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单词 Reside
(1) Do you still reside at Elm Road?
(2) Happiness does not reside in strength or money.
(3) Certificate of appropriate alternative development for reside purposes.
(4) But religion does not reside in theological abstracts.
(5) Jackson is to reside with her grandmother in California.
(6) Many of them still reside in South Florida today.
(7) Students who reside in subsidized public housing.
(8) And Congress[], with its hands in its pocket-wherein reside its true concern-stands mute1y on the sidelines.
(9) Out of his manors, William chose to reside at Hammoon, and his descendants certainly lived here until the seventeenth century.
(10) Miss Tonelli, how exactly did you come to reside at your current address?
(11) Qume's architecture allows the server code to reside on the host, eliminating costly licence fees.
(12) They now reside in the map collection of the New York Public Library.
(13) What assertions about the nature of reality reside in the style of the traditional novel?
(14) For the time being we reside with her parents in their small but practical house in the southern suburbs of Berlin.
(15) People who reside inside the city limits make up 60 percent of the population of the community.
(16) The soul is said to reside in the upper torso, and is the seat of the emotions.
(17) Application services will reside on top, and that's what the majority of software developers will wait for.
(18) Their passports do not give them the right to reside in Britain.
(19) Good health is a combination of many factors, most of which reside within the individual.
(20) The human expertise in computer-derived works could be found to reside in the programs which produced the lists of random numbers.
(21) Healthy proteins, which have not met up with prions, reside quietly in the membranes of nerve cells in the brain.
(22) Education is seen as a process of nurturing individuality, of fostering distinctive qualities that already reside within each individual.
(23) This suggests that the human homologue of the Oct-11a locus will reside on chromosome 11 in the region of q23.
(24) Far better to send an unofficial person, who can reside inconspicuously at the Embassy, coming and going unremarked.
(25) The boy's father and paternal grandmother applied, interalia, for an order for the boy to reside with the grandmother.
(26) Again within each type of disability the majority of those who experience the problem reside in the community.
(27) However, there are a variety of different types of institutional setting in which an older person might reside.
(28) In keeping with the emphasis on parliamentarianism there was the idea that party power should reside within the parliamentary leadership alone.
(29) There was the more significant variation of allowing folders to reside within folders, ad infinitum.
(30) For example, those who like expenditure on libraries and the arts can reside with others of the same persuasion.
(1) Do you still reside at Elm Road?
(2) Their passports do not give them the right to reside in Britain.
(31) But ultimately the power and the money reside with the brand itself.
(32) Those who reside or work where zoning laws prohibit public nuisances need not apply.
(33) Assessed at 26s. 6d., it must have been tenanted, since John did not reside there.
(34) There were many ways of inducing the deities to reside in the shrines and temples.
(35) Or did the problem also reside in the hardness of the job itself?
(36) Secondary infections with organisms that normally reside on the skin or in the body also can occur.
(37) These values are assumed to reside in the cultural continuum which Bateson sees as stretching from 1200 to the present.
(38) The scholar will continue to reside within a sealed compartment of ungenerous endeavor.
(39) Jim and Meg reside at the Grand Hotel.
(40) You will reside there, serving as the building superintendent.
(41) I reside in Salt Lake City.
(42) We found that unpopulated reside of place.
(43) I reside at the mission at St Michael's.
(44) Most of the chlorofluoromethanes reside in the lower stratosphere.
(45) In Fukuoka City , where 1.3 million people reside, roads and sidewalks cracked or swelled.
(46) Today,[] reside in the home neoclassicism tide was lifted again in decorating.
(47) The paper analyzes the historical and cultural backgrounds of the stream-of-consciousness novels, and reflects the psychological and social realities that reside in them.
(48) They reside in the upper - right corner of the VI's front panel window.
(49) According to media reports, there are about 1000000 people in Beijing who reside in basements.
(50) In our example, the 256 - location RAM will reside in the last 256 locations of the memory.
(51) Chromosome breakpoints detected in T cell cancers frequently reside in chromatin regions associated with H 3 K 4 methylations.
(52) In 1910, Thomas Hunt Morgan showed that genes reside on specific chromosomes.
