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单词 Per day
1. How much is it per day?
2. car hire £35 per day incl.
3. We make a charge of so much per day.
4. Admission is $ 7 per day.
5. A good average intake is about 20g per day.
6. M$5.00 per person per day upon request[http:///per day.html], payable locally.
7. It was only enough for one hot meal per day, plus two brew-ups for hot drinks at breakfast and at midday.
8. The cost per day of medical, nursing, and hotel services on a ward was estimated to be £128.
9. Their research shows that the average individual watches around three and a half hours of television per day.
10. A medium-sized dog will devour at least one can of food per day.
11. The soldiers were rationed to one litre of water each per day.
12. Your intake of alcohol should not exceed two units per day.
13. Asylum seekers were entering Britain at a rate of 1,600 per day.
14. Factory farming has turned the cow into a milk machine, producing anything from 25 to 40 litres of milk per day.
15. The average adult man burns 1,500 to 2,000 calories per day.
16. Do we mean something like one sand grain every square metre of sea-floor per minute, per day, per year?
17. Planners expect the new segment of the subway to carry as many as 3,000 people per day.
18. A new-born baby will gain weight at around one ounce per day.
19. Members of the staff use the lifts for four journeys per day.
20. Prices vary enormously for group holidays but a typical price would be somewhere in the region of £25 per person per day.
21. For these individuals the drug must be divided into four or five smaller doses per day.
22. Two-person teams used to inspect fire systems and respond to spills and other emergencies in three 8-hour shifts per day.
23. The cost of this expert tuition is just £15 per day and accommodation is available nearby with a knitter.
24. During January, the scientists measured ozone losses of about one percent per day at some heights.
25. Around 330,000 people are already subscribing around £21 per month to receive up to 35 channels per day, according to figures released yesterday.
26. Eat two or three servings from the dairy group per day.
27. The probability of smoking cessation increased by 40% if a person smoked less than 10 cigarettes per day.
28. It delivers about 700 million cubic feet of gas per day.
29. Evaporation is a relatively small loss in this country and may be taken as 0.05 inches per day.
30. This would require oxygen at a rate of 0.025 cubic centimetres per hour or 0.6 cubic centimetres per day.
1. How much is it per day?
2. Their research shows that the average individual watches around three and a half hours of television per day.
3. A medium-sized dog will devour at least one can of food per day.
31. The cost is approximately $ 60 per person per day, including transportation and food.
32. Try a different approach. Eat 1 ounce less cheese per day.
33. Attendance was considerably higher than in previous years, with over 1,000 visitors per day.
34. An overhead rack of hot metal halide lamps pumps out 15 hours of tropical sun per day./per day.html
35. Enough grain is produced to provide everyone with ample protein and more than 3,000 calories per day.
36. There were about twenty shearers per dang, each man shearing fifty to sixty sheep per day at a rupee per sheep.
37. Earlier Bill Scanlon, a solicitor representing the boy's guardian, said accommodation at the secure unit is £500 per day.
38. The maximum amount of water that can be excreted per day is enormous.
39. The most extensive option is forecast to generate around 31,000 extra public transport passengers per day.
40. The dietary control of plasma phenylalanine concentrations requires rigorous restriction of natural protein intake, often to less than 6 g per day.
41. Health agencies continue to recommend the 300 milligram per day limit, and it is required on food labels.
42. Prosar, which is shorthand for Professional Scan and Recognition, has a 10,000 page per day output.
43. The law limits work in underground mines to eight hours per day, except in cases of emergency.
44. He then began adding back one food per day and when he included instant coffee it produced another bout of severe depression.
45. The Amerada Hess Corporation oil refinery, with a capacity of 545,000 barrels per day, was also severely damaged.
46. When fruits and vegetables are this good it becomes considerably easier to meet that recommended five to six servings per day.
