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单词 Interaction
(1) Informal interaction among employees is seen as part of the ongoing training process.
(2) Language games are usually intended to encourage student interaction.
(3) What is her interaction with her boss like?
(4) Price is determined through the interaction of demand and supply.
(5) There's not enough interaction between the management and the workers.
(6) Specific patterns of interaction in the family have been observed.
(7) The interaction of the two groups produced many good ideas.
(8) It brings a different level of interaction.
(9) Social interaction Microcomputers are now commonplace in primary classrooms.
(10) Turn-taking and interaction are among the first communicative skills.
(11) It is the interaction of high technology with traditional novelistic modes which is the focus of the work.
(12) In addition, there is dynamic interaction between the two varieties, mainly through code switching.
(13) The interaction is strong, as it involves the electric field of the radiation and the electric charge of the electron.
(14) Speech is normally used in face to face interaction whereas writing is used across barriers of space and time.
(15) Piaget identified social interaction as one of the major variables that facilitate cognitive development.
(16) As the previous section indicated, interactionism adopts a similar approach with particular emphasis on the process of interaction.
(17) Social Interaction and Collaboration Social interaction and collaboration among children in school are essential for the development and learning of children.
(18) Life therefore became a form of chemical interaction, with replicators able to change gradually through the mechanics of evolution.
(19) This will necessarily involve some interaction between the different levels of analysis.
(20) White emphasizes the gains to be made from interaction be-tween each approach.
(21) Money is arguing for a continual interaction between nature and nurture.
(22) Merrill discusses some differences in social interaction be-tween Columbia and Barnard.
(23) Increases its hostility towards, and decreases interaction with, the enemy.
(24) Does the distribution provide evidence for an interaction zone, and does it reflect the existence of tribal or other political boundaries?
(25) Games and songs provide the perfect opportunity for classroom interaction and language development.
(26) Language may be conceived of as a process which arises from social interaction.
(27) The other more promising line of investigation is to explore directly the nature of conversational interaction.
(28) The information from the general descriptions condition in Figure 7.1 shows an interaction between the two types of risk.
(29) The increased conformational flexibility of L703766 may also explain the weakened interaction with the receptor.
(30) We can develop a sense of identity by sharing our experiences with others in a process of ongoing interaction.
(1) Informal interaction among employees is seen as part of the ongoing training process.
(2) The interaction of the two groups produced many good ideas.
(31) It is one that lies close to the heart of any study of the interaction of religion and society.
(32) This must come by the delicate interaction of her own willed effort and the creative understanding which Hilton calls grace.
(33) In economic terms, the interaction of households with providers of services is of crucial importance.
(34) Part of the research will focus on Lungu perceptions of, and interaction with, their natural environment.
(35) There is then little direct interaction between the large eddies governing the energy transfer and the small dissipating eddies.
(36) Consideration could be given to the interaction and cumulative effects of various pollutants.
(37) Social interaction is necessary for advancing the development of logical-mathematical knowledge.
(38) As the country has become economically and militarily stronger, partially concealed ambiguities regarding interaction with the West have resurfaced.
(39) The third dialectic involves the subject recognizing itself through interaction with other subjects.
(40) Further moves could also be made towards increasing the two-way interaction between public and private health care sectors.
(41) Unbeknownst to us, they cut themselves off from interaction that could help them develop a sense of reality.
(42) Both approaches, whilst encouraging interaction between teachers and project staff,[/interaction.html] left the teacher in the less influential position.
(43) In deaf - hearing interaction, however, it is possible to consider the interlanguage as a usable form.
(44) Recent controlled studies have served to clarify the different aspects of the interaction between alcohol and gastric acid secretion.
(45) The interaction assists both you and your client, since it evokes active participation in the imagination process from the client.
(46) The interaction of local government with national institutions and central government will be considered in Chapters 9 and 10.
(47) However, what makes the innovation process work is a truly personalized interaction between facilitators and the cast of innovation players.