(53) For instance, the mount command is likely to reside in /bin, and /dev holds the device files needed to mount a volume.
(54) Automated tests can reside on test machines in your test lab or at shared network locations.
(55) When you want to use a different version of the conversion tables, such as the Microsoft version, you must manually replace the default conversion table (.cnv) files, which reside in the ...
(56) The case of divorce between H/M/T citizens or foreign nationals that register their marriage and habitually reside in Chinese mainland, shall be under the jurisdiction of chinese court.
(57) The tooltips are added to a Flex application's systemManager, so they reside in the global coordinate system.
(58) These database partitions can reside on the same machine to exploit all the CPU power of a multi-core system, or they can be spread across multiple machines in a shared-nothing configuration.
(59) Offering excellent service, comfortable accommodation and quality service Bonotto Hotel Belvedere is an ideal place to reside while in Bassano Del Grappa.
(60) Teutonic Knights' Major Chapter House is a place where the finest German Christian warriors reside, training and devoting themselves to the order's pursuits.
(61) Internal dos commands reside in memory within the dos command processor.
(62) This and other classes reside as .class code in the utility JAR's /ImportedClasses directory.
(63) The metals learns a house to make the magnetic iron and the loadstone disappearing the magnetic temperature to be called "reside an inside temperature" completely.
(64) In this scenario, the transactional unit of work must reside in the client layer to ensure an atomic unit of work.
(65) Do you permanently reside in Beijing? How about your parents?
(66) As I reside in the limbo between true forgiveness and painful hurt, I struggle with the tug-of-war between heart and head.
(67) Only two of the electrons in the second level reside in hybrid orbitals.
(68) Because the voice modality would reside on a server it would support asynchronous notifications and would not need to send the request event to the interaction manager.
(69) Japan exported raw silk to exceed China 1909 and reside the world the first.
(70) I will not apply for a permit to work, reside or study while in Fiji.
(71) Once applications are shut down, shared libraries may still reside in the shared segment 0xd.
(72) Fault processing can now reside within an independent, out-of-line aspect, eliminating the need for a "barrier" method to be placed at the head of a method invocation sequence.
(73) Internal DOS commands reside in memory within the DOS command processor.
(74) Article 60 The rights to interpret these Detailed Rules for Implementation reside in the State Administration of Taxation.
(75) Not-built format states that the actual code from the source host does not reside in the package this will only happen if the package is built inside the software package editor.
(76) Link music that resides on a CD to pictures and information that reside on your fixed disk .
(77) The problem is that the Service Table may reside in read-only memory.
(78) This is the realm where virtuous pagans and unbaptized babies reside.
(79) Heller gained international attention in 2003 for identifying stem cells that reside within the ear.
(80) Methods It was based on the quantification of valine hydantoin formed from the released carbamyl valine reside after acid hydrolysis of haemoglobin.
(81) Article 13 The chief representative of a resident representative office should reside in China to take charge of its routine work.
(82) However, if the same display attribute is requested later, performance should be greatly improved as the data will reside in the DQM cache for users who have the same SAP BW security profiles.
(83) This parameter is only relevant if the tools catalog database does not reside on the same machine as the DB2 administration server.
(84) The user's template may reside in internal memory (capable of holding over 27,000 users), or on other media such as a hard disk or smart card chip.
(85) Summer should leave to reside the home frostily to decorate, change a warmth, pure and fresh cloth art adornment!
(86) The carry from bit3 to bit4 needed for adding packed binary coded decimal number correctly, where two binary coded decimal digits reside in one8-bit byte.
(87) As long as you use a common storage project, you can diversify where your grid workers reside.
(88) Terrestrial planets could reside inside the innermost asteroid belt as well, though there currently is no clear indication of that, Marengo said.
(89) Mountable tape volumes can reside in an automated tape library.
(90) Such sofa suits to advocate to reside the personage of a style rustically however oneself most.
(91) Unlike DataStage stages, assembly steps can iterate lists that can reside in any level of the hierarchical input and produce output that is contained in the input list they iterate.
(92) These soft homes reside curtain, antependium cloth art, very important role is being acted in household.
(93) Capital controls on the mainland mandate that these are denominated in foreign currency and reside offshore.
