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单词 Acclaim
1. He deserves the acclaim he has received.
2. The astronaut was welcomed with joyous , resounding acclaim.
3. The performance received considerable acclaim.
4. Her latest novel has won great critical acclaim.
5. Despite the critical acclaim, the novel did not sell well.
6. The TV play received considerable acclaim.
7. The book received great critical acclaim.
8. The play opened last week to universal acclaim.
9. The programme debuted last year to great acclaim.
10. The young singer is enjoying massive critical acclaim .
11. Her performance won her much critical acclaim.
12. He was welcomed with great acclaim.
13. The novel received great acclaim.
14. She received international acclaim for her interpretation of Chopin.
15. His discoveries earned him wide acclaim.
16. Kaplan's latest recording has received considerable popular acclaim .
17. Their recordings have won great acclaim .
18. The film met with considerable critical and public acclaim.
19. Angela Bassett has won critical acclaim for her excellent performance.
20. He won international acclaim for his King Lear and has a fistful of other acting awards.
21. In her day she never received the critical acclaim she deserved.
22. Elgar received many honors and much acclaim and yet he often considered himself a failure.
23. Stephen Hawking's achievements earned him the acclaim of the entire scientific community.
24. Instead,[http:///acclaim.html] Hezbollah emerged with greater popular acclaim than ever.
25. At the end, acclaim for a stylish extravaganza.
26. Paulo has received critical acclaim for his pop-jazz.
27. After these heavy formalities came the public acclaim.
28. They are now receiving the acclaim they deserve.
29. The book came out last year to great critical acclaim .
30. Hamlet was played by Romania's leading actor, Ion Caramitrou, to rapturous acclaim.
1. The astronaut was welcomed with joyous , resounding acclaim.
2. The performance received considerable acclaim.
3. Her latest novel has won great critical acclaim.
4. Despite the critical acclaim, the novel did not sell well.
5. He was welcomed with great acclaim.
6. Hamlet was played by Romania's leading actor, Ion Caramitrou, to rapturous acclaim.
31. She has earned acclaim for both words and deeds.
32. Critical acclaim came, along with a Grammy nomination.
33. Yet Sculley won acclaim for his futuristic paste-up job.
34. Susie Cooper's career as a talented designer goes back more than 60 years, during which she has won international acclaim.
35. Then, Williams received uproarious acclaim for a leaping celebration as spectacular as a Sadler's Wells solo.
36. He won four gold medals at the Los Angeles Games, yet universal acclaim was reluctant.
37. Franco appeared on the balcony to receive the acclaim of his supporters.
38. Mr Bowman is still singing both parts, to much acclaim.
39. Certainly Mr Mansbridge from his vantage point of above or below can enjoy our acclaim at his pictorial success.
40. He was captivated by the aura and mystique, he revelled in the attention and acclaim.
41. His Goatibex Constellation won him wide acclaim, when it appeared in 1966 in Novy mir.
42. But as they viciously attacked one another, Feingold aired clever and humorous ads that won wide acclaim.
43. He appeared to think too much acclaim might be detrimental as well as premature.
44. Her business mind had jumped at the chance of a spot of international acclaim.
45. His work has been translated into several languages and has received widespread international acclaim.
46. He saw the company achieve its current status of international acclaim.
47. Despite his international acclaim, Prof Gibson never lost sight of his roots.
48. Akram has given Kathak dance performances all over Britain to great acclaim.
49. Ian McKellen was also there, in his early theatre days,[http://] before winning national acclaim.
50. They had co-operated on several criminal cases; the scoops that had brought her the professional acclaim she revelled in.
51. Chris Menges' directorial debut which received critical acclaim and festival awards throughout the world.
52. I would like to gain personal acclaim for my work 10.
53. Superswim won acclaim last year when it was honoured by Rotary International.
54. Soundwise, Acclaim brought in a big name to help enhance the game.
55. Pope John Paul the second has won wide acclaim from outside his own Church for his firm leadership style.
56. Free demonstration runs were provided from the siding at Gynn Square, and 200 met with general acclaim.
57. In total he has written five novels, all of which have won literary acclaim and awards.
58. And reports of taichi's beneficial effects on senior citizens in San Francisco brought this ancient martial art nation-wide acclaim.
59. These artists and their defenders cited such popular acclaim as proof of the aesthetic value of their works.
60. Voice over Their show at the Pegassus Theatre in Oxford brought much critical acclaim.
61. Between 1907 and 1942 Freeman produced forty Thorndyke short stories and twenty-one Thorndyke novels, to great critical acclaim.
62. The University has many staff whose work of outstanding international merit in many diverse fields has brought it great acclaim.
63. Such success stories do not rely on good reviews or critical acclaim for big sales and widespread popularity.
64. Of course, as practically every actress in Hollywood will tell you, acclaim does not necessarily translate into box-office security.