47. All accounts include six hours per day of connect time.
48. But if you're doing something for 7,000, the costs will be more per person per day.
49. I am receiving, on average, four envelopes full of stamps per day.
50. Phone in advance to reserve your place - it cost £10 per day.
51. One can scarcely expect to average more than about eight hours per day even in the very best locations on Earth.
52. This means that total market turnover per day is now of the order of £4,400 million on average.
53. Average estimated reservation wages are £4.8 and 4.3 per day in the first and second periods, respectively.
54. But after the hoopla, the exposition slumped, admissions at first numbering only fifteen or twenty thousand per day.
55. How many hours per day and how many days per week?
56. Age of starting smoking, cigarettes per day and years of abstinence, and regular alcohol intake.
57. If you succumb to the temptation to tell contrived jokes, ration yourself to two per day.
58. If vitamin D deficiency is secondary to decreased availability, 400 units vitamin D2 per day is the suggested daily replacement.
59. They require feeding every two hours giving a total of three to five litres per day depending on size.
60. Arizona law allows rattlesnake hunters to catch a maximum of four snakes per day in each of the four major varieties.
61. The food missions in Pittsburgh usually serve 750 people per day.
62. In the past you had to spend around £12 per day.
63. Thirty-five dollars per day per person includes all his services as well as food, lodging and trekking permits.
64. Up to five alarm calls per day can be set and there's a perpetual calendar as well.
64. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
65. Make a conscious effort to drink less tea and coffee - about one or two cups per day.
66. In herbivores particularly, but also in most animals and babies, defecation takes place more than once per day.
67. The average daily temperature from October to December is around 88 degrees Farenheit with nine hours of sunshine per day.
68. Nevertheless, recent research indicates that the body is designed for at least one afternoon nap per day.
69. Mrs Allan used her own funds to hire local divers and a submersible camera crew at a cost of £500 per day.
70. You can only receive 1 random referral per day.
71. The foreign travel allowance is $ 85 per day.
72. Ancillary charges are at least $30 per day.
73. The delivery capacity is 600 orders per day in Beijing, due to stock limitations and delivery time restrictions.
74. By 1856, the company could produce 150 weapons per day using interchangeable parts, efficient production lines and specially designed precision machinery.
75. In case of no payment within the stipulated period of time, the fuel gas selling enterprise may impose fines for overdue payment per day equivalent to three per thousand of the bills payable.
76. Based on an assumption of three hours of use per day at 11 cents per kilowatt-hour.
77. Power Points: Slayers gain power points per day as shown on Table 6 - 3 : The Slayer.
78. The researchers tested the ketogenic diet in 73 children ages 16 and younger who had seizures once or more per day.
79. At a moderate scale (10000 users, 50 contacts each, 1/5 off-site, 2 posts per day), you're looking at 2.3 remote HTTP requests per second, which isn't nothing.
80. A psychiatrist at the jail prescribed 100 milligrams per day of Mellaril, an antipsychotic drug. By the time of trial, the psychiatrist was prescribing 800 milligrams per day of Mellaril.
81. As a result, onboard clocks run faster by 45 microseconds per day.
82. Mirror of time hop:This small hand mirror manifests its power up to twice per day against creatures that see their reflections within it, as a gaze attack with a range of 30 feet.
83. Thus, four minutes savings, total to potentially more than 150 hours daily speed-up in handling of orders per day when transformation is completed.
84. Results The average retinol equivalent intake in per day was 469.
85. The room rate at this motel range from $ 30 to $ 50 per day.
86. Hearten: This shield grants the owner up to 5 temporary hit points per day on command.
87. Iqbal was held by a string to a carpet loom in a small town called Muridke near Lahore. He was made to work twelve hours per day.
88. Chaplain 200 Casts Master level Bless, 1 x per day, 2 hour duration.
89. Alternatively, continuous oral megestrol at doses of 40 mg two to four times per day can be administered after coexistent endometrial cancer is excluded.
90. The kit should be assembled based on the idea of providing each family member with at least one well-balanced meal per day.
91. Some 248, 000 new cars were registered in the first four months of 2010, according to the Beijing municipal tax office, a rate of 2, 100 new cars per day.
92. What is the number of days of processing per year? Number of hours per day?
93. Could one man read, in one year's time, 59 million consecutive words — the equivalent of one John Grisham novel per day — of definitional "prose"?
