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单词 Agenda
1. There were several important items on the agenda.
2. The agenda for the meeting has been preset.
3. The agenda has not been drawn up.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. He accused foreign nations of having a hidden agenda to harm French influence.
5. A clear agenda will win votes in the next election.
6. Let's skip to the last item on the agenda.
7. Please find enclosed an agenda for the meeting.
8. Reform now figures high on the agenda.
9. What's the next item on the agenda?
10. The government set an agenda for constitutional reform.
11. What is the next item on the agenda?
12. Pay was now top of the employees' agenda.
13. Let's proceed to the next item on the agenda.
14. An 18-point agenda was drawn up for the meeting.
15. There are three items on the agenda.
16. I'll send you the agenda by fax.
17. This is the next item on the agenda.
18. I move that we adopt the agenda as It'stands.
19. Could you run off twenty copies of the agenda?
20. She did five copies of the agenda.
21. Economic reform is high on the agenda.
22. His agenda is discordant with ours.
23. Arms control is high on the agenda.
24. Nationalization of agriculture is on the government's agenda.
25. The budget has a regular spot on the agenda.
26. The party has a rather narrow political agenda.
27. Voters suspected a hidden political agenda.
28. He accused the government of having a hidden agenda.
29. By an oversight(), we did not send out the agenda for the meeting.
30. Measures to combat terrorism will be high on the agenda.
1. There were several important items on the agenda.
2. The agenda for the meeting has been preset.
3. The agenda has not been drawn up.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. He accused foreign nations of having a hidden agenda to harm French influence.
