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单词 Column
1 Add up the numbers in each column.
2 Can you add up this column of figures?
3 She writes a regular column for a national newspaper.
4 The new device emits a powerful circular column of light.
5 He uses his daily column to whale away at the war.
6 Parker's column on teenage sexuality is right on.
7 So many column inches are devoted to film stars.
8 His column is syndicated throughout America.
9 This column of figures must be recast.
10 Add this column of figures.
11 They angled their column towards modern young women.
12 Put a mark in the appropriate column.
13 He writes a weekly column for 'The Times'.
14 You must cast up this column of figures carefully.
15 Turn to Page 5,() column 2.
16 I always read her column in the local paper.
17 This column is ten years old today.
18 A column of soldiers marched down the highway.
19 My car has an adjustable steering column.
20 The column obstructed our view of the stage.
21 I often read his column in the local paper.
22 A column of smoke rose from the chimney.
23 His column is syndicated throughout the world.
24 She saw his name in an obituary column.
25 The vertebral column surrounds and protects the spinal cord.
26 He angled his column towards teenagers.
27 She wrote into an agony column.
28 Nelson's Column is a famous monument in London.
29 The roof is supported by a central column.
30 Alert readers may have noticed the misprint in last week's column.
1 Add up the numbers in each column.
2 Can you add up this column of figures?
3 She writes a regular column for a national newspaper.
4 Alert readers may have noticed the misprint in last week's column.
5 The new device emits a powerful circular column of light.
6 A column of soldiers marched down the highway.
7 I often read his column in the local paper.
8 Rule off the column and we'll close the account at that date.
31 I ghosted his weekly rugby column for the Telegraph.
32 I left the third column blank.
33 I read about it in the gossip column.
33 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
34 He writes a weekly column for the local newspaper.
35 I looked quickly down the column of figures.
36 He has regular column in a weekly newspaper.
37 After a short march, the column entered the village.
38 This column displays the title of the mail message.
39 The smoke began to whirl and grew into a monstrous column.
40 Whatever you do, work hard at it and don't try to dodge the column.
41 Reviews are distilled from articles previously published in the main column.
42 She was well-known for flaying public officials in her daily column.
43 I saw it in the gossip column of the local newspaper.
44 He always looks down the column of the TV program in the newspaper before he starts reading the news.
45 Tens go in the left-hand column and units in the right.
46 The column was decorated in high relief with scenes from Greek mythology.
47 The explosion sent a column of smoke thousands of feet into the air.
48 We had stupidly been looking at the wrong column of figures.
49 She used the newspaper column as a platform for her feminist views.
50 Word went out that a column of tanks was on its way.
51 Add the column of figures and divide the sum by three.
52 Look carefully at these questions and mark your answers down in the right-hand column.
53 Their divorce filled a lot of column inches in the national papers .
54 She writes a weekly fashion/gossip column for the Evening Standard.
55 She writes a tedious and self-indulgent column for a Sunday paper.
56 'The Sun' devoted 10 column inches to the event .
