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单词 Uneasy
1. 90% of those questioned felt uneasy about nuclear power.
2. I'm uneasy in my mind about the future.
3. He looked uneasy and refused to answer questions.
4. His presence made her feel uneasy.
5. Don't be uneasy about the consequence.
6. She felt uneasy about leaving the children with them.
7. We were starting to grow slightly uneasy.
8. She had an uneasy feeling that something terrible was going to happen.
9. She had an uneasy feeling that they were still following her.
10. I felt vaguely uneasy.
11. I feel a bit uneasy about asking her to do me such a big favour.
12. She felt uneasy when the children did not come home.
13. After months of negotiations, they have reached an uneasy compromise.
14. He was beginning to feel distinctly uneasy about their visit.
15. The argument resolved itself into an uneasy truce.
16. As the questioning continued, he became fidgety and uneasy.
17. Geoff looked uneasy and awkward.
18. The treaty restored an uneasy peace to the country.
19. I am uneasy about this decision.
20. He felt uneasy at acute piercing sound.
21. An uneasy calm has settled over Los Angeles.
22. She eventually fell into an uneasy sleep.
23. An uneasy silence settled over the room.
24. An uneasy calm descended on the area.
25. She clocked that the manager was uneasy this morning.
26. We were all a touch uneasy, I think.
26. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
27. Her question was met with an uneasy silence.
28. The nuclear deterrent has maintained an uneasy peace.
29. I looked at the motley bunch we were sailing with and began to feel uneasy about the trip.
30. The fighting of recent days has given way to an uneasy truce between the two sides.
1. 90% of those questioned felt uneasy about nuclear power.
2. He looked uneasy and refused to answer questions.
3. His presence made her feel uneasy.
4. She felt uneasy about leaving the children with them.
5. We were starting to grow slightly uneasy.
6. She had an uneasy feeling that something terrible was going to happen.
7. I looked at the motley bunch we were sailing with and began to feel uneasy about the trip.
8. She had an uneasy feeling that they were still following her.
9. I felt vaguely uneasy.
10. I feel a bit uneasy about asking her to do me such a big favour.
11. The fighting of recent days has given way to an uneasy truce between the two sides.
12. She felt uneasy when the children did not come home.
13. After months of negotiations, they have reached an uneasy compromise.
14. He was beginning to feel distinctly uneasy about their visit.
15. I am uneasy about this decision.
16. He felt uneasy at acute piercing sound.
17. The nuclear deterrent has maintained an uneasy peace.
18. He feels uneasy today.
31. Mollie gave an uneasy little titter.
32. It's the big unknowns that make insurance companies uneasy.
33. An uneasy peace continued until 1939.
34. She has a rather uneasy relationship with her mother-in-law.
35. The two sides eventually reached an uneasy compromise.
36. She felt uneasy with her new in-laws .
37. Her disquiet made us uneasy too.
38. An uneasy truce prevailed between them at dinner.
39. After the recent riots, an uneasy calm has settled on the city.
40. There was one thing that made me very uneasy after hearing what he had said.
41. Richard was uneasy about how best to approach his elderly mother.
42. The uneasy alliance between such different people just cannot last.
43. After the bomb, an uneasy calm settled on the city.
44. I had an uneasy feeling that sb. was watching me.
45. Russia's presidential campaign sputtered to an uneasy close on Monday.
46. Who can predict how long this uneasy peace between the two countries will last?
47. They had an uneasy suspicion that all was not well.
48. There was an uneasy truce between Alex and Dave over dinner.
49. There was a short period of uneasy calm after the riot. It can also be used to describe a person's manner:She spoke with icy calm. Calmness is usually used to talk about a person:We admired his calmness under pressure.
50. He feels uneasy today.
51. His triumph was overshadowed by an uneasy sense of foreboding.
52. I had an uneasy feeling that he was going to spoil it.
53. An uneasy peace prevailed in the first days of the ceasefire.
54. I can't help feeling just a mite uneasy about it.
55. The uneasy alliance between these two men offered a glimmer of hope.
56. Things seemed quiet enough,[http:///uneasy.html] but it was an uneasy calm.
57. They passed an uneasy night waiting for news from the hospital.
58. They were awed by him and looked at each other in uneasy admiration.
59. Old farmhouses and new villas stood together in uneasy proximity.
60. I felt distinctly uneasy about lending her so much money.
61. She woke from an uneasy sleep to find the house empty.
62. Even Government high priests are uneasy.
63. Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.