(48) The isolation or bunching together of such pupils only provides them with poor role models and intensive interaction with other disturbed children.
(49) Newton worried about that when his theory of gravitation required apparently instantaneous interaction between two distant objects.
(50) A particular priority is research on classroom interaction in multiethnic and multilingual classrooms. 10.
(51) The general concept of work is also shifting from man-machine interaction to man-man interaction with machines as aids. 10.
(52) One very important dimension of the information specialists' life-world was their interaction with the computer.
(53) Emotional interaction using ideas is therefore an important contributor to creative and flexible thinking.
(54) Anthropologists have also noted that the intensity of parental interaction with children increases as societies become more complex.
(55) The writer is engaged in a kind of vicarious interaction with a presumed reader and anticipates and provides for likely reactions.
(56) The interaction between effective but sensitive community self-surveillance and police surveillance has emerged as perhaps the most favoured approach.
(57) This finding suggests close interaction between deaf people belonging to these different groups.
(58) It argued that work is continually de-skilled and degraded through the interaction of technical change and international patterns of capital accumulation.
(59) Since smiling is an extremely powerful reinforcer, this visual interaction is important in bringing about the closeness of parent and child.
(60) Food also provides pleasure and social interaction; it dominates world economies and political systems.
(61) It turns out that a great deal of our conversational interaction involves the repetitious use of structure.
(62) Probably a case-study approach involving the application of science, and the interaction with other disciplines, would be needed.
(63) Extended families seldom live together in Britain, but the interaction between members of the extended family is likely to be important.
(64) The site of the original interaction between antigen and the immune system presumably determines the distribution of the granulomatous inflammation seen.
(65) The answer to this question involves an investigation of the construction of meaning in interaction processes.
(66) Anything which features social interaction could lead on to group discussion of some aspect of communication.
(67) A valuation may on occasions be necessary because of the interaction of holdover relief and other capital gains tax reliefs.
(68) In the group approach, politics can be understood as the interaction among groups that are pursuing their political interests.
(69) Class Size: Cultural barriers can be overcome through close personal interaction.
(70) The second type of positive interaction that parents can be taught is how to reward good behaviour.
(71) Thereafter the educational system supplements the interaction with family and friends in providing facilities and exemplars for further symbolic and social development.
(72) An example of a social work interaction with an elderly client is given in the following case example of Mr Foskett./interaction.html
(73) The rivalry and interaction between advanced capitalist economies is a feature of this theoretical framework which is absent from world-system theories.
(74) Meanings are also created, developed, modified and changed within the actual process of interaction.
(75) It is essential to explore how user-system interaction through the retrieval task itself could be developed.
(76) That illustrates nicely the interaction of practical and psychological guidance which characterises the best of apprenticeships.
(77) It must be concluded that the above solution can not be interpreted in terms of an interaction between plane gravitational waves.
(78) Functioning as a biologist, he became vividly aware of, and impressed by, the interaction of mollusks with their environment.
(79) Formal systems and checkpoints guide and drive strategy and operations, but only through substantial informal interaction among employees.
(80) They may prefer to say nothing because to raise an objection may cause offence or may prolong the sales interaction.
(81) I love camping and am an active scuba diver, both of which mean interaction.
(82) We conclude with a brief discussion of the interaction of some recent participatory initiatives with the local representative system of democracy.
(83) Stressing the positive approach to social interaction is an important part of teaching children to be sociable.
(84) This is not meant to imply that the details of the interaction are the same in both proteins.
(85) In summary, interactionism focusses on the process of interaction in particular contexts.
(86) By looking like a super-offspring, the cuckoo successfully exploits the normal pattern of interaction that exists between parent and young.
(87) Research into classroom interaction has not focused directly on children's explanations.
(88) In relatively benign environments, predation is the dominant biological interaction that structures communities. 2.
(89) The interaction of the elements in figure 5.1 will determine the outcomes of both the stated and the hidden curriculum.
(90) This is an attempt to explore and analyse the potential interaction between events.
