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单词 Lunar
(1) The lunar stone is different from earth's.
(2) The beginning of the solar and lunar years coincided every 13 years.
(3) Lunar craters can be plainly seen with the aid of a small telescope.
(4) The astronauts piloted their craft down to the lunar surface.
(5) Sept. 26: Second lunar eclipse.
(6) The manned lunar base is permanently over the horizon.
(7) The Earth then captures lunar material.
(8) The scene was reminiscent of the lunar highlands.
(9) The lunar module pilot occupied the right-hand couch.
(10) The Alvin is the lunar module of deep-sea exploration.
(11) The solution was to transfer to the lunar module and live in that for the remainder of the flight.
(12) By the time you are thirty(http:///lunar.html), an entire lunar month later.
(13) The lunar surface also contains the light isotope helium-3, which is implanted in the surface by the solar wind.
(14) Failing that, export of lunar materials will not make economic sense.
(15) The Spring Festival marks the beginning of the Chinese Lunar New Year.
(16) The boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival are traditional customs to attempts to rescue the patriotic poet Chu Yuan. Chu Yuan drowned on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 277 B.C. Chinese citizens now throw bamboo leaves filled with cooked rice into the water. Therefore the fish could eat the rice rather than the hero poet. This later on turned into the custom of eating tzungtzu and rice dumplings.
(17) When there is solar halo , it will rain; when there is lunar halo , it will blow.
(18) "Well I suppose it is based on the old lunar months isn't it."— 'Yes that's right.'.
(19) While one of the astronauts went round the moon in the command module, the other went down to the surface in the lunar module.
(20) The vast volcanic slope was eerily reminiscent of a lunar landscape.
(21) The opinion of savants on the composition of the lunar surface.
(22) We found that two key resource uses and two basic technologies lay at the root of lunar industry.
(23) This is almost certainly the first practical use of lunar materials to be attempted.
(24) The Soviet Union, in preparation for manned landings, then concentrated on landing automatic unmanned spacecraft on the lunar surface.
(25) It returned exciting evidence that suggests massive deposits of water ice in shadowed crater bottoms near the lunar poles.
(26) On page seventy, Lal had begun to speculate on organisms possibly capable of adapting themselves in ex-posed lunar conditions.
(27) Many people have dated the start of the environmental movement to the first sight of the Earth rising over the lunar highlands.
(28) The same problem arose later when the crew had transferred over to the lunar module.
(29) The standard pressure suit came with shoes, but for walking on the Moon a lunar overshoe was made for each astronaut.
(30) Over the next hours the spacecraft is in free fall toward the lunar surface, constantly accelerating in the lunar gravity.
(1) The lunar stone is different from earth's.
(2) When there is solar halo , it will rain; when there is lunar halo , it will blow.
(3) While one of the astronauts went round the moon in the command module, the other went down to the surface in the lunar module.
(4) Lunar craters can be plainly seen with the aid of a small telescope.
(5) The astronauts piloted their craft down to the lunar surface.
(31) The nineteen-year cycle depends on the discovery that nineteen solar years are very nearly equal to 235 lunar months.
(32) Where once this corner of the island was swaddled in green, a lunar landscape now stands.
(33) Sufficiently large impacts can hurl crater ejecta to any point on the lunar surface.
(34) They were 16 pages long and looked like the floor plans for the lunar shuttle.
(35) Apollo 10 took a lunar module along as well and flew it to within nine miles of the surface.
(36) Their proposed Lunar Tours will be the first series of commercial space flights to the moon.
(37) Solar and lunar eclipses, however,(http:///lunar.html) occurred far too rarely to provide any meaningful aid to navigation.
(38) Some sites are astronomical calendars, others lunar observatories, showing the scientific abilities of prehistoric man.
(39) Alternatively, arrays of solar cells may be made on the Moon out of lunar materials and only the power exported.
(40) They found that 309 lunar months were almost equal to twenty-five civil years.
(41) The five Lunar Orbiter spacecraft, launched at three-month intervals in 1966 and 1967, were all outstandingly successful.
(42) The lunar far side is much closer in character to the highlands of the near side.