57 She uses her newspaper column to expound her views on environmental issues.
58 One armoured column attempted to blast a path through a barricade of buses and trucks.
59 Rule off the column and we'll close the account at that date.
60 He used his column to spout ill-informed criticism of the Scots rugby team.
61 The top and bottom line of each column on the page should align.
62 She also writes a regular column for the Times Educational Supplement.
63 Add up the column of figures in your head and then tell me what the sum is.
63 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
64 A dense column of smoke rose several miles into the air.
65 The column was transferred bodily to a new site by the bank of the river.
66 I rang The Globe with news of Blake's death, and put notices in the personal column of The Times.
67 The central 12-foot column is surmounted by a bronze angel with outspread wings.
68 She's ready to dish on boys, beauty, and break-ups in her new column.
69 To obtain the overall score, add up the totals in each column.
70 I didn't have time to read the whole article - just the first column.
71 He will place an announcement in the personal column of The Daily Telegraph.
72 The car has an adjustable steering column.
73 Stewart dispatched a column sounding the alarm.
74 This number is entered into the appropriate column.
75 He writes a daily showbiz column for them.
76 Should he try to write a newspaper column?
77 She must not read this column!
78 The third column she left blank.
79 Press 3 to turn on the column feature.
80 Where agreed, they are entered into this column.
81 Beatrice's column provides a coded guide to their affair.
82 Harriet read film and gossip column mags voraciously.
83 Clive Thornton contributed a personal finance column.
84 The first column is for expenses.
85 Sales totals are shown in this column.
86 The cumulative totals for each column are also entered.
87 A column of figures and a knitting pattern.
88 Then a team assembled the column.
89 The base of the column was cracked.
90 Two days later, he writes another column.
91 Herb Caen wrote a column like that.
92 He was startled to see a column of smoke rising from among the trees.
93 Wilkins' column answers some of the most commonly asked questions about personal finance.
93 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
94 Did you read Julie Burchill's column in the Guardian this week?
95 The moving phase is a gaS which passes through the column.
96 In the vestibule, I scanned the column of buzzers while she fumbled in her purse for her keys.
97 Between this and stories on Burke of the Somme, Chant's death attracted a lot of column inches.
98 These are issues from which the sporting public is excluded other than in a weekly letters column.
99 Despite their proximity, Dickinson has not written a column about Earley and is unwilling to say anything about him.
100 The price in column 4 is simply 20 percent on the corresponding average cost from year 2 onwards.
101 The process of passing the solvent through the column is called elution.
102 The penultimate column shows the estimated cost to completion and the last one the budget for the project.
103 We are looking forward to expert advice in your column before we do ourselves irreversible brain damage.
104 Instead, the information related solely to a forthcoming newspaper column which recommended the shares of particular companies.
105 While writing her agony aunt column, she remained busy as a reporter, interviewing figures including Margaret Thatcher.
106 Component 1 has the higher partition coefficient and thus moves through the column faster.
107 Six weeks after I got there, my wish to write a weekly column was fulfilled.
108 My daily Radio Column covered a wide spectrum of programme interests, a large part of which was concerned with local broadcasts.
109 Designing Minds is a weekly column exploring home and design issues, ideas and resources.
110 It aroused as much controversy as any Alsop column up to that time.
111 The time taken for a component to pass through the column is called its elution time.
112 The ARprefixes are deleted from each number in the column. 6.
113 Then the profit-and-loss column of his mind blared out its warning.
114 Leslie Crawford is home with her new baby, thinking up new projects and column ideas.
115 Place the cursor on the A in the number AR-65411, the first number of the column. 2.
116 Thousands of people knew him from his radio and television appearances and weekly newspaper column for the Los Angeles Times.
117 The solution is then allowed to run through the column.
118 Always move the deleted column at once, otherwise you may lose it from the Scrap. 8 Tap Ins for Insert.
119 Q: I read with interest your column about inflamed, red ears.
120 I even wrote a monthly column of book reviews plus a feature on newly released recordings, both popular and classical.
121 When the end of the column was over the steel baseplate, the crane operator lowered it slowly into position.
122 We must first calculate the effect of this change on the resource column.
123 She also writes her own motorcycle column, Purr,(http:///column.html) and loves riding dirt bikes.
124 He made more gossip column copy than our delightful princess.
125 Barry wrote a column about bad songs from the rock era and somehow managed to milk it into a book.
126 Chapter 3 came across as a sales brochure for one of the companies selling packed column supercritical fluid chromatographs.
127 Chiropractic Practitioners deal with the structural relationships between the nerve tissues and the spinal column.
128 Warren happened to ride toward the point in the long column occupied by the brigade of General Stephen H.. Weed.
129 A column of smoke and fire shot up above the horizon with astonishing violence.
130 In the centre of the cavern is a small crystal column, on which a golden chalice stands.
131 The column of French soldiers passed us on their way to the battlefront.
132 Column inch a measure of area used in newspapers and magazines to calculate the cost of display advertising.
133 Make sure that your cursor is in the sum column of the answer table, and choose the option Image Graph Viewgraph.
134 His last column appeared in the Times on Christmas Day.
135 Beatrice's column of 11 February 1915 gives fascinating clues to their complex relationship.
136 He writes a monthly column for Wired and was an original investor.
137 So for the next few days this column will present several different ways of assessing corporate performance for 1989.
138 One recent column suggested contacting funeral homes to find out information about deceased relatives and their next-of-kin.
139 The accuracy of the result can be checked in a column showing the present value for that term.
140 The process is repeated down the entire column of figures.
141 Place the cursor on the line just above the column headings. 7.
142 Addition: Suppose you are given a long column of figures to add.
143 This also applies to a few P1 units which take a column of C cells end-to-end.
144 At the review dates the expenditure per planning period is entered in the actual column opposite the relevant activity.