(91) One aspect of the block grant other than program decisions and performance audits would require HUD-local interaction.
(92) Communities are overcrowded, with public facilities more often aimed at impersonal masses rather than stimulating intimate interaction.
(93) Functional courses which classify discourse by function alone often overlook this complex interaction.
(94) The interaction did not approach significance by either subjects or materials.
(95) So perhaps another way to foster a more sustainable gay culture would be to create institutions that promote intergenerational interaction.
(96) But they vary in terms of gameplay, interaction with the gaming environment, graphics, storyline and system requirements.
(97) It is an active, dynamic process, usually involving some kind of interaction with a person or object.
(98) Does it have relevance beyond the interaction of developed capitalist states?
(99) Their behaviour is a very flexible result of the interaction between that knowledge and their needs, such as their need for food.
(100) This interaction between arousal and retention interval does appear to be robust.
(101) We felt that the interaction and integration had exceeded our expectations.
(102) This displacement allows a strong interaction with the N terminus of the repressor B helix.
(102) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(103) The family interaction that takes place provides important insights into family functioning.
(104) It may be that the best corrective to them arises from frequent interaction with a more benign reality.
(105) Software suitably designed for the particular application is employed to control the user's interaction with the multimedia data on the disc.
(106) The apparently small and isolated family incidents observed by the family counsellor are often typical examples of family interaction.
(107) The simultaneous interaction of the membership demand curve and the wage demand curve determines equilibrium wages, membership, and employment.
(108) The girl who hits other children can be denied interaction with other children. 3.
(109) Like a family, we are bounded by history, duty, love and mandatory interaction.
(110) The third, and most troublesome, problem is the interaction of various accessories.
(111) What kinds of classroom interaction, then, are most likely to provide conditions for effective learning?
(112) A degree of interaction between themselves and their source is required for them to act in this capacity.
(113) The envisioning process may be ignited by introspection or interpersonal interaction.
(114) This process is known as elaboration, and involves a fruitful interaction between theory and data.
(115) Gall bladder contraction is regulated by an interaction of the myenteric plexus with intestinal hormones.
(116) Mustard has a special affinity for game, we think, and this recipe Tshowcases the interaction admirably.
(117) In addition, protein structure, post-translational modification, or interaction with other proteins may affect site recognition.
(118) It implies the existence of a unified global economy that has a dynamic beyond simply the interaction of separate domestic economies.
(119) Social interaction involving dialogue and argument over ideas, by its very nature, is an important source of disequilibrium.
(120) This has considerable significance for the communication of emotional states and personal interaction.
(121) The rapid acceleration of prices was the result of the interaction of a number of developments.
(122) To the extent that educational programs purport to teach social knowledge, legitimate opportunities for social interaction must be provided.
(123) Successful interaction requires both induction into the technological sphere and sustained involvement in real time.
(124) More importantly, this interaction is now playing a crucial part in excluding the underclass from the mainstream of society.
(125) The synthesis of complex structures such as viruses often requires the synthesis and interaction of several gene products.
(126) With markets so volatile, small investors are turning from do-it-yourself trading in search of greater interaction and guidance from brokers.
(127) Self-understanding must come through an examination of the process of dialectical interaction between self and world.
(128) Hence we concentrate on the user-catalogue interaction and on the interactive dialogue in particular with user and catalogue system inputs having equal importance.
(129) Such notions are manifest in demonstrations of deference in interaction with incomers - especially with pilots.
(130) Those interested in functional explanations of linguistic phenomena ought then to have a considerable interest in the systematics of face-to-face interaction.
(131) In their place is the belief that human problems arise from the interaction of individual experience with unfavourable social and environmental conditions.
(132) The new climate of interaction between the public and private sectors could, we hope, break new ground.
(133) In this section I want to deal only with the question of selection of a code for a particular interaction.
(134) It is noteworthy in this respect that relatively few recent reviews of social geography refer directly to interaction as a discrete topic.
