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单词 Recover
1. Know, how again recover also just air.
2. We prayed she would recover from her illness.
3. I can't recover from breaking up with u.
4. The economy is at last beginning to recover.
5. It took a moment for Mark to recover his poise.
6. It will be impossible to recover all the misapplied charity money.
7. It can take many years to recover from the death of a loved one.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. Life is a wounded recover the continuous improvement of process.
9. Yesterday morning shares seemed to recover from Monday's collapse.
10. Patients recover quickly if they are well nourished.
11. She fell ill soon after and did not recover.
12. for her to recover from the illness.
13. It took her a few minutes to recover consciousness.
14. He was entitled to recover damages from the defendants.
15. They prayed that she wonld recover.
16. There is every chance that he will recover.
17. Even if she survives, she'll never fully recover.
18. It took me years to fully recover.
19. It'll take her time to recover from the illness.
20. They prayed that she would recover.
21. He sat down to try and recover his equilibrium.
22. He is very ill and unlikely to recover.
23. The patient has an intense will to recover.
24. Try to recover any tax you have overpaid.
25. Like inquiry can be active thinking, like exercise can improve physique, like mountain forest can recover one's original simplicity, love alone can study hard, like wind builds muscles.
26. There should be some tangible evidence that the economy is starting to recover.
27. The doctors gave him more powerful drugs in the vain hope that he might recover.
28. After a few days of fever, she began to recover.
29. No one can understand the hurt and pain of life, not a time to be able to recover, I can only share memory protection.
30. Don't lend books to your friends; it's difficult to recover the books from them when you want them.
1. We prayed she would recover from her illness.
2. I can't recover from breaking up with u.
3. The economy is at last beginning to recover.
4. It took a moment for Mark to recover his poise.
5. There should be some tangible evidence that the economy is starting to recover.
6. The doctors gave him more powerful drugs in the vain hope that he might recover.
7. It will be impossible to recover all the misapplied charity money.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. It can take many years to recover from the death of a loved one.
9. After a few days of fever, she began to recover.
10. He is very ill and unlikely to recover.
11. The patient has an intense will to recover.
12. We prayed that she would recover.
13. People used to go to special health spring to recover from tuberculosis.
31. We prayed that she would recover.
32. It takes a while to recover from the operation.
33. She struggled to recover her equilibrium.
34. It is impossible for the client to recover.
35. The local authority must try to recover arrears of rent.
36. When you have been through a terrible experience like that, it takes a long time to recover.
37. Her plane broke down and it was 18 hours before she got there. It took her three days to recover.
38. Yates is struggling to recover from a serious knee injury.
39. They sought to recover damages, costs, expenses, etc from the firm.
40. She's got a strong constitution - she'll recover in no time.
41. The conference resolved to resort to force to recover the lost territory.
42. This state of affairs cannot continue for too long, if parliament is to recover.
43. Legal action is being taken to try to recover the money.
44. I took a vacation to try to recover my sanity.
45. She had a severe attack of asthma and it took an hour to recover her breath.
46. The country, prostrate after years of war, began slowly to recover.
47. We must recover our losses immediately,or we shall be bankrupt.
48. We are taking advice on legal steps to recover the money.
49. For three weeks a big operation went on to recover the wreckage from the sea bed.
50. She seemed to be wallowing in her grief, instead of trying to recover from the disaster.
51. The landlord has the right to recover any sums payable under this lease.
52. You will have to go to court to recover these sums.
53. I'm stiff all over right now-I hope I can recover for tomorrow's race.
54. It'll take time for her to recover from the illness.
55. Firms need a breathing space if they are to recover.
56. She returned to her family home to recover from an illness.
57. Don't lend money to others;it's difficult to recover it from them.
58. How long did you take to recover from your op?
59. The banks are now desperately scrabbling to recover their costs.
60. To recover from the divorce, I threw myself into a whirlwind of activities.
61. The plant may recover ; it's very dry and withered, but there's still life in it.
62. People used to go to special health spring to recover from tuberculosis.
63. The stock-market index fell by 80% before it began to recover.
64. He seemed to recover considerably after Paheri left home.
65. To help me recover my confidence?
66. Edmund will fully recover, we hope.
67. He began to recover his composure.
67. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
68. I came to recover from calling at Langley Dene.
69. There is every hope that he's going to recover.
70. Need to recover from falling backwards. 3.
71. I recover consciousness, not knowing where I am.
72. All your property can be sold to recover debts.
73. So they recover faster from illnesses.
74. But the important consideration was that life should recover its plenitude, its normal contented turgidity.
75. And electronics companies are looking at ways to re-use components and recover materials from their products.
76. But then she would recover her form, and off they went, disappearing into the distance and the dirt.
77. The oasis is also useful when you are feeling ill and need to recover.
78. The vendor would then need to recover against the purchaser pursuant to provisions, including indemnities, incorporated in the standard sale agreement.
