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单词 Brewing
1. A storm was brewing up out at sea.
2. Trouble has been brewing for some time now.
3. A storm was brewing.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. I have been brewing up some beer. Would you like to try some?
5. A storm had been brewing all day.
6. There's tea brewing in the kitchen.
7. It looks as if a storm is brewing.
8. Those boys are brewing mischief.
9. In 1938 war was brewing in Europe.
10. She set about brewing some herb tea.
11. He had an intuition there was trouble brewing.
12. The boys are brewing some mischief.
13. A storm was brewing in the distance.
14. The beer is brewing in these vats.
15. Trouble is brewing in the trade unions.
16. An ugly storm is brewing.
17. There was trouble brewing among the workforce.
18. At home a crisis was brewing.
19. They are brewing up a wicked plot.
20. There's a storm brewing in the Pacific.
21. A storm was brewing outside.
22. There's trouble brewing up in the street.
23. There's trouble brewing in the office.
24. It was obvious that a big storm was brewing up.
25. My initiation into the mysteries of home brewing was not a success.
26. A storm is brewing.
27. The workers were brewing up in a sheltered corner of the building-site.
28. We'd seen the storm brewing when we were out in the boat.
29. It was too quiet - I felt that trouble was brewing.
30. The company is believed to be keen to sell its extensive brewing interests.
1. A storm was brewing up out at sea.
2. Trouble has been brewing for some time now.
3. A storm was brewing.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. It was too quiet - I felt that trouble was brewing.
5. I have been brewing up some beer. Would you like to try some?
6. It looks as if a storm is brewing.
7. She set about brewing some herb tea.
8. The boys are brewing some mischief.
9. It was obvious that a big storm was brewing up.
31. But the real fight was brewing in Washington.
32. An argument is brewing over the tax cuts.
33. I could certainly smell coffee brewing.
33. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
34. Maybe there was a storm brewing.
35. Today, he had suspected that something was brewing.
36. But trouble is brewing for the present Lord Mayor.
37. The message was clear: Atmospheric trouble was brewing.
38. What trouble is brewing with the excess carrier?
39. It monitors new developments in brewing and serving beer.
40. The disagreements had long been brewing.
41. The scandal had been brewing for weeks.
42. Against this backdrop, a crisis was brewing in Britain.
43. Designed for the brewing and leisure sector.
44. We have invested considerable resources and expertise to ensure a superior brewing process for Kaliber.
45. Trouble was brewing elsewhere too, as the hard-pressed William Collins went down to Rupert Murdoch.
46. As the natural brewing process has been halted, the beer can not generate its own carbon dioxide.
47. In 1865, Richard Arkell started brewing, for corn millers often took up brewing as a sideline.
48. By then it was clear that fresh trouble was brewing in the Angoumois.
49. We will continue to look closely at mergers in the brewing industry which fall for consideration under the fair trading legislation.
50. The Technical Committee looks at all aspects of brewing and serving beer.
51. Another disturbing trend is the drift of large regional companies out of brewing.
52. Up to the infamous Distillers bid, Saunders did much to revive the brewing group's fortunes and expand its activities.
53. Whether a further wave of takeovers in the brewing industry would benefit consumers is open to debate.
54. After almost $ 20, 000 in legal fees, though, Frederick Brewing won approval with its catchy label intact.
55. Whenever she was free from the brewing she hurried up to the bower to spin with the other women.
56. In five years, the number of microbreweries has more than doubled and brewing capacity has increased more than fivefold.
57. He has played a leading part in representing the brewing industry and is acknowledged internationally as a world expert on hops.
58. It has involved itself energetically in such issues as pub opening hours and the additives and adjuncts used in the brewing process.
59. Health-care bonds anywhere are risky these days, especially with changes brewing in Medicare and Medicaid.
60. I think it's as well I did, especially in view of what's brewing up now.
61. The drinking public was now aware they were being taken for a ride by the brewing barons.
62. Guinness, in addition to its traditional brewing interests, had acquired Bell's whisky after an acrimonious takeover battle in 1985.
63. Important families grew out of brewing, for example, linking agricultural production to the financial system which channelled the profits.
63. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
64. Barry Jones boiled over when he saw 63-year-old Vera brewing up for a local hospice on her day off.
65. The former brewing, media and property magnate went bankrupt in April owing millions of pounds.
66. On the company news front, brewing giant Whitbread commanded centre stage.
67. All these major brewing companies were required to release up to 50 percent of the public houses they owned, in excess of 2,000 outlets.
