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单词 Curriculum
1. Teachers feel that the present curriculum is too narrow.
2. The curriculum is rigidly prescribed from an early age.
3. The curriculum was too narrow and too rigid.
4. Languages are an essential part of the school curriculum.
5. He questioned whether the school curriculum was broad enough in scope.
6. Have you brought your curriculum vitae and certificates with you?
7. Each area of the curriculum should be led by a staff member with appropriate expertise.
8. We have to build computers into the school curriculum.
8. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. IT is now on the curriculum in most schools.
10. The curriculum needs breadth and balance.
11. Is German on your school's curriculum?
12. The curriculum makes great demands on the teacher.
13. The subjects of the curriculum form a coherent whole.
14. They all fulminated against the new curriculum.
15. The course curriculum is geared to span three years.
16. Spanish is in the curriculum.
17. All schools must follow the prescribed curriculum.
18. We cover all areas of the curriculum.
19. Pupils use computers across the curriculum .
20. The curriculum must be preplanned.
21. The subjects on the curriculum encourage intellectual enquiry.
22. Many pupils follow an imbalanced curriculum.
23. Music is an integral part of the school's curriculum.
24. The curriculum includes courses in computing.
25. Maths is an intrinsic part of the school curriculum.
26. Please enclose a curriculum vitae with your letter of application.
27. All the schools have music and dancing as part of the curriculum.
28. The staff should work together to revise the school curriculum.
29. Russian is the one compulsory foreign language on the school curriculum.
30. There's a strong sense of coherence in the school curriculum.
1. Teachers feel that the present curriculum is too narrow.
2. The curriculum is rigidly prescribed from an early age.
3. The curriculum was too narrow and too rigid.
4. Languages are an essential part of the school curriculum.
5. He questioned whether the school curriculum was broad enough in scope.
6. Each area of the curriculum should be led by a staff member with appropriate expertise.
7. Is German on your school's curriculum?
8. The educational bureau demands that all schools introduce a new course into the curriculum.
8. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. I am enclosing my curriculum vitae together with my photograph.
31. Teachers are expected to teach a range of subjects right across the curriculum.
32. The government worked in close collaboration with teachers on the new curriculum.
33. Teachers feel they have little room for manoeuvre when the curriculum is so demanding.
34. Students choose from optional subjects in addition to the core curriculum.
35. Information skills are not merely incidental to the curriculum but central to it.
36. Applications with a full curriculum vitae and two references should reach the Principal by June 12th.
37. The educational bureau demands that all schools introduce a new course into the curriculum.
38. Constant revision of the curriculum must be undertaken to ensure its continuing relevance.
38. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
39. More room should be given to foreign languages in the curriculum.
40. Film Studies has been introduced into the curriculum as an option.
41. Students are exempt from some classes in the curriculum for religious reasons.
42. I am enclosing my curriculum vitae together with my photograph.
43. The Skills Programme is out of phase with the rest of the curriculum.
44. The school has invited comments from parents about the new curriculum.
45. We need to provide more breadth in the college curriculum.
46. We shall have to design a new curriculum for the third year.
47. Children learn many of their attitudes to life from the hidden curriculum at school.
48. The national curriculum must be a guide, not a straitjacket.
49. With these aims in mind, the school operates a broad-based curriculum.
50. These criteria were used to determine the scope of the curriculum.
51. The curriculum will take account of the ethnic diversity of the population.
52. They all have to study French because it's on the curriculum.
53. The school curriculum has undergone critical examination in recent years.
54. Schools were firmly guided on the details of the curriculum.
55. The heads of school departments have particular responsibilities for the curriculum.
56. His disability does not prevent him from following the mainstream curriculum.
57. What modifications are necessary to ensure fuller curriculum access?
58. Can schools remove literary classics from the curriculum?
59. Spanish is on the curriculum.
60. Second, the curriculum in these classrooms is covered cooperatively.
61. The Commission expresses its anxiety that the proposed syllabus in the revised music curriculum allows less time than hitherto for choral music.
62. The regions of application have been amalgamated with the National Curriculum cross-curricular themes.
63. A large number of these responses had direct bearing on school curriculum.
64. The program designer needs to be in communication with the curriculum designer, especially at the very beginning of the development.
65. The Patten plan, detailed in a Government draft circular, risks further heightening confrontation with teachers already boycotting national curriculum tests.
66. The curriculum should include courses in office technology, accounting, business mathematics, computer applications, and business law.
67. While it may help protect the existing curriculum against falling rolls it will also reduce the curricular decision-making capacity of the school.
68. Aside from linking the curriculum together[http://], there are two additional benefits from altering the usual schedule of the high school day.