(43) Lunar dirt can easily be used as radiation shielding, and metals can be made as a byproduct of oxygen production.
(44) Logistic considerations make the Moon a very attractive base of operations if ice is abundant in the lunar polar regions.
(45) His longtime sailboat, named Apogee in honor of his lunar Apollo flight, is for sale.
(46) Among the refractory materials found in the lunar samples are refractory compounds of uranium and thorium.
(47) Astronauts discovered that finding their way about on the lunar surface was often harder then they expected.
(48) This is a feat of mythic proportions, comparable to extracting gold from sea water-or helium-3 from the lunar regolith.
(49) It was always thought that the lunar module would essentially be a skin wrapped round the tanks and equipment needed.
(50) It shows the moon's state every day of the year, as well as solar and lunar eclipses.
(51) But whereas the mare basalts are too dense to represent the lunar mantle, the highland rocks are not dense enough.
(52) With these words of faint praise, Maskelyne tactfully conceded a few major flaws in the lunar distance method.
(53) It is a clear day, which should be ideal for watching the lunar eclipse that is expected tonight.
(54) A more formally established lunar mission steering group was convened at Langley during 1960.
(55) The high-temperature electrolysis scheme that we explored in connection with a lunar base can separate carbon dioxide into oxygen and carbon monoxide.
(56) The most obvious source of the necessary electrical energy would be solar panels set out on the lunar surface.
(57) And finally, don't miss Albuquerque's amazing punk band, playing tonight at the Lunar Club.
(58) The answer is C acceleration. as far away as and four times the lunar mass.
(59) In order to separate a lunar effect the team looked at the lunar day, the position of the Moon.
(60) There seemed to be fluctuations and cycles, from one of about twenty seconds to one corresponding to the monthly lunar cycle.
(61) The glass in the regolith owes its origin to impacts of cometary and asteroidal material with the lunar surface.
(62) Hardly any lunar rocks are younger than three billion years.
(63) The month began when the new lunar crescent was for the first time visible again after sunset.
(64) This would certainly take the edge off the impending Apollo lunar landing.
(65) Despite being obviously different in weight they struck the lunar surface together.
(66) Figure 6.3 is about the best that can be done with the lunar data at present.
(67) From the start there were communications difficulties between ground control and the lunar module.
(68) Then, with a single powerful engine burn, the spacecraft can decelerate to a soft landing on the lunar surface.
(69) When astronomers could build a large enough telescope they would see the lunar inhabitants going about their daily lives.
(70) You can also plot comets and minor planets as well as predict solar and lunar eclipses.
(71) The creation of these lunar ephemerides turned out to be the hardest part of the problem.
(72) But if the principal base of lunar operations is in the equatorial region, the attractiveness of polar ice is greatly diminished.
(73) Sense organs for lunar and planetary influences, for atmospheric pressure and cosmic rays are as yet purely hypothetical. 2.
(74) Maskelyne took up, then embraced, then came to personify the lunar distance method.
(75) For these reasons, many engineers and mission planners have favored the use of nuclear power for the lunar base.
(76) The basis of the Babylonian calendar seems always to have been lunar.
(77) Any and all data regarding lunar orbital motions might be grist for creating the tables navigators needed.
(78) Various rocks show evidence that the lunar material has been melted, squirted out from volcanoes(), and crushed by meteorite impacts.
(79) On the Apollo 14 flight a fault developed in the lunar module.
(80) The lunar surface is also depleted in moderately volatile substances, and the same is probably true of Mercury.
(81) None the less, it is good to keep in mind that very few geochemists expect water to be found in lunar rocks.
(82) In other respects, the lunar poles are not an attractive site for the lunar base.
(83) This would substantially defray the cost of operating a lunar base.
(84) Most of the near side of the Moon is bright, rough, high terrain, called the lunar highlands.
(85) Forty-five minutes later, the Aries-1B lunar carrier pulled away from the Station.
(86) For two weeks at a time, each lunar power station is out of service.
(87) There has been no mention of any way to profit from the use of lunar material.