68. We continually look for ways to break brewing barriers and set new industry standards.
69. At lunchtime, when everyone was brewing up(), the navigator plotted all those little legs on to a map.
70. The family is staying in a private apartment loaned by Fergie's friend, brewing heir Peter Greenall.
71. National groups could only find outlets for their own beer by acquiring smaller companies and shutting down their brewing plant.
72. In 1992, 75% of the Group's trading profits were derived from the sale of spirits and 25% from brewing.
73. It monitors new developments in brewing and reports on such matters as ingredients and methods of storing beer.
74. Widely available since the 1930s, instant coffee is produced commercially by brewing ground freshly roasted coffee to a strong concentrate.
75. Union bosses fear that a strike is brewing in the coal industry.
76. Biotechnology has been round since mankind first experienced the joys of home brewing.
77. Things were changing in the house - you could feel it - and there was trouble brewing.
78. Microbrewing Brewing started out as something of a hobby for Stutrud until 1984.
79. Any wonder that there is a campaign-finance scandal brewing in Washington?
80. Brewing Clean the white plastic brewing bucket with the sterilising fluid and rinse it thoroughly with cold water.
81. Most of these are supplied by licensed and contract brewing agreements with long-established partners.
82. Now Miller Brewing is joining the ranks of the more the merrier.
83. The Economics and Industry Group has a watching brief on the state of the brewing industry.
84. Our day started with my brewing coffee with the beans Jean-Claude ground, and buttering lengths of baguette to dunk.
85. She let herself in and ministered to their needs, brewing a pot of tea and lighting a good fire.
86. Frederick Brewing officials say drinking Hempen Ale will not produce a positive drug test.
87. The whole brewing process takes 10 days from start to finish.
88. "Gentle Ben's Brewing Company" will ring a bell with anyone who has lived in Arizona.
89. Brewing beer is a long process and should not be hurried.
90. Should they market keg beers under national brand names or should they return to localised brewing and brand names?
91. The brewing group has been the subject of intense speculation for decades.
92. It just munches grass, unaware of the ethical storm brewing around it.
93. It has been used in baking and brewing ever since primitive man became domesticated.
93. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
94. A major political row over the European question had been brewing for some time.
95. QACs and mixtures containing QACs may not be used in brewing or the licensed trades as they affect beer head retention.
96. The extra security alone showed that an important event was brewing.
97. All morning it has been calm but now we are threatened by a storm that has been brewing out to the west.
98. There's trouble brewing between them.
99. Trouble is brewing in the South China Sea.
100. Phase IV is still brewing industrialization stage.
101. Mischief was brewing between them.
102. It is made by brewing fresh grape juice.
103. Brewing roasted coffee causes isomerisation of the quinides.
104. Shanghai's SBN has the details on the brewing controversy.
105. There's another security scandal brewing up.
106. Those imps are brewing mischief.
107. A storm is brewing in the west.
108. What plot are you brewing?
109. Predict more depreciating the activity is brewing in.
110. When the tea ball is brewing with hot water(), the tea ball will slowly open like flower blooming.
111. Decaffeinate black tea at home with tips from a tea lounge owner in this free tea brewing video.
112. Its most famous products like El Dorado enjoys a high reputation in the world market and a lot of conventional brewing technics has been kept ever since then.
113. The money spent is an associate near the blue wall of the post-AIDS publicity, so the idea of an evil brewing and Health.
114. In the mean time the foreshadowed political storm was brewing.
115. Saskatoon, Canada's Great Western Brewing Co's eponymous family of beers has been a regional favourite for over 20 years.
116. The red bayberry juice with hig h acid content is fit for brewing semi - dry red wine.
117. Draft beer features with complicated production process, unique brewing technique and various influential factors.
118. Learn how to add malt extract syrup to home brewed beer with expert brewing tips in this free home brew beer video clip.
119. The boiling or brewing of the wort with the hops serves several purposes.
120. The beer brewing equipment was imported from Bavaria and raw material was also from Germany.
121. They cite Bavarian Purity Requirements that date to Duke William IV in 1516, which allow only water, hops, and barley to be used in the brewing process.
122. Above shamisen, water, Zhu Zhi, or boiled water or water brew brewing, casual drinking.
123. In which alcoholic fermentation is the main phase of brewing, is the role of microorganisms by the yeast, the grape sugar into alcohol in the process.
124. The importance of brewing kiwi fruit wine by fermentation kiwi fruit was discussed in this paper.
125. A war seems to be brewing between the two countries.
126. This method of brewing up coffee, caffeine content is extremely low, especially refreshing drink up.
127. A little house and a beer mug: what else does that say but ‘Doghouse Brewing’? And all it took was the addition of a handle in the cutout of the door.
