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单词 Interference
1. I will not tolerate such gross interference.
2. I resent his interference in my work.
3. He hates interference with his work.
4. I will brook no interference.
5. My interference had rather an unfortunate result.
6. Any outside criticism is routinely dismissed as interference.
7. Her interference was not warranted.
8. I don't want any interference from you!
9. He was always fulminating against interference from the government.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
10. He was deeply resentful of/at her interference.
11. Her mother's interference exacerbated the difficulties in their marriage.
12. Their interference bollixed up the whole deal.
13. He was reckoning without her mother's interference.
14. Industrial relations should be free from state interference.
15. His interference spilt over into confusion.
16. He heard everything through a screen of interference, like on a badly tuned radio.
17. China will not tolerate any external interference in its affairs.
18. Furthermore, they claim that any such interference is completely ineffective.
19. They resent foreign interference in the internal affairs of their country.
20. What may seem helpful behaviour to you can be construed as interference by others.
21. I wanted to do the thing on my own without outside interference or help.
22. The two sides solemnly declared, " The region must be made immune from any foreign interference.
23. My concern for their well - being was misunderstood as interference.
24. Any attempt to discuss the issue of human rights was rejected as an unwarranted interference in the country's internal affairs.
25. The internal affairs of any state , whether it's big or small, do not allow of external interference.
26. The political subtext of her novel is a criticism of government interference in individual lives.
27. From childhood on, she'd had a plan of action, one that would brook no interference.
28. The CIA was extremely wary of interfering with the foreign Press; in the past, such interference had rebounded.
29. The President took the opportunity to hit out at what he sees as foreign interference.
30. She seems to regard any advice or help from me as interference.
1. I will not tolerate such gross interference.
2. I resent his interference in my work.
3. He hates interference with his work.
4. I will brook no interference.
5. What may seem helpful behaviour to you can be construed as interference by others.
6. I wanted to do the thing on my own without outside interference or help.
7. The two sides solemnly declared, " The region must be made immune from any foreign interference.
8. My concern for their well - being was misunderstood as interference.
9. Any attempt to discuss the issue of human rights was rejected as an unwarranted interference in the country's internal affairs.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
10. I couldn't hear the program because there was too much interference.
31. The law is designed to prevent interference by local police.
32. There is some interference on the signal - do not adjust your set.
33. I told her I wanted to make decisions without interference from her.
34. The committee has made serious allegations about interference in its work.
35. I couldn't hear the program because there was too much interference.
36. My boss said she would brook no interference from other departments.
37. The government's interference in the strike has been widely criticized.
38. Airlines will be able to set cheap fares without interference from the government.
39. China protested the outside interference in its internal affairs.
40. But there are different grades of interference.
41. There's a lot of interference on my car radio.
42. Their interference did not pass without resistance.
43. For theft there must be adverse interference or usurpation.
44. A clear interference pattern is produced.
45. With less Government interference(), more local competence will emerge.
46. He calls it an interference with free markets.
47. A computer in the same building can cause interference.
48. Since 1984, interference from the government has dwindled.
49. It assumed also an absence of political interference.
50. Can a well-funded public telecommunications system be reconciled with the First Amendment principle of a press free of government interference and involvement?
51. It is possible to work hard at a complete system and get very little from it because of interference by other predators.
52. There are people here who love Pat and who will be deeply hurt and upset by this brutal interference.
53. Nevertheless, it was the subsequent interference and attempts to retouch it that damaged Joni's work beyond repair.
54. The inspectors, appointed by the Crown in order to avoid governmental interference, had right of access to virtually any chemical company.
55. Actions were begun by the employing newspapers alleging nuisance, intimidation, harassment, and interference with commercial contracts.
56. The police and magistrates have had their hands tied by the interference of sentimentalists and do-gooders.
57. In Pottz's quarter-final, Tom Carroll had yet another interference call against him.
58. The other forms of the tort require interference by unlawful means.
59. What's more, it tends to suffer from domestic appliance interference.
60. Eberhard Lammert, president of Berlin's Free University, understandably resents state interference with professorships and other internal matters.