(88) The pun fits all sorts of natural and unnatural phenomena, from lunar cycles to a nostalgic yearning to see Elvis again.
(89) Another uses hydrofluoric acid to release oxygen from unprocessed lunar regolith.
(90) However, the recent lunar eclipse and Mercury in retrograde motion signify the financial position is much too uncertain.
(91) Schemes for extracting oxygen from lunar rocks usually feature melting or chemically destroying the principal minerals in the rocks and regolith.
(92) What if you, too, dream of teeing off on the lunar surface?
(93) The lunar regolith is found covering the whole of the Moon's surface, aside from steep crater and valley walls.
(94) Somewhat softened by wind erosion, the surface none the less looked more like the lunar highlands than like anything on Earth.
(95) These constraints made the hatch difficult to get out of in full spacesuits with lunar backpacks.
(96) Unmanned probes were being sent to study the lunar surface to prepare for Apollo to follow.
(97) If ice is available at the site of the lunar base,(/lunar.html) then the situation is dramatically different.
(98) Like a new lunar base, a baby must first master at least the arts of breathing and eating.
(99) They differ from corresponding lunar craters by having no central peaks and by having rather smooth rims.
(100) Such a transportation system will exert a constant demand for fuel both at the space station and on the lunar surface.
(101) Further, no nation on Earth presently has the ability to launch manned lunar missions.
(102) But the lunar gravity field was then so poorly mapped that the chances of achieving a successful preprogrammed landing were very small.
(103) On the early lunar landing missions, the plan called for the astronauts to be transferred straight into an isolation chamber.
(104) The return trip from the lunar surface to the space station also consists of two parts.
(105) They were principally concerned with the Coniunctio Solis et Lunae, the marriage of the solar and lunar principles.
(106) Grumman had installed them on the lunar module assuming that the astronauts would wish to use them.
(107) This marked the beginning of a new groundswell in activity directed at institutionalizing the lunar distance method.
(108) The lunar samples show some striking differences from Earth rocks.
(109) After burial, the first lunar base module is now ready for occupancy.
(110) As noted earlier, oxygen can in principle be recycled efficiently within a lunar base.
(111) Agglutinates greatly complicate the business of extracting useful materials from mature lunar regolith.
(112) In general, lunar rocks differ from terrestrial rocks in that the Moon contains much lower concentrations of easily vaporized elements.
(113) I would recommend them only for the casual observer who wants little apart from views of lunar craters.
(114) But the pictures sent by Mariner 4 showed a starkly lunar landscape.
(115) They therefore are also very efficient at releasing all the trapped solar-wind gases in the lunar material.
(116) Apollo 8 was scheduled to be the first Earth-orbital test of the lunar module.
(117) Such migration need not disturb the uniformity of the dust type across the lunar surface.
(118) About three days later the command, service and lunar module combination arrived at the Moon.
(119) In only one case was a sample obtained from a large lump of rock, these being scarce on the lunar surface.
(120) An oversimplified but instructive point can be made by considering the fate of carbohydrates transported to the lunar base from Earth.
(121) Unfortunately the filters used in the command module were the wrong shape to fit into the lunar module.
(122) All of the various topographic features observed in lunar craters indicates their impact origin.
(123) Long stays on the lunar surface demand prolonged exposure to an environment differing substantially from that at the surface of Earth.
(124) Long before spacecraft missions first explored the Moon, speculation on the origin of the lunar craters abounded.
(125) Here is a clear example of a rare rock type that has been strongly concentrated by lunar geological activity.
(126) Each landing brought back a load of precious lunar samples.
(127) The lunar ratios differ significantly from those in achondritic meteorites.
(127) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(128) Standing in bright sunlight on the lunar surface would be extremely hot.
(129) Despite the likely demand, Hologic faces only Lunar as an important competitor in the business.
(130) The prospect of servicing and repairing such equipment under lunar conditions is simply frightening.
(131) Kulcinski argues that the solar wind has implanted great quantities of hydrogen and helium into the lunar regolith.
(132) More probably it was to do with each member representing one of the lunar months of the year.
(133) The days passed quickly toward the end of the eighth lunar month.
