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单词 Affinity
1 He has an affinity for fine food.
2 There is close affinity between Italian and Spanish.
3 She seems to have a natural affinity for/with water.
4 I felt a great affinity with the people of the Highlands.
5 He has a natural affinity with numbers.
6 She feels a strong affinity for him.
7 Humans have a special affinity for dolphins.
8 Many girls do show an affinity for craft skills.
9 The film doesn't have much affinity with the book.
10 In his poems he showed some affinity with Coleridge.
11 They share a special affinity.
12 He felt a strong affinity to the Russian girl.
13 Peter has a special affinity for booze.
14 English has a close affinity to French.
15 She has a strong affinity for Beethoven.
16 There is a close affinity between these two species.
17 Italian has a close affinity to French.
18 There is a close affinity between Italian and Spanish.
19 Jo feels a great affinity towards Pamela.
20 A house design should have some affinity with the surrounding architecture.
21 It's important that you share an affinity with your husband.
22 He has a close affinity with the landscape he knew when he was growing up.
23 You can see the affinity in appearance between mother and daughter.
24 Hawtrey, then, showed some affinity with Keynes.
25 This has some affinity with the Marxist position.
26 They may not have an affinity for that.
27 Perhaps they feel an affinity with its ghosts.
28 She did, however, have an affinity with Pinter.
29 Sam was born in the country and had a deep affinity with nature.
30 He was not an impartial witness because of his affinity with the accused.
1 He has an affinity for fine food.
2 She seems to have a natural affinity for/with water.
3 I felt a great affinity with the people of the Highlands.
4 He has a natural affinity with numbers.
5 Many girls do show an affinity for craft skills.
6 The film doesn't have much affinity with the book.
7 He felt a strong affinity to the Russian girl.
8 Peter has a special affinity for booze.
9 Italian has a close affinity to French.
10 Jo feels a great affinity towards Pamela.
11 A house design should have some affinity with the surrounding architecture.
12 It's important that you share an affinity with your husband.
13 You can see the affinity in appearance between mother and daughter.
31 There is a remarkable affinity between the two religions.
32 Manifestations Gifts A natural affinity with animals and birds.
33 Single met box sites have very low affinity.
34 Affinity for the right side with pain and pneumonia.
35 I felt an affinity with him.
36 Fred Daly took pride in his affinity with Lurgan.
37 With meat, however, he has a great affinity.
38 Though belonging to different religions and coming from differing backgrounds, an affinity grew and developed.
39 Sam was a complete countryman, with a pronounced affinity with nature in all its forms.
40 Meats that come hot to the table from charcoal and gas grills have an affinity for certain types of wine.
41 She has a strange affinity with nature and seems most at home by the seashore.
42 Like a crossword aficionado you developed an affinity with certain compilers - and from Ximenes you stayed well clear!
43 Each age has an affinity for some frames and an aversion to others.
44 But, for such an attribute, the difference could also be due to the greater psychological affinity between Is.
45 This, again, indicates the possibility of a more specific stylistic affinity between these pavements.
46 He felt an affinity with the horse; she was a drop-out horse, one of the great rejected, like him.
47 The law of affinity, as defined by the popes, most obviously affected the political marriage-makers, the aristocracy.
48 In marine sediments and faeces, sulphate reducing bacteria outcompete methanogenic bacteria because of their higher affinity for such substrates.
49 Bradley, despite his 1735 endorsement of the sea clock, felt little affinity for anything outside astronomy.
50 It is an odd affinity that is forming between Reagan and the scientific community.
51 Pineapple and gin have a truly spectacular affinity, combining to make something bigger and better than either.
52 Other patterns do provide, however, an opportunity to recognize such integral stylistic affinity.
53 The actual vegetation may not be identical owing to varying local conditions but there is sufficient affinity to make correlations reasonably certain.
54 The closer the affinity, the better the value of one individual predicts that of another.
55 Another pavement, from Verulamium, also suggests some affinity with the Lion and Stag mosaic.
56 Mammalian cell receptors can have high solute binding affinity, but also allow for rapid on/off binding kinetics.
57 Pete Burns' I feel a strong affinity with him, almost a brotherly thing.
58 We might well feel some affinity with him in our own times.
59 Due to this increased affinity, there is also less oxygen delivered to the tissue for a given percent saturation of hemoglobin.
