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单词 At sea
1. A storm was brewing up out at sea.
2. He was drowned at sea.
3. After 21 days at sea, we sighted land.
4. Her ashes were scattered at sea.
5. Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea.
6. They scattered his ashes at sea.
7. The invading force, conscious of their numerical inferiority at sea, decided on an airborne attack.
8. But at sea the wind can build up giant, powerful waves.
9. After months of solitude at sea it felt strange to be in company.
10. The ship wrecked at sea.
11. After twelve days at sea, they sighted land.WHICH WORD?
12. The boats are all out at sea.
13. Pity the poor sailors at sea in this storm!
14. Storms at sea impeded our progress .
15. They are all out at sea.
16. I'm all/completely at sea with the new coins.
17. We spent three weeks at sea.
18. They were lost at sea.
19. Greenpeace has been harassing whaling operations at sea.
20. They hoped to defeat the enemy at sea.
21. After five days at sea, we sighted land.
22. It happened on the second night at sea.
23. The ship was lost at sea.
24. After three days at sea, we sighted land.
25. The resulting salty water will be discharged at sea.
25. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
26. I'm all at sea with these new regulations.
27. He spent over 30 years at sea .
28. His ashes were scattered at sea.
29. It was good to be on dry land again after months at sea.
30. The wooden boat was built to withstand just about every weather condition at sea.
1. A storm was brewing up out at sea.
2. He was drowned at sea.
3. After 21 days at sea, we sighted land.
4. Her ashes were scattered at sea.
5. Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea.
6. They scattered his ashes at sea.
7. It was good to be on dry land again after months at sea.
8. The invading force, conscious of their numerical inferiority at sea, decided on an airborne attack.
9. The wooden boat was built to withstand just about every weather condition at sea.
10. But at sea the wind can build up giant, powerful waves.
11. After months of solitude at sea it felt strange to be in company.
12. A wreck on shore is a beacon at sea.
13. The albatross can stay airborne at sea for days at a time.
14. The painting is a representation of a storm at sea.
31. Peter was lost at sea when his ship sank.
32. It's stormy out at sea.
33. After many months at sea, Columbus sighted land.
34. A wreck on shore is a beacon at sea.
35. The submarine is invulnerable to attack while at sea.
36. She wanted her ashes to be scattered at sea.
37. Help was lacking at sea during the storm.
38. We made a landfall at dusk after three weeks at sea.
39. The boats remain at sea for an average of ten days at a time.
40. Waves are beautiful to look at, but they can destroy ships at sea, as well as houses and buildings near the shore.
41. The fishing boats were out at sea for three days.
42. Their first sight of land came after ten days at sea.
43. I am quite at sea in regard to his explanation.
44. After ten days at sea, we had our first sight of land.
45. I'm all at sea; I've no idea how to repair cars.
46. The albatross can stay airborne at sea for days at a time.
47. The old sailor loves to spin yarns about his life at sea.
48. "Don't worry - worse things happen at sea" is her stock expression for whenever anything goes wrong.
49. They received recognition for their 20-year commitment to safety at sea.
50. The Coast Guard picked up a distress signal from a freighter 50 miles out at sea.
51. The Little Bear constellation is still used by navigators at sea.
52. After three weeks at sea we were glad to be back on dry land again.
53. I love listening to his tales of life at sea.
54. When I go,() I'd like to have my ashes scattered at sea.
55. Living in a foreign country can mean you're always at sea about what's going on.
56. After two days at sea(), it was good to be back on terra firma again.
57. The warship logged 350 miles in the first 4 days at sea.
58. Greenpeace managed to assemble enough boats to waylay the ship at sea.
59. By the second day, the ship was well out at sea.
60. The painting is a representation of a storm at sea.
61. The vessel finally made port after thirty days at sea.
62. After weeks at sea, it was wonderful to feel firm ground beneath our feet once more.
63. He opposes any kind of nuclear waste being dumped at sea.
64. They were lost at sea when their ship sank en route for Madeira.
65. In accordance with his wishes, his ashes were scattered at sea.
66. The government declared that it did not dump radioactive waste at sea.
67. Occasionally, unusual creatures are washed to the shore, but they are rarely caught out at sea.
68. When he's away at sea, I really fear for him.
69. After several days at sea, the sailors finally sighted land.
70. A third brigade is at sea, ready for an amphibious assault.
71. After a week at sea, it was good to feel the earth beneath our feet again.
72. 1,654 passengers were transferred at sea to a Norwegian cruise ship.