79. This is quite unreasonable as the pilot should always be in a position to recover and make a normal landing.
80. The employer can not recover the secondary class 1 nor indeed the primary class 1 contributions from the employee.
81. He naturally tried to recover from the steep dive before striking the ground.
82. All gliders and light aircraft have to recover satisfactorily with the standard method.
83. My best guess is that the forests will not recover for a long time, no matter what we do.
84. It was, therefore, permissible for the company to bring an action against the directors to recover the profits.
85. An Arab ambassador said he was bruised, looked badly shaken and needed at least two weeks to recover.
86. The tax laws prohibit you from trying to recover from your employees taxes that you were required to pay on their behalf.
87. Patients recover with good nursing care alone, and medical intervention is seldom required.
88. Now you've crossed Westminster bridge and achieved your goal, we outline the best possible way to recover.
89. Even when the blossom was browned by heavy frost just before Christmas, it took only a fortnight to recover.
90. If the muscularis propria escapes extensive damage, we assume that the impaired bowel propulsion is allowed to recover to some extent.
91. He was in hospital for a long time with the doctors far from optimistic that he would recover.
92. Liverpool hope Barnes will recover from hamstring trouble but are again without a shoal of injured defenders.
93. He had to devote all his attention to the routine task of driving, finally pulling over to recover.
94. He can be forgiven that lapse and should recover losses at the expense of the Gold Cup pretender.
95. In complete contrast the South East began to recover relatively.
96. None of the children who did not recover were receiving medical care for symptoms of constipation at the time of follow up.
97. The plaintiffs failed to recover as no tangible injury had been done to their property - no apparatus had been damaged.
97. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
98. For the Treasury this presented a golden opportunity to recover its traditional dominance which it had lost during the war.
99. If the defence is successful then the plaintiff will recover no damages at all.
100. The Act enabled workmen to recover compensation without the necessity of proving fault on the part of the employer.
101. Martin did well to recover from the onslaught to go a break up in the third set.
102. Wet wood can recover as long as it dries out relatively quickly.
103. The ideal situation would be to recover the capital investment and the production costs and still make a reasonable profit.
104. On the M-Four the westbound carriageway at junction thirteen had to be closed while police tried to recover a lorry.
105. They're still attempting to recover the plane's wreckage from the ocean floor.
106. Despite valiant efforts by our physiotherapists, my hamstring did not recover in time for the 200 metres.
107. There are provisions enabling investors to recover loss they have suffered as a result of entering into the share transactions.
108. It is doubtful whether the council will be able to recover all the back tax or enforce the costs order.
109. My few days were intermediate - cloudy, rough, with the reef and turbid water yet to fully recover.
110. He may suffer a severe personality change from which he might not recover.
111. Moreover, it is now well established that an injured plaintiff can recover for the unpaid services of a friend or relative.
112. But now his injuries have caught up with him, despite a brave battle to recover from recent knee surgery.
113. Only with computers and microscopes have we begun to recover some of the knowledge lost with the Stone Age.
114. Better technology should help both to recover more gas from existing reserves and also to make new areas accessible.
115. If they are lost or stolen, you can recover their value so long as you have kept a note of their numbers separately.
116. The Powermiser should recover its cost in one quarter, depending on your hot water consumption.
117. Most would recover if the disease were let to run its natural course.
118. Two of his victims successfully sued him and the plaintiff then tried to recover the damages from the defendant.
119. Fleeing across the desert, they finally reached southern California, where Smith left three wounded men to recover.
120. The doctor thinks she'll recover quite a lot of movement, though maybe not all.
121. I was surprised how weak and light-headed I felt on nipping out of my hospital bed to recover a dropped book.
122. He needed 48 pints of blood during 5 1/2 hours of emergency operations and lost 3st during his battle to recover.
123. Pool are helping former Newcastle United midfield player Michael Parkinson to recover from injury.
124. Nor could he recover if his injury was inflicted upon him by a fellow worker.
125. Even a slight push means that it falls and can not recover its original position of equilibrium.
126. Dozens of motorists faced fines of £100 to recover parked cars which were towed away.
127. And I know, from the sobering vantage point of midlife,(http:///recover.html) that she will never recover.
128. Yussuf tried to recover his balance, tried to jump, but the wall collapsed too fast.
129. There is one scroll in particular which Gary wishes me to recover.
130. I admit that in aiding her to recover the monies from the insurance company, I had also helped Leyland escape punishment.