60 When we first started strumming, there was definitely a real affinity with the feel, so who knows?
61 We have a deep affinity formed through many years of friendship.
62 Cziffra's affinity with Liszt is strongly evident on four of the eight discs.
63 Unlike his brother Clarence, he acquired no ready-made affinity which he could exploit when he came of age.
64 I do not need the hon. Member for Gordon to lecture me about my affinity with the mining industry.
65 I have, how shall I put it, organised an elective affinity for you already.
66 Clay soils, composed of very fine particles, have a much higher affinity for water than silty soils.
67 It has a natural affinity with oak ageing, and yet it can be fresh and light.
68 Paradigmatically, a semantic affinity between two grammatically identical words is the greater the more congruent their patterns of syntagmatic normality.
69 It is not a physical attraction but a psychological affinity.
70 It is wrong to think that love comes from long companionship and persevering courtship. Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and unless that affinity is created in a moment, it will not be created for years or even generations. Kahlil Gibran 
71 Its affinity for the opiate receptor means, however, that it could be addictive in the same way as morphine.
72 But in other respects the royal affinity was potentially vulnerable.
73 This remedy has an affinity for fibrous tissues, joints and tendons.
74 The main assumption, below, is that various inferences from style may suggest different levels of stylistic affinity.
75 These are small proteins capable of binding hydrophobic molecules with high affinity and selectivity.
76 Sage: A strongly aromatic herb with a mildly resinous flavor, sage has a particular affinity for game birds.
77 They seemed so different, yet he sensed an affinity between them.
78 Samples are stained with a dye that has an affinity for the proteins.
79 This nematode haemoglobin is chemically similar to myoglobin and has the highest affinity for oxygen of any known animal haemoglobin.
80 Mustard has a special affinity for game, we think, and this recipe Tshowcases the interaction admirably.
81 Somewhere they must have an affinity for it; hearts inclined to flower arrangements, minds intrigued by cleaning products.
82 St. Peter's must have had strong affinity with the nearby Castle.
83 Venetians feel more affinity with inhabitants of Vienna than with those of Rome.
84 Aluminium likes silicon: it has a greater affinity for inorganic silicate than for anything else.
85 This affinity or linkage has real historical roots though its importance and character has changed in recent decades.
86 He felt an early affinity with the light of the local people.
87 Juliet was beginning to feel a sort of affinity for Birkleigh.
88 The affinity between the fellow craftsmen at work on great buildings grew closer during the Gothic period.
89 Humans have a special affinity for dolphins,(sentence dictionary) which are widely perceived as having a special degree of intelligence.
90 They had established an intimacy and an affinity with the ocean which we can still only envy.
91 With relieved swastika meanders however, some examples of affinity with comparable mosaics from sites possessing Orpheus pavements is apparent.
92 As he acquired further land and office in the north, the affinity inevitably widened.
93 Corepressor binding does not cause significant structural change in the protein, though it greatly increases the affinity for the operator.
94 They might therefore have a physicochemical affinity for one another.
95 It is another remedy with an affinity for the respiratory tract.
96 As Gloucester's power grew, it made him a better lord for the affinity as a whole.
97 Part of the current strategy to raise its profile and increase revenue has included a recent alliance with Affinity Internet Holdings.
98 At the same time, personal connections naturally developed between individual members of the affinity.
99 The affinity of AHL with pepsin was very high.
100 EVI showing bell-shaped curve, has seasonal change and affinity with the monthly average.
101 Made sheep anti? human IgG Fab Sepharose 4 B affinity chromatography, purified the souble Fab fragment.
102 OBJECTIVE To develop the bioaffinity ligands and affinity purification technology for human serum albumin.
103 As a bearer of the Mark of Scribing, you have a supernatural affinity for language.
104 Furthermore, the protein isolated in the periplasm can be purified by nickel ion affinity chromatography.
105 CONCLUSION: MAb 3G11 showed high specificity and affinity with tumor tissue through scintiscanning.
106 The blade has the advantages of little affinity to steel material, good cutting and wetting performance and little friction with processed material, so as to prolong the service life thereof.