65. Among the public rooms(), the bar deserves special acclaim for its beautiful wall frescoes.
66. Buoyed by critical acclaim for the 1970 Brooklyn season, Alvin and his dancers faced a year without any significant employment.
67. Oulton emerged from the Royal College of Art in 1983 at the age of 30, to almost immediate acclaim.
68. A 1903 revival at the Opera-Comique set the tone for international acclaim.
69. Lamboume's work is not widely known today, yet during the 1950S he received great critical acclaim.
70. One might suppose that this statesmanship would have gained him international acclaim.
71. Seb was somewhat less effusive in his acclaim, yet he was far more relieved than anyone else at Nahum's success.
72. It won substantial critical acclaim and will show in Britain next year.
73. Between 27 April and 1 May, he toured Andalusia, to the ecstatic, Falangist-organized acclaim of thousands of spectators.
74. He received acclaim as a champion of the oppressed.
75. Despite the popular acclaim of the new project, the council harrumphed.
76. The government's new economic policy gained acclaim from various sections of society.
77. That programme received critical acclaim and marked a turning point in Sonita's career.
78. The film has received critical acclaim , ie praise from the critics.
78. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
79. In 1993, Cheung earned international acclaim and recognition for his performance as an opera star specializing in female roles in Chen Kaige's drama Farewell, My Concubine.
80. Xu won international acclaim when she won the best director award for "Letter From An Unknown Woman" at the 2004 San Sebastian International Film Festival in Spain.
81. KMC to high quality, prompt delivery, competitive prices to win world acclaim.
82. When celebrity is the aim, a scholar who is ambitious is almost certain to become a sycophant—chained to the tastes adopted and the ideas embraced by the audience whose acclaim he seeks.
83. Michelle Obama, 45, who has won acclaim for her fashion style and mixing high and low-end pieces, cited American clothier J. Crew as a good spot to bag bargains.
84. With a discography of well over 150 recordings The King's Singers have garnered both awards and significant critical acclaim.
85. That history reserves for those who measure themselves by acclaim rather than by achievement.
86. Danny Williams , Newfoundland's premier , stokes nationalist embers to great popular acclaim.
87. We have won a high acclaim in terms of executive ability from the public relations, advertising, marketing planning and training and exhibition companies as well as various well-known enterprises.
88. All this equipment has received international acclaim from the specialist hi-fi press.
89. Having consistently received international acclaim for its fine service, Hilton Shanghai again excels among hotels in China with a new honor, the much-coveted "China Hotels Golden Star Award 2010".
90. The whole city turned out to acclaim the winning team.
91. A high-profile book will be published to great acclaim, including the National Book Award Children's Fiction Award, and Gold Medal Award Smutty Books.
92. With acclaim he received, he became an independent movie maker in 2001.
93. Burnside has achieved wide critical acclaim, winning the Whitbread Poetry Award in 2000 for The Asylum Dance which was also shortlisted for the Forward and T. S.
94. His sensitive portrayal of the last son of Krypton earned acclaim even from critics who didn't like the film.
95. Princess of Mars. Edgar Rice Burroughs. In the first book of the "John Carter" series, a Confederate soldier finds himself transported to Mars where he wins acclaim as a warrior.
96. Carved into the Valley of the Kings, Tut's tomb hid his mummy and funerary regalia until archaeologist Howard Carter revealed its contents to world acclaim in 1922.
97. When this design met with less than critical acclaim, Izzy was modified to appeal more to children, and his bottom row of teeth was removed, at which point the name was changed.
98. We should acclaim and support the heroic resistance of Feng Chih - an's troops.
99. Law returned to the stage in 1993, receiving high acclaim and an "outstanding Newcomer" nomination for his role in Pygmalion.
100. Success would be the avoidance of catastrophe, hardly an achievement that invites acclaim.
101. Burnside has achieved wide critical acclaim, winning the Whitbread Poetry Award in 2000 for The Asylum Dance which was also shortlisted for the Forward and T. S. Eliot prizes.
102. When the film opened no one questioned the decision ; Audrey achieved worldwide acclaim and a trophy case full of awards for her performance , including the Oscar and the Golden Globe .
103. The album received widespread critical acclaim, prompting Alternative Press magazine to include Vaux in their 100 Bands to Watch feature.
104. His achievements earned him the acclaim of the scientific community.
105. Robert Downey Jr received acclaim, and an Oscar nomination, for his pitch-perfect performance as the great silent movie era comic Charlie Chaplin in Richard Attenborough's sprawling 1992 film.
106. Yosemite Falls: No single feature has contributed more to the wide acclaim of Yosemite National Park.
107. His witty and often macabre tales won him acclaim and he was a successful short - story writer.




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