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单词 Conquest
1. His family traces back to the Norman Conquest.
2. He had led the conquest of southern Poland in 1939.
3. We are hoping that the conquest of cancer is imminent.
4. The conditions of conquest are always easy. We have but to toil awhile, endure awhile, believe always, and never turn back.
5. I think you've made a conquest.
6. He continued to expand his kingdom by conquest.
7. This land is ours by right of conquest.
8. The Normans ruled England by right of conquest.
9. After the Norman Conquest the forest became a royal hunting preserve.
10. Steve seems to have made a real conquest of Lily. They're always together.
11. The conquest of inflation has been the Government's overriding economic priority for nearly 15 years.
12. Cis was also his first conquest.
13. History is the story of conquest.
14. Henry wanted nothing less than military conquest.
15. They were the legates of conquest.
16. Love, the quest; marriage, the conquest; divorce, the inquest. Helen Rowland 
17. Was it only a desire for conquest?
18. The Olympians replaced the older religion through conquest.
19. Robert Conquest on the Soviet Union.
20. It arose from the recent conquest of the northern coastal area as far as Anglesey by his friend Hugh, earl of Chester.
21. In addition the conquest of the land required a stronger skeleton once the buoyant support of the sea was finally abandoned.
22. It was a standard sequence of conquest, and not confined to pagans.
23. Persia meanwhile was digesting the experience of conquest by the Arabs which had begun with Qadesiyah.
24. Their family can trace its origins back to the Norman Conquest.
25. The chase is always much more exciting than the conquest anyway.
26. The play is being widely read as an allegory of imperialist conquest.
27. The creation of these two kingdoms seems quite anomalous at the earlier conquest phase, as has hitherto been assumed.
28. The parish boundaries were often indistinct until after the Norman conquest, but there may have been 150 of these by 1066.
29. The palace was built in Cordoba, Spain, following the Arab conquest.
30. As invaders from the United States began to rove the valley, they helped complete the oats conquest.
1. His family traces back to the Norman Conquest.
2. He had led the conquest of southern Poland in 1939.
3. We are hoping that the conquest of cancer is imminent.
4. Steve seems to have made a real conquest of Lily. They're always together.
31. And I see that by the left or the right, by compact or by conquest, come they will.
32. Painting was from the beginning one of the most important instruments of conquest in the sphere of thinking, the mind.
33. Would the moment of conquest signal the end of his interest in her?
34. Justinette and Cable listed which nightclubs they intended to visit, while Urran reminisced about favourite sites of conquest.
35. Armour and weapons from the First Crusade were closer in style to those of the Norman Conquest.
36. The situation grew dramatic with the Norman conquest of Sicily.
37. For some, life becomes one long struggle to conquer; the commitment is to conquest.
38. When a conquest is made, the oneness of the individual is often superseded by a state of oneness in the partnership.
39. His final resting place alongside 19 generations of his family dating back before the Norman conquest.
40. Naturally nothing so ambitious as the conquest of Hawaii had even entered our calculations.
41. As the army and the navy became officially involved in the conquest of California, the major fighting shifted to the south.
42. An Oriental circle of yin and yang; no aggressor, no conquest.
43. The well-tried Roman policy of divide and rule had been the basis of Augustan diplomacy and continued during the conquest.
44. She would not achieve this position of prominence through conquest but through example and inspiration.
45. The Romans and Vikings used them first as routes into the country for conquest and later for trade.
46. However, the period immediately after the Conquest saw short-lived hereditary surnames beginning to emerge.
47. The Roman legions left, opening the way for the conquest of the British Isles by the Germanic tribes.
48. This conquest, successful after countless setbacks, ended in wholesale military occupation.
49. Many had come, probably especially since the Persian conquest of Ionia, and had passed for citizens under the tyrants.
50. He went downstairs, finished his column, then shaved and bathed and went out to the office ripe for conquest.
51. Our southward expansion we study with sorrow and shame, not with a sense of conquest and pride.
52. In the immediate aftermath of annexation or conquest Euric's rule was far from pleasant.
53. Whether successful or not, the hunter would make a charming farewell and stroll off to make another conquest.
54. In terms of military conquest,[/conquest.html] a considerable difference existed between the conditions encountered in the north and the south of Siberia.
