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单词 Airline
1. He spent seventeen years as an airline pilot.
2. The airline apologizes for long delays at check-ins today.
3. He operates a private airline.
4. The airline has checked their luggage out.
5. The airline is beginning to claw back some of the business it lost after the bomb explosion.
6. All scheduled airline services will be affected by the strike.
7. Electronic ticketing now allows customers to buy airline seats over the phone.
8. The airline has been criticized for failing to heed advice/warnings about lack of safety routines.
9. The airline is taking steps to ensure safety on its aircraft.
10. The airline reimbursed me for the amount they had overcharged me.
11. The jury determined that the airline was negligent in training and supervising the crew.
12. The weather played havoc with airline schedules.
13. The airline has had a bad press recently .
14. The armrest on this airline seat is very comfortable.
15. Computerized reservation systems help airline profits in several ways.
16. The government chartered the new airline.
17. The airline has a good safety record.
18. The airline operates regular flights to Greece.
19. How many passengers do this airline fly weekly?
20. The airline fired him for being drunk.
21. He acquired another small airline and bulked up operations.
22. The airline operates flights to 25 countries.
23. The airline regrets any inconvenience.
24. The airline suggests booking tickets 21 days in advance.
25. The airline has downsized its workforce by 30%.
26. Airline personnel can purchase flight tickets at reduced prices.
27. Last year the airline carried 4.6 million passengers.
28. The airline is heavily subsidized by the government.
29. The airline rose like a phoenix from the ashes.
30. When I fly to New York I always use the same airline.
1. He spent seventeen years as an airline pilot.
2. The airline apologizes for long delays at check-ins today.
3. He operates a private airline.
4. The airline is beginning to claw back some of the business it lost after the bomb explosion.
5. All scheduled airline services will be affected by the strike.
6. Electronic ticketing now allows customers to buy airline seats over the phone.
7. The airline has been criticized for failing to heed advice/warnings about lack of safety routines.
8. The airline is taking steps to ensure safety on its aircraft.
9. The airline reimbursed me for the amount they had overcharged me.
10. The jury determined that the airline was negligent in training and supervising the crew.
11. When I fly to New York I always use the same airline.
12. The government chartered the new airline.
13. The airline rose like a phoenix from the ashes.
14. Chicago is a hub of airline traffic.
31. The airline had been screening baggage on X-ray machines.
32. The airline bumped us from the flight.
33. The airline industry is currently in a slump.
34. Chicago is a hub of airline traffic.
35. The airline is clearly a wasting asset.
36. The airline has an excellent safety record.
37. 100 percent airline security is a practical impossibility.
38. The airline regularly offers last-minute bookings at bargain prices.
38. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
39. The fog disrupted airline schedules.
40. A takeover bid for the airline was launched today.
41. What airline did you fly?
42. Airline employees were checking in passengers.
43. He is a retired airline pilot.
44. The airline has rigorous safety standards .
45. The airline operates mainly between Florida and Puerto Rico.
46. The airline is struggling with high costs.
47. Passengers should tell the airline in advance if they have any special dietary needs.
48. The airline has reduced its prices so sharply that it has been accused of predatory pricing.
49. The drop in travel is bad news for the airline industry.
50. The strike affecting the country's largest airline is producing easy pickings for smaller companies.
51. The airline has been offering discounted tickets to woo passengers away from their competitors.
52. As the airline industry shakes out all but the very fittest, catering companies could face serious troubles.
53. An airline official said a bomb was the incident's most probable cause.
54. Read this extract from an information booklet about the work of an airline cabin crew.
55. There was some bloke on the phone waffling about an airline ticket.
56. The airline admitted being involved in a dirty tricks campaign to win customers from their rival.
57. That deal would create, in effect, the world's biggest airline.
58. Federal law prohibits foreign airlines from owning more than 25% of any U.S. airline.
59. The airline halved its overseas service because of a sharp reduction in traffic.
60. A fine would be the final nail in the coffin of the airline.
61. The Chairman of the airline accepted full responsibility for the accident.
62. When you consider that the airline handled 80 million passengers last year, the accident figures are really very small.