128. Cano's Saccharomyces coupled with Hackett's know-how to yield a very tasty libation, which is now made and distributed under the name Fossil Fuels Brewing Company.
129. It has been brewing for quite a while, the rebellion in Kordofan.
130. Isinglass is a product employed by the brewing industry as a fining agent for some beers - helping to ensure the final pint is clear rather than cloudy.
131. Brewing the top grade green tea like west lake dragon well. It should be closed sealed just after flushing, but being catty-cornered with a bit edge out to avoid the leaves get yellow.
132. A new method of low sugar light beer brewing was proposed in order to improve the quality of a low sugar beer.
133. Industry: petroleum extraction, cement, lumber, brewing, sugar, palm oil, soap.
134. So, I decided to in the homeland sixty-two years old birthday party the day to submit my brewing for many years wish: application to join the Communist Party of china!
135. Learn how to steep the grains to home brew beer with expert brewing tips in this free home brew beer video clip.
136. Wort boiling is an important operating procedure in the saccharification of brewing.
137. " It is understood that a "permanent establishment flows" Solutions are brewing.
138. As a storm was brewing the crew received orders to batten down the hatches.
139. I realized the extent of the trouble that Mary Morse was brewing up.
140. Snarky (Wen) reporter yesterday from internal Baidu be informed, Baidu is brewing with China Merchants Bank launched a joint credit card.
141. Cultures such as those in Mesopotamia Egypt and Indiadeveloped the process of brewing beer.
142. Barley syrup for beer brewing was produced by holoenzyme method as follows: domestic barley used as raw materials, then hydrolysis, liquefaction, two-phase saccharification operated.
143. A HERD of feral goats on a tiny unpopulated island in the East China Sea live in blissful unawareness of a diplomatic storm brewing around their remote habitat.
144. The manufacturing in San Juan includes clothing, sugar refining, cement, metal goods, tobacco and brewing.
145. Xinhua News: Egypt, 28 people continue to hold mass protests brewing, the current capital of Cairo Internet, cell phone service interruption.
146. Alternatively, grow your own hops, check out some recipes on Self-sufficientish, and forage your own flavourings (such as yarrow) before brewing your own beer.
147. Get tips for brewing the perfect cup of Tisane tea in this free video clip about how to brew and steep tea.
148. Fortunately, beer contains surface-active proteins left over from the malted barley and wheat used in the brewing process.
149. "The big take-home message here isthat, as beer ages, a whole series of breakdown products grow with time, "said Tom Shellhammer, a brewing scientist at Oregon State University inCorvallis.
150. His yeasty beasties may not have made him a pharmaceutical millionaire, but he has finally discovered a use for them, and he wants to stay involved in the brewing process.
151. Daimler saw trouble brewing for global car markets as governments start removing the drip feed of incentives.
152. Higher alcohols anabolism and degradation metabolism during beer brewing, is the main by - product of yeast fermentation.
153. The anti-microbial effect of extract of eleocharis tuberosa peel (EETP) in soy sauce was studied with the microbial changes in brewing soy sauce by turbidimetry and plate colony-counting methods.
154. Beijing brewing the oldest, kraal abrupt winemaking has a long history of enterprise,() winemaking skills mature dynasty interim periods.
155. Lactic acid, acid, acid aid butyric acid coexisted in sour brewing products. But the sourness of different products was various with different proportion of the three acids.
156. Dispute cannot see reconciliatory a favourable turn temporarily, but the birth that perhaps brewing a new order.
157. Marmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing, and is a sticky, dark brown paste with a distinctive, powerful flavour.
158. The Chinese rice wine's brewing includes ditty fermentation and da qu fermentation.
159. The RNA was extracted from brewing yeast by strong salt method.
160. Learn how to add yeast to home brewed beer with expert brewing tips in this free home brew beer video clip.
161. Hops are added during brewing and after the enzymes malt have converted the starch sugar maltose.
162. Sir Hugh was the head of a brewing company called Guinness.
163. Researchers believe the forest yeast made its way to Bavaria's brewing caves as a stowaway when trade first began across the Atlantic Ocean, perhaps in a piece of wood or in the belly of a fruit fly.
164. Kettle, mug, teabag, and make sure the phone doesn't go while it's brewing, or you might leave the bag in too long.
165. As an essential raw material of beer, hop is used in beer brewing to impart bittering , enhance flavor, as well as a preservative.
166. There is a debate brewing among data systems cognoscenti as to the best way to do data analysis at this scale.
167. Tryptamine, cadaverine and histamine produced during beer brewing could improve beer flavor and beer quality.
168. A BATTLE is brewing in Batesville, Arkansas. The daily newspaper there recently omitted the name of the partner of a deceased gay man in its free obituary notice.