145 I count a hundred eighty-five mov-ing along the shore in a long column, three or four bodies deep.
146 But the bulk of the chemical run-off binds to particulates and is concentrated rather than dispersed evenly through the water column.
147 Among other old boys: Johnny Giles writes a regular football column in the Daily Mail.
148 For some time now I have been greatly amused by Ian Wood's column in the back page.
149 We will now move the first column to the end of the table. 10.
150 This is most curious, considering that in the same column he seems to directly contradict this very point.
151 His column appears every other week in the local paper.
152 The strings in the recogniser output column are the calculated top ranked candidate string for each word.
153 Carbon is the smallest atom in the fourth column of the periodic table of elements.
154 For equity funds,(http:///column.html) the final column provides 52-week returns based on market prices plus dividends.
155 Tony Lewis, the chairman, set out the rationale in his newspaper column.
156 A little care is needed to calculate the cash flows for column 5.
157 Glasgow also had a weekly deaf column in the Glasgow Evening Times, written by a variety of people.
158 I would welcome, through you column, comments from companies, but will be surprised if you get any.
159 They've all read the Magpie column but arrive at differing conclusions.
160 The solution? Move the column as a rectangle, not as a column.
161 Her editor said the second column had been sent to the Union-Tribune clearly marked as a repeat.
162 This is particularly important when a column has entries of different lengths.
163 It slowly rose high in the afternoon sky, buoyed up by a narrow whirling column feeding it from beneath.
164 But surely some one who could make a column as attractive as this one would have no trouble making another forty-seven?
165 Perhaps unbeknown to you, the first lady has been churning out a weekly column since July 30 of last year.
166 Word was passed down the long column to close up, and to be ready to make a dash for the ford.
167 Before his Colette-Willy period he had contributed a weekly column of musical criticism to a Bordeaux newspaper.
168 This column takes a look at local cooks, their culinary likes and dislikes and favorite recipes.
169 In 1918 Brancusi produced Endless Column, the first in a series of works usually roughly carved from wood.
170 For those, you can include a column for a more detailed description, such as size, color and features.
171 The first column is aligned to position 50, the second column at 70.
172 He went downstairs, finished his column, then shaved and bathed and went out to the office ripe for conquest.
173 These are connected vertically to the idol along the spinal column, over the chakras and end at the head.
174 She celebrates the high life, he writes a column called Low Life.
175 George Wendt plays the new boss who gives her an advice column.
176 The longest number in the second column will be six characters to the left of the decimal point.
177 In my next column I will deal with the chromatic approach notes.
178 However, you should notice, from column 5, that retail banks hold comparatively large quantities of treasury and commercial bills.
179 The first thing you should do, before you even read this column, is take the guided tour offered onscreen.
180 At intervals along its length groups of nerve fibres emerge from the spinal column to connect with the peripheral nervous system.
181 Effective rate for contracts entered into two days from date appearing at top of this column.
182 These results are given in column headed R in Table 6, 1.
183 The article I told you about is in the left column.
184 I turned and saw a long blue column approaching with a corporal in charge.
185 The central rod is known as the Sushumna and corresponds to the spinal column.
186 The second defines a procedure which clears from the current cursor position to the end of line on an 80 column screen.
187 If they had a half decent team then perhaps they would warrant a few more column inches!!
188 Meanwhile, there was the question of his presents,( ) to which much time and many column inches were devoted.
189 The vertical column is filled with glass beads or randomly orientated short pieces of glass tubing.
190 Two medical device makers also were in the plus column.
191 With other notices by the reception desk there was a tide-table and he ran his finger down the column of figures.
192 The first column shows that the poorest regions tend to have the highest ratios of foreign debt to social product.
193 And by the spring of 1988, the column inches devoted to her in Britain's tabloids were adding up to miles.
194 In which case, check whether the lender you are interested in penalises early redemptions using Column 10.
195 It sat stalled, the cabin shattered, with a column of black smoke rising from it.
196 The period should be closed so that actual expenditures as they occurred are stated in this column. 2.
197 To find out how different drinks compare for alcohol content, use the % alcohol column.
198 A variation of this method makes use of a density gradient column.
199 I've started reading your column in the Sunday Express but that won't satisfy my insatiable appetite for your peerless wit.
