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单词 Intelligence agency
1 Every intelligence agency believes that their defector is the best.
2 Their intelligence agency, the Kempeitai, put out feelers to nationalists like Ngo Dinh Diem.
3 Female university student Anna is by a French Intelligence agency recruitment young blood.
4 The storied intelligence agency was reorganized twice after the fall of the Soviet Union, finally becoming the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, or the FSB.
5 Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI) was at the top of the list of suspects, but the report claimed other spy services were in on the act.
6 However, the Defence Intelligence Agency and ARPA (The Advanced Research Projects Agency) are principally to blame for the abuse of such technologies since. eg Project Pandora etc.
7 Second , the Central Intelligence Agency and Marshall Plan startup.
8 Webster is retiring as head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
9 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) set up a secret short wave radio which wholly broadcasted to Cuba, and United States Information Agency (USIA) also reinforced its propaganda to Cuba.
10 The Public Security Intelligence Agency, Japan's main government intelligence agency, ordered its officials stationed across Japan to strengthen information gathering related to North Korea.
11 He also headed the Defense Intelligence Agency, which often works closely with the CIA.
12 He led the National Geospatial - Intelligence Agency, which analyzes images taken from above.
13 Last week, South Korea's intelligence agency arrested one of its own former agents, as well as an active two-star army general, for handing over classified information.
14 As far as Marenches was concerned, the most important thing for a Western intelligence agency was to stop the spread of Communism.
15 Intelligence was no longer the monopoly of the Central Intelligence Agency, but the subject of seminars for CEOs.
16 But how useful would such a right be anyway, if an intelligence agency can drive a coach and horses through it?
17 And I never understood why the man with the biggest intelligence agency behind him didn't know that a white tie is not worn with a dinner suit.
18 He confirmed the use of foreign prisons by Central Intelligence Agency to question suspected terrorists.
19 Pakistan's ambassador in Washington, Husain Haqqani, vehemently denied claims the country's intelligence agency, the ISI, had backed the Taliban.
20 In early 1986, he transitioned with the rest of the remote viewing unit from the Army to the Defense Intelligence Agency organization, serving full-time with the unit through the rest of the decade.
21 Bill Sullivan: The president has asked me to look into creating a foreign intelligence agency.
22 More than 60 percent of the company's revenue is derived from DOD, Intelligence, and Homeland Security markets with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) as its largest customer.
23 The effort was aided by the fact that the SVR was located in a Moscow suburb, far from the other intelligence agency spinoffs.
24 But the Defense Department in 2000 to find records they found the Defense Intelligence Agency 1980-1982 documents related to the Year issue is mysteriously destroyed.
25 They must act as the judges of the Eldar, and not just their intelligence agency.
26 S. in political science from the University of Oregon. His last position was as chief, Afghanistan Insurgency and Strategic Issues Section, Defense Intelligence Agency.
27 This is the latest in a series of scandals surrounding the Colombian intelligence agency, the DAS.
28 Many people point fingers at Pakistan's security services after such bombings and most Indians reckon Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency was behind the Mumbai attack.
29 He confirmed the use of foreign prisons by the Central Intelligence Agency to question suspected terrorists.
30 You do not believe he is connected with central intelligence agency?
31 Afghanistan and India have accused's intelligence agency of masterminding the attack.
32 Congress rightly felt that it was inappropriate for a military intelligence agency to have control over the dissemination of unclassified information.
33 The Afghan mujahideen, via Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency, received large amounts of both.
34 The new center, under the direction of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), combines CIFA resources and responsibilities with longstanding DIA CI and HUMINT capabilities.
35 That is the assessment of the outgoing head of Israel's Mossad intelligence agency, Meir Dagan, in a briefing published on Friday.
36 The military intelligence agency means multiplying the effectiveness of military forces deployed for operations.
37 As it turned out, their words were being recorded by Britain's domestic intelligence agency, MI 5.
38 David Kay was special adviser to Central Intelligence Agency Director George Tenet.
39 The U.S. is 11th in the world in GDP per capita, with $47,000 per person, according to the Central Intelligence Agency. China stands at 125th, with $7,600 per person.
40 Seeingas a potential embarrassment, the US Central Intelligence Agency scrambled an aircraft to stop the assassination.
41 Critics of the reclassification program say the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other U. S. spy agencies are the driving force behind the move to reclassify the documents.
42 Tipped off by the West German prosecutor, Fritz Bauer, that Eichmann was living in Argentina, Israel's intelligence agency Mossad organised a James Bond-style kidnapping in 1960.
43 Police and immigration officers arrested the woman previously assistant on the grounds that security intelligence agency suspected her of spying for Russia.
44 The Central Intelligence Agency employed a goodly number of expert professionals in this particular field.
45 The report, given by Vice Adm. Lowell E. Jacoby , director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, stated that "with the exception of naval forces, Iran's military modernization has been stagnant."
46 I spoke about this topic recently with Mark Morrison, chief information assurance officer of the Defense Intelligence Agency.
47 Admiral Mike Mullen said the Haqqani Network is a "veritable arm" of the ISI, Pakistan's military intelligence agency.
47 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
48 The UK's electronic intelligence agency has taken the unusual step of issuing a statement to deny it will track all UK internet and online phone use.
49 The current United States Central Intelligence Agency developed from the Office of Strategic Services.
50 General Michael Maples, head of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, the plotters received direction from al-Qaeda in Pakistan.




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