64. He seems very silent and uneasy.
65. Some managers were decidedly uneasy about the changes.
66. Danny and his lawyer exchanged uneasy looks.
67. The whole concept of wealth made her distinctly uneasy.
68. She was uneasy about going to the pet shop.
69. There was a strange, uneasy peace in the city.
70. Many people are uneasy in the company of strangers.
71. She appeared pensive and uneasy after the visit.
72. We feel uneasy at momentous events.
73. It will be an uneasy settling of accounts.
74. A multi-racial couple in the crowd look distinctly uneasy.
75. Bewildered and uneasy(), she searches the past for clues.
76. She thought she was glad when they left, but in fact she was more uneasy than ever.
77. Something had made her uneasy; perhaps the recent cascade of letters from Maxime du Camp.
78. And if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that He would have such an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt His existence. Bertrand Russell 
79. This uneasy halfway house is fair game for the worst excesses of journalism.
80. Between them, Ickes and Morris represent the uneasy coalition of the Democratic base and centrists that Clinton requires for victory.
81. The result was an uneasy compromise, in which for some meetings there would be a chairperson, in others not.
82. The truth was that the peace between them was an uneasy one.
83. It is certainly the case that sentencing practice to the present day has manifested an uneasy and uneven relationship between the two.
84. He was clearly uneasy as he peered down the rocky slope.
85. It was an uneasy switch from the difficulties of homeowners to a light-hearted story about hard-up baboons staging hold-ups of passing cars.
86. Typical of the uneasy compromises that resulted was the Ten Articles of Faith laid down by convocation in 1536.
86. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
87. For the past half-hour she had been feeling distinctly uneasy as the ever-present shadows had deepened into almost impenetrable blackness.
88. We Brits are terribly prudish and you may be, as I was, a little uneasy at first.
89. Some traders are made uneasy by the nature of the buying seen during the past few days.
90. Other parents complained that he hurt their children and these complaints made the staff feel challenged and uneasy.
91. The relationship of progressive rock and the counterculture is thus uneasy and internally contradictory.
92. After the devastation an uneasy peace settled over the Empire.
93. The result throughout this period was a continuous struggle between republican and Orangist groups and an uneasy oscillation of power between them.
94. By then he was unofficially resident and working abroad, and in uneasy relations with the Soviet authorities.
95. It was so intense and we were both so strung up, uneasy about it.
96. Gilligan's work also emphasizes psychology's uneasy relationship with male-identified science.
97. It was downright sinister and the fact that Glyn had picked up on her uneasy feelings left her more uneasy still.
98. But it is an uneasy calm, expectant of imminent, enormous change.
99. For some who have seen the entire episode develop, it practically drips with an uneasy feeling.
100. An uneasy contradiction, none the less, cuts across this apparent serenity.
101. Rothermere, a much bigger newspaper owner, supported Beaverbrook in uneasy alliance.
102. And I have an uneasy feeling that this stance is becoming a handicap in the modern world, like not being computer-literate.
103. Instead of being uneasy or anxious or angry, I suddenly relished the thought of calculated confrontation.
104. The anytime / anyplace business world leaves those whose position in the old hierarchy gave them status and power upset and uneasy.
105. This uneasy county lies north of Dublin and south of the Border.
106. As the new millennium dawned and women came steadily closer to the top, executives at the summit began to grow uneasy.
107. Gordon explained that I would be permitted to remain under a set of conditions that obviously represented an uneasy compromise.
108. Meanwhile the nation's uneasy racial past continues to rise noisily to the surface.
109. Ironically, some eugenics leaders were uneasy about their alliance because they felt it could compromise their then-respectable public image.
110. There was a sort of uneasy complaisance in their relationship now.
111. It was against this uneasy background that independence was celebrated in a brief euphoria which all too soon evaporated.