61. But his interference in this issue was making her prickly.
62. In each case, federal troops were ostensibly used to prevent interference to the mail.
63. Both sides say they are opposed to any outside interference in the conflict.
64. The fractional-order beams result from interference between scattered waves involving an adatom at least once.
65. I had hoped we were now beyond reach of Government interference.
66. Strident editorials in the official press condemned foreign interference and predicted the worldwide triumph of socialism.
67. He had quit, he said, because he no longer knew what to say when head teachers complained about bureaucratic interference.
68. The central committee ideology department accused Kharchev of unnecessary interference in the internal affairs of churches and of financial indiscipline.
69. He no longer had to consciously listen out for the psychic interference that pervaded the island.
69. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
70. On September 20, without the presence of Faubus or his lawyers, the federal court prohibited him from further interference.
71. He is best left alone, and needs neither help nor interference from other players.
72. And the Liverpool Society warns of the threat of external interference if the profession is not seen to be demonstrating effective self-regulation.
73. Lucky For ever was disqualified from fourth for interference and favored Lakota Brave was placed fourth.
74. But there is evidence that working class women bitterly resented what they regarded as middle class interference.
75. An alternative might be interference with bacterial adhesion by pathogenic Escherichia coli, which have abnormal adherence in ulcerative colitis.
76. She kept hitting my forehead, and penumbra replaced myopia, and my arms fell away, no longer offering interference.
77. An interference filter consists of two thin-silvered pieces of glass which are semitransparent.
78. In a nation like the United States this should have been considered a fundamental interference with individual rights.
79. He must understand the technique being used, along with methods of eliminating possible interference effects by using classical chemical separation techniques.
80. Strong and prescient words, yet Marsh was not calling for a halt to all human interference.
81. Her husband and relatives were virtually camped in the clinic, driving Irina mad with their interference.
82. The floor was bare and unfinished concrete, and I could jump rope without self-consciousness, without interference.
83. On his return his ill-humor protected him from interference and also from sympathy.
84. Welch and I had a rather heated exchange about the appropriateness of his editorial interference, which had caught me by surprise.
85. I remember resenting even this slender evidence of outside interference.
86. But steam-distillation suffered from interference from products of the fire.
87. Even with Hilton Railey running interference, the first twenty-four hours in London were rocky indeed.
88. The Meaning and Purpose of Regulation Economic regulation might be defined broadly as government interference in what could be a market-based activity.
89. This impairs the efficiency of the braided shield and renders the cable open to interference.
90. Night Effect causes serious bearing errors and interference between stations. 3.
91. This process forms gratings in the crystal, a record of the interference pattern.
92. In effect they confer on the individual a sphere of immunity against interference by the state, other organisations and other individuals.
93. Of course, these straight forward ideas mask substantial ethical and practical problems associated with state interference in family life.
94. There are two main kinds of theory of why animals forget: the decay theory and the interference theory.
95. Noisy Environments: speech recognition is made difficult if interference is created by noisy machinery or extraneous conversations.
96. Truscati's job is to run interference for troubled kids with their parents, schools, and the courts.
97. The fund will take out insurance against confiscation and government interference in the repatriation of profits.
98. Counting was done 2 weeks after completion of studies to avoid interference from urine 1 1 1 In.
99. It will be argued below that management is provided with an alibi for poor performance by constant adhoc ministerial interference.
100. The other may well have had something to do with a desire to spike police interference with football.
101. They want to engineer products that put out a strong signal with minimal interference.
102. The skill becomes increasingly resistant to stress influences and can be continued despite outside interference.
103. That the system must be insulated from political interference is easy to say and difficult, but not impossible, to accomplish.
104. In turn the opposition parties denounced ministerial policy as monstrous interference with the democratic rights of local authorities.
105. In Morris the Lords held that there was no appropriation without an adverse interference with or usurpation of the owner's rights.
106. Complete stopping-down, however, produces spurious interference effects at grain edges and reduces resolution.
107. This reduces the risk of airflow interference from kite to kite which at close quarters can have surprising effects!
108. Interference by iron or copper is prevented by the addition of cyanide.
109. These can be studied free of interference from positively charged counter-ions - something chemists normally find extremely hard to achieve.
110. To clear static, persevere by taking drastic steps to fight all interference and distraction.
111. The interference in local government by central Government is not just financial, but political.
112. In most cases, nocturnal singing, such as your whitethroat indulged in, also comes about through human interference.