(134) One is perplexed how it affects the rest of the lunar cycle.
(135) A lunar power station therefore provides an average of 135 watts per square meter of electric power.
(136) Moreover, Earth-based photometric studies have indicated that most of the lunar near side must be blanketed in such dust.
(137) Unfortunately, water remains unknown in materials returned from the lunar surface.
(138) For example, the gravity field on the lunar surface is about one seventh as strong as on Earth.
(139) Then, with a thrill of recognition, Bowman could often glimpse familiar coastlines, shining in that spectral lunar light.
(140) The largest portion of our present knowledge comes from the study of returned lunar materials in laboratories on Earth.
(141) No lunar atmosphere or hydrosphere exists, nor has any existed for its entire span of recorded history.
(142) By holding up the Harrison trial, Bradley could buy time for Maskelyne to produce proof positive supporting the lunar distance method.
(143) The seven shuttle astronauts are assisting researchers overcome the medical obstacles to long tours aboard a space station and lunar outposts.
(144) This information has significantly increased man's knowledge of the lunar environment.
(145) But soon after lunar sunrise, it emitted an extremely powerful blast of radio energy.
(146) The Spring Festival is the lunar New Year.
(147) The farthest point on lunar orbit is called apogee.
(148) It is on the first day of lunar year.
(149) It is the first day of lunar year.
(150) Lunar tail close an account, make me astonied.
(151) Tomb-sweeping Day is from Chinese lunar calendar.
(152) A luminous spot on a lunar halo.
(153) On Oct. 7, 2010, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, observed its first lunar transit when the new moon passed directly between the spacecraft (in its geosynchronous orbit) and the sun.
(154) The last time a lunar eclipse occurred on the winter solstice, astronomer Galileo Galilei was languishing under house arrest for suggesting the Earth circled the sun.
(155) It was reported that there would be a lunar eclipse tomorrow evening.
(156) Of the third lunar month and is focused on flood Longhua Temple incense.
(157) A fascinating clue being debated is whether the water signal rises and falls during a single lunar day.
(157) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(158) That water doesn't remain on the moon, but comes and goes each lunar day.
(159) Certain regions of the lunar surface light up when the Sun shines on them.
(160) It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year.
(161) The terminator – the shadow line dividing the lunar day from the lunar night – shows you where it's sunrise on the waxing moon.
(162) Caption: The lunar far side, seen by the LROC WAC.
(163) Last week we witnessed the first lunar eclipse in the new century.
(164) The lunar calendar designates one of 12 zodiac signs to each year.
(165) In the new century, impressive achievements have been scored in manned spaceflight and lunar probe projects.
(166) The rare lunar eclipse has fallen on the winter solstice at the Greenwich meridian of December 21, 2010, making the day the "darkest" ever in 372 years.
(167) The 9 th day of the 9 th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival Double Ninth Festival.
(168) The first lunar landing was achieved by Apollo program on July 20, 1969.
(169) In the tidal difference daily variations, there is a period of half lunar month of syzygy spring tides related to the phase of the moon.
(170) Current weak EP test comes to 10-13 by the rotating torsion balance and Lunar laser ranging methods.
(171) Passive microwave radiometer - microwave sounder is one of payloads in Chang'E - 1 lunar satellite.
(172) On the first day of lunar month, people and children put on their new clothes.
(173) It is thought that the lunar New Year formal denominate is the Spring Festival, after the revolution of 1911.
(174) All the other stuff was really startling, " Anthony Coleprete, lead scientist for NASA's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) mission, told Discovery News.
(175) Lunar dynamo Scientists may have solved one of the Moon's enduring mysteries: why there are magnetised rocks on the lunar surface, when the Moon has no global magnetic field.
(176) Based on the kinematics analysis of lunar rover, we build the whole vehicle model.
(177) It is to unseal the model of scene of ancient city history is street, also be exclusive an old without the history that has tearing open a lunar month of 30 days greatly street.
(178) To help researching the lunar radio telescope, the transmission coefficient of odd mode four-wire transmission line transformer is derived.