107 Membrane utilized for endotoxin removal namely chitosan affinity membrane was prepared by using Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) hollow fiber membrane as support.
108 Molecu lar docking serves as a method to simulate the interactions of two molecules (such as ligand and receptor) and to predict their binding mode a nd affinity.
109 Beta endorphin is a naturally occurring opioid neurotransmitter which has an affinity for the same receptor that is accessed by heroin and other opiates.
110 The galactic affinity for material in the universe, the black hole.
111 After dissolution of inclusion bodies in binding buffer containing 8M Urea, the fusion protein was purified with metal affinity chromatography column, high purity protein was achieved.
112 The Chinese say that they also feel political affinity, conscious of France's revolutionary past, and that "The Internationale" — the anthem of revolutionary zeal — is French.
113 If a hot servant has a free TCB, the default behavior is to send a request with no session affinity to a servant region not yet established to the request.
114 The sericin affinity to the hair and repairing the hair damaged had been researched systematically.
115 Cornstarch used as a thickener is a hydrocolloid . So is plain flour. But the properties of hydrocolloids differ widely, depending on their molecular structure and affinity for water.
116 Methods A combination of euglobulin precipitation, ion-exchange chromatography, (NH4)2SO4 precipitation and affinity chromatography was used in the process of purification.
117 Faulkner who Zhao Mei has a spiritual affinity with, James Joyce, Andre Gide, Claude Simon, Milan Kundera whom she admires rationally and movie director Jean Luc Godard.
118 Bengal and North Eastern states should merge with China. The former being communist and cultural affinity and the latter on racial make up. Enough with Hindustani rule.
119 Other publications include book chapters "Corporate Globalization: Business Cultures in Europe and in Asia"and "Chinese Transnational Enterprises: Cultural Affinity and Business Strategies".
120 The invention includes antibodies that provide superior anti-coagulant activity by binding native human TF with high affinity and specificity.
121 Do not use thread local storage unless thread affinity is guaranteed.
122 Enzyme kinetics investigation revealed that the affinity of gut carboxylesterase of Periplaneta americana (L. ) for dipterex was 23 times greater than that with the cholinesterase.
123 KGF-2 had the same receptor affinity and mitogenic effect to RTE as the standard.
124 In this report, we try to explore the prodrug design targeting PEPT1 (oligopeptide transporter 1), and prodrug affinity towards PEPT1 as well as the uptake kinetics based on our in vitro system.
125 Be aware that WLM even distribution DOES NOT really balance the HTTP requests without session affinity equally across the servant regions in a simple round-robin way.
126 Due to the unique high affinity and reversible interactions with diols , boronic acid-based fluorescent sensors can be used in carbohydrate sensing and recognition.
127 Select your subscription, enter a name for the Host service, a URL to access it, the Affinity Group that you have created before and the option of not deploy anything.
128 Trypsin was covalently linked with chemical modified granule chitosan and was used to isolate and purify aprotinin from the extract of cattle lungs by affinity chromatography.
129 Methods Affinity constant of the specific antibodies was determined with ELISA and capillary electrophoresis.
130 These inane literary works have no affinity to the masses.
131 The Directly Connected ESB makes all of the services in several interconnected ESBs visible through a common services registry, which reflects each service's affinity for one of the ESBs.
132 It can be concluded that the binding between DNA and pirimicarb mainly depends on the relative affinity ratio between metal ions and DNA basic groups or phosphate groups.
133 Rothko saw an affinity between his art and the British heritage of Romanticism: he felt a connection with the sublime landscapes of JMW Turner.
134 It make the biomacromolecule separated mainly according to the affinity between the biomacromolecule and immobilized ligand.
135 In anatomical structure prehistoric man shows close affinity with modern humans.
136 Diamond is a material of negative electron affinity, which can be used to fabricate electron emitter in FED (DFED) to reduce the work function, hence reduce the working voltage.