131. His daughter, however, is still finding it difficult to recover from her traumatic assault in New York.
132. Maybe it has taken the girls this long to fully recover from the demoralizing Arizona road trip.
133. Are students or teachers who bring successful civil rights lawsuits entitled to recover their attorneys' fees?
134. He suffered a little stroke after his surgery and took awhile to recover.
135. Investigators may be able to recover fingerprints from the devices, which law enforcement sources said were rigged with straight pins.
136. 80% of patients now recover completely from this illness and are able to lead perfectly normal lives.
137. These measures will also benefit the refining sector, once capacity is reduced and industry margins recover.
138. Even patients who eventually recover may take years to do so, and they sometimes require several admissions.
139. Crews had yet to recover the main body of the plane and the engine.
140. Most animals gradually recover although complete return to normality may take weeks or months.
141. This might be legal assistance to recover unpaid fees or help with the negotiations after a cancelled engagement.
142. The report painted a generally optimistic picture of Britain continuing to recover from the worst recession since 1945.
143. Runners set intervals during which they run hard and fast for a brief period, and then recover.
144. It is assisted by conscious intention on our part to recover balance and vibrant health.
145. Second, would it be an affront to the public conscience to allow the plaintiff to recover.
146. The plaintiff was therefore guilty of contributory negligence and could recover nothing.
147. Several people saw the aircraft recover from the turn to an essentially wings-level attitude with small erratic oscillations in bank angle.
148. Similarly, comparatively few chantries were re-established by pious benefactors, and endowments for masses failed to recover to their pre-Reformation level.
149. If you get tired of tiger stripes you can always recover an ottoman or buy new accent pillows.
150. She sometimes felt depressed, and would ask her husband if he thought she would ever recover: he was always supportive.
151. The racking sobs didn't last long; she was too afraid that fitzAlan would recover and come after her.
152. Recovery of the purchase price Where the consideration has totally failed, the buyer can recover any payments he has already paid.
153. The best way to recover from this is to get plenty of bed rest.
154. It was held that the creditor could recover only 400,000.
155. We are entitled to recover any such monies from your salary.
156. I hope your fish live long enough to recover and that the dyes fade away.
157. The museum staff are still keen to recover certain items from the factory.
157. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
158. The tenant filed a claim against the landlord to recover his losses.
159. The desire to recover it drove many black peasants to support the nationalist guerrillas in the war against white minority rule.
160. We want to recover a sense of pride in our railways and to recapture the spirit of the old regional companies.
161. He thought it quite possible that Pike had starved the horse to help it recover from its leg injury.
162. The plaintiff can only recover on the strength of his own title and not on the weakness of the defendant's.
163. You are going to inflict such a defeat on the enemy that he will never recover.
164. Mister Grant has a long way to go before he will fully recover from his injuries.
165. Croft took a year's sabbatical to recover from a string of niggling injuries and is now raring to go again.
166. With many questions still racing through his mind, he dashed off to recover his Smithsonian charges.
167. Some stroke victims recover on their own; the study will determine how many, and whether mo re recover on tPA.
168. Steps were immediately taken to recover the diplomatic mail and to investigate the incident.
169. The shares had just started to recover on faint hopes of a busy festive season.
170. Although most recover completely from the infection, some suffer kidney damage which can be permanent, and can kill.
171. The auditors check the accuracy of accounts and seek to recover money lost through fraud.
172. The need for better food Patients recover quickly if they are well nourished.
173. But given heavy doses of baking soda he began to recover, and was perfectly normal three days later.
174. No pay was given for Bank Holidays, with the result that it took weeks to recover from the loss of income.
175. Meanwhile the owners or their descendants champ impatiently to recover and lovingly restore what is left of the family heritage.
176. It's important not to exert yourself - it'll take a few weeks to recover.
177. Although they may get flattened by a rainstorm, they quickly recover once the sun comes out.
178. Last employed by Houston, he is trying to recover from a career-threatening ankle injury.
179. He dragged her backwards and off-balance, and then kept her moving so that she couldn't recover.
180. Can you please advise me how to recover these files!
181. As a result they are less willing to accept the increasing costs caused by disruption and seek to recover them through claims.
182. He said the thousands of get-well messages had been helping him recover from 17 days in a coma after a car crash.
183. It was taking time for Britain to recover from the First World War.
184. Severely ill patients are given support in hospitals, their symptoms being relieved as far as possible, and most eventually recover.