55. Thus the first deposition of a king since the Conquest was consummated.
56. I had forgotten my revulsion against Edusha, and having slept through the night, I awakened with a sense of conquest.
57. By defining the conquest as the origin story, and then by portraying it as illegitimate, Royce took a considerable risk.
58. That, at the Norman Conquest, Anno Christi 1066, the kingdom had somewhat above two millions of people.
59. A great Beyond opened to them the royal road to the conquest of time.
60. In this first phase of conquest, the Arabs created an Empire and a State, but not yet a civilization.
61. The Emperor takes personal command of his army whenever possible, and has earned himself an impressive record of victories and conquest.
62. A church has stood in Lowthorpe from as early as the Norman Conquest.
63. The fight lasted Tuesday and Wednesday before hope of conquest arrived.
64. To give ecclesiastical expression to this conquest, a bishopric was established at Bangor in 1092.
65. He may have been reluctant to give up a conquest of his illustrious forbear, Julius Caesar.
66. Not all at once, but by degrees, Dada made a conquest of this stallion of modern technology.
67. Any attempt at forcible conquest - by the word or by the sword - could easily have been neutralised or repelled.
68. Part of this conquest involved reducing the complex and archaic Goddesses to emblems of particular qualities.
69. Whatever may have prompted Caesar to carry out his expeditions, their partial success was accepted in Rome as a definite conquest.
70. It arose as a consequence of the Norman conquest and settlement of the Vale of Glamorgan in the early twelfth century.
71. These figures agree remarkably well with the other indications of population in the period of the conquest and the judges.
72. He began his survey after the Norman Conquest and continued up to the Elizabethan Age.
73. Aksum had outlasted Jerusalem and Rome, going down in ruin only eighty years before the Norman conquest of Britain.
74. The next stage of the process is probably achieved by conquest.
75. Not only does it symbolize the rise of patriarchy, it also coincides with the Babylonian conquest of Sumeria.
76. The ants run the gamut from conflict to conquest to apparent cooperation.
77. The destruction of her temple, just after the conquest of Mecca in 8 / 630 was a spectacular event.
78. An essential part of its history is that of ships, convoys and the conquest of distant oceans.
79. She'd accused him of always looking at other women: looking, looking, as though for the next conquest.
80. The effects of conquest were followed by the still greater catastrophes of exploitation and forced labour.
81. The conquest of air by living organisms is a relatively recent event, and one not yet completed.
82. Red rose can activize the man's appetency of conquest.
83. Thus, passionate bhakti existed long before the Muslim conquest.
84. The Norman Conquest took place in 1066.Sentencedict
85. They claimed the island by right of conquest.
86. John's family traces back to the Norman Conquest.
87. They succeeded in the conquest of that city.
88. The French empire had expanded largely through military conquest.
89. French; English; vocabulary; influence; Norman Conquest; naturalization.
90. The Conquest of Mexico by Hernando Cortes.
91. He was telling his tales of conquest in clubland.
92. Hydra - The conquest of a very powerful enemy.
93. Now one may despise what was done, but how did this partition of Czechoslovakia manifest a Hitlerian drive for world conquest?
94. But It'succumbed in the 18 th and 19 th centuries to economic stagnation, foreign and outright conquest.
95. I found a positive, well-rounded male ideal within Judaism that sees manliness not just in sexual conquest or sports prowess, but in wisdom, loyalty and other virtues.
96. Detractors call it Wahhabism, after the 18th-century puritan reformer whose family alliance with the Al Sauds laid the foundation for their eventual conquest of Arabia.
97. The second part talks over from Norman Conquest to "The Great Charter". In the process, Feudal monarchy had sharp conflict and compromise with the power of Christian Religion.
98. Norman Conquest- (1066) Military conquest of England by William, duke of Normandy (later William I), mainly through his victory over Harold II at the Battle of Hastings.
99. I thought of the physical slightness of the people, their lack of intelligence, and those big abundant ruins, and it strengthened my belief in a perfect conquest of Nature.