69. This brings us to our final issue: who should carry out curriculum review?
70. They were also concerned with curriculum development, advisory support and in-service education.
71. Perhaps the most important issue, however, is the possibility of causing curriculum backwash.
72. The school argued that its authority to control the curriculum should include extracurricular and co-curricular activities.
73. Other measures include teacher appraisal, the National Curriculum, open enrolment, standardised assessment tasks.
74. This chapter will attempt to analyse some of the possibilities for the teaching of information skills in the primary school curriculum.
75. To overcome these problems, small schools in some rural areas have formed cooperative clusters whereby teachers provide curriculum support for each other.
76. But in the late 1960s the relative autonomy of the teaching profession over the curriculum came increasingly under attack.
77. We want a national curriculum which is above and beyond the suspicion of party politics.
78. Historians have always complained of content overloads in syllabuses and National Curriculum orders are no different.
79. The first consisted of an analysis of curriculum content and teaching methods conducted by questionnaire.
80. New elements will ease their way into the core curriculum.
81. For primary class teachers, the National Curriculum and assessment provide the overwhelming preoccupation.
82. But for the majority of teachers, the converse is true and changes in assessment are forcing changes in the curriculum.
83. The introduction of National Curriculum History will have an impact on teachers' methodologies and on classroom management techniques.
84. There are instead just students, each and every one of them having equal access to the curriculum.
85. However, it is clear that ministerial control will extend well beyond the determination of a national curriculum framework.
86. Adapting the curriculum just for children with special educational needs may lead to their becoming increasingly isolated and segregated within the classroom.
87. The third feature that needs to be considered in contextualizing the national curriculum legislation is the government's attitude towards local authorities.
88. This platform could therefore be used as the basis for a core curriculum from which various material is developed and structures created.
89. The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority hopes the scheme will be extended if ministers give their approval to the science proposals.
90. When comprehensive schools became the norm there was still no serious attempt to rethink the curriculum or the values incorporated within it.
91. Even the newly qualified teacher manages time, pupils, resources and the curriculum within the classroom.
92. What is particular about the circumstances under which this curriculum has to be managed?
93. Attempts to rebuild the curriculum so as more nearly to meet the socioeconomic needs of the region are beset with cultural obstacles.
94. In the matter of curriculum development, the Chicago Regional Program blazes a trail that library media specialists can follow.
95. Contact between school and business leads naturally to, arguably, the most fruitful area for partnership - curriculum enhancement.
96. One Harvard dealer had registered with an employment agency which stupidly sent his curriculum vitae to Harvard.
97. I have used the analogy of the structure of a document to describe the basis of the curriculum.
98. Are students exempt from compulsory schooling or from certain courses in the curriculum on religious grounds?
99. Students' personal autonomy can not be guaranteed even by the best curriculum in the world.
100. The question is which form will be compatible with the general curriculum aims set out in the last chapter.
101. Moreover,[http:///curriculum.html] the assessment tests had ceased to function as barriers to the remedial curriculum on many campuses.
102. We wonder what attainment level of today's national curriculum one needs to reach before spotting that these are howlers.
103. The team has control over virtually everything, from maintenance of the building to the curriculum to the hiring of administrative staff.
104. The advent of a national curriculum in this country may change this situation.
105. The curriculum is controlled by Cisco but administered by each school district.
106. A teacher Would have a good understanding of the ways in which Work Experience can be of benefit to the curriculum.
107. The consequence of this for the curriculum must be that within all subject areas both aspects must be attended to.
108. He can, after appropriate consultation, change the content of the National Curriculum as he thinks fit.
109. What they write can also make a difference to the way the legal plans for the curriculum are translated into classroom practice.
110. Now sadder but wiser, we are prepared to admit that the implementation of curriculum change is a complicated business.
111. The importance of incremental learning in some aspects of the curriculum is now widely accepted.
112. It is difficult, too, to see how such an approach could be happily integrated into a balanced curriculum.
113. It sought continually to encourage teachers to reevaluate classroom practice - both in curriculum content and methodology.
114. They said teachers were poor in assessing National Curriculum progress and had low expectations of the pupils.
115. The curriculum would follow the classical model, though only up to a point.
116. But the primary emphasis must remain on gaining competence in a core academic curriculum for everyone.
117. But almost everyone agrees that his work should be represented in a National Curriculum.
118. The document was divided into sections concerning curriculum content, overlap, teaching methods, relevance, and evaluation.
119. One was a group of classroom teachers and curriculum specialists; the other included business leaders and school administrators.