63. I have no idea what she said, something about airline travel, I seem to recall.
64. The airline is currently having merger talks with an unidentified rival.
65. There was no seat for me on the plane, because the airline had overbooked.
66. The airline requires children travelling alone to have a notarized letter of consent from one or both parents.
67. Of 30 countries inspected for airline safety, only 17 received a clean bill of health.
68. The airline has introduced a cheap return fare to New York.
69. This airline has been plying the transatlantic route for many years.
70. The company's grand ambition was to become the first and biggest global airline.
71. Airline staff have fired a warning shot across the company's bows by threatening to strike if higher pay increases are not offered.
72. The airline will launch its new transatlantic service next month.
73. This minor glitch has turned into a humungous problem for the airline.
74. The airline hopes to break even next year and return to profit the following year.
75. The £85m programme will involve an extensive rebranding of the airline.
76. This year the airline will be hard-pressed to make a profit.
77. Permission has not yet been granted for the airline to overfly Tanzania.
78. The airline is legally responsible for the safety of its passengers.
79. The airline pulled out all the stops to get him there in time.
80. With several of their planes temporarily out of commission,()[http:///airline.html] the airline is losing money.
81. It would be difficult to match the service this airline gives its customers.
82. However short the journey is, you always get something to eat on this airline.
83. Experts are predicting a shake-out of the overcrowded airline market.
84. The airline says this route is no longer economic, so they're going to discontinue it.
85. There is a risk that the debt-ridden airline that may be tempted to scrimp on maintenance or security.
86. When one airline reduces its prices, the rest soon follow suit.
87. Coordinating airline traffic on the ground is as complicated as managing the traffic in the air.
88. We were late arriving at the airport and the airline bumped us.
89. Many airline passengers face lengthy delays because of the strike.
90. White conned his way into a job as a ware-houseman with Dutch airline, KLM.
91. The chairman quipped that he would rather sell his airline than his computer systems.
92. The airline has more than 90 scheduled departures from here every day.
93. We had no choice but to institute court proceedings against the airline.
94. Virgin were going into the airline business.
95. But it did limit airline growth.
96. One airline reservation agent, meanwhile, said $ 1, 835.
97. Call the airline reservation numbers to ask for help.
98. When should you buy an airline ticket?
98. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
99. I don't want to be in the airline business.
100. You call to make an airline reservation.
101. The B.A.A. prohibited the drivers from entering the airport except as bonafide airline passengers.
102. The international airline business is a fiercely combative arena, where competitors enjoy nothing more than slitting each other's throats.
103. He looked like an airline passenger who has just been told that all four engines on his 747 have just failed.
104. The latter will have lost the national telephone system, gas and steel industries, and the country's largest airline.
105. Buying an airline seemed foolhardy and unnecessarily ostentatious: it affronted his sense of proportion.
106. Study the airline accident reports and you will realise the truth of this.
107. Various airline industry estimates suggest that a one minute delay in scheduled aircraft departure costs between £130 and £750.
108. The fact that he knew absolutely nothing about the airline business was neither here nor there.
109. Beryl was an air hostess belonging to a rival airline he had met at the John F. Kennedy Airport.
110. In addition there is a major charter airline shown in Table 11.5 which has not appeared before.
111. But the airline business is a cash-hungry one-and strikes are enormously costly.
112. By the end of their honeymoon the Haskins were only too pleased to find that Multavia did not boast a national airline.
113. Control panels bristled with up to thirty-five switches and buttons as if the housewife-technologist required the skills of an airline pilot.
114. He went on to become a senior captain with an international airline.
115. Anyway, if he were simply trying to disappear, a first-class ticket on a standard commercial airline would have done.