94. The paper predicts per well production and oil productive capacity per day by moving average method, the example demonstrates predictive from moving average method is relative truth.
94. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
95. A low availability rate of less than 80%, a low operating km per day per bus and a low ratio of operating revenue to total costs are common.
96. The Uppsala report, published in the journal Energy Policy, anticipates that maximum global production of all kinds of oil in 2030 will be 76m barrels per day.
97. Voracious eaters, they graze continually and can consume 3,000 or more brine shrimp per day.
98. Adults and children 2 years and over: Dissolve one capful of pellets in mouth every 6 hours, up to 4 times per day.
99. U. S. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen, who heads the federal response , said BP's latest emergency containment system is on track to capture as much as 15,000 barrels of oil per day.
100. We found that airfare impact, level of service impact, GDP, population, number of flights per day and dwell time play an important roles in determining the air passenger volume.
101. Since last year, OPEC has cut its crude oil output of 420 million barrels per day.
102. The suspended structure was designed to be truss stiffened, and its erection was carried out without disturbing heavy sea traffic reaching about 1400 ships per day.
103. Horses rarely climax, despite masturbating dozens of times per day—so what motivates the dalliance of a stallion or, for that matter, a mare?
104. SUGGESTED USE : Take three tablets, once per day. May be taken with or without food.
105. The sun's hour angle counts from the middy position and changes 360? ? per day or 15? ? per hour.
106. High-throughput assay in 96-well and 384-well plates allows simultaneous processing ten of thousands of samples per day.
107. IEA last month, the figure is expected to release about 20 million barrels per day.
108. The city now produces about 1,000 tons of municipal solid waste per day, and this production is projected to increase to about 1,400 tons per day (tpd) by 2010, and to 1,900 tpd by 2020.
109. It hopes to have a commercial plant running by early 2012, processing 250 tonnes of biomass per day and generating around 27 million litres of biofuel each year, says David Jones of MBI.
110. The company forecasts world demand to increase from 83.8 million barrels per day this year to 89.1 mbd in 2014.
111. "The evidence for benefit is weak, " but there is also "good evidence for no harm" associated with taking 200, 400, or even 600 IUs (international units) per day, Stampfer explains.
112. This plant has a designed capacity of 450 tons per day of float glass to meet the rising demand for building materials created by China's ongoing construction boom.
113. Other research has shown that moderate olive oil consumption—defined as 2 tablespoons of olive oil per day—can improve your heart health by lowering LDL cholesterol, according to the FDA.
114. On an average we would be spending £300 per day.
115. The rat model of alcoholic liver fibrosis was induced by intragastric infusion of increasing concentration of ethanol 3 times per day.
116. Forup-to-date process management the Tappi T227 standard compliant freeness modulecan provide up to 350 analyses per day.
117. The Internet is progressing without pause, demanding companies to run 24 hours per day.
118. That adds up for people in countries where the average wage earner makes $ 2 per day.
119. Our palaeolithic ancestors consumed around 100 g of fibre per day.
120. How much is it ( insurance premium ) per day?
121. For infants, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) currently recommends a supplement of 200 I.U. of vitamin D per day, starting at two months of age for breastfed babies.
122. The average newborn cries 2 hours per day—an infant who cries inconsolably at least 3 hours a day for at least 3 days a week probably has colic and will outgrow it by 3 months.
123. Besides, the optimal dose of WLP is exactly 18 gramme per day, and too much intake of WLP will add to the risks of pushing up glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase(AST) index in body.
124. The Nursing Aide shall work eight (8) hours per day[sentencedict .com], not exceeding eighty-four (84) hours per two (2) weeks.
125. In general, 90 overs have to be bowled per day in Test match cricket.
126. High-throughput assay using 96-well plates allows simultaneous processing tens of thousands of samples per day.
127. In molecular simulations experiments, computational performance can be measured as the total amount of simulated time per day.