120. Stressing the individuality of the school is vital, particularly now that the National Curriculum gives a uniformity to curriculum content.
121. As the National Curriculum is implemented, it will be possible to carry out a check of the curriculum of each school.
122. Tony himself suggested attending at different times each week in order to familiarize himself with different subject areas of the curriculum.
123. That kind of curriculum vitae brings a reward in terms of career advancement, with the inevitable monetary gains.
124. Alongside the current assessment revolution are equally radical curriculum initiatives associated with a whole alphabet soup of acronyms.
125. The government has allocated, for the introduction of the National Curriculum into 24,000 schools, the sum of £30 million.
126. One powerful message put across by the curriculum in most schools is that knowledge can be divided into compartments.
127. The following brief notes are indications as to how one might use drama both to stimulate and support work in specific curriculum areas.
128. Staff at Sutton feel these often arise from an unsuitable curriculum.
129. This is in spite of the existence of clearly articulated curriculum materials and guidelines.
130. Creativity in an exemplary fine arts curriculum is also encouraged.
131. I suspect this, like compulsory religious education, gave me a lifelong scepticism about obligatory elements in any curriculum.
132. Most important is discussion of curriculum planning and curriculum carrying-out by you and your governing body.
133. Monday, 9 March the curriculum group now comments on a more advanced draft of the program quite a few changes.
134. The second way in which national guidelines for curriculum policy have emerged is through conferences, reviews or national commissions.
135. Their legacy may not survive the new system of classification now available in the National Curriculum.
136. I believe that the focus of attention is shifting from curriculum content to how best to teach science.
137. As it is, most parents take only brief peeks into classrooms and hear snatches of information about curriculum.
138. The emphasis on the craft of writing is of central importance in the recommendations of my National Curriculum Working Group.
139. And the state, asked to investigate, says that dressing up is an appropriate part of a child care curriculum.
140. These aims were to be used as a checklist to test curriculum policies.
141. The research methods will include classroom observation, interviews with teachers and analysis of curriculum documents and of other support.
142. For there is great danger in the failures of communication consequent on the present A level curriculum.
143. The course was designed to give them a running start on their steep uphill climb through the curriculum.
144. So things have changed, and the change is reflected, as Snow would have wished, in the school curriculum.
145. We are long overdue for a complete overhaul of the mathematics curriculum at all levels.
146. For example, must teachers and students salute the flag or follow the curriculum if doing so violates their religious beliefs?
147. Although largely unknown in Britain, Lafaille has an impressive rock climbing curriculum vitae.
148. But it is not a core curriculum like that being touted by test-and-measure statehouse reformers.
149. There have been various attempts to broaden the sixth-form curriculum, none of which has been successful.
150. Nelson was hired this school year to help infuse art into the school's curriculum.
151. He or she also needs to demonstrate commitment to curriculum and pastoral development. 8.
152. Schools were also expected to recognise that the curriculum could be described and analysed in a variety of ways.
153. It seems appropriate therefore that disruptive pupils have full access to the curriculum which requires that schools acknowledge this in their planning.
154. Although teachers flinch at such international comparisons, most of them are surprisingly enthusiastic about the national curriculum.
155. High school students can select from a variety of applied academic courses in addition to a more traditional college-preparatory curriculum.
156. John's, the 300-year-old college famed for its Great Books curriculum.
157. How many items were there that centred on curriculum content and administration matters and how many focussed on individuals?
158. Generally,[/curriculum.html] they have been welcomed: their potential for enriching the curriculum is widely acknowledged.
159. The curriculum, which at one time had seemed novel, barely changed from decade to decade.
160. They also help design the curriculum through their role on advisory committees.
161. Records of achievement for pupils, a flexible national curriculum, a home/school partnership agreements, and a national schools award.
162. The English curriculum should stress both composition and reading.
163. In education theory and practice, traditional curriculum is a means and implement of external value and has the property of instrumentalism .
164. There are rules and training programs for almost every conceivable job, from sanitation engineer to nuclear physicist, but no set curriculum teaches you how to be a boss.
165. In teaching the traditional curriculum, law teachers in almost all the law schools use to some extent the case method or the Socratic Method.
166. At the same time, Chinese New Curriculum education has become a focal point of the society with various discussions, among which appraises praise or blame comes as thick as hail.
167. Then a curriculum antecedence chart of Manufacturing and Automation Engineering is provided to illustrate the significance of antecedence research in making teaching plans.
168. This is a curriculum based on achievements and the small credit transfer procedures.
169. But representatives of the human species are responding as if someone had proposed adding Satanism to the grade-school Curriculum.