169. It takes more than one cold day for the river to freeze three feet deep -- the trouble has been brewing for quite some time.
170. The history of red koji brewing technique in ancientry is introduced in this article.
171. And Saccharomyceswass the main yeast strain that took part in the brewing of Cameroon Bili beer.
172. Besides its heavenly scent, honeydew melon tastes sweet too. Always select the ones with red pulp for brewing soup as these make the soup taste better.
173. Course of study of cross - strait home appliance is brewing large - scale interactive collaboration.
174. Learn how to add flavored hops to home brewed beer with expert brewing tips in this free home brew beer video clip.
175. Managers should know the existed problem in beer brewing at any time and find the relative innovation and improvement methods of the management of barm.
176. Learn what basic brewing equipment is needed to home brew beer with expert brewing tips in this free home brew beer video clip.
177. The storm is brewing.
178. MY-29, YN-15 and SW have some brewing limitation in different degree, choosing LU-1 as the material to produce wheat beer.
179. Typical uses: conductive body, the food, chemical and industrial extrusion Brewing coil, various hoses, ship accessories, hardware items, fireworks powder.
180. He's witnessed almost the whole brewing process of Wolfsbane potion - and when he finally gets the goblet and gulps it, he has the good grace not to wince and gag.
181. Brewing many kinds of tea green tea teatea, it doesn't need filter paper.
182. But in brewing this primitive beer, or chicha, the ancient Mesoamericans may have stumbled on the secret to making chocolate-flavoured drinks, the paper says.
183. However , contamination of coliform group might occur during beer brewing.
184. At the same time, some off-flavor could be tasted easily in the LGB. It was found that the LGB taste was influenced greatly by the quality of brewing water.
185. Two mash decoction mashing method was used for manufacturing of wort. 50% malt and 50% rice were used as substrates in beer brewing.
186. A new method of light beer brewing was proposed in order to improve the quality of light beer and decrease material cost of brewing for better economical profits.
187. In the present world, the old balance has been broken, while the new one is brewing.
188. This article analyses the primary factors of glutamic acid brewing according to its brewing mechanism.
189. Learn how to add aroma hops to home brewed beer with expert brewing tips in this free home brew beer video clip.
190. While brewing yeast mud was used for the brewage of soy sauce, liquid-state fermentation with high salt was superior to solid-state fermentation with low salt.
191. Lactic acid, acetic acid and butyric acid coexisted in sour brewing products. But the sourness of different products was various with different proportion of the three acids.
192. It was a new attempt to use restrainable technology in brewing glutinous rice savory vinegar.
193. A storm is brewing market will face retrenchment policy to suppress?
194. Based on the traditional brewing processing, the brewing technique of Sichuan sun vinegar was improved through the addition of crude enzyme,[http:///brewing.html] active dry yeast and Acetobacter sp.
195. Learn how to properly rinse the grains when home brewing beer with expert brewing tips in this free home brew beer video clip.
196. Paradoxically, however, the belief that there is no imminent crisis brewing may be Japan's biggest problem.
197. The company has now become a world leader who develops, produces and installs brewing equipment, ranging from a simple tank to the turn-key installation of a complete brewhouse .
198. The contaminant microorganism in beer brewing included mainly four categories as wild barm, bacteria, actinomyces and mold.
199. A feeling of one-upmanship has been brewing within you for a while, and it may crystallize unless you become aware of the tendency.
200. The hull residue of grape after brewing contains pigment, tannin, phenols, grease and spicery. It can impact on the environment if not be disposed in time.
201. And a row may also be brewing between Australia and Japan - this time over whale hunting!
202. Adopting the Bordeaux superior brewing technology, specially selected the good quality grape by hand, the tannin soft and lusciousness, charming blackcurrant and black berry aromas.
203. HERD of feral goats on a tiny unpopulated island in the East China Sea live in blissful unawareness of a diplomatic storm brewing around their remote habitat.
204. This product is the use of imported Australian wine sauce, the traditional method of making Australia mixed liquor brewing.
205. History of microorganism and Chinese brewing culture are discussed. From ancientry vintage, brewing and process of pickled curing to primary microorganism technology.
206. There is something brewing.
207. Zinc ions in beer came from malt, rice, brewing water and wort.
208. Lactic acid, acetic acid and butyric acid coexisted in sour brewing products.
209. Pure draft beer refers to beer never underwent pasteurism and produced by the techniques of bioclean brewing and bioclean packing.




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