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单词 Vow
1 He took a vow to abstain from alcohol/smoking/sex.
2 Nuns take a vow of chastity.
3 Jim made a vow that he would find his wife's killer.
4 Love is not the strong vow but the simple accompany.
5 While many models vow to go back to college,[] few do.
6 None of us can vow to be perfect. In the end all we can do is promise to love each other with everything we've got. Because love's the best thing we do.
7 She took a vow never to lend money to anyone again.
8 Catholic priests take a vow of celibacy.
9 Nothing will persuade me to break this vow.
10 He had broken his vow of poverty.
11 He took a vow of chastity and celibacy.
12 She kept her vow of silence until she died.
13 He made a vow to avenge his father's death.
14 Cistercian monks and nuns take a vow of silence.
15 She has broken her vow of silence on the issue.
16 I made a silent vow to be more careful in the future.
17 People in some religious orders take a vow of celibacy.
18 My parents are under a vow to go to church every Sunday.
19 Because I made a vow this afternoon.
20 This vow the Cid Campeador made.
21 Had he not taken a vow of celibacy?
22 Melanie made a vow never to use it herself.
23 That vow was sorely tested during the tour.
24 I renewed my vow that evening.
25 I will vow to you that I will never suffer myself to be engaged without your approbation.
26 Cecilia, remaining faithful to her vow to the end, plans to enter a convent.
27 And they vow to do it all without raising taxes.
28 They betokened their fidelity to the leader with a vow.
29 In fact it immortalised them and ensured that all future anti-apartheid movements would vow their allegiance to the heroes of Rivonia.
30 Borrowing thematically from Medea, this world premier unfolds as she attempts to derail the wedding, prompting Cortez to vow revenge.
1 He took a vow to abstain from alcohol/smoking/sex.
2 Nuns take a vow of chastity.
3 Jim made a vow that he would find his wife's killer.
4 While many models vow to go back to college, few do.
5 She took a vow never to lend money to anyone again.
31 This vow was fulfilled after his death when his body was brought back to Pontigny on the promised day.
32 Like Cratylus he long ago took a vow of silence to express his fundamental frustration at the world.
33 Common Cause said the participation of the reform-minded lawmakers would shatter their vow to change the way business is done in Washington.