200 The pinioned hands of the condemned man went suddenly white as the noose and the drop snapped his spinal column.
201 A column, with a dial facing each street, was removed c.1774.
202 When that column reaches the bottom of the page, the cursor will move to the top of the second column.
203 When you move a column, the tab codes on either side come with it.
204 These codes are built into the system and control default fonts, typefaces, sizes and column measures.
205 A column inch is one column wide by one inch deep.
206 We have this morning's here, Chock full of column inches on yourself.
207 Every few minutes the guns would halt as some obstruction worked its way down the long column.
208 Another column dashed up her starboard side and carried off her smokestack.
209 Heavy dark green velvet curtains were partly drawn across these and allowed only a single column of light to enter the room.
210 Results of the autumn and spring nitric acid measurements are shown in Fig. 2, together with total column ozone data.
211 Between that moment and his last column Tuesday, McCarthy has affected many a life, as I heard frequently last week.
212 Likewise to John Jensen, for whose brilliant illustrations this column has served as an 800-word caption.
213 Crowe offered a pathetic excuse about investigating woodworm infestation for his nature column, but I soon beetled the truth out of him.
214 The structures provide a measure of vertical relief sought by deep-sea invertebrates that make their living off particles in the water column.
215 The official excuse for a sudden wave sweeping every column inch of coverage is that a genuine revelation has occurred.
216 In 1953, Beaverbrook decided the column had lost its appeal.
217 The adjusted figures are shown in the second column of Table 6.
218 The proliferation index was also calculated separately for each of five compartments of equal size into which each crypt column was divided.
219 There was an almost audible sigh of relief as they all stood around the foot of the column.
220 These witnesses had heard an explosion and seen a column of smoke rise from behind a range of hills in Soviet territory.
221 Each one has its silvery gray live-oak lintel, still supporting the column of lovely pink brick.
222 I am retiring, leaving this column to become a professional athlete and sports climber.
223 I got up and walked past the waiter, who was struggling with a column of figures, and used the phone.
224 Our regiment was on the left, and supporting the assaulting column.
225 Set them at distances to accommodate the largest possible number or other entry in that column.
226 One spring morning two anchor bolts were inserted in the footings that were to receive the first steel column.
227 The various components of the mixture separate as they gradually move down the column.
228 When such an article rises above the level of a gossip column, the artist's profile can be a valuable format.
229 Main storage technologies have similarly evolved, as shown in the fourth column of Figure 1.8.
230 This month's personal finance column therefore takes a back to basics look at expatriate tax.
231 I may be tempted towards didacticism, but this isn't an advice column.
232 Each individual cell grows as a vertical column by inserting new cell wall material uniformly along its length.
233 The tax rates shown in column 2 of Table 8-2 are marginal tax rates.
234 A surprising and sophisticated collection of dresses offers the stunning effect of sleek column shapes, barely-there straps and exquisite beading.
235 Many neurologic disorders affecting the brain stem, cerebellum, and spinal cord posterior column may cause dizzy sensations.
236 When you do, place an advertisement in the personal column of the International Herald Tribune to read as follows.
237 I explained to her that the column, although only three weeks old, was appropriate for the time.
238 In the meantime, the 2d Battalion of the 271 Regiment, moving forward in a column, engaged the northernmost company.
239 Her last original column ran on April 16 and was about Betty Crocker.
240 The budget figures for the selected projects and the other resource-consuming activities are entered into the budget column and subtotals calculated.
241 Now it merits but a few column inches in a few papers.
242 So disillusioned and grumpy is he that he writes a local newspaper column on the subject.
243 Now only one pixel in each column must be activated; all the others must contrast with it.
244 Where the column crosses an exposed area its flanks are guarded by soldiers,(http://) armed with huge jaws and totally blind.
245 A reliable little bird tells this column that Frank may not be long for this world either.
246 Deep tendon reflexes are usually diminished, but in cases with prominent lateral column disease may be hyperactive with extensor plantar reflexes.
247 Even colleagues assumed the gossip column staff spent most of their waking hours at parties.
248 Half way up the hill, the column took a break while Calley and Meadlo went ahead with the mine detector.
249 Reference to the column of the character table showing the Cartesian axis directions then gives the symmetry species directly.