(135) The study provides data on the social cognition of parent-adolescent interaction and contributes to our understanding of the development of moral judgements.
(136) It is, he says, a place for the civic interaction of the 21st century.
(137) Nor should we ever underestimate the capacity of old people to alter life-long patterns of interaction when need arises.
(138) The capacity to build a relationship contains the essence of any social work interaction.
(139) An area of considerable interest to behavioural scientists for many years has been the process of interaction within groups.
(140) Teachers believe that their interaction with pupils and the disciplinary problems which arise are the greatest source of stress in their work.
(141) The nature of classroom interaction is one factor which may affect children's ability to cope with explanations in the classroom.
(142) Learning is through interaction with the environment rather than being preprogrammed.
(143) There may on occasions be sound educational reasons for adopting a style of interaction in which unfocused questions predominate.
(144) Is it a function of our body clock or our life-style, or due to some interaction between the two?
(145) Is the theoretical basis for electromagnetic interaction.
(146) Viswanathan has analyzed the frictional interaction between fiber fringes.
(147) This is a simple, direct, and useful interaction idiom.
(148) The theory fully considered the effects of shell-stiffener interaction and influence of midplane shift.
(149) A magnon-phonon interaction model was built in two-dimensional triangular insulating (ferromagnet.
(150) So, it's possible that the very fact that we're going to die causes an interaction effect with our life so there's an upside to it.
(151) The interaction intensity was decided by such elements as the laser frequency, laser intensity, the dipole of material, detuning and the concentration of resonance particles.
(152) When harmonic sources exist in power system, parallel resonance occurs due to the interaction between shunt capacitor bank and system inductance.
(153) The results show neither a significant main effect of rhetorical task type nor a significant interaction effect between task type and English proficiency or writing anxiety.
(154) Evidence from the solubility, 2D-NOESY results and ITC analysis suggest that encapsulation and electrostatic interaction together caused the solubility enhancement of phenylbutazone.
(155) Since interaction significantly reflects the advantages of E-learning, personalized teaching is achieved by the personalized design of interactive network.
(156) Compared with ideal Fermi gas, the interaction of particles strengthen Pauli paramagnetism.
(157) A boundary element solution procedure is given for dynamic soil-structure interaction problem including viscous damping.
(158) Their key functions are data collection, calculation, modeling, result display, record tracking, and data interaction between production machines and online production management systems.
(159) According to WNW condition, a systematic analysis about the restraints from GUT on chiral three-preon model with confining weak interaction is discussed.
(160) We will examine the issue of wave - seabedrubble mound vertical breakwater interaction through flume test.
(161) Different kinds of theories are introduced, mainly on exchange rate, the interaction between exchange rate and foreign trade, choice of exchange rate arrangement.
(162) It was also found that the interaction of the exuberance of internal heat toxin and fu-organ turbidness stagnation enlarged the risk of the onset of dementia after basal ganglia infarction.
(163) Interaction between nutrient concentration and ascorbic acid are significant ( P 0.05 ).
(164) Note that Objectify's query calls still hit the datastore; it's all other datastore interaction calls, like get,[http://] that leverage memcache.
(165) Interaction is only interrelatedness and mutual influence between teaching subjects, but also can be extended to teaching texts and situational texts.
(166) Using superposition method to calculate and receive N-M interaction curve of square steel tubular columns filled with steel-reinforced concrete, it is inosculate with experiment value.
(167) From the point of human-computer interaction, this paper studied the task-oriented dialogue of human-computer(), and gave the architecture of a dialogue system.
(168) In recent years, experiments show that in the plasma loaded high power microwave device may obtain much higher interaction efficiency and output power than the ones absence of plasma.
(169) Estimation is still somewhat of a black art in software precisely because it's difficult to understand, and therefore analyze, this complex spider web of coupling and interaction.
(170) Although the reason for this result is unascertained, the interaction between the auditory sensation and the vibration sensation at the same frequencies is suggested.
