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单词 Adverse
1. There were no adverse toxicological effects.
2. The Conservatives suffered an adverse swing of 6%.
3. The match has been cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.
4. Dirt and disease are adverse to the best growth of children.
5. Despite the adverse conditions, the road was finished in just eight months.
6. In the case of an adverse verdict, the company could stand to lose millions.
7. He attracted a lot of adverse/bad publicity with his speech about unmarried mothers.
8. Modern farming methods can have an adverse effect on the environment.
9. They fear it could have an adverse effect on global financial markets.
10. The recollection adverse current becomes the river, submerged your me.
11. Reactions to the proposal so far have been adverse/favourable/mixed.
12. The expedition was abandoned because of adverse weather conditions.
13. He is adverse to going abroad.
14. They have attracted strong adverse criticism.
15. Adverse circumstances compelled him to close his business.
16. The programme attracted much adverse comment.
17. This drug is known to have adverse side effects.
18. Adverse winds swept the boat off course.
19. The adverse publicity had damaged sales.
20. Lack of money will have an adverse effect on our research programme.
21. A small minority of patients suffer an adverse reaction to the treatment.
22. Voters have been distanced from the party by adverse publicity.
23. Miller's campaign has received a good deal of adverse publicity .
24. They received a lot of adverse publicity/criticism about the changes.
25. The medication can have adverse side effects on the patient.
26. The plane crashed into the sea in adverse weather conditions.
27. Inflation is considered to be undesirable because of its adverse effects on income distribution.
28. The character of the pine and cypress is shown in frigid winter ; the sincerity of one's friend is shown in adverse circumstances.
29. So far the drug is thought not to have any adverse effects.
30. Sales of the product have been seriously hurt by the adverse publicity.
1. There were no adverse toxicological effects.
2. The Conservatives suffered an adverse swing of 6%.
3. Inflation is considered to be undesirable because of its adverse effects on income distribution.
4. The character of the pine and cypress is shown in frigid winter ; the sincerity of one's friend is shown in adverse circumstances.
5. The match has been cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.
6. Dirt and disease are adverse to the best growth of children.
7. Despite the adverse conditions, the road was finished in just eight months.
8. In the case of an adverse verdict, the company could stand to lose millions.
9. He attracted a lot of adverse/bad publicity with his speech about unmarried mothers.
10. Modern farming methods can have an adverse effect on the environment.
11. They fear it could have an adverse effect on global financial markets.
12. He is adverse to going abroad.
31. The Prime Minister did/made a quick U-turn in response to all the adverse publicity.
32. The dry weather had an adverse effect on the potato crops.
33. The improper use of medicine could lead to severe adverse reactions.
34. Attendance 118 despite very adverse weather conditions.
35. My physician has filed an adverse drug reaction report.
36. For theft there must be adverse interference or usurpation.
37. Fountains have an adverse effect on water lily growth.
38. Remember that, Andrew, adverse publicity in any way.
39. If adverse conditions are forecast - take note.
40. The formalization of decision-making could have adverse side effects.
41. Every adverse employment decision is a pretext for litigation.
41. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
42. There were no adverse events during the studies.
43. The cost of the book must provoke adverse comment.
44. State minimum wage increase opponents contend that it unfairly disadvantages small businesses and has an adverse competitive impact on many labor-intensive industries.
45. You wouldn't expect much speed out of it, but then you could confidentially run it over any terrain without adverse effect.
46. If adverse weather conditions persist, the game will be cancelled.
47. When the wind is adverse, the flat-bottomed scow bucks straight across the waves, catching air and slapping down hard.
48. Not only are there few adverse occupational consequences, but there is very little social scandal.
49. It needs to ride out the storms of adverse publicity.
50. There were no adverse health effects resulting from the exposure.
51. They lose credibility quickly with a resultant adverse impact on employee performance and profit.
52. Extensive field research can mean long periods living under adverse conditions to which the researcher is unaccustomed.
53. Worse still, they unintentionally fostered negative, adverse meanings that equated Tesseract with a profit motive that people did not trust.
54. Out findings of an apparently greater adverse effect on trabecular rather than cortical bone is in keeping with other publications on the effect of prednisolone.
55. However, Richard Gough has shown no adverse reaction to his comeback game against Brugge and will lead out Rangers today.
56. Adverse side-effects are the inevitable outcome of such an onslaught.
57. So governments faced strong pressure to offset the adverse effects of wage explosions on profitability by facilitating a rapid expansion of credit.
