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单词 Fading
1. Hopes of a peace settlement are now fading.
2. Hopes of settling the conflict peacefully are fading.
3. Fading is true while flowering is past.
4. This custom is slowly fading out.
5. Hopes of a peace settlement were fading fast.
6. In the fading light we saw bats flitting around/about in the garden.
7. Through the total fading away and extinction of craving, decay and death, sorrow, lamentation, suffering, grief, and despair are extinguished.
8. My suntan is already fading.
9. Hopes for the missing men are fading.
10. Hopes of economic recovery are fading.
11. Outside,(sentence dictionary) the light was fading rapidly.
12. Summer was fading into autumn.
13. The king is fading fast.
14. She's fading away rapidly.
15. Hopes of reaching an agreement seem to be fading away.
16. It would deal a fatal blow to his fading chances of success.
17. Hope is fading that the missing child is still alive.
18. In the fading light she could just make out the shape of a tractor.
19. My tan's fading already.
20. He was happy but was fading fast.
21. Much of her memory was fading.
22. They feel the pressure, like everything is fading away.
23. But now even those bright spots may be fading.
24. His rhetoric sounds like the death rattle of a fading leadership.
25. They can withstand extremes of temperature and weather without fading or cracking.
26. She could not distinguish the make and colour of the car in the fading light.
27. The spin doctors are trying to revive the party's fading image.
28. Hopes of a peaceful resolution to the conflict were fading.
29. No matter how soft the light is, it still plays havoc, fading carpets and curtains in every room.
30. The dark silhouette of the castle ruins stood out boldly against the fading light.
1. Hopes of a peace settlement are now fading.
2. Hopes of settling the conflict peacefully are fading.
3. This custom is slowly fading out.
4. Hopes of a peace settlement were fading fast.
5. In the fading light we saw bats flitting around/about in the garden.
6. The king is fading fast.
31. And editor Jane Nicholson's involvement was fading rapidly.
32. The old modus vivendi is fading, for ever.
33. Although so little was heard from them, those who kept tabs on them were convinced that they were slowly fading away.
34. It also allows all the fading and mixing features you normally expect from broadcast television.
35. In two weeks, her light summer tan was already fading.
36. Then I remember bodies fading like ghosts on the dark kitchen lino.
37. Inpart, the fading lustre of famous names can be blamed on the economic downturn of the 1990s.
38. He wears sunglasses that have a fading in-built, pinky-orange tint which seem to soften the wrinkles around the eyes.
39. June, too, had wanted to be noticed for herself and not just for fading to attain impossibly high standards.
40. A cloud like a fluffy white crocodile basked at the bottom of the vast open fan of fading turquoise sky.
41. While some clung to the fading dream of direct transition to socialism based on the peasantry, others became intoxicated by Marxism.
42. Wind and sun had gilded her arms and legs honey-brown, hiding the last of the fading bruises.
43. Rochdale's challenge is fading fast after a third successive defeat.
44. This changeless spell brought an acute sense of temporariness and the feeling of inevitability fading with the dusk.
45. In a new world of international travel, the boundaries between East and West are rapidly fading.
46. The dispiriting memories of the seventies were fading. Mass unemployment had lost its old political potency.
47. The gnarly Texas scrub provides a vivid counterpoint to the fading sunlight.
48. The fading colours and yellowish transparent appearance are clear indications of iron chlorosis caused by deficiencies in iron and trace elements.
49. A photographer tried to capture her in the fading sunlight.
50. Hayman listened to Manville's footsteps fading away town the corridor outside.
51. A look in the mirror confirmed that the bruise round her eye was fading rapidly.
52. It is likely that the move will also be interpreted as an attempt by the nuclear industry to renew its fading influence.
53. Then the engine note was suddenly fading, turning light and harmless, and Dickinson felt the controls start to answer.