170. 2010 to 2011, our school and the United Kingdom SANDON school curriculum on the literary and dramatic art project jointly carried out a one-year educational exchange activities.
171. The teacher should follow scientific and objective principle when teaching a local curriculum, and so can avoid sectionalism.
172. Browse through our current course catalog, which contains undergraduate and graduate program curriculum and course listings.
173. Teaching materials, instruction and evaluation system on the basis of the beliefs of the new curriculum is an indiscerptible entity.
174. With the implementation of the new curriculum, more and more studies are on class predetermination and generation, but few systematic studies are used in chemical disciplines.
175. This paper is not only to reflect the existing curriculum system problems, but also to raise a forward-looking evaluation program.
176. New curriculum criterion for physics centers on people's all-sided development and sets 3 - dimentional aims.
177. To analyze factors influencing the implementation will help us find out problems and solve them so as toter the development of the curriculum reform in remote area.
178. This report describes the experience of teaching Gross Anatomy in a relatively new medical school, with a curriculum design that is different from other established schools.
179. Then we analyze plausible reasoning in mathematical curriculum standard and its teaching in each study stage and each teaching material.
180. Encoder and decoder is a basic computer circuit devices. This Curriculum design by EDA design encoder and decoder.
181. The application of education meterage theory in the curriculum examination is mainly for the evaluation of examination quality.
182. This diagnosable program is in line with the targets of quality education and curriculum reformation, which attach high importance to the cultivation of students' abilities and their strong suits.
183. We need to add something to the curriculum, and unfortunately, curriculum development is a zero-sum game.
184. The theory of Philosophy, Pedagogics, Psychology , and practice of the project method become base of the emergent curriculum.
185. This is a smear procedures, computer graphics, curriculum design, applied to the Bezier curve.
186. Establish "docent group system outside school" and establish "curriculum councilor system".
187. On the mission, basic curriculum of the undergraduate needs orientating as curriculums on foundation of the skill and as curriculums of overall, harmonious development of human being.
188. The extemporization of piano accompaniment is the teaching curriculum in the high teachers' school that has been attached more and more value.
189. The fourth chapter mainly discusses the operation thinking of the three-level managerial system of curriculum in our country, i. e. , to seek the balance of centralization and decentralization.
190. In Chapter XIX, I talk about what you must have in your Curriculum Vitae.
191. I've noticed that students at Sudbury Valley, who are free of any imposed curriculum, don't stop such play as they grow older.
192. Based on the sum-up of the pilot teaching reform on Highway and City Roads specialties discussion is made on the Highway Engineering Cartography curriculum reform and given the measures.
193. Because of the over pursuit of the external determinacy, teachers are likely to adopt mechanical possessive preparation for lessons, which can hardly meet the needs of the present curriculum reform.
194. My son has been enrolled in an online school that uses the K12 curriculum.
195. Case examination also provided an opportunity to reintroduce values into the curriculum, despite their proscription in the ranks of behaviorally oriented texts.
196. So it is especially important to accelerate the reform process for track and field general course which is the traditional main basic subject curriculum.
197. Therefore, the education which is under the guidance of the traditional subject curriculum has an obvious defect.
198. It has experienced three stages include : Computer - Assisted Instruction ( CAI ) , Computer - Assisted Learning ( CAL ) , Integrating Information Technology into the Curriculum ( IITC ).
199. Since Levis put forward introducing popular culture into the school curriculum, the study of popular culture curriculum has achieved fruitful results.
200. Nowadays the vocational education of our country grows rapidly, however there is a relative delay in the construction of the curriculum.
201. The interdisciplinary nature of the curriculum and faculty research in the Department of Neurobiology and Behavior at UCI is ideal for my many-sided approach to studying the nervous system.
202. Does the curriculum,[http:///curriculum.html] each specialized tests the subject after the preliminary test qualified notice.
203. During this process, Implicit curriculum can develop imagination, train fine quality, excite interest, temper will, cultivate emotion of mould, and so on.
204. If the curriculum of anaesthesiology is offered in the clinical medicine, undergraduates will learn much knowledge, and the anaesthesiological subject will be boosted to a higher level.
205. The French system of education was replaced with a Laotian curriculum, although lack of teaching materials has impeded effective instruction.
206. Accordingly, the article takes up a worthwhile probe into curriculum optimization and integration exemplifying Decoration Structure Course offered in the specialty of Environment Arts Design.
207. The requirements of "New Curriculum" about problem-solving and reasonable ratiocination are intrinsically consistent to Polya's education theory.
208. Owing to the restrictions from conventions , inertia, doctrinairism and subconsciousness, the new curriculum reform still remains on the surface of educational culture.




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