58. In spite of the adverse effects, the benzodiazepines are relatively safe drugs.
59. The directors, however, could argue that to do so would expose the company to adverse publicity.
60. In one, no adverse effects on neonatal outcome were found.
61. The danger, Mr Peabody says, is that a process of adverse selection is under way.
62. But Leonard Koerner, counsel for the city, said adverse possession does not apply in this case.
63. There is little adverse effect from the light sprinkling of typographical errors.
64. The medical records of the clinic patients had no indication of any adverse effects or death related to sildenafil usage.
65. This then is the context within which statutory rules and cases on adverse possession must be seen.
66. The distractions from the running of the business and the adverse impact on profit performance.
67. Most adverse comments concerned specific issues in the design and layout of the form, rather than its conceptual basis.
68. Moreover, surveyors are sometimes pressurised by the subcontractor to overpay, particularly when output has been restricted during adverse weather conditions.
69. We investigated whether this drug was comparable to standard first-line monotherapy in efficacy and incidence of adverse events.
70. For adverse events, incidence rates were calculated and expressed in 100 person-time at risk.
71. But adverse planetary influences invariably serve a useful purpose - and never more so than right now.
71. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
72. Farm support prices are a useful protection against sudden adverse price movements.
73. Despite the adverse effect of lower output, energy efficiency has been maintained at the 1990 level.
74. The Labour Government was haunted constantly by economic difficulties, largely caused by an adverse balance of payments.
75. The adverse childhood experiences therefore seemed to act in two ways.
76. While corticosteroids have an adverse effect on bone mass, this may be partly counterbalanced by improvement in the inflammatory bowel disease.
77. Producing three pages of detailed questions relating to last year's accounts may entitle an interviewer to draw an adverse conclusion.
78. In Morris the Lords held that there was no appropriation without an adverse interference with or usurpation of the owner's rights.
79. The move follows a government-commissioned report, which warns that the taxes are having an adverse effect on industrial production.
80. Some of these cost very little, if anything, but all have been shown to ameliorate the adverse consequences of change.
81. And there's one thing that Great-gran can't stand and that's adverse publicity in any way.
82. The distinction between the intermediate and the aggravated offence has also given rise to adverse comment.
83. This would force a scaling-down of the design, which might have an adverse effect on the entire mission.
84. Is this likely to have any adverse effect on the engine?
85. Hospital stays for these patients could be safely limited to 24 to 48 hours with no apparent adverse consequences.
86. Rapid market growth and sector under-capacity encouraged Pilkingtons to expand and attracted new entrants to the marketplace without adverse effects on profits.
87. An independent data and safety monitoring board compared the frequency of all adverse events in the two groups during three biannual meetings.
88. In addition, other policies had an adverse effect on the major conurbations.
89. Local officials sometimes complained about adverse decisions and strings attached to the grant but generally seemed satisfied.
90. Potential profits on overseas transactions can be reduced, eliminated or enhanced by adverse or favourable exchange rate movements.
91. Such treatments are generally thought to have few adverse effects and are often self administered.
92. Today we could view this as a story which exemplifies behavior modification through adverse stimuli: the red flags.
93. More effective surveillance should also be encouraged in tropical countries, both to monitor efficacy and to document adverse reactions.
94. This was not a case of government mismanagement but of adverse factors beyond its control.
95. But our results argue against any systematic adverse effect of human insulin.
96. Log-rank test for clinical adverse events and Fisher's exact test for laboratory adverse events.
97. Press and television reports on the adverse consequences of the centre's decision may lead to the decision being reconsidered.
98. Other people can also help by noting the more subtle effects, both beneficial and adverse, of treatment.
99. Many observers suggest that this transfer has had mainly adverse effects on the population concerned.
100. It even raised adverse comments within the correspondence columns of Gay News itself.
101. If we believed it would have an adverse effect on claims, we would discourage people from buying timber-frame.
101. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
102. By fully exploiting their market position currently, monopolistic firms might elicit adverse public opinion and governmental censure.
103. However, both have weathered storms before and are used to surviving in adverse times.
104. The importance of early recognition of Crohn's disease before it has such an adverse impact on linear growth is highlighted.
105. Anti-abortion groups have seized upon the few that have shown an adverse effect, not the many that have not.
106. The more drugs, the greater the chance for incompatibility and adverse reactions.
107. Instead, the number of adverse outcomes is plotted against the total number of cases on a graph.
108. Even in a Koi pool, the Koi will find sufficient algae and other aquatic life to survive without any adverse effects.