113. Back judge Bill Lovett saw pass interference on Woodson and threw a penalty flag.
114. The more we try to control nature, the more fearful we are that nature will answer our interference with violence.
115. It's quite magical to watch a Wordstar text file being converted directly into MacWrite without any interference from the user.
116. A brain lesion or injury usually causes some measure of spasticity, which is an interference factor preventing normal movement.
117. Such interference could have widespread implications and plans should be made to mitigate against this possibility.
118. Such people have in the past been left to go their own way without interference.
119. The resulting interference pattern is recorded in the emulsion on the holographic plate.
120. Such a move would reimpose the dead hand of state control and political interference.
121. And although government programs have their flaws, they are totally consistent with heavy government interference in agriculture.
122. Less rain meant less chance of a signal being washed out and less possibility of interference from an electrical storm.
123. As a result of the Witch King's interference with the Vortex much of northern Ulthuan is sunk.
124. The only possible reason for your unwarranted interference is boredom!
125. The environment has been created as a result of natural evolution plus man's interference.
126. Working-class women live in increasing poverty and are more vulnerable than middle-class women to state interference and control.
127. More will become involved if given the opportunity to experiment free of regulatory restraints and bureaucratic interference.
128. As long as they paid their dues, they did not suffer interference from the Ixmarites.
129. The sensitivity can be improved and interference from other ions diminished by extracting the red colour with a solvent.
130. How religiously, if only in order to obviate neighbourly interference, the Darcian woman would observe contraceptive precautions!
131. She had been admitted to the school without state interference and expelled for criticizing the board of trustees.
132. That would raise some technical problems, due to interference between the two antennae, and has not yet been tried.
133. At this time there was evidence of increasing irritation locally over what was seen as interference by central government.
134. Interference can be avoided by the precipitation of zinc sulphide and filtration.
135. A reformed Competition Commission will be able to break up monopolies, free from interference from ministers.
136. There in the Legation, remote from family involvements and interference, she devoted herself to my father.
137. Eliminate or reduce polluting releases and all forms of waste for disposal to ensure the minimum interference with the environment.
138. In a speech on Dec. 1 Moi warned of interference by Western countries, which he accused of bias.
139. Partly as a reaction against the restless interference of Lloyd George, he believed in giving his ministers the maximum freedom.
140. The ill-effects of state interference in the economy take several forms.
141. On signal-bearing computer leads, twisted-wire coaxial cables curb some types of interference.
142. Any interference in one country's domestic affairs by another country contravenes the UN charter.
143. So they reached the city without interference and walked unnoticed through the busy streets.
144. If they do so for long enough, one species may be absorbed into another. Human interference is often to blame.
145. Later it may possibly be used in ordinary conversation, but again quiet circumstances avoid interference from the background noise.
146. Its difficulties have partly stemmed from cuts in Medicaid, but also from political interference.
147. Some prisoners who would not normally have received the death sentence may have fallen victim to political interference in the judicial process.
148. That is, there is reason to accept the outcome of market processes and avoid interference with them.
149. The measure passed easily, but heavy-handed government interference in the voting brought the result into question.
150. The rat experiments that we have been considering suggest that the interference theory is more accurate.
151. The aim of the law of public nuisance is to prevent interference with the rights of the public at large.
152. To achieve these purposes, such organisations must be free from government interference or control. 4.
153. The unlawful means adopted may be considerably more remote than interference in the contractual relationship between B and his servants.
154. This would be an unreasonable interference by Congress in the free marketplace.
155. Proton magnetometers are also susceptible to interference from overhead cables.
156. The high gas prices and long lines were prolonged by government interference in the private sector.
157. For that reason, his contract was terminated by local management, without any interference from above.
158. Within the confines of the steel hull the interference was less.
159. The interference caused by the latter may be eliminated by preparing a protein-free filtrate. 264.
160. The defendants' conduct was not unconscionable,(http:///interference.html) nor an interference with any legal or equitable right of the plaintiffs.
161. They are expected suddenly to adapt to the modern world after a century of colonial domination and outside interference.
162. Again it's cheap, and offers the least resistance to outside interference.
163. That right to freedom of expression includes freedom to impart information and ideas without interference by public authority.