5. A clear agenda will win votes in the next election.
6. By an oversight, we did not send out the agenda for the meeting.
7. Measures to combat terrorism will be high on the agenda.
8. I move that we adopt the agenda as It'stands.
9. It was Mann who structured the agenda for maximum efficiency.
10. The first item on the agenda was how to cut down the cost in manufacture.
11. The chairman opened the ball with a few introductory remarks upon the items on the agenda.
12. An item of prominence on the conference agenda was infant health care.
31. We have an agreed agenda for action.
32. Was there a hidden agenda behind this decision?
33. The Republicans have stuck to their conservative agenda.
34. The other item on the agenda is the tour.
35. In our company, quality is high on the agenda.
36. The college needs to draw up an agenda for change.
37. If moderates fail to reach a compromise , the extremists will dominate the agenda.
38. We were following an agenda set by the students themselves.
39. It is time we addressed ourselves to the main item on the agenda.
40. It was Mann who structured the agenda for maximum efficiency.
41. Safety at work is on the agenda for next month's meeting.
42. On arrival, a six-course meal was top of the agenda.
43. The Macedonian question had failed to get on to the agenda.
44. The most important issue for most ordinary people was nowhere on the proposed agenda.
45. I think we've finished with that point.Now for the next item on the agenda.
46. Education was placed firmly on the political agenda in the Prime Minister's week-end speech.
47. Deciding the agenda is the most vital aspect of pre-meeting planning.
48. Let's pass on to the next item on the agenda.
49. Let's go on to the next item on the agenda.
50. An expensive holiday is definitely off the agenda this year .
51. Fresh attempts at compromise with the legislature were also on the agenda.
52. Now that the meeting place has been settled on, can we talk about the agenda?
53. Environmental concerns will elbow their way right to the top of the agenda.
54. Our Centre has limited its research agenda to four areas.
55. May I call your attention to item seven on the agenda.
56. Improving trade between the two countries will be top of the agenda at the talks.
57. A copy of the agenda is circulated to delegates a month before the conference.
58. We went on to the next item on the agenda.
59. Newspapers have been accused of trying to set the agenda for the government .
60. I suggest we skip to the last item on the agenda.
61. That matter will be considered separately from the main agenda.
62. Can we move on to the next item on the agenda?
63. Our agenda underwent a rapid change after the chairman's resignation.
63. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
64. The president's true agenda was hidden in political double talk.
65. The question of security is high on the agenda for this afternoon's meeting.
66. For the government, education is now at the top of the agenda .
67. The World Cup will have a prominent place on the agenda.
68. The president is trying to push his agenda in Congress.
69. This agenda will form the basis of our next meeting.
70. Politicians of all hues wish to get sleaze off the agenda so that they can discuss the real issues.
71. Officials tussled over who had responsibility for the newly fashionable unemployment agenda.
72. Next on the agenda is deciding where we're going to live.
73. I will put this on the agenda for the next meeting.
74. The Danish president will put environmental issues high on the agenda.
75. Richard and David tried to get the question put on the agenda but they were heavily outvoted.
76. Sara had the task of preparing the agenda for meetings.
77. Europe is once again at the top of the political agenda.
78. The first item on the agenda was how to cut down the cost in manufacture.
79. The chairman opened the ball with a few introductory remarks upon the items on the agenda.
80. There are fears of a hidden agenda behind this new proposal.
81. The next item on the agenda is the publicity budget.
82. Never before has a summit had such a crowded agenda.
83. The starred items on the agenda are the most important.
84. He will act as a go-between to try and work out an agenda.
85. I'll post the agenda for next week's meeting on the intranet.
86. I move that we adopt the agenda as it stands.
87. Could I draw your attention to item number three on the agenda?
88. OK then, I think we've just about covered everything on the agenda.
89. An item of prominence on the conference agenda was infant health care.
90. This is sure to be an item on the agenda next week.
91. The question of pay had been left off the agenda.
92. Freud's views on sexuality set the agenda for much of the century .
93. Perhaps we could move on to discuss the next item on the agenda.
93. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
94. And what are the centrepieces of Bush's domestic agenda?
95. In retrospect, that is a conservative agenda.
96. The first two reveal an essentially conservative, royalist agenda.
97. But they all accepted the Conservative agenda for debate.
98. The London Implementation Group has no hidden agenda.
99. The main item on the agenda will be the possible acquisition of larger premises for our services.
100. Teaching and technical training are on the agenda, and they are long-term tasks.
101. Feminists believe that women need to be proportionally represented in Parliament and Congress because women have a different agenda.
102. Amongst the items on the agenda was a planning application for Chapel Row.
103. The fuel crisis will be at the top of the agenda for today's board meeting.
104. With this transformation came administrative change and consolidation of a coherent political agenda.
105. Also, as the Senate leader, Dole can contrast himself with Clinton with a legislative agenda that reinforces his campaign message.
106. It was just one of many items on the agenda, and the Council members quickly moved on to other matters.
107. It can advance the school's agenda by assisting academic and personal development.
108. The following conferences did place racism on the agenda, and all white participants were expected to take it seriously.
109. Compact should be a standing item on the agenda of governors' meetings.
110. At first sight, then, the issue would not seem to be on the agenda.
111. The missile defence issue is without question the most troublesome, time-consuming and potentially dangerous item on the current international agenda.
112. To be sure, an inaugural address is not the occasion for a president to list the details of his legislative agenda.
113. For Victoria, the agenda for the Ting Hui was city politics and political contributions, period.
114. The introduction and failure of this project provide a good idea of why a separate black economic agenda has always been stifled.
115. President Mitterand continued to be very active in foreign policy, but allowed the premier to control the domestic policy agenda.
116. If Barak can contain the potential for these stresses and strains to muddy his agenda, that will be a considerable achievement.
117. The new leaders have been very aggressive in promoting their conservative agenda.
118. They pushed an agenda to reverse recent academic reforms and give students more power within the university administration.
119. Most of them have an environmental agenda which they believe is not being addressed by politicians.
120. The election leaves it with no agenda for governing such division, even if it claims a victory.
121. It is recommended that names of intended recipients are shown on a separate heading on the agenda for the meeting concerned.
122. At issue was whether Gingrich improperly used charitable enterprises to advance his partisan agenda.
123. The president has put the fight against corruption high on his domestic agenda.
123. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
124. Non-college women with children struggling to make ends meet have a different agenda from that of single college-educated women with hot careers.