185. There have been several cases of two-seaters being overstressed by pilots pulling back hard to recover from steep dives after spin recoveries.
186. We can not hope to recover that certainty about good and evil upon which in the ethical religions salvation itself depends.
187. I knew that they had not given you enough time to recover from the pneumonia.
187. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
188. They block the rear view of the road and make our quest to recover the tabs all the more difficult.
189. They've formed an action committee to try to recover the funds.
190. It relies on foster homes to provide rescued pets a supportive place to recover until good owners can be found.
191. Her coach told her she lost some time by getting boxed in, time she could recover in her next race.
192. Caps were installed in many states on the amount peo-ple could recover for their own injuries.
193. For two weeks he was in a delirious condition, then began to recover.
194. Ma says his runners do well because they train at high altitude and are given special herbal tonics to help them recover.
195. Was it really possible to command such a premium price that one could recover the extra investment?
196. The plaintiff was unlawfully charged for making extracts from a parish register, and was held entitled to recover back the payments.
197. The original lessee could then recover from the assignee under the indemnity.
198. I looked after her, feeling like some one who has just sustained a terrible injury from which he will never recover.
199. Nearly 75 percent of all adults believe that depressed people can recover on their own by just adopting a positive attitude.
200. Strange, then, that Spielberg's grown-up Peter must recover his original, youthful estranged family.
201. With a warm fire, and a hot meal, I began to recover from my unpleasant experiences.
202. The original owner can always recover subject to a six-year limitation period.
203. A player will recover somewhat between matches, but an injured player might need to be rested for longer.
204. And an extended payments schedule might well recover the debt more surely than strict enforcement - which might instead precipitate financial collapse.
205. On 15 July 1987, the Woolwich issued a writ to recover the capital sum and interest thereon.
206. We were ever so fortunate as to recover your collection intact.
207. I gave the order for the right of my line, except my reserves, to advance to recover the plateau.
208. Lady Ardshiel was prosecuted through the courts in an unsuccessful attempt to recover rents received by her since Culloden.
209. On this night, the Orangemen built a big early lead and the Panthers couldn't recover.
210. However, events which entitle the contractor to an extension of time may also entitle the contractor to recover extra costs.
211. The waste contains tin oxide, in proportions too minute for last century's miners to recover.
212. We must recover that dark age if we wish to understand our archaic fears and to rationalize them.
213. That was a devastating blow from which the constituency is struggling to recover.
214. Control was also imposed on the right of landlords to recover possession.
215. Recover the eggs by inverting the mesh over a second Petri dish and passing fresh medium through it.
216. Armstrong is now fighting to recover, and the extent to which the damage in his arm is permanent remains in question.
217. Sergeyev has developed a machine that uses liquid crystals to recover such energy from the surface of these objects./recover.html
218. The body of the adult human, however, can often withstand this chemical onslaught and ultimately recover fully.
219. Not until the final quarter did the home side recover their composure, by which time it was way too late.
220. So they recover faster from illnesses. Mental health is also improved among patients who pray, according to studies.
221. His voice quivered with emotion, he sniffed and wiped his eyes and took some time to recover.
222. They consider how to recover damaged platinum ware, an important problem in routine laboratories dealing with aggressive samples.
223. After extracting with phenol-chloroform, it is not necessary to recover the plasmid by ethanol precipitation.
224. The Ulster Inter-Pro ace has failed in his battle to recover from a thumb injury sustained during a recent skiing holiday.
225. A week ago she had a hysterectomy; a major operation that will take weeks, maybe months, to recover from.
226. Climbed a very high hill today called An Teallach and am just starting to recover now.
227. Measures must be taken to recover losses.
228. Instead of waiting for an outage to occur, consumers should do security testing on their own—checking how well a vendor can recover data.
229. A newborn Ukranian baby suffered minimal injuries and was expected to recover fully after its mother threw it from a third-storey window.
230. John Terry had treatment from the England osteopath yesterday, Sunday, who was brought down to the Chelsea training ground to help the captain recover from his back stiffness.
231. Instead of waiting for an outage to occur, consumers should do security testing on their own to check how well a SaaS service provider can recover data.
232. McAfee expects that number to grow to its 2008 level, even though spammers are taking longer than expected to recover from the McColo takedown.
233. The company needs to let go of employees to recover losses from bad business decisions.
234. Blind image restoration is to recover the original image form the observed degraded image with unknown the Point Spread Function (PSF).
235. The female patients can recover the eugenesis immediately after the contraceptives are taken out.
236. Introduction is given to modification of conventional contaminated acid neutralizing system so as to produce zinc vitriol, copper sulphate and crude cadmium and recover cobalt residue.