128. What is the maximum number of work hours per day at regular pay?
129. Carbonite then begins the backup process, uploading 2 GB per day over broadband until finished.
130. Under a physical concept of capital, such as operating capability, capital is regarded as the productive capacity of the entity based on, for example, units of output per day.
131. Regular working hours for all personnel shall be eight (8) hours per day; overtime period should be less than 2.5 hours every day; less than 50 hours every month.
132. In average, they have 4 classes per day and study 11-18 subjects including 4 languages such as Dari, Pashtu, English and Arabian.
133. The company gives a travel allowance of $ 50 per day.
134. Speak the prose only once per day and intend to transfigure the dream according to the intention.
135. The charter rate for a 56-passenger bus: about $1, 150 per day.
136. Survival Ration should provide at least 2,100 Kcal (and 60 g of protein) per person per day.
137. However, groups of enuretic children who were aged 5 to 9 or aged 10 to 14 had significantly fewer defecations per week and more urinations per day than control groups of similar age.
138. Eat less salt and preserved food. , and every one should not eat more than 6 gram salt per day. Eat less refined sugar and dessert.
139. And if you have a problem and need to get the data downloaded to a reformatted hard drive or new computer, Carbonite will download at up to 15GB per day over broadband until your system is restored.
140. The delivery capacity is 600 orders per day in Beijing, due to stock limitations and delivery time restrictions. Maybe that's why you will find there are only about 300 book titles on the website.
141. Most adults need up to 2000 international units per day, and children need about 400 IU daily.
142. WebWatcher cites data from the Pew Research Center that states some 75% of those aged 12-17 now own cell phones, and half of teens send over 50 messages per day.
143. The company has been selling tens of kilograms of CGS Standard Gold Bars per day recently.
144. The over Rs 3 crore it takes per day to sustain our troops in Siachen is not prohibitive.
145. The company also plans to drill 150 new oil wells this year in its Eagle Ford project in southern Texas and anticipates hitting peak production of some 65, 000 barrels per day in 2013.
146. Let's do the math. According to a 2009 Nielson study, the average amount of time an American spends watching TV is around five hours per day!
147. Processed cheese has less calcium than natural cheese. That's why you need to eat more of it per day.
148. At the same time, commercial gasoline inventories also increased by 50 million barrels per day.
149. "Little mother" who wants to work per day, remember to put Lemon to protect a fresh carton in a sterigma petit a nautical mile, along with take.
150. "We see 6 million barrels per day of surplus capacity over the coming years," Eagles said at a conference call this week.
151. "It's true that women do more work in the home, but overall men and women are doing the same, which is roughly eight hours per day," Hakim told Reuters.
152. In the mock-up, the bank was a simple spreadsheet, one row per day.
153. The U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance (USRDA) for calcium is 1000 mg per day for pregnant and breastfeeding women over age 18.
154. James: I'd like a Corolla. How much do you charge per day?http:///per day.html
155. The performance horse or lactating broodmare may have a requirement of more than one and a half gallons per hundred pounds of body weight per day.
156. Meals at school average out to about 10 yuan per day.
157. The average computer user spends about 13 minutes per day waiting for their technology to catch up to them, which equates to three days a year just waiting.
158. The members receive no salary but may claim an attendance allowance of 16 pounds per day.
159. In the mid-1980s German female athletes were doped with around 30 milligrams of androgenic steroids per day.
160. Methords Besids receiving normal therapy, 30 patients with mild acute pancreatitis were adminisrated 5% levulose parenteral solution 500mL ivgtt per day as energy supplement.
161. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found that men who consumed the most soy (half a serving per day) had 41 million sperm per millilitre less than men who did not eat soy at all.
162. The new plant was to have a capacity of 30 tons of ammonia per day.
163. The 61m (200ft) three-storey rotating section of the hotel, which contains 50 suites and is based on a turntable in the middle of a purpose-built swimming lake, will rotate 1.3 times per day.
164. Maintain electronic document management system(EDMS) and paper filing per day, update, and accrete. Scan necessary hard copy and set up hyperlink.
165. Ida City in Fukushima Prefecture Abukuma River's middle reaches, cesium 137 and cesium-134 per day total of 176.5 billion Becquerel.
