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单词 Treason
1, Richter is accused of committing treason against the state.
2, The public prosecutor charged treason against the prisoner.
3, Thirteen people have been charged with treason — an offence which can carry the death penalty.
4, Treason in this country is still punishable by death.
5, He was charged with treason and beheaded.
6, He was executed for treason.
7, He was arraigned for high treason.
8, She was arraigned for high treason.
9, to X-ray the charge of treason against sb.
10, She was found guilty of high treason.
11, The couple were tried for treason.
12, He was beheaded for high treason.
13, Could you demean yourself by committing treason?
14, Guy Fawkes was executed for treason after he took part in a plot to blow up the British Parliament building.
15, The defendant was convicted of high treason and sentenced to death.
16, After the reforms the only capital crimes were treason and murder.
17, How do we know Buckingham committed treason?
18, He was then accused of treason and eventually beheaded.
19, For Americans, Benedict Arnold is a byword for treason.
20, During the Civil War, Milligan hanged for treason.
21, Fleming was flown to Washington and tried for treason.
22, Norris was sentenced to 20 years for treason.
23, The charges against him included treason.
24, The penalty for treason was always death.
25, The new law will put official corruption on the same legal footing as treason.
26, Countless facts have proved that he was not calumniated,(http:///treason.html) but was justly charged with treason.
27, But I'll never deal with the cases which stink of treason.
28, Probably to the relief of the nationalists, he stood convicted of high treason at last.
29, Refusal in payment, forgery or any other misuse thereby became treason or sacrilege and attracted savage penalties.
30, There was no doubt that these men were guilty of subverting the constitution, if not of outright treason to the republic.
1, Richter is accused of committing treason against the state.
2, The public prosecutor charged treason against the prisoner.
3, Thirteen people have been charged with treason — an offence which can carry the death penalty.
4, The new law will put official corruption on the same legal footing as treason.
5, He was executed for treason.
31, The Polisario Front on Aug. 13 accused Hakim of treason.
32, The offense, however, not only was political but constituted an act of treason against the constitutional government.
33, He was now arrested, tried for treason for his support of Jane Grey and condemned to death.
34, It is inconceivable that Edward would, for propaganda purposes, have falsely implicated one of his own household knights in treason.
35, And even so, she deserved to die for attempted treason.
36, Wolf is being tried by the same court that sentenced him to six years in prison for treason and bribery.
37, He also underwent several periods of defacto house arrest and trial for treason between 1956 and 1961.
38, It could be anything from a charge of treason to a nasty accident.
39, Treason therefore was a crime no greater than being disloyal to one who claimed to be an overlord.
40, Stone was arrested on a charge of high treason on 3 May 1794 and was taken to the Tower of London.
41, Wolf was found guilty of treason, but the conviction was overturned by Germany's highest court in 1995.
42, William Joyce had been convicted of treason on the grand scale.
43, It was late in the month for fireworks; late in the day for the rites of treason.
44, It was a long, ugly, acrimonious session, peppered with shouting and accusations of treason.
45, The whole emphasis of the first Act in 1889 was on espionage and treason.
46, About 5000 people have been jailed for crimes of terrorism or treason since 1992.
47, All five of the men will be charged with committing treason against the state.
48, He was a hero who had risked life for his fellow men(), but he died convicted of treason.
49, To some it is even the ultimate treason against faith, the unpardonable sin.
50, Some call it treason; others tell them to be quiet and not make an awkward situation worse.
51, He was accused of treason against the nation for his willingness to negotiate with Texas and the United States.
51, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
52, She had been imprisoned by Mary on charges of treason.
53, On June 8, 1862, he was arrested and charged with treason.
54, Ogilvie had been executed for treason, but his real crime was refusing to acknowledge the king's dominion in matters spiritual.
55, He was wrongly accused of treason against the U.S. government.
56, The crime which justifies lynching him is a form of treason, not racial inferiority.
57, Any criticism of the emperor was treated like high treason.
58, Was any attack on them to be construed as national treason?
59, Pianezza had played a leading part in the disastrous campaign of 1672 and was accused of treason.
60, He was tried on charges of treason and served nine years of a 13-year sentence.
61, Any move to modify that transgressive stance is seen by some as treason.
62, Maybe what they were planning would count as some kind of insurgency, treason perhaps?
63, You know treason is a capital offence.
64, Dissatisfaction often leads to outright treason.
65, They tutored men in treason.
66, I would term it a case of treason.
67, Guy Fawkes and his colleagues were executed for treason.
68, Deliberately broadcasting enemy propaganda to our troops is treason.