237. The results showed that the matrix can adsorb L-asparaginase and recover high enzymic activity, The immobilize enzyme was more stable against trypsin than native enzyme.
238. The results of our study demonstrate that, at dopamine tachyphylaxis of canine tracheal smooth muscle, histamine treatment could recover the contraction to dopamine.
239. The system install air preheater to recover the heat of crude gas, and then to increase the thermal efficiency of system.
240. Recover devices of samples treated under super-pressure loading by quasi-spherical converging shock wave using nitromethane liquid explosive were studied.
241. The minimum spanning tree(MST) was used to obtain the best connected-component of the image set to recover the transformation between images and project the images into the mosaic frame.
242. Dogs generally recover quickly, veterinarians say, and while they usually can still make sounds, their barks become muffled and raspy.
243. Uropathy, was written to help sick people recover their health and to help healthy people live healthier lives and function happily.
244. Styrene degassing tower is one of chief equipments of styrene monomer recover system of StyreneButadiene Rubber device.
245. To recover from the fade , pull one line and slack on the other to make the kite barrel roll.
246. Already last week David Tepper, whose Appaloosa Management gained 130 percent last year on bets that ailing financial stocks would recover, gave a hint of how his fund suffered.
247. And when the world economy starts to recover, as is typical with post-recession economics, there is going to be a severe shortage in man-power due to the extensive lay-offs.
247. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
248. Results:At the end of 4 weeks, Buflomedil Hydrochloride can obviously recover the sciatic crash lesion in rats.
249. The guest rooms decorated in Chinese and Western style are innovative, elegant, homelike and cosy. It is the best place to recover from tiring business activities.
250. Should the mortgage contract permit it, a homeowner could always rent out the property and put it back on the market when real estate values recover.
251. "Early on, any radiation dose at the blastocyst stage is an all-or-nothing event, " says Higley, meaning the blastocyst is thought to either recover and continue growing or miscarry.
252. Doing exercise for facial muscle can let skin tense, and let the loosing face recover step by step. The problem is solved!
253. The new coke quenching water system of coke furnace is built to recover and utilize the waste water in Coking Plant of Tiantie Group Corporation.
254. In order to implement recovery from failure scenarios, the transaction manager and the resource manager must be able to recover from a failure at any point in the transactional flow.
255. With accurate Chargeback reports, you can effectively recover IT costs and justify financial decisions of future purchases.
256. Massage and physical exercises in treatment for omarthritis of aged. Result:38 cases, recover 22 cases, significant effect 14 cases, uneffect 2 cases, total efficient for 94.7%.
257. In order to recover its production, it was determined to drilling a directional side tracking well Wangyun 2B well inside casings.
258. In addition, fulltime or parttime management departments should be established to take various means to recover arrears.
259. Cost-benefit studies indicate that, with good management, farmers recover their investment costs in just two or three years.
260. The foregoing shall include , by way of example and not by way of limitation , all rights to recover preferences voidable under Title 11 of the United States Code.
261. In the Gulf of Mexico, trawlers ply back and forth year in year out, hauling vast nets that scarify the seabed and allow no time for plant and animal life to recover.
262. In one recent sequence against Chicago, he successfully denied Ben Gordon the ball in the wing area and then was able to recover and deny Gordon's quick backdoor cut.
263. Have used the key associating one recover being able to make net speed change slow?
264. Using multistage depressed collector to recover the residual energy of spent beam is one of the effective ways to improve traveling-wave tube's efficiency.
265. If certain critical areas of the cortex—Broca's area, for instance—are destroyed by stroke or tumor, the patient will probably never recover the function once performed by the now silent circuits.
266. With the lapse of time, the usefulness of insurance gradually became manifest when the insureds were able to recover losses caused by natural disasters and accidents.
267. In some such instances, use of a special technique (hemapheresis) to collect donor granulocytes may permit their transfusion and provide some benefit until the patient's own white cell counts recover.
268. The procedure was applied to the assay of aminopyrine-phenacetin composite tablets and satisfactory recover...
269. This high performance oil free eye gel derived from plant sources that are rich in proteic fraction, flavonoids and tannins helps to induce brighter complexion by helping skin recover its firmness.
270. I am happy to recover my moral dignity, and I can once more walk erect before my fellowman.
271. The wavelet network not only can compress data effectively but also can recover original signal.
272. Insurance companies are obliged to recover the cost of everything insured when it is lost or dwoulmaged during the vwoulsid period of insurance.




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