164. In recent years, the evidence for proprietorial interference has become even more weighty.
165. External designs are easiest to work on but most prone to interference from mud and water.
166. Denver ran a mighty interference and on the third day flat-out asked Paul D how long he was going to hang around.
167. The chairman was arrested, and his phone records showed numerous calls from Vajpayee's office, raising questions of political interference.
168. Doctors may not, for example, be happy with, interference in their work by somebody who lacks their medical expertise.
169. But at the quantum level these terms give important interference effects.
170. And we were not pleased about the interference in our religious ceremonies.
171. No Irina Volkova to goad him with her arrogance and her interference.
172. I want an inspectorate to have the ability to make comments and criticisms and to be free of direct government interference.
173. Roberts, riding Pride Of King, caused interference inside the final furlong in the same race.
174. But I believe - most of us believe - that this is not a legitimate area for Government interference.
175. More than 20 schools have complained of interference in school life and criticism of long established customs.
176. High bilirubin concentration effects the color in most other glucose determinations, but bilirubin causes little interference in the o-toluidine procedure.
177. Interference and ghost images caused by reflections of the received signal are more easily cancelled out in a digital television.
178. Another unresolved conflict concerns possible interference between domestic or commercial users who have installed systems in neighbouring premises.
179. In 1979, prosecutors charged Klan members in Detroit with conspiracy against the rights of citizens and interference with federally protected activities.
180. The delegates wanted both a stable militia and a stable national standing army, providing the states could prevent uninvited national interference.
181. They're investigating allegations of interference with witnesses and tampering with evidence in a forthcoming trial.
182. The existence of these characteristics required the independence of the profession from interference by government.
183. Figure 2 shows the blood film of the patient with the highest number of pits when viewed under differential interference contrast microscopy.
184. For speech recognition the principal operational difficulty to be faced is the interference to the acoustic signal from background noise.
185. But perhaps the strongest deterrent to a unified front against Fujimori is the region's almost instinctive opposition to U.S. interference.
186. This aggressive religious interference in Sri Lanka is a major factor in the destabilisation of the country.
187. Midge protested at what she saw as bureaucratic interference in what should have been a private grief.
188. Increasing rate of environmental sampling with arousal improves information transfer but creates interference in short-term memory from competing information being sampled.
189. Party political interference, he said, rejecting the possibility of a London police authority, was especially to be abhorred.http:///interference.html
190. One manufacturer, Superswitch, provides 16 possible address codes to ensure that neighbours can avoid mutual interference if they want to.
191. This meant a fight between the two belligerents, without interference from anyone.
192. In Band B, address codes alone could not prevent interference.
193. Despite the interference in short term memory, the overall increase in information sampled will improve long term memory.
194. Food is shared to reduce risks of damage in fighting and to prevent interference with eating.
195. After 79 years I've yet to meet anyone genuinely pleased at this interference with natural time.
196. Security was increased during the elections to ensure public order and to prevent any interference with polling stations.
197. This could help to prevent interference, in the absence of filters.
198. Interference pattern Today's cellphone networks treat the interference information as unwanted noise and discard it.
199. Interference from the native language is probably one of the most noticeable aspects of the early stages in second language learning.
200. Other interference theories attribute latent inhibition to the effects of an association between the pre-exposed stimulus and its consequences.
201. The area utilized to conduct this type of research and evaluation must have a low radio noise interference level.
202. An important consequence of this is that one can observe what is called interference between two sets of waves or particles.
203. This would appear to legitimise his interference in operational matters in appropriate cases.
204. Our intervention with the lamp has destroyed the interference pattern.
205. In the meantime, the Air Force chief seems to be seething at civilian interference in a military matter.
206. Left to themselves, without adult interference, groups of children tend to become more rather than less aggressive as time goes by.
207. According to the interference theory, animals forget things not because memory fades but because other memories displace them.
208. Martinus, a just man, protested to Paulus, who promptly threatened him with instant imprisonment for his interference.
209. The attitude of employers is one of annoyance at what they see as government interference for electoral purposes.
210. Although hypertonicity may develop from extrarenal causes alone, more frequently hypertonicity results from interference with the formation of a concentrated urine.