109. Other adverse reactions due to systemic absorption, such as hypoglycaemia, rash, and acute renal failure, are rare.
110. Plantations of exotic non-native trees use up large quantities of water, which can have adverse affects on natural habitats.
111. In species that forage inshore, clutches are usually larger but brood reduction may occur under adverse circumstances.
112. In the early 1980s, there was another severe drought cycle but the adverse impact was less.
113. The recession has obviously had an adverse effect on attractions throughout the country, not least of all steam railways.
114. The findings presented here can provide only indirect evidence about any possible adverse effect of cimetidine on motor neurone disease.
115. Appler also said some reports of adverse reactions to Ma huang are unsubstantiated.
116. But, though they have never been overruled, they have attracted strong adverse criticism.
117. He praised the soldiers for overcoming adverse conditions, including less-than-gourmet food and less-than-plush accommodations.
118. The challenge was stopped and the patients were examined, when any adverse reaction was noted.
119. He eventually received a stack of complaints about adverse reactions, including cramps, nausea, heart palpitations, and severe diarrhea.
120. Both of them now have to learn to take care of themselves, even in the most adverse circumstances.
121. Some supporters said Starr should reconsider his decision because of its likely adverse impact on cooperating witnesses.
122. The only instant adverse side effect is a desperate thirst, stiff aching muscles and a loss of appetite.
123. No drug related adverse effects were found during and after completion of the study.
124. This will reduce the statistical power of detecting adverse effects that could be quantitatively important when used in low risk situations.
125. Other studies that were not randomised failed to show adverse effects on the baby.
126. Particular care is needed to identify any material adverse changes.
127. As well as not functioning in a submersed situation, dying cells, releasing adverse substances will pollute the water.
128. He went back to Cuddesdon for the autumn term, but the mental condition was very adverse.
129. However, we saw that problems of adverse selection and moral hazard would inhibit the organization of private insurance markets.
130. This is particularly acute with the development of new drugs, as adverse side effects may not be foreseeable.
131. Their potentially adverse effects with particular reference to the diabetic will now be outlined.
131. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
132. We have recently shown in rat pancreas that adverse effects include pancreatic toxicity.
133. It did, however, have a violent, adverse impact on their votes.
134. The campaign provoked great interest and virtually no adverse comment.
135. As such, it can be seen as an adaptive defence response to adverse conditions.
136. The third case is a man with some adverse characteristics.
137. Because of adverse tax consequences, consider owning these bonds in a tax-deferred account.
138. Failure to persuade medical staff of the adverse consequences on patient care should be reported to the next level of management.
139. Marijuana is said to relieve some of the adverse side effects of those diseases.
140. It is the domestic courage and creativity of the poor in the most adverse circumstances that is usually emphasized.
141. The topographical setting of an urban area can increase the frequency and severity of adverse meteorological conditions.
142. Various international bodies warned of the need to impose radical austerity measures without delay if adverse trends were to be reversed.
143. The latter, however, may also have had an adverse effect as many housing writers have pointed out.
144. The authors of the study wrote that the majority of epidemiological studies have found little adverse health effects of implants.
145. We are ... concerned about the extent of the misplaced adverse criticism social workers have received from the media and elsewhere.
146. Spokesmen said they have gotten few, if any, reports of adverse reactions from consumers who used their products properly.
147. However the body has several physical internal mechanisms for combating the adverse external conditions which are an inevitable part of living.
148. One important feature of such factors is that they will tend to shape the person's capacity to cope with adverse circumstances.
149. By May 1982 another thousand adverse reactions may have been reported.
150. The consequent adverse publicity was widely held to be damaging to the Labour cause.
151. The adverse housing conditions of ethnic minorities are well known and not unexpected.
152. Climate change is likely to have adverse impacts on human health.
153. Some of that evidence, it might be said in parenthesis, appears to be adverse to the appellants.
154. Four of them had had adverse reactions and in one patient cereals had not yet been introduced to the diet.
155. The primary outcome was time to withdrawal because of lack of efficacy or adverse events.
156. To obtain an eviction order through the courts could mean a lengthy legal process, possibly entailing adverse publicity.
157. Nothing about the manner in which he performed suggested the adverse condition of a man under the stress of an impossible enterprise.
158. In spite of adverse public opinion, the plan to privatize the railways continued.
159. A mixed picture emerged, characterised by a number of adverse external factors.
160. The rising concentration of industry and the possible adverse effects on monopoly power are viewed as the factors of paramount importance.
161. In order to strike the best possible bargain on setting-day the men might invent stories of difficulty and adverse conditions.
161. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
162. Indeed, reducing adverse drug events should ultimately save hospitals money as well as spare patients misery, the researchers say.
163. During follow-up, adverse events were looked for systematically at all scheduled and unscheduled visits.
164. The tenant will, however, need to ensure that too wide a use will not have adverse consequences on rent review.
165. York, among many towns which have pedestrianised their centres, has paved many of its streets without adverse effect.
166. They are likely to be fairly nosey - don't be put off by adverse comments!
167. Adverse reactions between foreign or prosthetic surfaces and blood components are the pre-eminent factors restricting the use of certain biomaterials.
168. The second is not to use the medication with those who are at risk for a serious adverse reaction.
169. This phenomenon also arises in the field of insurance where it is known as adverse selection.
170. Gold salts are highly effective in the management of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, most adverse reactions being mild and reversible.
171. Planes are being kept on the ground because of the adverse weather.
172. Overall coverage and publicity of the day was excellent, with very little adverse publicity.
173. The adverse criticism it deservedly got stung Byron.
174. Yawning and headache are the most common adverse reactions.
175. It inspects when asymmetric information exists in monopoly banking industry, how to use self-selection mechanism to protect adverse selection happening.
176. Adverse discrimination doesn't violate the fourteenth revised law of American Constitution.
177. Objective To investigate the general pattern and characteristics of the adverse drug reactions (ADR) associated with Erigeron injection in order to guide rational drug usage.
178. Result The detoxicating tablets(pills) of cow-bezoar could induce multisystem adverse reactions, immune system, digestive system and urinary system etc, particularly the allergic reactions.
179. The gastrointestinal adverse reaction of piroxicam which is - selective - steroidal anti - inflammatory drug has been of great concern.
180. In this sense, non-performing asset features enormous adverse financial externality.
181. No adverse events were evident with selenium, whereas pentoxifylline was associated with frequent gastrointestinal problems.
182. The adverse effects of adenosine include dyspnea, nausea, headache, chest pain, flushing and bronchospasm.
183. Rousseau′s romantic theory of civilization, however, stimulated the development of the latter in such an adverse situation.
184. AFI 50 mm was associated with oligohydramnios and adverse perinatal outcome.
185. Blood and urine routine, blood biochemics were unchanged before and after treatment ; the adverse reactions were mild.
186. Antithyroid drugs(ATD)is the main treatment for hyperthyroidism and its adverse reactions have been much concerned by physicians.
187. AIM: To compare the clinical efficacy and adverse reaction of citicoline capsules and piracetam tablets in treating cerebral infarction.
188. The microgravity conditions of orbiting space stations are known to have adverse effects on human physiology, including cardiac decompensation and loss of bone mass.
189. Objective To discuss the adverse reactions and the nursing features of the patient children with advanced neuroblastoma treated by cyclophosphamide, daunorubicin and vincristine (CDV).
190. The environmental circumstances of artificial greenbelt are extremely adverse in the hinterland of Taklimakan Desert.
191. CONCLUSION:Paroxetine combined with composite chlorzoxazone is better efficacies and fewer adverse reactions for treatment of chronic tension-type headache,(http:///adverse.html) worthy to be recommanded.
192. Considering adverse effect of rainfall on slope's stability, it analyses the change of safe coefficient after cohesive strength of talus slides reducing under the effect of pore water pressure.
193. Contradictions L-Carnitine None known Dexpanthenol Hypersensitivity to Vitamin B5 Adverse Reactions L-Carnitine Less frequent reporting of mild gastritis, nausea.
194. As human population increases rapidly, human activities cause the increase of tropospheric ozone (O3) which significantly exerts adverse effects on the health of plants, animals and human beings.
195. Both studies are the first to look at BPA's reproductive effect in humans. The adverse effect of BPA on the male reproductive system previously had been examined in animal studies only.
196. Conclusion: Tonsillectomy with electrotome is effective, safe, with minimal invasion, few bleeding, rapid recovery and little adverse effect. It is valuable in clinic application.
197. Methods Efficiency and adverse effects of caspofungin on lung fungal infection in patients with malignant hemopathy were retrospectively analyzed.
198. In recent years clinical common penicillamine, glucocorticoid and other drugs to treat the disease, not only long course of treatment, the treatment ineffective, and have more adverse reactions.
199. The basic status of China-Korea trade is that there is vast Chinas adverse balance, which exceeds the export amount of Korea in some years.
