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单词 double-blind
释义  Related topics: Hard science, Medicineˌdouble-ˈblind adjective technical  HMa double-blind scientific test or study compares two groups in which neither the scientists nor the people being studied know which group is being tested and which group is not 〔科学试验或研究〕双盲的〔指研究人员和受试者均不知道哪一组为测试组,哪一组为对照组〕Examples from the Corpusdouble-blind• One study did not use a double-blind design and was therefore excluded from the analysis.• Convincing them otherwise would take double-blind trials and a plausible explanation of how the sensitivity might arise.• To eliminate this, as in double-blind trials, would in many cases render the therapy impotent.ˌdouble-ˈblind adjectiveChineseSyllable  study scientific test or a Corpus compares double-blind




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