(179) The 23 rd day of the 12 th lunar month is called Preliminary Eve.
(180) Tract Rosh Hashana discusses the Jewish New Year, a floating holiday tied to lunar observations.
(181) NASA scientists said the lunar crater they hit was actually wetter than some of the driest deserts on Earth.
(182) But the satellites will arrive with less relative speed than spacecraft making the trip in three days, which means less fuel will be needed to brake and drop into lunar orbit.
(183) In this paper, a series of lunar map projection formulas are deduced including azimuthal projections, cylindrical projections and conical projections.
(184) Although technically the LCROSS (Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite) mission sent back the first whiffs of water at the end of 2009, the final numbers weren't in until October.
(185) The Mid - Autumn Festival falls on the 15 thdat of the 8 th lunar month.
(186) Many new aspects of lunar research will be explored by space vehicles.
(187) The cracked bed of Lake Eyre, meantime, resembles nothing so much as a lunar landscape.
(188) The top panels clearly illustrate the necessary geometry for a lunar (left) and solar eclipse in the Earth-centered Ptolemaic system.
(189) Solar tides are added to lunar tides to form the unusually high and low spring tides.
(190) Where you have water ice, you have a potential mother lode for lunar prospecting of hydrogen.
(191) Lunar rover is one of mobile robots for exploration of environment.
(192) Ancient people thought a lunar eclipse was a bad omen.
(193) In June, NASA launched two new spacecraft to the moon, the $504 million Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and the $79 million Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, or Lcross.
(194) It is in fact the New Year according to our lunar calendar.
(195) As the Apollo 8 command module rounded the farside of the Moon, the crew could look toward the lunar horizon and see the Earth appear to rise, due to their spacecraft's orbital motion.
(196) The Apollo 10 crew aimed a hand-held 70mm camera at the surface from lunar orbit for a series of images of this area.
(197) Penumbral lunar Benying and did not sweep the place, simply can not see the solar eclipse.
(198) CCFI weaves with Zhou of time, and total value of foreign trade export presses lunar statistic.
(199) The image is a combination of long and short exposures showing details of the lunar surface illuminated by both faint earthshine and bright sunlight.
(200) Lunar geologists had been hard-pressed to explain how very high density, titanium-rich magmas could have ascended through the moon's low-density anorthosite crust.
(201) The 2008 lunar orbiter could fill in the gaps by charting the moon's surface with radar imaging, laser altimetry and high-resolution spectroscopy.
(202) The orange-coloured beads came from deep within the lunar interior during volcanic eruptions long ago when the moon was still geologically active.
(203) Based on concluding the computation flow of lunar gravity field recovery, the method of dealing with the difficulty of unobservable to farside of lunar are analyzed on emphases.
(204) The Chinese Lunar New Year is the longest chronological record in history, dating from 2600 BC.
(205) The lunar module began a slanting descent to the moon's surface.
(206) The visibility of the lunar formations depends on their illumination by the sun.
(207) Beneath the heavenly sphere this solar cycle is mirrored in the lunar cycle of wax and wane and tidal ebb and flood.
(208) Of the table game revenues in the past 21 days, 1/3 were recorded during the Lunar New Year holiday, lasting from February 13 to 19.
(209) Nasa's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has used its Diviner instrument to probe the insides of permanently shadowed craters on Earth's satellite.
(210) Sunday is the 2nd day of the 2nd lunar month, and many people will get their 1st haircut of the new year as a good luck charm.
(211) A chatty factory girl called Liu Yaqing explained that the plant where she assembles DVD players had closed its canteen after the Lunar New Year holidays, which ended in early February.
(212) The moon's lunar soil is chock-full of helium reserves, thanks to the solar wind.
(213) "If Yuri Gagarin had not made this flight I would not have flown to the moon," said US astronaut Thomas Stafford, commander on the first US lunar landing in 1969.
(214) Date: March 4,2009 ( 8 th day of the second month by lunar calendar ).
(215) Lunar vein puncture on the back of hands is more feasible than radial vein puncture in the restricted maintaining transfusion for the schizophrenia patients.
(216) In this year's July 7th lunar day, the two married.