100. Such a start toward becoming the standard speech of England cut short by the Norman Conquest.
101. With his eyes always looking for the next conquest, the next record to break, he surpasses human expectations and proves again and again that he was just born to amaze.
102. I turn to the men : gentlemen, make conquest, rob each other of your well - beloved without remorse.
103. War is the conquest and subjugation of human self - sovereignty against the will of the contest.
104. Khan, Tamerlans in the fury of conquest exterminated all who resisted them.
105. The Spanish conquest then cut short any further independent development.
106. The invasion is known as the Norman Conquest and it is very important for two reasons.
107. Francisco Pizarro was a Spanish conquistador who destroyed the Inca Empire in the course of his conquest of Peru.
108. Mary Lasker called the war on cancer the country's next moon shot, the conquest of inner space.
109. Mr Davies is well known as an iconoclast who punctures the comforting myths of countries (likeEnglandorRussia) that history has blessed with conquest, expansion and linguistic dominance.
110. Jerusalem Day celebrates the conquest of the city during the 1967 Six-Day War, before which Jordan controlled East Jerusalem, while Israel had the western section.
111. In his then state of ecstatic agony such a conquest would have cost him little.
112. Hitler badly miscalculated when he assumed the conquest of the USSR would be simple.
113. Following the conquest of Northern Estonia by the Livonian Order, many Estonian people have fled to neighbouring Lithuania .
114. The Supreme Reality or Brahman is not merely an intellectual quest, but a spiritual conquest.
114. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
115. Some textbooks start with prehistory, others with the Roman conquest, others still with Clovis, Charlemagne or Hugh Capet (all mentioned below).
116. During the Norman Conquest British officialdom took on French as their official language.
117. The fallen snow has become snow deposit, tirelessly telling the story about conquest.
118. Yet this same lust for tyrannical conquest is also their greatest weakness.
119. These men have made Iraq theirs by right of conquest.
120. The Battle of Hastings paved the way for the conquest of England.
121. The rich and handsome young man made a conquest of Jeanne.
122. The Norman Conquest and the Black Death are typical instances.
123. You've made quite a conquest there, ie He or she likes you!
124. More famous in the East than the West, Tamerlane led remnants of the original Mongol horde of Genghis Khan on a new round of conquest, invading Iran, Iraq and northern India.
125. " Oh, " thought Drouet, " how delicious is my conquest. ".
126. Men who resort to violence do so mainly because they are conditioned by patriarchal cultural norms to equate manhood with aggression, dominance over women and sexual conquest.
127. As conquest may be called a foreign usurpation , so usurpation is a kind of domestic conquest....
128. One of them, Benito Mussolini , thinking conquest was easy, proved the year's greatest flop.
129. Norman conquest on the development of English have an enormous impact.
130. The Teutonic Conquest, Norman conquest and the renaissance accelerates the pace of English development.
131. On the shores of the Mediterranean, Tipasa was an ancient Punic trading-post conquered by Rome and turned into a strategic base for the conquest of the kingdoms of Mauritania.
132. But are round-eyed white-skinned blonds attractive to Chinese men beyond the quick fizz of a status conquest?
133. The conquest of Iwo Jima, shown from an American view in "Flags of our Fathers" and from the Japanese side in "Letters from Iwo Jima", was the most brutal and pointless of the second world war.
134. Others effects—such as famines, the Thirty Years' War (1618-48), or the 164 Manchu conquest of China—took decades to manifest.
135. After Norman Conquest, upper class people spoke French while common people spoke English.
136. Tom : " Well, after the Norman Conquest there was a different ruler of England. "
137. In these early stories, there was no love interest from Maid Marion, no link to Richard I, no mention of the resistance versus the Norman Conquest.
138. Hanging Gardens of Fragrance is also tenderness mist cloud drift, Norman conquest of the hurricane has swept through the sea side.
139. Food of the Gods During his conquest of Mexico, Cortez found the Aztec Indians using cocoa beans in the preparation of the royal drink of the realm, "chocolate, " meaning warm liquid.