54. It lasted about a minute before fading and they both sensed a feeling of impending danger.
55. Some likened it to facing the fast bowler Curtly Ambrose in a fading light.
56. Everywhere was quiet, however, and the light was fading rapidly, filling the little house with shadow.
57. It starts with a multicoloured starfield and some text fading in and out.
58. But it has not toppled them, and as things stand it seems to be fading.
59. If the light is fading, a darker hue might be required.
60. The light was fading, and I was afraid we wouldn't be home before dark.
61. The old pull of party allegiance, support for your party through thick and thin, is fading.
62. Read in studio Swindon Town's hopes of promotion are fading fast, after another defeat last night.
63. She continued to eke out a living based on the fading memories of her famous plunge.
64. Beauregard, inciting his troops and fighting for his fading prestige of invincibility.
65. The brightness in them was fading as death's dark cloak slowly wrapped around her.
66. They stood in the darkness as he replaced the fading batteries.
67. The lights were fading - the lights had all gone out.
68. Noble landownership, the prime source of peasant resentment, was far from fading peacefully away.
69. We are sinewy, old wood, old trunks with fading limbs and few leaves!
70. Zen stood in the fading sunlight watching the courtship of two pigeons on the tiled roof of a shed below.
71. The Raiders, sole occupants of last place in the West, are fading fast.
72. Cassie woke just after first light to hear the drone of their engines fading in the direction of the sea.
73. In the fading light of the patio, Yolanda can not make out the expression on the dark face.
74. The hills are wrapped in a shawl of pink light gradually fading into dusk.
75. Miss Russell had a morbid fear of sunlight fading carpets and furnishings, so the curtains were half drawn as usual.
76. But the next half-century witnessed the general settlement of California, and by 1900 the condor was fading fast.
77. So, when conversations starts sort of fading, people use questions to power them up.
78. Not even the fading bruise high on her cheekbone detracted from her beauty; she only looked more fragile.
79. I turned to warn Tam and Richie, whom I could just see in the fading light.
80. The sound seemed to come in waves, getting louder and louder, then fading away.
81. The latticework of branches reveals glimmers of a fading sky.
82. If your tan starts fading, you can mix a fake tan cream with your body lotion.
83. Fenn blinked his eyes and focused on the ceiling, the dream fading rapidly.
84. All this contest provided was confirmation that this team is nowhere near what it claimed to be, and fading fast.
85. Hopes of striking a deal were fading this week after Republicans canceled a negotiating session with Clinton.
86. It had established a fort at Kormartin in 1631, but by the 1650s it was fading into bankruptcy.
87. He was supposed to be getting that for the gerbil babies, but his hopes were fading.
88. Love knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its trust, no fading of its hope; it can outlast anything. Love still stands when all else has fallen. Blaise Pascal 
89. The opposition quickly lost four wickets with only eight runs on the board but fading light saved them from defeat.
90. Autumn was here, the countryside was fading under the colder, harsher weather.
91. The light was fading on the walls of the Imperial city.
92. If you make a habit of reviewing your fading dreams upon awakening, you can memorize quite a collection of nonsense.
93. Such information as there was was typed in a number of different typefaces but all with fading ribbons.
94. I could hear her giggles fading into the distance as I led the dog back into the house.
95. Any expectations he may have had of inheriting a larger share of the Angevin Empire were fading fast.
96. Daylight was quickly fading as they walked up the street to the nurse's house.
97. Luca Cumani's well-related filly figured prominently until fading in the closing stages.
98. He kept fading into the oncoming traffic or blindly passing slower vehicles at the most inopportune moments.
99. The lilies she'd brought a couple of days ago were already fading.
100. The colors would soon disperse, merging with others and moving on or fading as the night appeared.
101. The purpose of storing photos in a dark, dry place is to prevent fading.
102. But unlike John Major's predecessor, he shows no sign of fading away.
103. Surely that's better than fading away in a hospital bed somewhere?
104. The product has a 10-year warranty against wear, fading or staining.
105. In fading winter light that seemed wise advice and we retraced our steps to the gentler landscape of Teesdale itself.