(217) What really hit the fan was the public outcry that the LCROSS (Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite) experiment was despoiling the pristine lunar environment.
(218) Acting Consul General Joseph Zadrozny displays a perfectly browned Sichuanese chicken prepared according to a traditional holiday recipe before wishing the citizens of Chengdu a happy Lunar New Year.
(219) If true,() the signal might be explainable by hydrogen flowing out from the Sun and interacting with oxygen in the lunar soil.
(220) Dionysian consciousness is essentially bisexual, and for Nietzsche it was precisely the lunar aspect of this consciousness, the abysmal depths of the feminine, that was both appealing and frightful.
(221) Slamming a spent rocket booster into the frigid, inky shadow of a lunar crater last month sent up a plume of dust laced with water, NASA scientists reported in a press conference today.
(222) Planting must be done in accordance with the lunar month , or else you won't harvest anything.
(223) Furthermore, the lunar orbiters confirmed that the highlands of the moon are dominated by anorthosite, an igneous rock composed primarily of the mineral feldspar and rich in calcium and aluminum.
(224) Please switch to solar calendar lunar calendar site tool to search.
(225) Based on minimal fuel principle, the switching curve of ignition is confirmed by using optimization theory, and a braking scheme is designed for the process of the lunar probe vertical soft landing.
(226) This paper mainly discussed the theory of Visualization demo technique and lunar the development of a soft-land scene simulation demo system.
(227) The rest of thecontinental U.S. will have to wait until April 15, 2014 to witness atotal lunar eclipse.
(228) The Visiting Nurse Service of New York and N-NORC hosted the Lunar New Year Party at the CCBA auditorium, and presented an appreciation plaque to CCBA at the celebration.
(229) The lunar highlands are scarred by innumerable craters ranging up to 236 km in diameter.
(230) China's lunar probing is serving entirely for the peaceful use of space.
(231) Besides Chinese New Year, what are the other festivals according to the Lunar Calendar?
(232) Laugh at posse every time, 3 lunar hind laugh a few days again, really happy.
(233) The dynamical model included the effects of the earth non-spherical shape, atmospheric drag, solar radiation pressure as well as lunar and solar perturbations.
(234) Pair that with a souped-up lunar lander similar to the original, and you're back on the moon.
(235) The spacecraft uses a bipropellant integrated propulsion system to reach lunar orbit as well as orbit and attitude maintenance while orbiting the Moon.
(236) Caption :The lunar module's starboard footpad and contact probe. In the background are the solar wind experiment, flag and camera.
(237) It was dusk: the contrasts of the colors were fading into a vibrant chiaroscuro; the lunar fields and woods were now just barely visible contours on the taut surface of the shining globe.
(238) Fortunetelling uses what is called the "eight characters" representing the year, month, day and hour of a person's date of birth in the traditional lunar calendar.
(239) It falls on July 15 of the lunar calendar, or mid - August of the Gregorian calendar.
(240) After production, the husband the pa Mom fetch him, still asked the lunar elder brother's wife that has experience to take care of me, this made my body very fast get resumptive .
(241) In the romaunt that takes the place of about Yu Tang, a lot of resemble " hind earthy madam " , " lunar madam " such part.
(242) The annual Huanglong Temple Seance is held in June 15-17 every year according to the Chinese lunar calendar .
(243) LCROSS uses the spent second stage of the Atlas rocket, the Centaur, as an SUV-sized kinetic impactor that will excavate a small crater on the floor of a permanently shadowed lunar crater.
(244) This lunar influence upon the calendar reaches down to our own days.
(245) Last year, NASA smacked a spent Centaur rocket into a shadowed lunar crater and blew out the first definite signs that the moon is chock-full of water.
(246) Let 's go to a temple fair on the first day of the lunar calendar year.
(247) To this end, I have received the following book recommendations: The Lunar Source Book, and New Views on the Moon.
(247) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(248) A young Air Force officer served as lunar module pilot for Apollo 16.
(249) Neil Armstrong poses in the Lunar Module after his historic moonwalk.
