I was woken by the noise of a car starting up.
45. They were making the most tremendous amount of noise last night.
46. Don't make too much noise or you'll scare away the birds.
47. She was awakened by a noise at two in the morning.
47. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
48. It's just as well you're not here - you wouldn't like the noise.
49. The garden was a haven from the noise and bustle of the city.
50. The car made a strange noise and then jerked to a halt.
51. The house's windows are double-glazed to muffle the noise of aircraft.
52. Some of the neighbours have complained about the noise from our party.
53. With a low-pitched rumbling noise, the propeller began to rotate.
54. I love the noise of the waves on the shingle.
55. Keeping noise levels low is the bane of airport administration.
56. The noise made it hard for me to focus on work.
57. If you don't stop that noise, you'll get a spanking !
58. The top stair creaked as she went upstairs and the noise woke up her mother.
59. They were made to listen to white noise, such as static of the sort you might pick up between radio stations.
60. The noise of the fire alarm resounded through/throughout the building.
61. Please take the children out, their noise is making my head ache.
62. Go placidly, amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
63. Try not to make a noise when you go upstairs.
64. We had to shout above the noise of the traffic.
65. The noise in the street distracted me from my reading.
66. I was woken by the noise of a car starting up.
67. They were making the most tremendous amount of noise last night.
68. The child was bewildered by the noise and the crowds.
69. Don't make too much noise or you'll scare away the birds.
70. She was awakened by a noise at two in the morning.
71. It's just as well you're not here - you wouldn't like the noise.
72. The garden was a haven from the noise and bustle of the city.
73. The car made a strange noise and then jerked to a halt.
74. The house's windows are double-glazed to muffle the noise of aircraft.
75. Some of the neighbours have complained about the noise from our party.
76. With a low-pitched rumbling noise, the propeller began to rotate.
77. I love the noise of the waves on the shingle.
77. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
78. Keeping noise levels low is the bane of airport administration.
79. Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.
80. The noise made it hard for me to focus on work.
81. If you don't stop that noise, you'll get a spanking !
82. The top stair creaked as she went upstairs and the noise woke up her mother.
83. They were made to listen to white noise, such as static of the sort you might pick up between radio stations.
84. The noise of the fire alarm resounded through/throughout the building.
85. Listen to the noise of the wind in the trees.
86. His ears are attuned to the noise of a big city.
87. He made a frightened noise a little like the miaow of a cat.
88. I've got to see about the car.It's been making a funny noise recently.
89. The water made a gurgling noise as it ran down the drain.
90. Every sound was muffled, every noise changed to something soft and musical. No more tramping hoofs, no more rattling wheels! Only the chiming of the sleigh-bells, beating as swift and merrily as the hearts of children.
61. Listen to the noise of the wind in the trees.
62. What an infernal noise!
63. He made a frightened noise a little like the miaow of a cat.
64. The water made a gurgling noise as it ran down the drain.
65. There are substantial fines for exceeding permitted levels of noise pollution.
66. She heard the eerie noise of the wind howling through the trees.
67. We got used to the constant noise of the traffic.
68. You should have heard the audience applaud - the noise was fantastic.
69. The building work is creating constant noise, dust and disturbance.
70. The noise fetched him from the cellar.
71. The noise interrupted us in our conversation.
72. Does the noise of the TV inconvenience you?
73. The typical lawn mower makes about 90 decibels of noise.
74. The noise was audible even above the roar of the engines.
75. I deduced from the noise that the dog had woken up.
76. The horse shied at the loud noise and threw its rider.
77. The waves washed over the sea embankment with a loud crashing noise.
77. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
78. The noise that trunks and ambulances made in the street rankles me every day.
91. There are substantial fines for exceeding permitted levels of noise pollution.
92. She heard the eerie noise of the wind howling through the trees.
93. We got used to the constant noise of the traffic.
94. Please don't make any noise — my mother's a very light sleeper.
95. You should have heard the audience applaud - the noise was fantastic.
96. The noise was so loud that she put wads of cotton wool in her ears.
97. Don't let the noise scare you; it's only the wind.
98. The building work is creating constant noise, dust and disturbance.
99. If you close that door, you can shut the noise in.
100. Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of other's opinion drown your own inner voice.
101. Clive made a noise, something like a grunt.
102. The noise is barely detectable by the human ear.
103. That noise is driving/sending me up the wall.
104. The noise doesn't seem to worry them.
105. The machine is making a very funny noise.
106. Thick walls deaden the noise from the street.
107. The merest noise is enough to wake her.
107. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
108. The noise came at us from all sides.
109. Her voice was barely audible above the noise.
110. Noise from the disco reached 110 decibels.
111. That noise is driving me crackers.
112. He made a loud, explosive noise of disgust.
113. She tensed, hearing the noise again.
114. Wood is used to deaden the noise.
115. I'm frightfully sorry about the noise last night.
116. Marion berated Joe for the noise he made.
117. The traffic noise was muted by the heavy drapes.
118. I've been onto the council about the noise.
119. She was making a lot of noise.
120. The loud noise from the nearby factory chafed him.
121. What in God's name was that noise?
122. That sudden noise made me jump.
123. I don't know how you tolerate that noise!
124. The noise redoubled, and sleep was out of the question.
125. They claim the noise from the new airport is an intrusion on their lives.
126. They complained about the excessive noise coming from the upstairs flat.
127. The wood panelling in the rooms deadened any noise from outside.
128. I could hear the distant noise of traffic. Otherwise all was still.
129. The noise from next door is getting a bit much.
130. The noise of traffic is a constant irritant to city dwellers.
131. When I eventually stopped and lifted the bonnet, the noise seemed to be coming from the alternator.
132. There was a heavy thudding noise against the bedroom door.
133. The report recommends further reductions in air and noise emissions.
134. We can deaden the noise of the room with thick walls.
135. I told the boys off for making so much noise.
136. People are campaigning to abate the noise in our cities.
137. Of course the dog makes such a noise, the poor creature is chained up all day.
137. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
138. Loud noise can damage the delicate membrane in the ear.
139. Her voice was scarcely audible above the noise of the wind.
140. He hated the noise and always fired up at the sound.
141. He fired into the air, hoping that the noise would frighten them off.
142. Occasionally scree fell in a shower of dust and noise.
143. She was acutely aware of the noise of the city.
144. Keep the noise down - you're giving me a headache!
145. We couldn't hear what they were saying on the tape - there was too much background noise.
146. They did make a belated attempt to reduce the noise.
147. Flying at 1,000 ft. he heard a peculiar noise from the rotors.
148. The noise of hammering was dulled by the secondary glazing.
149. We had trouble with our neighbors over the noise that they were making.
150. I heard a noise and woke up rigid with terror.
151. I deduced from the noise that the dog had woken up.
152. That's just it-I can't work when you're making so much noise.
153. The horse shied at the loud noise and threw its rider.
154. The noise of the distant fight breezed up louder than ever.
155. 'What?' he yelled over the noise of the engine and the wind.
156. I can't endure her endless complaint noise a moment longer.
157. Our dog took fright at the noise of the fireworks and ran indoors.
158. The driver deadened the noise of the car with a new muffler.




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