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单词 Inflamed
1 He is suffering from an inflamed throat.
2 The hills were inflamed with autumnal tints.
3 His comments have inflamed teachers all over the country.
4 The shooting inflamed ethnic tensions.
5 He is inflamed with anger.
6 Symptoms include red, itchy and inflamed skin.
7 Her defiance inflamed his jealousy yet further.
8 The situation was further inflamed by the arrival of the security forces.
9 Pictures of the bombed and burning city inflamed feelings/passions further.
10 Her joints are severely inflamed.
11 The finger joints were inflamed with rheumatoid arthritis.
12 Yes, your tonsils are inflamed.
13 Q: I read with interest your column about inflamed, red ears.
14 His swollen, inflamed face had become unbearable now; he could neither touch it, nor refrain from touching it.
15 As a result, the inflamed duodenal mucosa may then become susceptible to acid and this may ultimately lead to ulceration.
16 Now the hard leather cricket ball had inflamed this old injury.
17 You should call the doctor if the area around the wound becomes inflamed.
18 The more they probed into his background, the more inflamed their suspicions would become.
19 The vascular endothelium seems to produce superoxide in the inflamed mucosa, which would exacerbate tissue injury in ulcerative colitis.
20 Some cleansers help loosen simple blackheads, but are unsuitable for whiteheads, inflamed pimples or cysts.
21 In addition the eyes are more severely affected and become filmed over and inflamed; they finally bulge and burst.
22 His face was greyish and pinched, his eyes, when he raised them, inflamed.
23 A typical nighttime movement like rolling over can irritate the inflamed joints and awaken the sleeper.
24 Discussion Phagocytic cells are found in the intestinal mucosa; they are heterogeneous immunohistochemically in both normal and inflamed mucosa.
25 In more serious cases your doctor may prescribe you an oral antibiotic which will reduce the number of sore and inflamed spots.
26 Vulcan, agitated by dark shapes in the night and inflamed by the stench of blood, was driven to fury.
27 As he smelled the smouldering frankincense, he would imagine his own body inflamed and his soul soaring from it like smoke.
28 We used the reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium to detect the generation of superoxide in inflamed colonic mucosa.
29 Conversely, circulating eosinophils have been shown to be negative, whereas they apparently may express L1 after extravasation into inflamed tissue.
30 Stoking up fear of crime is these rightwing commentators' black art, a fear deliberately inflamed to tip the people rightwards.
1 You should call the doctor if the area around the wound becomes inflamed.
2 The more they probed into his background, the more inflamed their suspicions would become.
31 The measurements were performed in the perfusion fluid obtained during regional perfusion of inflamed sigmoid and rectal segments.
32 On high stools they squatted, hunched in their habitual dolour, their snouts inflamed and dripping in the irritant air.
33 Eyes inflamed from trauma or after foreign bodies have been removed.
34 Increased reactive oxygen species values in the inflamed colonic mucosa in rats were seen by chemiluminescence.
35 In Washington his face became so acutely inflamed and swollen that he sought out a local physician.
36 My temper was further inflamed to find them happily eating the sandwiches.
37 A flood of news reports about priestly pedophilia had inflamed Catholics' concern about the integrity of their clergy.
38 Even so, prisoners do not normally riot unless this sense of injustice has been somehow inflamed beyond its normal simmering state.
39 When this happens the esophagus becomes irritated and inflamed, causing a burning sensation that has the potential to awaken a sleeper.
40 An aggressive self-publicist, her inflamed prose brought her much notoriety.
41 The young woman in question, a casual acquaintance of my family in Vienna, had inflamed me with cunning caresses.
42 The court fined her £40 Reports of unreasonably high fines imposed for minor offences further inflamed public feelings.
43 His voice was changing, and there was an inflamed red pimple beside his nose.
44 Avicenna claimed it caused melancholia, and Rhazes cautioned that it inflamed the blood and caused pustules in the mouth.
45 Pain often results when the inflamed pleura rubs against the inside of the chest wall.
46 Phenotypic studies have previously shown intestinal macrophages to be a heterogeneous population and the present data show functional heterogeneity in inflamed tissue.
47 Receding or inflamed gums will need good nutrition to heal.
48 In the end I was unable to go any further with it because of an inflamed tendon in one Of my hands.
49 Mobile forms of macrophage circulate in the blood, ready to be recruited into inflamed tissue to reinforce the cells already there.
50 Its reduction by vascular endothelium and infiltrating mononuclear cells was greater in inflamed mucosa.
51 This season Gwynn often has been hindered by an inflamed heel, intensifying speculation that his weight is an issue.
52 The seminal vesicles can become infected and inflamed, as may the epididymis and testis.
53 Necropsy reveals a severely inflamed mucosa studded with yellowish-green purulent nodules.
54 An infra-red scanner winks its inflamed eye at him as he goes into the lounge in search of reading matter.
55 Yet an inflamed shin almost put paid to Sampras in the first week.
56 Direct measurements have shown that the inflamed tissues consume large amounts of energy.
57 His eloquence inflamed the strikers.
58 Her leniency had, in a way, inflamed his regard.
59 The wound has become inflamed.
60 Impassioned by genius. Inflamed by desire. Imprisoned by love.
61 The smoke had inflamed the fireman's eyes.
62 The shooting has only inflamed passions further.
63 The conjunctiva may also be inflamed (keratoconjunctivitis).
64 The drink inflamed their eyes and loosened their tongues.
65 The endodontist removes the inflamed or infected pulp, carefully cleans and shapes the inside of the canal, a channel inside the root, then fills and seals the space.