137 Conclusions SHV-12 ESBL has a highest affinity to ceftazidime and cefotaxime expresses a maximal catalytic efficacy to cephalothin.
138 Won people consequently, establish the core position of ethical cohesive affinity.
139 The results indicated that the acid strength is not only related with the proton affinity, but also interaction between cation framework and absorbed molecule.
140 Cluster analysis and phylogenic trees revealed that Ewenki nationality had estrangement genetic affinity with the other 3 major nationalities in inner mongolia and Han nationality in Xi'an.
141 The selective binding experiment for substrates indicated that the polymer gave much higher affinity and selectivity for triadimenol than analogues.
142 End-point affinity can have tremendous effects on the performance of the application.
143 We'll then take a turn to talking about the periodic table, we'll look at a bunch of periodic trends, including ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity and atomic radius.
144 Advanced parallelism, data and partition affinity, and other techniques described in this article provide an essential set of tools that can help streamline offline processing.
145 Modification of hemoglobin using inositol tetrakisphosphate ( IP 4 ) can improve the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin.
146 When the queuing manager directly sends the work requests with affinity to the servant regions, it will not go through the service class work queues specified for the requests.
147 For that only stands fast upon his own centre; whereas all things that have affinity with the heavens move upon the centre of another which they benefit.
148 With the merits of high hardness, high thermal conduction, negative electron affinity, diamond is deemed one of the preferred materials of the field emission cathode.
149 The results showed that both cuticle and hemolymph PO were involved in cuticle sclerotization of T. molitor, but have differences in action mode and affinity to substrate.
150 Digital photography has more affinity to painting than to reproduction.
151 Linux systems have developed an affinity for larger displays, and the Fedora windowing environment is just plain awful on a low-resolution display.
152 A certain species of hosts usually have their fixed louse species. The similarity of sucking louse communities is highly consistent with the affinity of small mammal hosts in taxonomy.
153 The trypsin was covalently linked with chemical modified granule chitosan and was used to isolate and purify aprotininum from the extract of cattle lungs by affinity chromatography.
154 For example, the Helios networking stack expresses a positive affinity for the channels used to communicate with a network device driver.
155 HSF is present in a latent state under normal conditions; it is activated upon heat stress by induction of trimerization, high affinity binding to DNA and transcriptional activity.
156 They were further purified with DE-52 cellulose ion exchange chromatography and Dextran Blue-Sepharose 4B affinity chromatography.
157 The second deals with the possible base for the turn, which reveals on the affinity between understanding and practice, dialogue and phronesis.
158 The insomnious disease that the disease causes, often accompany with the disease happen, and having affinity with the lapse to of the disease.
159 After this incubation amyloid A protein, as found in "secondary" amyloidosis or in Familial Mediterranean Fever, loses its affinity for Congo red, whereas amyloid L protein does not.
160 Cluster analysis and phylogenic tree showed the genetic affinity between Bai, Dai, Yi, and Tibet populations.
161 Taking sepharose 4B as carrier, cyanuric chloride as activation reagent, and Erythrina trypsin inhibitor as ligand, the method of preparation of affinity chromatography resin is described.
162 Fusion protein expression was induced by IPTG. After renaturation, the protein was purified by affinity chromatography and the bioactivity was examined by ELISA.
163 Further purification of alliinase was conducted on prepared affinity chromatography column and its purity was examined by SDS-PAGE.
164 AmeriGraze, Algonquin, Alfalfa 54, Affinity, Gold Empress of productive structure is reasonable, that of WL252HQ, Ningxia, WL232HQ, WL323ML is unreasonable.
165 Yorke's shadowy side found sympathy and affinity in the whole of his wife's uniformly overcast nature.
166 The affinity of self-incompatibility in the mustard family affects the purity of hybrid seed and the propagation coefficient of stock plant.
167 The fusion protein was purified through Nickel - affinity chromatography column.
168 So in this study, based on the mechanism of affinity chromatography, the affinity chromatography column with the heme immobilized was built to do purification of HBP.