(171) User interface in cartographic visualization system performs information interaction between user and the system.
(172) It is proposed clearly that the interaction between simazine and CAT has been verified as consistent with static quenching procedure and the quenching mechanism is related to the energy transfer.
(173) The binding geometry determined by interaction of the residues and bases in recognition area is indicated in the stereochemical chart.
(174) The primary binding pattern between caffeic acid and BSA included electrostatic and hydrophobic interaction, and the latter was identified to be the main force under physiological condition.
(175) Due to the interaction between the permanent magnet and slotted armature lamination, there exists cogging torque in slotted permanent magnet motors, which may cause noise and vibration.
(176) It can be as basic as a program that spares us from the tediousness of deleting spam from our email, or as evolved as one that simulates human interaction to answer customer service questions.
(177) To increase the ability of man-machine interaction, this equipment adopts keyboard entry, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), serial port...
(178) By choosing different interwire distances, remanent states, and the exciting field direction, the effects of magnetostatic interaction on resonance frequencies are investigated in detail.
(179) Therefore the development of the urban agglomeration in Chengyu District is still at the starting point with very weak interaction be- tween cities.
(180) The biggest obstacle is that you may be talking too much, using up all the interaction time with what you have to say.
(181) The experiences show that their changes in the interaction space are closes related to the economic system and the pattern of national economic operation.
(182) On account of above reasons, the national product of Penicillium expansum alkaline lipase were chosen to study its interaction with chiral phenoxy acid herbicides, 2,4-DP, MCPP and 2,4-DPM.
(183) So , the old sand body is a result of the middle-late Holocene continental-oceanic interaction.
(184) The interaction energy between the adsorbent and the adsorbate was obtained by the Solid - Liquid interaction equation.
(185) Objective To understand the species, species distribution, the dominant species and their interspecies interaction of chigger mites on Eothenomys miletus(a dominant species of rats)in Yunnan.
(186) Touchable panels are one of the most basic user interaction devices for embedded devices -- keypads, sensors, and roller wheels also are included in many different devices for various purposes.
(187) Plastic hinge indicates the boundary of elastic and plastic domain moves to the fixed end at first but it will move back due to the interaction of reflected waves.
(188) The tests also indicate the high dispersivity of metallic composition and long life of catalyst, thus suggest the presence of the weak interaction between metal and D3520(adsorption resin).
(189) Mode conversion efficiency has been calculated as functions of acoustic frequency, interaction length, guiding layer thickness, and acoustic drive power density.
(190) Each interaction has a score: a numerical expression of shared trait-tolerance.
(191) The language includes the notion of batch program, which can be generated to run without end user interaction, for example for reports production or for batch database load/update.
(192) The interaction between a weak probe laser pulse and a two-level system strongly driven by a near-resonant laser pulse is studied by dressed model.
(193) Formation mechanism of microporosity is the results of interaction between thermodynamics and solidification mechanism.
(194) In the case of the code I've been using for this article[http://], there's a major error in the interaction between the two loops in the constructor.
(195) LC is mainly based on mechanisms of adsorption, mass distribution, ion exchange, size exclusion or stereochemical interaction.
(196) The interaction between clomifene citrate(CC) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was studied by fluorescence spectroscopy using ethidium bromide (EB) as a fluorescence probe.
(197) In this dissertation, the interaction between a two-dimensional flexible plate and a fluid was researched in the soap film tunnels.
(198) The interaction between T4 phage and host cells was determined by titration calorimetric method, and the early information of T4 phage infection and penetration were got.
(199) Later in the chapter we discuss how to coordinate interaction design with industrial design.
(200) The interaction between wheel and rail results in the severe damage of the wheel tread, which is a problem that has not been resolved yet.
(201) His translated poems were canonized in the historical process of interaction of ideology, poetics and patronage.
(202) The paper introduces an annotation tool based on pen interaction.
(203) The interaction involves two lifelines: one for the orderer and another for the shipper.