106. It was thin, fading fast like all horses in this bitter land.
107. Base colour in juvenile is olive green along the back, fading into brick-red flanks with a pale beige belly.
108. The distant fading signals a run-down age of degenerate belief.
109. We kept our tempers, as if patience wasn't something we maintained at the expense of our fading energies.
110. Now those hopes are fading in the midst of a worrying upsurge in violence.
111. The sound was already fading away to his left, away from the path he had to follow.
112. They sat silently and listened to her footsteps fading away down the staircase.
113. He heard the roar of the motorcycle being started up and then fading until it was silent.
114. I think he fears she will die soon - is already fading away.
115. No green flash, nothing, and the sky above fading from blue through green to the beginning of Stygian darkness.
116. Mavis dropped giggles to the grass like pebbles into water; ever widening echoes of itself, deepening, fading.
117. No one will care if the administration cuts logical corners over so-called rogue states or fading dictators.
118. The middle class, as measured by the percentage of households at each income level, is fading.
119. Wet air blows in from the river, and the light is fading fast.
120. Though the swelling had gone from her temple and the bruise was fading, she still appeared wan.
121. In the new liberal framework, however, both system redundancy and public service culture are inexorably fading.
122. There was a fading light I had never quite seen.
123. She is fading away , losing strengh.
124. The last of evening light was fading away.
125. Off they rode through the fading moonlight.
126. All of my hopes fading away.
127. Red Maple Leave not yet fading away...
128. Clouds spread across the moon, fading it out.
129. Jay nodded, his smile fading.
130. The red glow in the sky was gradually fading.
131. Slow Gradual Fading of the Young Absolutist.
132. The phase information of wavelet transform used in the algorithm is invariant with respect to flat fading,( ) and can resist multipath fading of frequency-selecting channel in quite a few degree.
133. It is an essential technique when the channel is noisy, fading and has inter - symbol interference ( ISI ).
134. To overcome the bad performance in combating fading of BLAST and low code rate of STBC, a layered structure STBC is introduced in this article by combining BLAST and STBC.
135. The bit error rate of three modulations in a fast fading channel with cochannel interference is evaluated.
136. It was observed that the pentamethoxyl red was fading in atidity and viscose alcohol.
137. Simulation results show that the system can get satisfactory image communication performance in the very high spectral efficiency situation over the flat fading channel.
138. A fading correlation model considering antenna spacing, scattering angel and the amount of delay spread was constructed assuming uniform circular antenna (UCA) at the receiver side.
139. Never one to mince words, Carlie told her daughter that her looks were fading.
140. If a man merely looks at the surface, physical and quantitative aspects of life, all he can see is a fast fading and decaying world.
141. This fast drying formula prevents nail polish from fading and cihpping for a longer lasting manicure.
142. And then, just as daylight was fading, we had our sighting of Fuji-san.
143. Although ghosd_flash provides a useful interface for fading text in and out, a simple fade-out is better for this visualization.
144. Transmit and receive eigen-beamforming was employed in the presence of deteriorative fading correlation.
145. The channel of UAV LOS datalink is mainly an interferometric flat fading channel, in which frequency selective fading and time selective fading can occur.
146. By means of analyzing sub-sea crevasse channel depositional mechanism, we established 4 depositional models including fading model, branching model, extreme fan model and affluxion model.
147. Equalization is an important way to eliminate intersymbol interference that is caused by the wireless fading channel.
148. The capacity region with average power constraints of MIMO fading multi-access channels based on minimum rate requirements is analyzed and the optimal power allocation strategy is suggested.
149. The shadow affect is logarithmic normal distribution, and the multi-path fading is Rayleigh distribution.
150. In a flat fading channel, system can maximize the average output and lower the BER by adjusting the coding scheme, modulation index and transmission power accordingly with the changes of channel.
151. She had a way of fading into the background when things got rough.
152. She can see the orange-red tail lights fading, fading into the distance.
153. A new adaptive estimation method of Kalman filter fading factor is proposed and the simulation is made in GPS/SINS integrated navigation system.
154. Use mesh bags to keep lingerie from snagging and good soap to prevent fine washables from fading.
155. The sun was down and the room fading to monochrome.
156. The simulation of this thesis is designed about the Rayleigh fading and the ignition noise of automobile.
157. Because of the enormous fading of the optical signal in underwater laser communication, the capacity of the error-correcting code must be well enough.
158. Simulation result shows that the system a good performance in multi - path fading and Doppler shift channel.
159. In this paper, a kind of wavelet packet division multiplexing(WPDM) is introduced, and its probability of error due to the effect of Rayleigh Fading is derived.