140. The revanche du berceau ("revenge of the cradle") dreamed of by some romantic nationalists as retaliation for the British conquest of 1759 didn't seem so far-fetched.
141. Her latest conquest is an Italian who, interestingly enough, doesn't speak a word of his native language.
142. The legislation also applies to dating-simulation video-games, in which the goal is a graphic sexual conquest.
143. The Fourth Crusade did not achieve the conquest of the "Holy Land", but diverted to Constantinople, the capital of Byzantine Empire. It seemed occasional, while implied certain social background.
144. His version of the Norman Conquest was: " Twenty thousand thieves landed at Hastings. "
145. Polo: After Norman Conquest[http:///conquest.html], English kings occupied many manors in France by marriage or heirship.
146. Most Latinate English words appeared with the French of the Norman Conquest of 1066 or appeared even later, introduced by people thinking they were smart to drop Latin based words into their writing.
147. In Isle of Conquest, kill 10 players with a Glaive Thrower without dying.
148. After the Norman Conquest, upper class people spoke French while common people spoke English.
149. After eight years of war, Gaius Julius Caesar has finally completed his bloody conquest of Gaul.
150. One Christmas Day, William was crowned king of England Norman Conquest of England.
151. "At first I thought Jack was just a rebound dater wanting to make a conquest, " said Fiona over dinner with her girlfriends. "But he's called every day since our first date, and he's really sweet.
152. German field marshal in World War II who directed the conquest of Poland and led the Ardennes counteroffensive (1875-1953).
153. There follows the most amazing stow of conquest in the whole history of our race.
154. If so, why does the book of Joshua provide such a different account, one of outside conquest by means of a war led by the hosts of the Lord?
155. The rich and handsome young man make a conquest of jeanne.
156. In 1943, the Allied conquest of Sicily was completed as US and British forces entered Messina.
157. The Norman Conquest of 1066 is perhaps the best - known event in English history.
158. William the Conqueror, whose cause was favoured by the pope, was soonsubmitted to by the English, who wanted leaders, and had been of late much accustomed to usurpation and conquest.
159. It is thought that this final move marked the completion of the conquest of his heritage.
160. The conquest of Ulster makes the finest story in the Conquest after that of Leinster.
161. All members of the Inner Party believe in this coming conquest as an article of faith.
162. The medical somatology is not only learn method to conquest a serious disease which threat to human, but also study how to strengthen human's physique to improve adaptability of the environment.
163. This whole thing is more an engineering job than conquest.
164. Today Germany's hopes for world conquest have been blasted on all fronts.
165. This is what leads him to his first sexual conquest, and then to the countless conquests where he can fetishize his strategy.
166. The goon was babbling on to the man ahead of him about his latest conquest.
167. The link may be due to the fact that risk-taking,[http://] possession- grabbing and sexual conquest could all be linked in our ancient evolutionary brains.
168. Women's femininity is not defined by their breadwinner status, nor is it defined by sexual conquest.
169. But acquisitiveness, although it is the mainspring of the capitalist system, is by no means the most powerful of the motives that survive the conquest of hunger.
170. We say, 'Bully for the boy and his conquest of the geometry teacher, ' but that makes it harder for boys to vocalize their victimization.
171. This controversy promoted the transformation of Spanish overseas policy from armed expansion and cruel rule in America to peaceful conquest through missionary in the Philippine islands.
172. Portugal made Malacca a colony in 1511 by military conquest, thus ending the Sultanate of Malacca.
173. These most important events are Anglos - Saxons'invasion; The Viking and Danish Invasions and The Norman Conquest.
174. The invalidation of economic policy and deterioration of economic condition are important reasons and lastly foreign aggrandizement and conquest answered for the perdition of Directoire directly.
175. For the pioneers who set out to confront these lands, following trailblazers like Daniel Boone, the conquest of the West is a story of courage and hardship that forges the character of America.
176. These most important events are The Anglos - Saxons'invasion; Viking and Danish Invasions and The Norman Conquest.
177. The cacao bean played an important role in Mesoamerican civilisation, the native civilisation in parts of Mexico and Central America prior to the Spanish exploration and conquest of the 16th century.




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