169 Recombinant human - like collagen withattacked to the carboxyl be easily purified by Metal Chelated Affinity Chromatography ( MCAC ) .
170 Select your subscription, enter a name for the Host service, a URL to access it, select the Affinity Group that you have created before and the option of not deploy anything.
171 Conclusion The glucoprotein part of AFP is remarkably different between HCC and benign hepatic disease by micro-column affinity chromatography assay. AFP-L3 is the specific marker for diagnosing HCC.
172 Because of an affinity for epithelium, the virus attacks cells of the Malpighian.
173 In the in vitro experiment, the targeting probe and control materials were incubated separately with A549 cells which had high affinity to gonadotropin releasing hormone.
174 As the coal rank goes to higher, the wettability of coal grains and the affinity between coal and coagulants decreases gradually.
175 However, purification and MS analysis of tandem affinity protein– tagged RNA Pol II holoenzyme complexes identified a minimum stable complex of both known and novel proteins (27).
176 The number and affinity coefficient of AGE receptors in peritoneal macrophages of rats supplemented with VC and VE for 5w were investigated using radiolabeled ligand binding experiments.
177 Due to the shortage of trustworthy evidence of gastrula and hatching, their phylogenetic affinity remains a problem of long controversy.
178 OBJECTIVE To investigate the affinity of N-succinyl-chitosan samples to cancer cells, and select the best one as the drug targeting carrier.
179 The affinity between male and female animals is purely sensual, or animalistic.
180 The GST-MBD4 fusion protein was purified from cell lysates using glutathione Sepharose 4B affinity chromatography.
181 The blade has the advantages of little affinity to steel material, good cutting and wetting performance and little friction with processed material, so as to prolong the service life.
182 Set out from the gustatory particularity and lush culture of Chinese diet, we find that the affinity relationship between gustatory and Chinese aesthetic consciousness.
183 To screen single-strand DNA aptamers specifically binding B cell activating factor belonging to the TNF family(BAFF) and identify its affinity.
184 N-acetyl-D-neuraminic acid aldolase from E. coli was cloned, expressed in high amount and purified to high homogeneity using affinity column method.
185 The results showed that bamboo fibers had much higher dye affinity, dyeing heat and dyeing entropy than cotton and rayon fibers when dyed with Direct Dye Yellow G at same temps.
186 This is primarily and affinity, and publishes materials on the surface tension.
187 It has been considered that basal forebrain cholinergic system has affinity with learning and memory.
188 The ability in Linux to bind one or more processes to one or more processors, called CPU affinity, is a long-requested feature.
189 Affinity chromatography used to play important rule in the separation and purification of biomacromolecule.
190 Methods According to the different affinity of ConA with AFP, crossed affinity immunoelectrophoresis autoradiography was used.
191 Another end for the hydroxyl and the carboxyl group, has the water affinity.
192 Fluoride and strontium has special affinity and influence on bone stabilization.
193 Objective To induct cell product high affinity antibody of schizophrenia.
194 As a kind of natural cellulose fiber, cotton product is deeply liked by people with its good wearing property, and extensively applied to medical base material with its fine affinity.
195 So most of you recognize, if we switch back to the notes, that they do have a negative electron affinity.
196 The SM master alloy was used to add high oxygen affinity elements Mn and Si into the sintered steel as alloying elements to improve the mechanical properties.
197 The effects of liquid phase environment on the affinity adsorption of active xylanases from Trichoderma virides to the insoluble oat-spelt xylan and subsequent desorption was investigated.
198 Defoliation is achieved by adding elements which have a greater affinity than iron for oxygen.
199 Incorporating with appropriate transport model equation, the SMA model was used to model the dye-ligand affinity chromatography process.
200 The fundamental belief in a rational relationship between internationalism is Grotius type of human rationality, that is, the concept of social affinity.
201 With 6 different genetic background and high pure upland cotton lines as female parents, the variation of allogamous affinity and main traits of hybrid boll were analyzed under assisted pollination.
202 A nonequilibrium chromatographic rate model was employed to simulate the affinity chromatographic process of urokinase.




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