160. For example, as financing of exports returns to normal with the fading of credit disturbances, then exports should revive.
161. The various factors, such as noise, interference and fading, relating to radio wave propagation circuits,(http:///fading.html) as well as the methods dealing with the factors are described.
162. The changes of flat fading and in band amplitude dispersion with the atmospheric conditions are oh tamed by computer radom simulation. meanwhile, some new and important conclusions are abc given.
163. It also establishes the fading models of wait - receiving reentry telemetry channel.
164. Now Cork is always dry gin and a twist in Jim's fading memory. Bitter lemon.
165. The supplication of a dead man's hand under the twinkle of a fading star.
166. In this paper, a Modified Neural Network ( MNN ) based power controller is proposed to smoothen out the fast fading and keep the received signal power from each user constant at the base station.
167. The wage differentials are disappearing, and hopes for access to Chinese markets are fading.
168. Combining the downlink of TD_CDMA, the paper analyses the performance of TD_SCDMA systems under the conditions of flat fading and multipaths.
169. Get up everyday and yelling "fuck" to a new flower and it will speed up the fading.
170. The fader is used for fading the integrated signal and outputting a fading signal, and the local feedback circuit is used for feeding the fading signal to the integrator module.
171. Something bas gone haywire with the TV. The picture is fading.
172. Comet Hartley 2, visible on the right, is now fading but still discernable to northern observers with binoculars.
173. OFDM ( orthogonal Frequency division multiplexing ) is suitable for communication in multi - path fading and limited bandwidth channel.
174. It was a sacred liquid to the Aztecs and consumed for centuries in Mexico, but the traditional pulque drink seems to be fading in popularity.
175. In this paper, the theory of Strong tracking filtering(STF) is applied in the object prediction of autonomous robots to avoid the disadvantages of other methods by introducing fading factors.
176. The fading correction and its corresponding calculation method were specially introduced in this paper for improving the accuracy of the environment cumulate kerma.
177. Fading from the mortal groundSad version of grievous soulShame while I fly highIncite teras to my eyesHopeless mind...Pain it createsAbove the skies of sorrow, I elevate !
178. The fading reaction of DCB arsenazo with Cr 2 O 2 - 7 was studied.
179. Fading into history, the collectively created, time-tested traditional folk art, which has embodied the aesthetic spirits, has become the essential component of traditional culture.
180. He looked into her face again and realized that she was fading away before his eyes.
181. With Baidu assured of nothing from the government, and Google fading from view, Baidu is now fighting Alibaba and Tencent in a three-way skirmish to be China's preeminent Internet company.
182. Do you guarantee the sky - blue cotton cloth against fading?
183. Inoculating effects of the inoculant have been evaluated by experiments of section sensitiveness and inoculation fading.
184. As time passes by, the ancient circumvallation has been seriously damaged. To avoid the character fading away, the preservation of the ancient circumvallation should be strengthened.
185. The sub - channels in multi - carrier system suffer different wireless fading, so they have different channel capacity.
186. The ingredients of yttrium-based heavy rare earth magnesium nodulizing alloys was investigated, as well as their effects to resist nodulization fading and nodular graphite degeneration was test.
187. Based on the theory of wave propagation in random media, ionospheric effects on radio wave propagation and the feasibility of short-term forecasting of fading signals in ionosphere are examined.
188. "So, " said he, with his hopes d love sadly fading away, "Yon had no other aim in marrying me than to save me from the giblet? "
189. He adds that triskaidekaphobia, or fear of 13, appears to be fading, with floors labeled 13 in Marc properties showing occupancy rates are no lower than other floors.
190. The wireless propagation environment is described first: analyzing the small-scaled fading, including amplitude fading, multi-path time delay and Doppler spectrum spread.
191. MIMO-OFDM utilizes STC or SFC (Space-Frequency Code) to introduce the frequency diversity,(http://) so better performance will be achieved in the frequency selective fading channels.
192. Cars were covered with clear-coat finish at the factory to protect the underlying paint from fading.
193. In OFDM systems, the receiver must acquire the ChannelStatus Information ( CSI ) to equalize the frequency - selective fading.