125. You can't bring the country together and drive through the conservative agenda at the same time.
126. But the media are not Rasputin with a covert or overt political agenda.
127. It also cleared the way for the Senate to take action on Mr Bush's cabinet nominees and his legislative agenda.
128. You can encourage some pre-conditioning by placing an approximate time allowed next to each item on the agenda.
129. Many artists in the 1930s followed an overtly political agenda.
130. Both men believe they are best-placed to set the agenda for Langbaurgh in the Nineties.
131. You might have experimented by having a different person take the chair for different agenda items.
132. Camberwick Green, probably unwittingly, supplied me with a conservative counter agenda to the counter-culture.
133. Taxes and the budget are obvious topics as Republicans fashion an economic agenda for the national convention.
134. To climb back into the presidential race, he must get abortion off the agenda.
135. Clinton has managed to put social solidarity programmes back at the centre of the political agenda.
136. However, the key factor will be whether the president puts campaign finance reform high on his agenda for next year.
137. Most meetings, for example, would benefit by regularly having a 15 minute review as the last item on the agenda.
138. Yet, the aspiration for social cohesion is the unstated aim of much of the republican agenda in New Labour.
139. To have no secrets, no abnormal fears, no hidden agenda.
140. The first is the ability to communicate: to find a theme, to focus on an agenda.
141. The president will unveil a specific policy agenda in his State of the Union message Feb. 4.
142. In the meantime, federal economic development funds transform the municipal agenda.
143. Bush won this election because, from the start, he went beyond the old conservative agenda.
144. But signs of a pick-up will do nothing soon to cut unemployment, now at the top of the economic agenda.
145. The parking garage is the first item on the agenda.
146. What do you do if you want to discuss something that's not on the agenda?
147. At a minimum, they can force the issue back on to the political agenda and make Republicans publicly address the subject again.
148. Evangelism and social action are polarized instead of being integrated as a united mission agenda for the Church.
149. Traditional current affairs departments haven't quite figured out how to adjust their agenda to meet the shift.
150. I can help keep a conservative agenda in the House.
151. Few general elections or administrations map out a new agenda.
152. With Carpenter, Kelly and Davies acting as a voting bloc, the board adopted a conservative legislative agenda.
153. Have you got a copy of the agenda for tomorrow's meeting?
154. The different agenda and methodology for each process meant that there was little in common between them.
155. How does Mr Chre tien reconcile his role as accomplice to President Bush's short-sighted and irresponsible energy agenda?
156. This book explores the idea of major economic shifts being on the agenda.
157. But some societies fear hostile bids - a subject on the agenda at the Building Societies Association council meeting tomorrow.
158. If you can't find what they need now or if it feels like the person's only agenda is to beat you to a pulp, don't feel badly about taking a time-out if needed.
159. Among the items on the agenda for the leaders' summit is discussion of the TPP.
160. Please refer to the conference agenda for a detailed schedule of the conference.
161. The new head, Francis Gurry, is trying to revive the organisation's development agenda, and 't Hoen said WIPO has offered UNITAID technical support.
162. His seed spilled on the ground – due to coitus interruptus, not masturbation – but this detail became equated with masturbation by those who apparently had their own agenda.
163. Congress's lecture number is numerous, the agenda is compact, the speechmaker because of the time relationship, can only speak in the essence the essence.
164. The 63-year-old riffed on retirement, joking that he was playing shuffleboard after the speech and that his domestic agenda now consists of taking out the trash and doing the dishes.
165. Though an authentic political movement with a domestic agenda in Lebanon, it is also blatantly anti-Semitic.
166. What consoles gratifyingly , the government Department responsible for the work will have established even more, the consummation emergency communication mechanism to propose the agenda.
166. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
167. This all sounds marvellous: an experienced, competent manager, with no complicated baggage or political agenda, dropping in to fix something at a reasonable day rate, and then disappearing again.
168. "You have these third-party analysts setting the agenda for the agency in ways that never happened before, " said Daniel Carpenter, an F.D.A. historian at Harvard.
169. They also plan to get vegetarianism/veganism on the agenda of the COP16 climate summit in Mexico in 2010.




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