(94) That electrically charged particles reside within atoms had been surmised since the time of Faraday.
(95) Their stromal counterparts may differentiate and migrate from this space to reside on the abluminal side of marrow sinusoids and form a three-dimensional network that invests the capillary bed.
(96) Ilana Goor and her family had lived in LA California for 20 years before they moved to New York City where they reside alternately with Old Jaffa, Israel.
(97) American alligators reside nearly exclusively in the freshwater rivers, lakes, swamps, and marshes of the southeastern United States, primarily Florida and Louisiana.
(98) TSR program is a kind of program which can reside in memory, and can be activated by using a hot key.
(99) A number of Indians still reside on their reservation in northern Florida.
(100) Neuroscientists like Raja Parasuraman argue that there are discrete control centres for attentional processing that reside in the prefrontal cortex.
(101) The true face of Lushan is lost to my sight , for it is right in this mountain that I reside.
(102) Capital controls on the mainland mandate that these private loans are denominated in foreign currency and reside offshore.
(103) The Yue Dao, a people who reside mainly in cities.
(104) Some are of mixed ethnic origin and are descended from Turks, Iranians, Malays, and others, most of whom immigrated as pilgrims and reside in the Hijaz region along the Red Sea coast.
(105) Article 23 The right to interpret these Regulations shall reside in the National Tourism Administration.
(106) Will reside in the beauty,[] integral toilet also is among them mode of a kind of exercisable .
(107) They generally reside in eukaryote and take part in the regulation of various physiological and pathological pathways such as cell differentiation, proliferation, and apoptosis.
(108) In this embodiment, central processor 202 and the chipset 204 reside on the same chip 200.
(109) The natural capacity of the Chinaman shows itself by the success with which, notwithstanding his timidity, he competes with strangers, wherever he may reside.
(110) The scheduling facilities are designed such that the tools catalog database does not need to reside on the same DB2 UDB server where the tasks are scheduled to run.
(111) Such sofa suits to advocate to reside a personage rustically however oneself most.
(112) All single full-time students must reside in university residence halls.
(113) Bart and his wife Kerry reside in Calgary with their son and two daughters.
(114) The disjoint collections of code and data reside within explicit boundaries called services.
(115) In addition, the monks reside rent free in nicely furnished apartments.
(116) That he happens to reside in the welterweight division makes him all the more dangerous and much more intriguing.
(117) These package directories reside inside a stow directory, a parent directory containing package directories of all stowed applications.
(118) The right to interpret these Rules shall reside in the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications.
(119) The modules reside on the signaling line circuit(SLC) and are wired into a normally closed or open contact, as required by the interface.
(120) Merry was the first British minister to reside in the new American capital in Washington.
(121) We reside poles apart, and I sincerely wish you to take good care of yourself.
(122) Undead Minion Once living humans, these wretched souls now reside in the depths of Hell.
(123) The paper discusses how to reforge the diversity of urban eco-physiognomy with the increasing demand of people for reside environment and landscape aesthetics.
(124) Shapefiles to be imported must reside in a hierarchical file system (HFS) data set on z/OS.
(125) The right to interpret these Regulations shall reside in the National Tourism Administration.
(126) To resolve this problem, make sure that all component files reside in the same document library.
(127) These synapses reside on specialized branchlike protrusions on neurons called dendritic spines.
(128) The images obtained show detail down to the cavities in which osteocytes or bone cells reside, and the interconnective channels which are only some 100 nanometers in diameter.
(129) Linked folders can be useful when you're dealing with large projects that reside on remote locations, such as file servers or ClearCase dynamic views.
(130) It takes only two parameters: the source directory, where the XML files reside; and the target directory which will be created by XM.
(131) The memory image can be a regular file where all other Snapshots reside.
(132) Only further research will tell how many planets actually reside in the epsilon Eri system, and whether any are of astrobiological interest.
(133) The problem and the solution reside in us by exiting our egoism and embracing altruism.
(134) Unlike Sportacus, Mr. Scheving does not have a thin black mustache that juts out as if he had recently been electrocuted . He does not reside in a dirigible in the sky.
(135) Then the 'apology' company act. It just reside as a regulation.




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