73. She tried to understand the instructions, but she was completely at sea.
74. It is cheaper to drill for oil on land than at sea.
75. All large explosions are safely out at sea.
76. McCrea wanted his ashes scattered at sea.
77. Five sailors were lost at sea.
78. Why shouldn't they get lost at sea?
79. Several ships were lost at sea in the storm.
80. Now nuclear waste dumping at sea has been stopped.
81. The boat carrying 653 refugees was intercepted at sea.
82. They had defeated the enemy on land and at sea.
83. Although the victor of a battle at sea, Edward returned home a bitterly disappointed man.
84. After all, a ship lost at sea is a tragedy, but not so unusual.
85. The Buckau's first series of trials at sea as a rotor ship was completed successfully in January 1925.
86. Hugh, her eldest son,(Sentence dictionary) at first believed to have been lost at sea but who later reappears.
87. Every year, countless agonising deaths occur through the pollution of rivers from factories or oil spillages at sea.
88. There's more water at Sea World where kids can touch, feed and learn about anything fishy.
89. These multi-purpose, leisure-park hotels look under siege like huge ocean liners in trouble at sea.
90. The convention establishes the principle that nothing that is harmful to human health and marine life can be dumped at sea.
91. And at sea there was little likelihood that anyone would come to my rescue.
92. His eyes were an astounding blue and his complexion was ruddy from a life spent mostly at sea.
93. During the confusion of this last day at sea, he came to our quarters and handed me the finished holster.
94. Activists have caught vessels dumping nuclear waste at sea, but most no longer sail.
95. To him it was inconceivable to be at sea without trailing a hook in the water.
96. Safety at sea takes on a new meaning when you sail with Navico.
97. Over 3,000 people took part in a demonstration against the dumping of nuclear waste at sea.
98. Eight youngsters aged 17 and 18, an instructor and two teachers were lost at sea for hours when their vessels capsized.
99. I learned on the job, at sea, working seven days a week, month after month.
100. We were to fly across, which suited me, as I had a morbid fear of being torpedoed at sea.
101. Britain is the only country in the world which continues to burn hazardous waste at sea.
102. Besides, dumping at sea is cheap[], and so it fails to reflect the possible environmental costs imposed on future generations.
103. So, if you are ever cast adrift at sea - never drink sea water.
104. The book gave a list of all the money Flint had stolen from different ships during twenty years at sea.
105. These older tankers require continuous maintenance to keep them in good, safe working order at sea.
106. Although more oil is ablaze than was first thought, there is less oil at sea.
107. We stand by, waiting for the front to pass by or for our allotted time at sea to run out.
108. Once at sea level, smooth soapstone slabs had to be traversed for some distance to reach the cliff.
109. For all her aristocratic breeding, this innocent young kindergarten teacher felt totally at sea in the deferential hierarchy of Buckingham Palace.
110. Then an immature gannet came into view away out at sea, a huge bird, still in mottled dark brown plumage.
111. If the drill is a success, it could reduce the numbers of offshore rigs needed for drilling at sea.
112. Most could have been explained by the mishaps and coincidences which do happen at sea, but one occurrence was bizarre.
113. A collision at sea was caused by the negligence of the Oropesa.
114. The disaster at sea which took the lives of 165 oilmen is still the subject of inquiry.
115. Whiston worried, of course, that bright lights might also falter when trying to deliver a time signal at sea.
115. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
116. They were able to reflect that their wanderings at sea had lasted precisely forty days and forty nights.
117. Consider a film clip showing an aircraft carrier at sea.
118. Six were at sea, on the business of trade - an act of faith that he might have cause to regret.
119. A second equally good story describes mopping up an oil spill at sea.
120. Secondly no one has yet tackled the technical problems of finding suitable disposal sites on land or at sea.
121. He always used to tell us about his adventures at sea.
122. Months at sea had rusted their connections so they flickered irritatingly.
123. He has trained handicapped youngsters at sea and is a lifeboat crew member.
124. Audio visual and special effects will allow visitors to realistically experience life at sea.
125. The uncle who had run away, hoping to get to sea, was later lost at sea.
126. Davis has earned a reputation as an outspoken opponent of any kind of nuclear waste dumping at sea.
127. For instance, the rule of contributory negligence applicable to collisions at sea differed from that established by the common law of tort.
128. The government is currently considering building facilities for processing liquid radioactive waste and other measures to end dumping at sea by 1995.
129. At sea level we would have got a different picture as the man-eating breakers punched against the rocky coast.
130. To make it look as though the ship is lost at sea.
131. She proved to be a pleasant soul whose husband had been drowned at sea.
132. The existing blacklist of substances not to be dumped at sea would be superseded by the blanket ban.
133. So the fishermen fish even harder, to make up the catches they need to keep their vessels at sea.
134. Air pressure at sea level equals 1.03kg per square centimetre.
135. The economy booms like cannon, far out at sea on a lone ship.
136. Each boat would then be licensed by horsepower for a set number of days at sea based on a three-year track record.
137. The protests were aimed at ending the dumping of harmful industrial waste at sea.
138. Teredo, or shipworm, can have a devastating effect on the hulls of wooden ships at sea.
139. Today, semaphore signalling is still used at sea, where it is impossible to use wires or cable for communication.
140. She claimed she had somehow been placed on an ocean liner that had lost its way at sea.
141. The boat was too small for a long journey, and I did not want to die at sea.
142. The navy says that burial at sea is less expensive, demands less shipyard work, and is isolated from human activity.