116. The government is losing millions because an airline passenger tax can not be collected.
117. It was the first fatal accident involving ValuJet since the bargain airline began operations in October 1993.
118. She was happier being the wife of an airline pilot.
119. The sense of crisis was heightened by dramatic closures in the airline industry.
120. Ticketless travel, which actually began several years ago, is spreading rapidly throughout the airline industry.
121. No surprise, then, that the airline stands accused of corporate arrogance and customer neglect.
122. Boeing left the wisdom of that to the airline officials and challenged the team to come up with an even sturdier model.
123. Would a single airline reservation transaction have value to a future historian?
124. These are the systems that handle accounting at multinational corporations, airline reservations, insurance and banking transactions and stock trades.
125. After learning to fly she took a job as a pilot with a small commuter airline based in Humberside.
126. It can be done, if you, or your travel agent, are willing to bend airline rules.
127. He planned to arrive in style, and made his airline reservations accordingly.
128. Even the minutiae of the airline business obsessed him more than the minutiae of the record business ever had.
129. A longtime airline pilot, who did not want to be quoted by name,[http:///airline.html] said weather conditions were ripe for icing.
130. The current cheapest airline fare is the £249 Apex special which must be booked in advance.
131. Phillips says his ultimate vindication would be to see the airline industry adopting SafetyScope, but he isn't holding his breath.
132. Apgood pinched his nose like an airline passenger trying to clear his eardrums, and looked Maxim over carefully.
133. Inside the envelope was an airline ticket, an open ticket on Concorde.
134. Church leaders should gather data much as airline pilots read their instrument panel during flight.
135. Airline officials argued that time was needed to verify names to ensure accuracy.
136. A: Competition in the banqueting and airline businesses is intense.
137. We sat in our seats like airline passengers watching the in-flight movie without headsets.
138. In fact, our fleet is known to be the youngest and most modern of any major airline in the world.
139. An often-heard analogy in the airline industry is that seats are perishable like fruit.
140. Caldwell, who is single, took a six-month leave from her job at an airline reservations office.
141. Wilken also asked whether the airline industry groups have the right to sue.
142. The programme of privatization involved the sale of the national airline, telecommunications company and shipping line to local and foreign investors.
143. A lot of the real estate conventioneers make airline reservations so they can get home for Sunday church.
144. When such possibilities are widely capitalized upon, what will that do to the airline business, or to airplane manufacturers?
145. Although the prototype currently simulates these activities, actual airline operations will be used in production models.
146. The airline had withstood the predatory pricing moves of its competitors, and overcome its early loss.
147. It is quicker at some things than the internet-booking train or airline tickets especially.
148. The new aircraft will enable the airline to boost passenger capacity by 13 percent a year, Tajudin said.
149. It has been 30 years since a president considered an airline strike important enough to use the emergency powers.
150. Bay boat is presiding apparitor tall Yi Si (Alan Joyce) express in a statement, bay boat airline ticket is booked get " able-bodied and fast restore " .
151. Jet fuel expenses account for a large proportion in the total cost for airline companies. Fuel cost directly influences a company's ability to make a profit.
152. If this is you, then you may be searching for an airline card with more lenience .
153. Aviation advertisement popularized airline not only, also propose form destination figure.
154. FDX.N) will help. The world's largest cargo airline forecast improved revenue on strong demand, lifting shares 3.1 percent to $87.89.
154. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
155. We were stranded at Heathrow Airport for hours until the airline found some ash hole to fly through.
156. The exact time for the rises will follow current airline schedules and those already pre-booked flights will not be subject to the new increases.
157. The gangsters from Romania made regular budget airline flights to pocket huge benefit handouts here.
158. For example, if fly-in guests' share has decreased due to airline capacity cuts and declines in corporate travel, focus on your drive-in feeder market.
159. A machine of American president Bush " aircraftman date " be in park Shanghai the Shanghai Airline garage of Pudong International Airport.
160. Or the dietitian at the airline who says it should serve only peanuts, because the average person won't eat a corn chip.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 5:49:37