211. The two societies gave expression to their own dominant interests as far as possible unhindered by each other's interference.
212. Interference during the process of labor and birth and distractions during the short early period afterward can have significant untoward effects.
213. The princess was charged with assault and battery and unlawful interference with the operation of an aircraft.
214. In these, messages are carried as flashes of light rather than electrical signals so there is no possibility of interference.
215. But he's fighting a slow-motion battle against zero gravity and deafening interference.
216. Many officials believed that these disturbances were prompted by needless interference with traditional society.
217. This situation is called constructive interference.
218. We oppose interference by any outside force.
219. Equalization technology is a effective method which can remove intersymbol interference ( ISI ) in digital communication.
219. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
220. The light separation circuit and the "watchdog"circuit are applied to counter interference.
221. This method could increase system capacity and decrease transmission power, and also drop system cost by employing simple interference eliminator.
222. It brings up a new DS - CDMA multiuser interference suppression receiver with a subspace tracking adaptive array.
223. A hologram is a sheet of photographic emulsion on which an interference pattern that can produce a three-dimensional image has been recorded.
224. The conducted interference suppression performance of composite material was studied by measuring S parameter change of MSL with and without suppression materials.
225. Methods The precision, recovery rate, the examination limit, the linear scope and the interference experiments were done by improving biuret reagent in order to ensure the method's basic function.
226. In millisecond blast engineering, the key to achieving initiative control of vibration damages by means of wave interference is to ascertain reasonable delay time interval.
227. They sang without instrumental accompaniment -- or, more accurately in their case, without any interference.
228. Ground-air guidance radars are becoming more and more advanced, for the development of electronic reconnaissance and interference technology.
229. The interference measures are described. Test results show that the system can operate well in the welding shop.
230. The multilevel digital filter, anti - interference performance is stronger.
231. Based on the existing intercarrier interference (ICI) self-cancellation scheme, we propose an improved scheme using symbol transform for canceling the ICI effectively.
232. The transformable target line without wall interference can be chosen according to the test model to improve the residual interference distribution in model area.
233. The generation of interference frings is then seemingly a very convenient measure of the coherence.
234. In this thesis, the writer takes advantage of ACIS triangulating fuction and takes rounded corner tool for example to discuss calculation and elimination of interference.
235. The parliament described the decree as interference in the republic's internal affairs.
236. It has shown the wonderful characteristics of higher sensitivity, greater detective depth, less interference and shorter work period when applied to search underground water resources in bedrock.
237. James Wilson, a hat maker from the small Scottish town of Hawick, believed in free trade, internationalism and minimum interference by government, especially in the affairs of the market.
238. A real time holographic testing method of transparent objects by using the interference pattern formed by the reconstruction of the reference wave and the original reference wave is introduced.
239. This aids in the avoidance of interference from other potentially competing metals.
240. In addition, a FIR digital filter is designed to wipe off the interference signal.
241. A sodium lamp illuminates the system, and the fringe patterns generated by the interference of the chip and the reference surface are captured by a CCD camera.
242. Then, According to the cutting tooth processing principle, establish hypoid gear model, and conduct virtual assembly, interference checking, provides the precise model for the following analysis.
243. Widows have the right to dispose of property they inherit, without interference from anyone.
244. Government interference into the unit is scary and often has unintended consequences.
245. Also aiming at the features of the system, some feasible anti - interference measures are liken.
246. Gone was the era of gunboat diplomacy, gone the treaty port concessions, gone the specially conceded naval bases, the military missions, the ill-disguised interference in Chinese affairs.
247. The harm from insider trading is the interference with the disclosure of corporate information.
247. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
248. The RS485 transmission net is made up of the data collection station, which can transmit for remote distance and restrain common mode interference.
249. The principle and methods of small vibration measurement by mean of optical interference method are also probed in this paper. We fulfilled the computer simulation.
250. These acts constitute an interference in the internal affairs of other countries.
251. The experiment proves that the performance of the adaptive frequency domain filter using AET is improved in the suppression of narrow-band interference.
252. A new improved cancellation technique of nonlinear intersymbol interference is presented.
253. Based on the white-light interference, a vertical scanning white-light interfering profilometer was designed.
254. They have been accused of deliberately causing interference to transmissions.




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