200. Gate conditionality does not mitigate the adverse effect of gate review criteria.
201. Roundworm can live in the human body for decades without adverse effects or triggering the immune system.
202. In this paper the nutritive value and adverse effect of gossypol on animals were presented, and research progress in cottonseed Meal detoxification and related problems was reviewed.
203. Objective To study the adverse effect of amatoxins on DNA in the histiocytes of rats and the antagonism of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
204. That can have adverse effects on health as it worsens various disorders, such as myopathy, adult-onset diabetes, hypertension and impotency, ' said the research team.
205. Excessive dietary fat intake bring adverse affects to health, the low_fat food develop quickly worldwide. Fat in food may replaced by formulating with fat replacer.
206. Depressive disorder have adverse effect on the patients with MI about its genesis, development and prognosis.
207. Main adverse drug reactions were dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, constipation and dysuresia.
208. Compared with chlorpromazine, clonidine was less effective in producing sedation, however, it produced anti-depression effect with fewer adverse drug reactions.
209. Conclusion CSEA for PIH caesarean section has no adverse effects on maternal and neonates.
210. Conclusion Oxiracetam has the positive effect of VD and adverse reactions were mild but similar to piracetam.
211. Elderly patients may be more sensitive to the actions of somatropin and may be more prone to develop adverse reactions.
212. The shipboard effect of helicopter has adverse effect on the flight safety.
213. The office tool such as computer, printer, electrograph can produce radiation of ozone, dust, noise and electromagnetism when the job, contact these material for a long time to health also be adverse.
214. Objective To discuss the quality, blood transfusion effect and adverse reaction of the washed red blood cells that were made from middling and severe chyle whole blood at high altitude area.
215. Any late payment activity will be recorded by the Joint Credit Information Center, and it may be adverse to your future loan application.
216. But such ubiquity will also amplify any adverse side - effects.
217. The ratio of DX pile's end resistance is very low, about 10% of the total load. The low percentage can reduce the adverse effect to DX pile's bearing capacity when removing the soil of pole.
218. Objective To evaluate the efficacy and adverse reaction of total glucosides of paeony (TGP) combined with sulfasalazine (SSZ) in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis (AS).
219. "German during that time great running attack. He has to reverse the adverse situation has changed throughout the war. " Court match of the Nets president Rod - Thorn said.
220. Many public risks are latent, so that adverse effects do not appear until long after exposure.
221. Adverse reaction of otilonium bromide was few, but colloidal bismuth and diphenoxylate can cause the constipation after using for a long time.
221. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
222. Analysis of China's rural areas to protect vulnerable groups the right to education adverse situation and existing problems.
223. But while the adverse situation was supposed to be unlikely, it is not that much worse than what has happened so far.
224. The adverse selection of medical insurance has hindered the development of Chinese medical insurance industry.
225. The amendable surgical method has little adverse effects on patients behavior than the traditional one, and it is more suitable for the physical-psychological-social model.
226. Compared with regular salbutamol, regular salmeterol was not associated with a significant increase in fatal or nonfatal serious adverse events in patients not taking inhaled corticosteroids.
227. Adverse events were typical of other biologic drugs and included upper respiratory-tract infections and stomach flu. Anaphylactic allergic reactions and increases in liver enzyme levels were rarer.
228. Objective To investigate the efficacy and adverse effects of loxapine succinate in the treatment of the first-onset schizophrenia.
229. Hemodynamic changes and adverse reactions in the period of recovery were noted.
230. Adverse Drug Reactions ADR monitoring is an important part of hospital pharmacy.
231. In this case, it might spuriously influence the specificity of the association between vaccine and adverse event.
232. Interactions that are classified as adverse either compromise therapeutic efficacy, enhance toxicity, or both.
233. Treat the negative experience as your teacher, you will then accept the adverse situation with open arms even when such persists.
234. Similarly, the solicitor general decides whether to seek Supreme Court review of adverse appellate court rulings.
235. Sleep deprivation and sleepiness have adverse effects on performance, response times, errors of commission, and attention or concentration.
236. This is very adverse to just giving birth to the child's puerpera .
237. In many cases, racemic drug's single antipode has different curative effect, sometimes it even has adverse action.
238. The literature on the Ciprofloxacin - induced adverse drug reactions ( ADR ) was reviewed in this article.
239. The safety and adverse effects of ganciclovir ( GCV ) in treatment of CMV infected pediatric patients were examined.
240. Objective:To assess existence and preventability of adverse drug events(ADEs) and to investigate excess length of stay and extra hospital charges of the ADEs.




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