(204) With existing data sources to control the interaction through the DataAdapter.
(205) This usually means we try avoiding menu structures and other types of abstract GUI's, but rather focus on interaction modalities that borrow their behavior from unmediated , real-world tasks.
(206) Furthermore, the interaction of L C10HL and D C10HL with cyclodextrin was also investigated by fluorescence excitation spectrum and circular dichroism spectrum.
(207) Asthenosphere uplift indicates the deep adjustment process during the interaction of plates, and also shows the adjusting process of gravitational equilibrium between upper layer of crust and mantle.
(208) The potential curves of the interaction between H and 1CN, 3CN or 4CN adsorption position on these surfaces were calculated with EHMO method.
(209) Therefore, the directionality of Chengdu trisyllabic tone sandhi can be predicted by the interaction between faithfulness constraints and markedness constraints.
(210) The conformation changes of membrane proteins may have occurred due to the weak interaction of the complexes with membrane.
(211) Based on these models, this paper comes up with a multi-model interaction guide system based on context awareness, which can improve performance of the system.
(212) In most situations, class interaction analysis (available with the ARM agent) is enough to help find problems, but occasionally you will need to do further profiling at the object level.
(213) To study the interaction anxiousness status of new recruits in Chinese People's Armed Police Force.
(214) In this finite model, the nonlinear stress-strain relationship of soil, the soil - nail interaction and the staged construction are all taken into consideration.
(215) The so-called 'effective instruction interaction' is an interaction which requires deep communication and effective understanding between each other.
(216) Some very refined results may be expected in this age - old interaction.
(217) The integrated Inference makes up of two parts: the host human-computer interaction interface and hardware Inference.
(218) In the text of game,[/interaction.html] the fictive and the imaginary develop themselves in the process of their interaction.
(219) The reaction rate of non-leptonic quark weak interaction and the bulk viscosity of quark matter in the magnetic field are investigated.
(220) The favorable conditions of high performance interaction chromatography(HPHIC) for purifying microsomal P450 in midgut of Helicoverpa armigera were established.
(221) Developers should make their intentions known and work with their managers to schedule time in the next cycle to accomplish specific customer interaction goals.
(222) Very intense X ray emission, high energy ions and neutrons with energies up to MeV have been produced in the interaction process of ultrashort laser pulses with atomic clusters.
(223) Researches the interaction of the multiple equal plumes based on the principle of momentum congruence. Defines three velocity correction coefficients and a flow rate correction coefficient.
(224) Then the effect of the interaction between silos and foundation on the basic frequency of vibration can be obtained. Some useful conclusions are drawn through the study.
(225) A loss allocation method based on cross interaction matrix is presented in this paper and allocation results reflect interaction of bilateral transactions.
(226) With the mixture tests design, the interaction mechanism of borate, chlorinated paraffin and zinc dialkyldi thiophosphate (ZDDP) additives is studied.
(227) Up to now, there has not been definitively qualitative and quantitative theory and formula, because the interaction between solute and solvent is complex.
(228) When determining coupling interaction length, light of different wavelength will result in different coupling efficiency.
(229) The relation between global self-esteem and social interaction were found in other research outside self-verification theory.
(230) The results showed that the interaction of curcumin with collagen and collagen containing cerous nitrate are both static quenching, and there is a binding site in them respectively.
(231) The paper discusses the interaction of frugivorous birds and bird-dispersed plants in Maoer Mountain.
(232) In dermatology field, the interaction of CD40-CD40L is involved in the occurrence and development of immunologic, inflammatory, infectious and tumorous dermatoses .
(233) And the dynamic impedances of rigidly-capped pile groups are derived by (adopting) the dynamic interaction factor.
(234) A scheme is presented to generate the entangled squeezed coherent states via the nonresonant interaction of a two-level atom with a two-mode cavity field.
(235) The design and implementation course of the log curve automatic recognition processing system is introduced. The solution of the man-machine interaction and curve processing are described.




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