69, Such actions come near to treason.
70, Treason and Slavery, Rapine, Fear, and Lust.
71, He was setter - on to treason.
72, He be arraign for high treason.
73, He forfeited his estate by treason.
74, You stole government properties, and make a treason.
75, The days of treason were over.
76, They charged treason against him.
77, The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason.
78, Don't you raise your hand to me! It's high treason.
79, Treason, murder, theft, polygamy, and adultery , are among the many crimes laid to their charge.
80, McCarthyism is the politically motivated practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence.
81, Overcome by grief and dementia,(Sentence dictionary) Leoric had many of the townsfolk executed for high treason.
82, Boulanger:French military and political leader who after serving in the franco-prussian war (1870-1871) envisioned himself dictator and was accused of treason. He committed suicide in exile.
83, Preaching of self-contempt, eternalised in guilt. In words and deed, a man's high treason.
84, Applicants in cases involving a charge of murder, treason or piracy with violence may apply to a judge for a grant of legal aid, with exemption from the means test and payment of contribution.
85, Hence, the whole process of name translation is a process of creative treason.
86, Amative behavior of the undergraduate is civilized, but look to whether affect sight can, need not regard regular body contact as treason and heresy.
87, In the violent period of Bakumatsu, many samurai ran the risk of treason to quit feudatory.
88, The author tries to discuss the objectivity of the existence of "creative treason" based on different theories such as hermeneutics, deconstructionism and aesthetics.
89, French army officer of Jewish descent whose false imprisonment for treason in 1894 raised issues of anti- semitism that dominated French politics until his release in 1906.
90, Sir Walter Raleigh , English navigator, courtier, and once favourite of Elizabeth I, was beheaded at Whitehall for treason.
91, This view comes from his misreading, in fact , which is so - called ceative treason.
92, In 1945, William Joyce, known as "Lord Haw-Haw , " was charged in London with high treason for his English - language wartime broadcasts on German radio. (He was hanged the following January.
93, All the repeatedly occurring infidelity among the translators is labeled as an act of treason by critics in the philological and structural linguistics paradigms of translation studies.
94, It's bad judgment, but it's not treason. I think treason is too strong a word.
95, The crime of treason could sometimes be annulled due to political changes. In such a case, the confiscated goods would be returned to the family only under special authorization of the emperor.
96, By shifting the focus from treasonous phenomenon to creative activity, the author first reinterprets creative treason as a translating activity.
97, The three properties of language, i. e. variability, negotiability and adaptability, can explain and help to understand principles and strategies underlying creative treason.
98, The waves of four months had rolled over the trial for treason.
99, If a crime takes place the neighbours are held guilty of something analogous to what English law calls "misprision of treason, " in that when they knew of a criminal intention they did not report it.
100, Louis Riel, the leader of the Metis was hanged for treason in 1885 for his leading role in resisting the federal government.
101, In other words he's accused of treason a high capital offense.
102, Unfaithfully translated works are everywhere, and even the so-called faithful versions cannot avoid treasonous phenomena( Treason and Translation18).
103, They let the journalist live? usually, anyone who brings embarassment on any chinese gov't official seems to get executed for treason or some sort of nonsense.
104, In all countries any person who incites others to insurrection is guilty of treason.
105, The chinese have really gained an edge in all aspects of our technoloy since the 42nd president committed treason.
106, But I'll never deal with the cases stink of treason.
107, The crime of Endangering governmental rule: Treason felony , Misprision, Seizing prisoner, Oganizing the private armed forces.
108, 1815 - Michel Ney, Marshal of France, is executed by firing squad, after been convicted of treason for his support of Napoleon Bonaparte.
109, Lord Blackwood shall be required to confess his treason and abjure his allegiance to the Starks and Tullys.
110, To prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition and theft of state secrets.
111, First, federal judges are appointed for life, and they can be removed from office only through impeachment and conviction by Congress of "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."
111, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
112, They think, I am a girl not to give them money is not everything is obedient, treason and heresy, are unfilial.
113, For example, some religious and business leaders attacked Mencken as a dangerous person whose words were treason against the United States.
114, Would be double agents ought to know that there is a stiff price to pay for treason.
115, Hitler, prompted by Bormann, dictated a telegram informing Goering that he had committed " high treason ".
116, They were shot yesterday after being convicted of mutiny and high treason.
117, The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.
118, Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederate States of America, was captured by Union soldiers at the end of the Civil War and indicted for treason in 1866.
119, The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
120, By the common law of England, misprision of felony or treason was a crime of omission.




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