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单词 Glistening
1. The boy's back was glistening with sweat.
2. Her eyes were glistening with tears.
3. Darcy's face was white and glistening with sweat.
4. Her skin was glistening with sweat after her run.
5. A thin, glistening thread of moisture ran along the rough concrete sill.
6. I saw tears glistening on his cheeks and beard.
7. Sweat glistening on his brow, Teclis dispelled them.
8. What a glistening gift was her gift to me!
9. His chest was glistening with sweat.
10. He walked on glistening pavements, across streets where the rain spat back from the tarmac.
11. Even the paper boat began to seem appetizing, glistening in his mind with left-over condiment and grease.
12. Sioux medicine men collected tiny, glistening pebbles from anthills and used them in medicine rattles.
13. With a sigh he plunged into the glistening maze of stairways and gridded windows that made up the Broadgate Centre.
14. Harry could see the sun glistening on the naked patches of her body although she had not yet removed her undergarments.
15. On the glistening horizon two black dots appeared, separated, and became helicopters roaring low overhead and scattering the distracted fowl.
16. Floating clover-like foliage surmounted by tiny glistening gold and white chalices.
17. He ran his heart out, down the glistening straight stretch of Palm Avenue.
18. Dexter watched the lights of a garage or a garden centre slide by, glistening damply through the mist.
18. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
19. When we finished the set, Katie's face was red and glistening with sweat.
20. Open windows receive the sea breeze rolling off the glistening sea.
21. Jenny stepped onto her skis and sped off at breakneck speed down the glistening, white mountain.
22. Outside the wintry sunlight had been stifled by cloud and Blanche saw pedestrians begin to walk past with glistening umbrellas.
23. He ignored the icicles too, a whole row of glistening two-and three-footers dripping from a pipe.
24. The fair white flesh was gorged with concupiscence and glistening with perspiration.
25. Rain broke on the points of the spears, crawled glistening in the tribesmen's cropped black curls.
26. She would start nearest to the door and work her way along the jostling, glistening, pouring swathes of colours.
27. The ballroom was to the left, and, in 1902, its chandeliers threw glistening blurs on a flawless parquet floor.
28. Its tyres turned the thin coating of snow into glistening mud.
29. As he squinted, he saw that the supine figure was glistening.
30. A stream of laser light, almost invisible in the near-vacuum, played across the creature's head and glistening body.
31. He was dressed neatly in grey flannel trousers, jacket and blue striped shirt, his hair still glistening from the shower.
32. My mother, her white linen dress glistening in the sun, is on the road ahead of me.
33. Through her half-closed eyelids she could see the tiny droplets of water glistening on his skin.
34. The Nurseryman has tears glistening on his cheeks; he blows his nose into a white handkerchief.
35. The sergeant admired the man's chiselled chin and ebony black hair glistening with gel.
36. I could almost see her come out of the water with her short hair glistening wet and pressed to her forehead.
37. Locust Abortion Technician was a glorious mire, a glistening palace of ordure, a cataract of dysentery.
38. And that innocent face, I saw in a glance, was as glistening as must have been her armpits.
39. His small, glistening secretary plunged along in front of him like a dolphin under the bowsprit.
40. First there was a nearly circular rim of resplendent mountains, their white caps glistening in the morning sun.
41. We should overlook the trampled grass in the square and the lowly origins of the glistening fountain.
42. I would recognize the slanted eyes, the dark glistening skin and the high cheekbones anywhere.
43. San Mamete is a tiny village nestling prettily amidst unspoilt countryside - between lush foothills and the glistening lake.
44. Everywhere you look,() little shards of glass glistening in the lamplight.
45. Sea-pinks were thick everywhere, with here and there patches of small shingle glistening with broken shells.
46. Saw the huge black spider close by; standing; glistening; staring straight at me.
47. In his left hand he grips a glistening gold tenor saxophone with flames leaping from the bell.
48. Entangled with its branches were shards of human bone, crushed now, gleaming in the glistening green.
48. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
49. Laura listened attentively while Yoyo read the speech out loud, and in the end, her eyes were glistening too.
50. Still wet from a recent rain squall, the city lay glistening in the sun.
51. As they ran, the cool air animated them and raised goose bumps on their glistening flesh.
52. Fearon reappeared holding a towel, his black hair glistening wet and rivulets running down his swarthy skin.
53. A stubby finger poked towards her, glistening with an enormous signet ring.
54. Prominent strips of inlay were left unfinished; awkward patches of pink sandstone intrude into the glistening white of the dome.
55. It was a frosty autumn morning with spiders' webs glistening in the frozen grass.
56. The curtains swung back to reveal Marie in a glistening silver robe and an expression suggesting the onset of migraine.
57. On the other side of the road, a taxi waited in the drizzle, its black hood glistening.
58. Crimson and coral flames licking the darkness with warmth, glistening like blood and rubies.
59. Ranks of houses stretched away into the distance like waves breaking on a rocky shore, their slate roofs glistening.
60. The dark hair clung to his forehead and his body was flushed and glistening and bathed in the dull crimson glow.
61. The grass rolled in waves, glistening and gleaming as it undulated.
62. Opposite were the elegant backs of Victorian houses, their grey bricks swelling into bow-windows, the roof-tiles glistening like wet flint.