194. In addition, there will be frequency selective fading in the future broadband MIMO wireless communication systems, and the traditional high-performance equalizer will become extremely complicated.
195. For Myanmarese, the U.S. disengagement from the region after Sept. 11 meant stepped-up repression and a fading of the pro-democracy movement headed by Aung San Suu Kyi.
196. It is a very complex question to cope with cochannel interference and fading simultaneously at a base station in mobile communication.
197. Although it was only four o'clock, the winter day was fading.
198. A lateen - rigged sailboat called a felucca plies the Nile River in fading light near Aswan, Egypt.
199. My footprints are just marks on the sand beach, fading away with the ebb and flow.
200. The rather louche glamour of Monaco's royal family is nothing compared with the fading but still palpable grandeur of the British monarchy.
201. Usually, frequency diversity and space diversity techniques are used to mitigate the fading in acoustic communication systems.
202. Fractal characteristic of multipath fading signal is studied in the paper which shows that multifractal dimension is a key parameter for describing the signal propagation in wireless channels.
203. By changing the multiple time-varying fading factors of the strong tracking filter, MSTKF switches between Kalman filtering and strong tracking filtering.
204. The space diversity provided by space -time block coding and the inherent frequency diversity of MC - CDMA can be used together to combat fading effectively.
205. Considering the effect of the shadow fading and fast fading on the receive signal, the received useful signal and interference signal should be random variables which change continuously.
206. It was dusk: the contrasts of the colors were fading into a vibrant chiaroscuro; the lunar fields and woods were now just barely visible contours on the taut surface of the shining globe.
207. This new scheme has the advantages of high spectrum efficiency and suppression of multipath spread, frequency selective fading, jamming and noise.
208. The new coded strategy can achieve full space-time-frequency diversity over frequency selective fading channel.
209. The simulation of error bit rate performance for multi -channel and frequency -selective Rayleigh fading is carried out , and the simulation results show that the system is .
210. The signs include a missing jet stream, fading spots, and slower activity near the poles, said experts from the National Solar Observatory and Air Force Research Laboratory.
211. However, he also said the UV will also make fabric fading, embrittlement, strength reduction.
212. First, the enthusiasm of the participants has been fading away.
213. The stimulus fading strategy was effective on functional vocabulary generalization for students with moderate mental retardation.
214. My life tree is fading , and the dead is coming, can I live on?
215. On the base of this channel , we analyze the characteristics of the radio wave small - scale fading.
216. The paper proposes a feedback pre-equalization (F-PE) method based on channel estimation in a frequency-selective Rayleigh fading channel.
217. I introduce the frequency allocation between BCCH carrier frequency and TCH, signal fading arithmetic, interference theory and the adjusting thinking of dynamic power control.
218. Then, we proposed a maximum Doppler spread (MDS) estimation algorithm for OFDM systems with the comb-type pilot pattern in doubly selective fading channels (DSFC).
219. Without held up in the wide sea area, the reflection wave can be a strong interference to the direct wave, which is called multipath fading effects.
220. If Mao On The Wall is primarily concerned with the documentation of the fading mythology of Mao Zedong, then the series Reenactment in contrast enacts the story of the demythologization of this icon.
221. In the slow fading channel , the cooperative diversity is a new space diversity.
222. Heflicked away the stub end of the cigarette and watched it glow briefly before fading and dying.
223. I watched them ride along the corniche, headlights blazing through the swirling dust and the fading light. I started counting.
224. Application of FEC coding, interleaving and satellite path diversity in addition to CRC to provide maximum robustness for navigation and auxiliary data transmission over mobile fading conditions.
225. As one of the mufti - carrier transmission technologies , OFDM can multipath fading effect with high frequency efficiency.
226. In digital microwave communication, inter-symbol interference (ISI) is inevitable because of multi-path fading, finiteness of channel bandwidth and faultiness of channel.
227. The fish has many colour forms; the general body colour is either olive-green or orange - red and fading to yellow on the belly.
228. Sensitive to the local surface or leather seats, please try, without discolouration or fading before use.
229. But today Humber Coastguards said the canoeist and his craft were still missing and hopes were fading.
230. A scene transition in a motion-picture film or videotape made by fading out one scene while the next scene grows clearer.