112. The long reach of the gene An uneasy tension disturbs the heart of the selfish gene theory.
113. Here they share an uneasy border with intuition and mystique.
114. Five years on, they have reached an uneasy compromise of separate stages, each with its own cast of characters.
115. There are three aspects of the reaction to the epidemic in Britain that make me terribly uneasy.
116. Perhaps the most conspicuous feature of the early 790s, however, was the often uneasy relations between the two rulers.
117. However, the sudden chill loss of her also made him uneasy.
118. There have been a few uneasy ripples around the cricket fields of Glamorgan this season, of course.
119. Unlucky-looking people made them uneasy and even tempted some to assume the role of misfortune.
120. As soon as she felt secure in a relationship, she began to feel restless and uneasy.
121. They lay there watching me pull on warm clothes for the trip, making me feel uneasy and a little guilty.
122. Many staff feel uneasy with subjects such as sex education.
123. Her husband, she says, comes from a very closely knit family and so she continues to feel uneasy.
124. The result was the uneasy compromise between deterrent and retributive aims that characterised neoclassicism.
125. To either side old farmhouses and new villas stood in uneasy proximity.
126. He felt very uneasy about entering this dark building with an ill-tempered stranger.
127. Of course Harry was happy for Jack, but in the midst of that happiness he was also uneasy.
128. Sarah too was uneasy about concealing her love for Joe.
129. Buchanan makes many Hispanics uneasy because of his tough statements against immigration.
130. But some in the movement were uneasy about viewing realism primarily as an appeal to a social scientific approach to law.
131. The same uneasy juxtaposition of man and technology is evident if you take the lift in a department store.
132. Thomas Cranmer and Aleister Crowley were held in uneasy balance in his sympathies.
133. Although some black groups called for a boycott of the curfew, it had the effect of restoring an uneasy calm.
134. There's an uneasy sense of being lulled into an acceptance of the unacceptable in Gregory's work.
135. But she did not leave them uneasy with the social order or moping with guilt over their comfortable circumstances in life.
136. With an uneasy peace prevailing along the border the international community launched a series of missions to defuse the crisis.
137. Naked emotion grants the work an uneasy power - but at times it feels like special pleading.
138. It seems that Freemantle was uneasy about poems which even in the most literal sense made the poet look bad.
139. I have felt increasingly uneasy about such motions in recent months.
140. Sam Fong felt uneasy; he expected them to conic over and ask him who was the keenest chap in the store.
141. But after a hurriedly arranged meeting, involving the national gipsy council(), an uneasy truce was reached.
142. But now the ship was almost ready and though the uneasy peace remained intact, soon it would be broken.
143. He filled up the doorway with his uneasy bulk and there was defiance in his eyes.
144. Public finance and expenditure Relationships between oil companies and host Governments have frequently been uneasy and sometimes open conflicts have developed.
145. Although not intransigent, Wash was clearly uneasy about the specific link with Bedfordshire as the precedent to establish a principle.
146. If this makes you uneasy,[http://] think about distributing a little preemptive baksheesh as a goodwill gesture.
147. I felt restless, uneasy in that haunted, creaking manor house.
148. He complimented the King upon his herbaceous borders, but otherwise was uneasy.
149. It made him uneasy to think that a false impression was the basis for his hiring.
150. Dana had been too determined to avoid her, and Claudia's finely tuned senses told her Dana was uneasy.
151. Such a person will never quite feel at home in the larger social field, but always uneasy and even slightly paranoid.
152. I'd been waiting for forty minutes and I was beginning to grow uneasy.
153. A nervous laugh, because she was beginning to feel uneasy.
154. So complete was this victory that it ensured a kind of uneasy peace for nearly three years.
155. The position of public servants must be uneasy when the Cabinet is zealous to prune expenditure.
156. Fonti was understandably uneasy about answering questions relating to Mafia activities.
157. The sergeant felt uneasy while he and Blanche stood on the drawbridge.
158. Its berries glistened red under the burnish of the breeze, which came in uneasy gusts from the south and east.
159. But diploidy is an uneasy partnership between two sets of genes, and when partnerships end, things often get acrimonious.