(250) Apollo Ten astronauts unlinked the Lunar module and flew it close to the moon's surface.
(251) During the eclipse, the best viewing in North America found the coppery lunar disc high in a cold winter sky, the Moon reddened by light filtering into the Earth's dark central shadow or umbra.
(252) A ride in the lunar module's upper stage was quite an experience.
(253) A NASA prospecting mission to sample the frozen contents of a lunar crater found not only a rich supply of water, but a tapestry of other minerals, origins unknown.
(254) While the ancient Europeans set the beginning of a year by measuring solar movement, my ancestors did so by observing the lunar wax and wane.
(255) Be lunar lunarYear's Day , call a lunar year in the Spring Festival, popular name year.
(256) We are in February 14,2008 ( the lunar month , eighth of month ) to receive the marriage certificate.
(257) Date: May 2,2009 ( 8 th of the fourth month by lunar calendar ).
(258) Chinese New Year is the longest and most important festivity in the Lunar Calendar.
(259) A new method is presented for visual wheel sinkage measurement of a lunar rover.
(260) Based on Pontryagin maximum principle, the lunar soft landing problem is transformed into a two-point boundary value problem.
(261) This dialog allows you to select the lunar eclipse about which information is required.
(262) The political urgency and test-flight nature of early Apollo planning and development left few options for selecting experienced field geologists as regular members of lunar mission crews.
(263) Today is September ninth by lunar calendar . It's Double Ninth Festival.
(264) Since the average lunar perigee is 364,397 km (226,432 mi), on March 19 the moon was about 7,820 km (4,860 mi) closer to the earth.
(265) Four hundred years ago, Galileo raised his homemade spyglass to the sky and spotted four of Jupiter's moons, revealing that other planets could have their own lunar companions.
(266) The principalastronomical problem involved was the discrepancy between year and the lunar year.
(267) The new lunar lander will be similarly improved, with updated electronics and materials.
(268) Moon rocks show that lunar water has more heavy hydrogen than does terrestrial water, indicating a cometary origin.
(269) Lunar Eclipse in your sign makes this a hectic week.
(270) One of its main scientific objectives is the estimation of high order and degree spherical harmonic coefficients for the lunar gravity field. Different tracking methods will be employed in SELENE .
(271) In modern China, are many who still prefer to follow lunar calendar.
(272) Red of June means the river crabs produced June of lunar calendar.
(273) "We can study the meteorological cycle on another planetary body involving a different molecule (methane), " said Emily Schaller, of the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory.
(274) In the inferior part of medial upper arm, cutaneous branches of inferior lunar collateral artery and brachial artery located at the front of the myoseptum, and gradually coursed anteriorly.
(275) Finally standing on the lunar surface, he threw his silver Nasa badge into the distance, knowing that the moonwalk had earned him a gold one.
(276) Looked from the history that, the Qing Dynasty wood engraving lunar new year's painting has had the varying degree influence to Japan peripheral country drawing art.
(277) At dawn of a two-week lunar day, Edwin Aldrin strides across a small crater near one of Eagle's foil-wrapped landing probes.
(278) A neutron detector aboard the lunar orbiter found a decrease in neutron radiation that could represent either water or hydrogen in certain areas.
(279) But the nearly six-mile high ejecta blanket that breaks lunar altitude records was formed in a matter of minutes!
(280) All the dates given in this story follow the lunar calendar.
(281) And, oil painter Robert McCall imagines the sight of the rocket engine firing to propel the lunar lander back to earth.
(282) The activities of the twelfth lunar month as the witchcraft epidemic of custom drum drive, this and other areas in Hunan is still retained Xinhua.
(283) Comparing the lunar speed data of the 6 calendars with the modern data, we obtained that the mean square deviation is about 0.4 ancient degree of China.
(284) The Spring Festival lasts till the 15 th of the first lunar month, or the Lantern Festival.
(285) But the levels are far too low to make it worth opening a lunar silver mine.
(286) Helianthus calls the 15th day of a lunar month lotus again, a very beautiful name.
(287) The festival is celebrated by the Kazak ethnic minority group , held in the fist lunar month.




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