34 Many longtime Internet users vow to stick with the lowest-priced provider, not the one with the biggest brand name.
34 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
35 I owed her the vow of silence she demanded of me.
36 She told him that she was bound by a vow not to tell any human being.
37 We should not have to apologize for a vow of celibacy.
38 Dole was clearly trying to avoid the trap in which former President Bush found himself after violating the tax vow.
39 And has Phil forgotten his summer vow to ruin Ian's business?
40 Time in the monastery on the Via Siciliana-where Hamilton seems to have taken his own vow of silence.
41 But while up in Zululand he took a vow and that made it final.
42 Bernice made a vow never to pick a fight with him.
43 He asked himself how he'd feel if he found out someday that Emilio had kept his vow, always and for ever.
44 I made a vow not to read them because sometimes a bad one will affect me.
45 This vow he fulfilled by granting extensive estates to Bishop Wilfrid.
46 Forgotten, or decided it had been idle talk, a vow impossible to realise.
47 I made a vow that I should not allow my children to look at Shakespeare until adolescence.
48 Nowadays she returned to defy the enemy: to keep her vow.
49 Make a vow never to write another long job description.
50 Then, just as things were getting really interesting, he took a vow of silence.
51 Four orphans vow to be a family, but come to break their promises.
52 She made her silent vow to the piece of wallpaper that flapped in the breeze.
53 That day I made a vow to myself that I would return to Athens and run better.
54 If it is lived in that world, the vow of celibacy witnesses to other women and indeed to men.
55 At its new restaurant, Darden executives vow, nothing in the menu will require special skills or complicated dishes.
56 I'd have gone against Maria Luisa and broken my vow of silence to put you out of your misery.
57 Nobody at Black Mountain ever took a vow of silence.
58 Just because Comrade Andrew was what he was, did that mean he had taken a vow of celibacy?
59 I don't know why they take a vow first...
60 Once he took the vow his loyalty never wavered.
61 To make a vow; promise.
62 What is marriage? An irrevocable vow.
63 I vow, child, you are vastly handsome.
64 The athletes vow to compete to their full capacity and with sportsmanship.
65 Her husband may confirm or nullify any vow she any sworn pledge to deny herself.
66 Knowing this truth, one should observe the vow of celibacy in thought,[http:///vow.html] speech and action wholeheartedly.
67 It also may let vow solemnly becomes into thin air.
68 Eighty-two percent of pledge takers denied (or forgot) they had ever taken such a vow.
69 I shall never be an ascetic if she does not take the vow with me.
70 You vow to offer up your lives for our country.
71 The mind will say: Don't be angry, take a vow.
72 I send a hasty email to my friends and family rescinding my overgenerous bequests and vow that my sailing days are over.
73 Through the straight into the heart estrogen chapter, is no longer a psychedelic balderdash, ten interlocking fingers, some resonance, pour the vow, instant, tenderness with, unchanged forever.
74 And the LORD shall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know the LORD in that day, and shall do sacrifice and oblation; yea, they shall vow a vow unto the LORD, and perform it.
75 Small crocodile-like animals nibble the edges of the boat. I vow never again to complain about being on a bus.
76 Touchless faucets, music and TV for the shower, heated toilet seats ... Vow!
77 I'll take the holy vow to be worthless, to be drunken and go to the dogs.
78 I make a vow at a time to do this.
79 A member of the main, reformed branch of Cistercian monks, characterized by austerity and a vow of silence, established in1664 at La Trappe Monastery in northwest France.
80 We don't have to live like monks and take a vow of poverty to live comfortably.
81 I had to admire David's vow that he would leave the programme.
82 Father Marko: I wanted to take a vow of silence like you. But this heavenly beauty merits words.
83 Praise waited for thee, O God, in Sion and unto thee shall the vow be performed.
84 Helena : Do you give Hermia up? You should vow to her.
85 We vow to disassociate ourselves from one another from now on. Starting today, I don't know these two any more.
86 Girl in white clothes, make a vow tree in whom her plant personally, stand dully.
87 She had made a vow to take no man for her lord and husband unless he promised to let himself be buried alive with her if she died before him.
88 Politics vow system is one category of history. Its development reflects mankind affirmation in democratic system.
89 This code allows women to take a vow to remain virgins for life.
90 Make a vow now to maintain your records and assure your success!
91 The women were required to take a vow of virginity, and though often seen as a flourish, they meant business: in 1998, one died and two more were injured when Gaddafi was attacked.
92 She kept her vow for a week, during which she was unusually cross and fretful.
93 Bertone's comment that "many" psychologists and psychiatrists had demonstrated a link between paedophilia and homosexuality, but not the vow of celibacy(), drew official ire from France.
94 She looked at finally, make a vow tree, blood of her spatter everywhere.
95 How am I supposed to get in your pants if you took a vow of celibacy?
96 The nuns have taken a vow to live a life free of worldly possessions.
97 Some believe that couples who stand under the tower when the lights go on must vow eternal love. Lovers can also tie a ribbon to a special Christmas "love tree" on the tower's observation deck.
98 Father Marko: I wanted to take a vow of silence like you.
99 The three Bali bombers vow their followers will avenge their execution, but most terrorist experts agree Jemaah Islamiyah is no longer capable of launching major terrorist attacks.
101 He takes a vow,a Nazarite vow,he shaves his head, he donates money which goes to the temple for sacrifices, and he himself goes to the temple to worship.
102 Let men extol the obligation of a vow as much as they list, yet shall they not bring to pass that the vow annuls the commandment of God.
103 The vow of chastity creates only a prohibitory impediment to marriage.




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