160. For most of my life I had been a stranger to science and an uneasy companion to technology.
161. Although Jane thought her father seemed anxious and uneasy, Susan did not perceive any change in his looks or ways.
162. When he discovered that I, with two artificial legs, had succeeded he became somewhat uneasy.
163. Instead of adopting one or other of these policies, they have tried to hide their difference beneath an uneasy and evasive compromise.
164. "Rid Of Me" is harrowing, uneasy listening.
165. I knew that he was uneasy and insecure.
166. She felt uneasy in the unfamiliar surroundings.
167. She had an indescribably uneasy look.
168. Uncertainty makes us uneasy. Knowing this is against our inner being which is programmed with sotto voce of seeking certainty.
169. Without knowing why - it was presentiment, perhaps - Passepartout became vaguely uneasy.
170. She felt a sharp pang and grew disturbed and uneasy at once.
171. His struggle to regain Jerusalem ended in an uneasy truce with Saladin.
172. By the time I left the service station, I was feeling a little uneasy.
173. Establishing the system of the right of uneasy counterplea plays a positive role on defending trade order and ensuring trade safety.
174. Information used for attached identity verification shall be uneasy to be replicated, amended or cracked.
175. We made her stop: she'd fain have ridden forwards, afeard you should be uneasy.
176. Over two-thirds of medical schools nowhave courses in complementary medicine, although the relationship between thetwo approaches remains as uneasy (and even cynical) as it ever was.
176. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
177. Of course , it is uneasy for both a prenuptial agreement.
178. But too steady eye contact can make one feel uneasy at times.
179. It's no wonder that East Asian capitals are uneasy about China's growing maritime clout.
180. The uneasy symptom of the Yellow River is its limited water and multiplied sediment in an unharmonious relationship.
181. An uneasy calm is reported to be prevailing in the area.
182. The anxiety exists as an uneasy state of mind, in which one has a feeling that something unspecified and undeterminable may go wrong.
183. But behind current Red Tourism upsurge, there are some uneasy hidden worries.
184. The sea captain seemed uneasy; all, this island was not charted.
185. Wang (7-4) had both his slider and change-up working to perfection, making the Mets hitters a little uneasy at the plate with pitches dropping through the strike zone.
186. A lot of people feel uneasy about spending after the longest recession since World War 2.
187. There is an uneasy relationship between us and the politicians.
188. In the meantime HMS Cockchafer sat at Wanhsien in an uneasy standoff with the overwhelming Chinese troops.
189. An encounter with a Rothko painting is always an encounter with the man who made it and his uneasy vision of life.
190. Carl Lewis has always an obsession with image that made would - be fans a little uneasy.
191. Mcteague came and went furtively, dizzied and made uneasy by all this bustle.
192. In a rural and remote corner of Felucia, Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka form an uneasy alliance with four deadly bounty hunters to protect a local village from Hondo Ohnaka and his band of pirates.
193. Regardless jubilantly happy, still be worry, the reminded of home comes, the at heart was then little one is uneasy and worry, having another one quite and warm.
194. This is the latest chapter in a decades - long uneasy standoff.
195. If the Internet introduced Gong Linna's Uneasy, the so-called " Divine Comedy", to millions of Internet users late last year, then Hunan TV made it a hit.
196. It adopts the imported stainless steel for the manufacture . Wooden handle , consummate design , firm and durable, super-large power, adjustable bleeder valve, uneasy outlet of the bottom plate.
197. A surprise victor in 2005, Lech Kaczynski an uneasy president.
198. The dual-seal floor drain core has the advantages of rapid opening and closing, small passing resistance of water flow, good sealing effect, uneasy blockage and convenient use and maintenance.
199. By comparison, the "red family" model can look dysfunctional — an uneasy mix of rigor and permissiveness, whose ideals don't always match up with the facts of contemporary life.
200. Part four of this paper compares doctrines of uneasy counterplea right and anticipatory breach of contract on account of their similarities.
201. Is uneasy again to divide, even if sit the contumacy of the heart bottom in uneasy cent also.
202. Hollingsworth quickly becomes the centre of an uneasy sexual triangle.
203. But I keep having this uneasy feeling that he's only giving us a snow job.
204. Nobody knows how many there really are,[/uneasy.html] or how many have since been removed from catacombs and buried in cemeteries by priests uneasy with the theology of keeping votive corpses.




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