231. " I see fading flowers and I weep . The waning moon hurts my heart.
232. Performance analysis of wireless networking with interleaving on the receiver side over Rayleigh fading channels.
233. The result also shows that the effect of the optimal selection is the same significance in atmospheric optical channel of log-normal distribution as in wireless channel of Rayleigh fading.
234. By means of user-defined m files in MATLAB modeling typical flat fading channel such as rician fading channel and rayleigh fading channel are derived, comprising with and without doppler shift.
235. As the sun neared its setting and the fading light became a soft purpling where horizon met sky, we settled down, with no need of words, listening to the quietening sounds of day.
236. According to the simulation in frequency selective fading channel, the principle to select the optimal wavelet bases in multicarrier modulation system is proposed.
237. When transmitting signal at high bit rate, the Reentry Remote Sensing channel presented an obvious character of frequency selective fading and the two-path model could well model this channel.
238. The main reasons of bit - error - rate in underwater acoustic communication are serious multipath fading and Doppler shift.
239. Well, the Cheshire Cat-like Rick Perry — he seems to be fading out, bit by bit, until only the hair remains — claimed, implausibly, that he could create 1.2 million jobs in the energy sector.
240. The performance of diversity reception combined with equalization in single carrier mode system of Chinese DTTB over frequency-selective fading channels is analysed, using MMSE combining techniques.
241. The fading time of the ACB sample under different radiation intendity can be predicted with the kinetic equations reported.
242. In error-rate expression the effects of Rayleigh fading, frequency-and time-selective fading on HF ionospheric channels, quadruple frequency diversity and white noise have been considered.
243. Fei Ming, who came into the literary world with the fading of the 4th, May Literature, is the pathbreaker of pastoral fiction.
244. Interchannel interference(ICI) is a dominant source of error for OFDM systems in mobile dispersive fading channels. This paper provides an ICI analysis in time-variant multipath channels.
245. This paper presents a baseband discrete-time state-space model for generation of Rayleigh MD(multiplicative distortion) in a frequency flat fading channel.
246. We studied the performances of this system by simulations, including the impacts of channel fading, angle spread and co-channel interference on DOA estimation.
247. At the beginning of this paper, a distributed MIMO channel model taking path loss, shadow fading and small scale fading into account is established.
248. The feature used in the algorithm is invariant with respect to flat fading, and can resist multipath fading of frequency-selecting channel in quite a few degree.
249. This paper applies wavelet and fractal theories to analyze multipath fading signal in mobile radio communications for the first time.
250. The article discusses the performance of adaptive algorithm applying in smart antenna in wireless fading channel.
251. The combination of MIMO and OFDM greatly increases the system capacity in the sense that OFDM and MIMO can respectively provide flat fading channel and spatial gain.
252. The fading statistics is achieved by in-phase and quadrature modulation at the radio signal by two independent Gaussian noise signals.
253. Deduce the error probability formulation of noncoherent unitary code under spatial fading correlation.
254. Now, they struggle to keep their own way of life, language and identity from fading away.
255. For safety reasons the "quiet" time must be at least 65 seconds longer than the fading time, it must also be more than 10 seconds.
256. Many men still rise when ladies enter the room on a social occasion—although the custom is fading with the younger generation and under the impact of Women's Lib.
257. To let a moment expand into a never - fading memory, better to live fully in that moment.
258. Typical examples of modeling flat fading channels in MATLAB were simulated specifically by means of user-defined m-files.
259. A new transmission scheme, which combines transmit preprocessing with multiuser MIMO downlink system over frequency-selective fading channel is proposed.
260. This paper studied a new space-time-frequency coding for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (STFC-OFDM) transmissions over frequency-selective Rayleigh fading channels.
261. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( OFDM ) is a bandwidth - efficient modulation scheme with robustness to frequency selective fading.
262. The statistic model of air-ground radio communication channel is characterized by the multipath fading,[] Doppler power spectrum and delay power spectrum.
263. He'll be fifty - two in December but he's certainly not winding down or fading away.




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