66 They can become inflamed and fill with pus (pyocele) or pus and mucus (mucopyocele).
67 It was fretted and over - stimulated and inflamed and fored into the nationalist mould.
68 Complications may include abscess, nephritis, and rheumatic fever. Tonsils that become chronically inflamed and enlarged require surgical removal (tonsillectomy).
69 Boil ( or furuncle orfurunculosis ) : Inflamed pus - filled swelling due to staphylococcus skin infection at a hair follicle.
70 And unlike in Seoul, where public sentiment was still inflamed by a massacre of protesters in Kwangju eight years earlier, there is no particular rallying cause in China today.
71 A runner who hasn't had shin splints, Achilles tendonitis , or inflamed feet is like a cyclist who hasn't crashed: It's only a matter of time.
72 Endodontic treatment is necessary when the pulp , the soft tissue root canal, becomes inflamed or infected.
73 She pulls to land little leave of gusset, use red swollen and inflamed to swollenly looking at him, take a to in fine threadsly entreat in eye, "eldest brother, never so, you once promised mine."
74 If the intestinal walls are chronically inflamed, lipolysis is disturbed.
75 The sites where the Bacilli multiplied become inflamed and may ulcerate, to intestinal Bleeding or peritonitis.
76 Inflamed ears progress over time from soft tissue swelling, to hyperplasia of ceruminous glands, to scar tissue, to calcification.
77 They seemed like ungoverned children inflamed with the fiercest passions of men ( Francis Parkman ).
78 The catcher isn't too concerned about an inflamed right elbow.
79 In a typical case, there is a small inflamed nodule just under the skin.
80 Restrain the inflamed phenomenon and resist acne, balance greasy secrete.
81 He addressed the others with extravagant gestures, blinking his inflamed eyelids.
82 Neuropathic or degenerative joints with hyperemic or inflamed synovium are particularly prone to the development of loose bodies, but they also tend to rapidly reabsorb them.
83 The iris may become inflamed due to this form of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
84 In MS, the myelin coating of nerve fibers becomes inflamed and scarred.
85 Why is it that when passions are inflamed we choose to argue and fight, when dancing the cha-cha is less injurious, far more enjoyable, and equally effective in resolving the tension?
86 My soft palette at the back of my throat was red and inflamed (this is called herpangina), but there was no pain, and no rash or blisters, so I paid little attention to it.
87 Symptoms of eyestrain include sore eyes and difficulty focusing, poor night vision, difficulty in focusing after concentrating on an object, headaches and sore, red inflamed and weeping eyes.
88 It causes the liver's plumbing system of bile ducts to become inflamed, scarred, and blocked, leading to extensive tissue damage and irreversible, and ultimately fatal, liver cirrhosis.
89 Microglia are like the body's natural garbage collection cells that rush to damaged or inflamed areas to get rid of toxic substances.
90 Two hours dragged by, Old Daddy, witless with age, sat silent, his back bent like a bow and his inflamed eyes dripping slowly on to the floor.
91 Keratitis Inflammation of the cornea. The conjunctiva may also be inflamed ( keratoconjunctivitis ).
92 TENDONITIS — LIKE IT OR NOT, if you're an avid climber, at some point you'll feel that deep, dull ache in your elbows or shoulders, a sign of inflamed tendons.
93 For one out of five unlucky souls in the U. S. , there's no mistaking the red, swollen eyes, drippy nose, sore throat and angry, inflamed nasal passages.
94 Suitable wind hot toothache, oral cavity inflamed fever wind hot odontopathy edible.
95 The researchers also found that drugs which interfere with the amplification system impair cell migration to inflamed tissues.
96 After enjoying the insolation, if detected that the face burns because of the solarization appears inflamed,() may nurse using the milk.
97 The Harpers Ferry raid inflamed the emotions of parties on both sides of the conflict.
98 It may sound strange but oatmeal is excellent for calming inflamed skin that you just want to scratch off your body.
99 Inflamed by the reports, the North resorted to harsher treatment of Confederate prisoners and at no place were conditions worse than at Rock Island.
100 An hour of scribbling notes and two days of working on a laptop computer have inflamed my repetitive stress injury, an ailment common among journalists—and musicians.
101 As the Great War commence in 1618, the strongest one of the German Catholic princes, Ferdinand II, further inflamed the situation by launching a large-scale religious persecution.
102 Intracardiac thrombi usually form on inflamed or damaged valves, on endocardium adjacent to a region of myocardial infarction (MI), in a dilated or dyskinetic cardiac chamber, or on prosthetic valves.
103 He said today that their release could have inflamed anti - American opinion.




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