63. Once there, still damp from the sea and glistening in the moonlight, she offered herself to him again.
64. It was a clear day, cloudless and cold, with the overnight rain still glistening on the cobbles.
65. It was a sunny day and Gorman's head was glistening in the sun.
66. A round table was covered with a white linen cloth and glistening silverware.
67. A bald man wanted his portrait enhanced with glistening black hair.
68. He looked at the hand - pale and elegant, with prominent knuckles, the nails glistening with red varnish.
69. Glistening glaciers, thousands of feet deep, slid past the partly exposed plutons and chewed off their sides.
70. Remember to match it with your glistening star-shaped necklace.
71. Then he saw something else glistening in the moonlight.
72. There inside, glistening green, lay a golden chain.
73. Is a sonnet chanted by glistening waves.
74. The glistening effect of Aventurine is known as "aventurescence".
75. Your hair is like golden fried chow mein and your eyes like glistening oysters.
76. There inside, glistening green , a fried marble hung from a golden chain.
77. Remember to match it with your glistening star-shaped necklace. Very attractive on formal occasions.
78. Musical rhythm is used to control neon light and create an glistening effect to highlight of feature of the era.
78. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
79. Here, a large, glistening iceberg calved from the Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland drifts through Disko Bay on its way to the Atlantic Ocean.
80. It'shimmers, this miniature island paradise is an exclusive hideaway of glistening beaches and sparking waters.
81. You could just catch a glimpse of my glistening pussy.
82. "It was beautiful, " says Corbett—a jewel of winter glistening in the summer sun.
83. Cicatrices may be smooth or rough, pliable or firm, and tend at first to be pink or violaceous, later becoming white, glistening, and rarely, pigmented.
84. Here is a normal cervix with a smooth, glistening mucosal surface.
85. The multicolored wings glistening in the sunlight as they drift.
86. The glistening and billowing waves of the river are quite charming in the sun.
87. This colorful garden throughout the year Coleus, especially in autumn when the walk through the gardens, that glowing red, glistening yellow fruit of the autumn leaf fall is even more beautiful.
88. The glistening roofs of the still slumbering houses were sharply outlined against the twilight sky.
89. Stars appear as glistening blue gems(many of which are actually foreground stars in our own galaxy), while dust in the spiral disk of the galaxy glows pink and red.
90. Just then Tu Chu - chai burst into the room, his goat - like face glistening with beads of sweat.
91. Rabindranath Tagore 2 called it a teardrop glistening on the cheek of time.
92. She could see his face now, his eyes wild and his skin glistening with perspiration.
93. The tumor is composed of lobulated glistening white to bluish-white tissue that breaks through the cortex.
94. "I shall go, leave him." Laura Stebbing stopped, her eyes glistening.
95. Phoebe was busy at a little table, upon which stood a prim workbox , with every reel of cotton and glistening steel bodkin in its appointed place.
96. Some quadrochromatic Ray sprawlcrowded, glistening positive light and surface relief.
97. The glisten glazes possess glistening effect only when they are applied on a proper under - glaze.
98. Outside, where the garden was yesterday, there is now a white and glistening level.
99. The hope is orange and glistening in sacrificing oneself for life - saving green sacredly.
100. There was only a trace of water glistening on the cabinet.
101. He gave a tug at a glistening, pale piece of her hair.
102. As regarded the shipmaster, however, all was looked upon as pertaining to the character, as to a fish his glistening scales.
103. Outside, where the garden was yesterday, there is now a white and glistening level,(Sentence dictionary) and the village beyond is no longer your own familiar cluster of roofs but a village in an old German fairy-tale.
104. Still, the Moon's silhouette highlighted by these glistening diamonds as the total eclipse phase ended.
105. There was a sweep of glistening snow on the hillside.
106. My departure crowd, pull the foot that has Liu Hong, a glistening pushpin is laughing.
107. Once she looked up, her even teeth glistening through her smiling lips , her eyes alight.
108. You may miss sugary-sweet items at first, but don't be surprised if you find you're starting to salivate at the sight of a bowlful of glistening grapes or a slice of ripe honeydew melon.
109. After a moment he looked up with a slow smile, his eyes glistening.
110. The broad pavement in front shone pale also; it gleamed as if some spell had transformed the dark granite to glistening Parian .
111. Rabindranath Tagore called it a teardrop glistening on the cheek of time.
112. He was shirtless in the morning heat, long black hair tied back, brutish features determined, barrel-chested torso glistening with sweat.
113. Aventurine is a Chalcedony that contains small inclusions of one of several shiny minerals which give the gem a glistening effect.
114. Dawn comes and you see its path - the glistening leaf, the gloaming stem blackening garden vine.
115. I was sitting on a beach at the mouth of the Saloum River, a smoky grilled oyster in one hand, glistening in its charred shell, a glass of muscadet in the other.
116. His skin was brown and faintly glistening from the summer.




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