166. Shipping terminal and giant convey with a capability of over one hundred trucks per day, guarantee the goods reaching the clients timely and safely.
167. One group used metronidazole towound. the other used sodium chloride injection two times per day.
168. Women having fewer than 3 bowel movements per week experience 4.5 times more fibrocystic breast disease than women who have at least one movement per day.
169. It was later disclosed that the mice had been given the cyclamate equivalent of 800 cans of diet soda per day for several weeks.
170. PDVSA uses it to refine 200,000 barrels per day - well below its capacity.
171. Rhinitis, nasosinusitis: apply an appropriate quantity ointment to nasal cavity, massaging the alae of the nose, 2-3 times per day.
172. Already, China has surpassed US oil purchases in the Middle East – importing 1.94 million barrels per day (b.p.d.), or 14 percent more than the US.
173. Supplements should contain at least 400 IU but no more than 800 IU per day.
174. OPEC surplus capacity (still about 4 million barrels per day) should mute some of the geopolitical pressure on the oil supply, especially when coupled with a generalized increase in production.
175. Less extreme rate range from a few feet per day to a few feet per year.
176. The temporary barging point located at the existing Explosives Off-loading Barging Point should only be used for loading 1 barge of public fill per day.
177. The salary of a hireling is 6 pounds per day.
178. Thus, for an average - sized vent , advection could provide more than 30 kilograms of potential food per day.
179. Specifically, each serving of sugar-sweetened beverage per day seemed to increase the systolic pressure by 1.6 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and diastolic blood pressure by 0.8 mm Hg.
180. Prolacta produces its own enhanced breast-milk product, a syrupy fortifier specifically for hospitalized newborns, at a cost of $135 per baby, per day.
181. Each succeeding day calls for an additional $ 3.83 interest per day.
182. A. Vitamin E supplementation is a treatment for mastalgia. The administration of 400 IU per day of vitamin E during the luteal phase improves affective and somatic symptoms.
183. The new guidelines from the nation's leading group of pediatricians now call for children to receive 400 international units of vitamin D per day, beginning in the first few days of life.
184. The plasma potassium level of bottled blood was apparently a straight line function of time, the concentration increasing at the rate of approximately 1 milliequivalent per day.
185. I'd like to have full insurance. How much is it per day to rent a car?
186. Track the number of transactions per day grouped by database name, partition number, and timestamp to help with workload planning.
187. The largest oil field discovered will produce more than 100,000 barrels per day.
188. They worked 10-11 hours per day, and their take-home earnings amounted to about 69 percent after a trafficker's cut.
189. The agency lifted its absolute demand estimates for 2009 and 2010 by 70,000 barrels per day (bpd) from its estimate in February. It now expects world demand to average 86.57 million bpd this year.
190. Container models can produce up to 1,200 gallons of water per day for 7 days without outside electrical source or refueling.
191. PP: The number of power points per day available to the NPC.
192. John Cannell, M.D., an expert of vitamin D of Vitamin D Council suggests that about 4000 to 5000 international units of vitamin d per day is needed to maintain a healthy level in the blood.
192. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
193. If both preprandial and postprandial blood glucose concentrations are high, then a four-injection per day regimen should be initiated.
194. The refinery will produce 10 million tons of oil per year, or 200,000 barrels per day.
195. If Mr. Wheeler's car is in compliance with the EPA's upcoming 2012 carbon dioxide emissions guidelines, his drive will produce 20.9 pounds of CO2 per day.
196. In 1992, for example, China reached a smoking rate of 10 cigarettes per person per day - the peak level in the U. S. in the 1950s.
197. Now, Mr. Newbie (IP address is limited to one CVS connection (port 2401) per day, saving oodles of network bandwidth.
198. Again, however, she needs to borrow to cover salaries, as little as 80 yuan ($12.59) per day that gets paid before the sale revenue ends up in her accounts.
199. A main design challenge is how to process one Exabyte of raw data per day.
200. After a seven day latency period a distractor device is activated 1 mm per day until the desired expansion is obtained.




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