143. All require experts to care for the high-tech equipment while at sea.
144. At sea, the rotation of pilots follows a strict order so that no one pilot dives more than another.
145. The bovine heroine has connections with Cowpeace International,(http:///at sea.html) and deals with a huge treacle slick at sea.
146. Around 100 submarines withdrawn from service are moored at sea because there are no facilities for treating their radioactive components.
147. Sailing from Southampton on June 4 1994, she will meet up with the official flotilla at sea on the following day.
148. They are largely nocturnal, spending their days either down the burrows or out at sea gliding on stiff wings.
149. With its establishment in the Seven Years War as an integral part of the war effort at sea their victory became decisive.
150. Except for the burial at sea of a woman travelling to meet her husband, it was a dull voyage.
151. It was all a smokescreen to make them believe that the Clarion Call had been lost at sea.
152. Lucker holds my hand with the kind of grasp that men at sea learn as a last resort.
153. In ships at sea chaplains or commanding officers have pre-recorded tapes containing organ accompaniments and a compilation of hymns.
154. As the only country with first-hand experience of modern missile warfare at sea Britain will benefit from its hard learned lesson.
155. The proposal would have restricted nuclear weapons at sea to strategic missile submarines.
156. Henry's only son, William, was drowned at sea in 1120, but Henry lived on until 1133.
157. It also provides for increased penalties for dumping oil at sea, and for fortnightly satellite monitoring of deforestation.
158. At present, anything excepting specifically blacklisted substances can be dumped at sea.
159. The war escalated, on the ground, in the air, and at sea.
160. The boat sank in a violent storm at sea.
161. Cargo ships are reported missing at sea and the only explanation is underwater volcanic movement.
162. Although the scientists say this amount will not harm the human body, the receiving area would nonetheless be cordoned off and situated at sea.
163. Yuswoyo said that many government agencies are conducting activities at sea such as the Customs and Excise office, the Maritime and Fisheries Ministry, and the Navy.
164. I am good at sea and ship. Follow photos are taken from original work, could be set order too.
165. Famous for its cuteness and comic gait on land, the penguin also has an enigmatic life at sea.
166. Piracy off the coast of Somalia has become increasingly rampant and is now an international menace posing a grave threat to international shipping, maritime trade and security at sea.
167. So the conclusion of quantity analysis is drawn :when target at sea is sinuously moved against gun fire of medium caliber naval gun with director, the deflection of...
168. You can swim with dolphins , gambol with newborn lambs , whale -watch at sea or go fishing for trout in pristine streams and rivers.
169. After 10 or 15 minutes(), the silence at sea was broken as the skipper shouted excitedly "Vela!
170. Helen is the younger sister of Sydney crewman Sub-Lieutenant Allen James King, and she was just 17 when her family heard Allen was lost at sea.
171. His first task was to cripple the enemy at sea.
172. The doctrine of No cure no pay has been widely applied in the world and become a basic principle of international law on salvage at sea.
173. A man is never lost at sea and it is a long island.
174. ITF is campaigning to protect seafarers' right to shore leave as essential to their rights as workers, and to minimise the effects of fatigue through work at sea and thus ensure maritime safety.
175. I roamed through Cherbourg aimlessly after spending six months at sea.
176. The Seventh Fleet, which has its home port in Yokosuka(http:///at sea.html), spends roughly six months at sea.
177. The limitation period for claims with regard to salvage at sea is two years, counting from the day on which the salvage operation was completed.
178. In the 16th century, St. Francis Xavier spent a lot of time on his feet, spreading the gospel throughout Spain, France, Italy, Malaysia, Japan, Sri Lanka and India, dying at sea en route to China.
179. Apportionment of remuneration for salvage is a pivotal aspect in the system of salvage at sea.
180. Do not picture yourself as anything, and you will drift like an abandoned ship at sea.
181. Analyses and researches the signification of the salvage payment in salvage at sea, also discusses concerned rules in the related clauses of the Chinese Maritime Code of PRC.
182. Indeed they were at sea, and the ship and crew were in peril of tempest.
183. Many of the foreigners come here to toil at sea or on farms or in factories, providing cheap labor in jobs shunned by South Koreans.
184. At the ends of the earth - Sanya, luxury yacht than a at sea is more romantic things!
185. Zheng's voyage declared the end of ban on maritime trade in earlier Ming era,(Sentence dictionary) and the private business transactions at sea were flourishing day by day.
186. Sri Lankan asylum - seekers intercepted at sea in February will be granted refugee status by Australia.
187. The branch of a nation's armed forces that is responsible for coastal defense, protection of life and property at sea, and enforcement of customs, immigration, and navigation laws.
188. One difficult problem is how to calculate target strength when you analyze the effect of an active homing torpedo attack on a submarine or a ship at sea.
189. Aeronautical Station A land station in the aeronautical mobile service. In certain instances, an aeronautical station may be located on board ship or on a platform at sea.
190. Salvage at sea is a particular legal system in maritime law, as compared to other laws.




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