250 The success of the series and the regular column inches went hand in hand, as did Kylie and Jason.
251 Where there is a match the number of hours in column C is multiplied by the hourly rate.
252 Each time you come across a skill you used in the story place a check next to it in the appropriate column.
253 A total labelling index was calculated as the ratio of labelled cell to total cell numbers for each column.
254 I read the column every Thursday and like it a lot.
255 In the Wood-Prediction column, have the students number their predictions about which object will reach the bottom of the slide first.
256 His first column was a paean to the ingenuity, resolve, and bravery represented by the massive Berlin airlift.
257 Show or hide the description column in details view.
258 The traditional models reviewed for structured packing were mainly derived from correlations for random packing or the model for wetted-wall column.
259 But that previous column leads one to question whether a session bean is necessary at all, introducing the possibility of using entity beans and their Home methods instead of session beans.
260 Another diagnosis to consider is a closed spinal dysraphism, where the vertebral arches are not fused well, but there is no vertebral column agenesis.
261 Without correct column distribution statistics, DB2 may not have enough information to make the best choice when choosing an access path to the data—especially if data is heavily skewed.
262 As soon after class as possible, formulate questions based on the notes in the right-hand column.
263 If a tagged column is represented in a secondary index, each distinct occurrence of the column is referenced by the index.
264 A computer method was developed for the non-linear full-range analysis of reinforced concrete columns from the start of loading to the collapse of column.
265 To generate data for a user-defined type column with a unique constraint, you must use the data bound generator or a custom data generator.
266 The pointer changes to cross hairs and a gridline appears indicating where the column will be added.
267 This paper remains a nonpareil platform for writing a column — not just for its readership, but also for its journalistic freedom.
268 This control is provided in the form of the ORDER BY clause in conjunction with the order in which table qualified column names appear in the query elements table.
269 While an index on a relational column contains all values from that column, an XML index contains only values of nodes that match both the XML pattern and the data type in the index definition.
270 The measure of core column is adopted to superhigh column, in order to making up the ductility of aseismic performance.
271 The other column links to another table that lists all the possible values for that multivalue field.
272 For the sake of simplicity, consider VARCHAR as the default type for every column that is not a primary or a foreign key.
273 Analysed the concerned conceptions and non comprehensive evaluating reasons by the grey clustering analysis. Got the overall evaluating results in gas chromatography column seperation and evaluation.
274 createDFA() is a direct implementation of the DFA construction algorithm discussed in the previous column.
275 In this case, I wanted a big, bold, blue style for a title, and a bold over grey style for the column headings.
276 It is suggested that such arragement of the posterior layer may constitute a substantial muscle-linked ligamentous system which aids in the stabilisation of the flexed lumbar vertebral column.
277 It is at the base of your skull emerging from your spinal column.
278 At the heart of BMW ? ? s Active Steering system is the planetary gear steering column.
279 Make sure that the value of the Status column of the SQL Server Agent service is Running .
279 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
280 This paper deals with the motion of viscous liquid column with finite length and two free surfaces in a vertical straight capillary tube.
281 Five other epoxy adhesive include: batteries covered in sealant, a plastic column.
282 The purity of isoquercitrin was isolated with a gel column.
283 Objective To investigate the role of blood anesthesia with aprotinin during the vertebral column surgery and the effect on the blood coagulative function.
284 Herbicidally active compounds among the alkaloids of Cephalotaxus sinensis were separated, and 10 fractions were obtained in relatively large amounts from different levels in the column.
285 Mahinda, when you finally fought your way to the Sri Lanka Freedom party presidential nomination in 2005, nowhere were you welcomed more warmly than in this column.
286 This isocratic system consists of a high pressure solvent delivery pump, an UV/VIS detector, a manual injection valve, and a solvent tray, a column and a Chromatography Workstation.
287 A column of black ash and steam rises over the village of Capelo on the Azores island of Faial.
288 Specify the source file column delimiter type. Specify comma, tab, semicolon, or another character.
289 You also have to specify column types in a relational system, so you might find yourself constrained by, say(), the length of the address field.
290 DB2 V9.5 removes this restriction and allows a user to create the database with an XML column in any code set.
291 Z-scores take into account the differences in score between each school in that column and the spread of scores between the top and bottom school.
292 On March 23, first trying raised zoology pig column smoothly.
293 A column decoder outputs activation signals to activate the sense amplifier circuits.
294 Theoretically, a column conformal array with small size and few elements to generate a shaped beam with low side lobe and main beam with fixed width and flat top is carried out.




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