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单词 prize
释义  prize1 /praɪz/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countable]  1  WINsomething that is given to someone who is successful in a competition, race, game of chance etc 〔给予获胜者的〕奖品,奖金,奖赏 In this month’s competition you could win a prize worth £3,000. 在本月的竞赛中您可以赢得价值3,000英镑的奖品。 The first prize has gone to Dr John Gentle. 获得一等奖的是约翰·金特尔博士。prize for The prize for best photography has been won by a young Dutch photographer. 最佳摄影奖由一位年轻的荷兰摄影师夺得。 Scientists from Oxford shared the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1945. 来自牛津大学的科学家们共同获得了1945年的诺贝尔医学奖。 The prizes are awarded (=given) every year to students who have shown original thinking in their work. 这些奖项每年颁发给在学习中表现出创造性思维的学生。 The total prize money was £30,000. 奖金总额为3万英镑。 →4  See picture of 见图 prize2  VALUEsomething that is very valuable to you or that it is very important to have 有价值的事物,宝贵的事物 Fame was the prize. 名声重于一切。3  no prizes for guessing something spokenGUESS used to say that it is very easy to guess something 某事一猜就知 No prizes for guessing what she was wearing. 一猜便知她穿的是什么。n COLLOCATIONSverbswin a prize (also take a prize)She won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1938.Ms Brolls also took the prize for best individual speaker.get a prize (also receive a prize formal)The winner gets a prize.If your letter is published, you will receive a £5 prize.share a prizeThey will share the first prize of £500.give (somebody) a prize (also award (somebody) a prize formal)A prize will be given for the best-decorated egg.Four years later he was awarded the Erasmus Prize.a prize goes to somebody (=they get it)The fiction prize goes to Carol Shields.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + prizefirst/second etc prizeShe won first prize in a poetry competition.the top prizeThe film won the top prize at the Berlin Film Festival.a consolation prize (=one given to someone who has not won)The runner-up will get a consolation prize of a camera.the booby prize (=one given as a joke to the person who comes last)The cake I made for the competition was so bad I got the booby prize.a cash prizeThere's a $5,000 cash prize for the winner.prize + NOUNa prize winnerCongratulations to all the prize winners!prize moneyThe players are demanding an increase in prize money.a prize draw British English (=a competition in which people whose names or tickets are chosen by chance win prizes)He won the car in a prize draw.Examples from the Corpusprize• She's going to marry Simon, but I don't think he's much of a prize.• In fact, there's a prize for the person who can find a Colin Chapman in the most Lotus-like position.• She won the Booker Prize for her novel 'The Blind Assassin'.• All this, special guests and fabulous prizes, too.• First prize is a trip to Orlando.• New York State, with 33 votes in the electoral college, is seen as a major prize.• There are no prizes for guessing why this should be.• A list of prize winners will appear in net week's issue.• Second prize is a book token.• It was as if the mere presence of the prize made each man doubt his own wisdom.• The prize for the year's best book other than fiction goes to Gwyn Thomas and Margaret Jones for their third collaboration.• The prize is a 3-week holiday in the Bahamas.• Their prize was a new Champion bass boat and Evinrude engine.prizes ... awarded• Can prizes be awarded without compromising the very foundation on which National Certificate assessment is built?• Cash prizes were also awarded for Saturday's event.• For the first time at the 1987/8 Awards Ceremony, prizes were awarded to National Certificate students.• It is the fourth of the prizes to be awarded this year.• Mr Grant said the prizes had been awarded by a marketing company with which Sutton Hall was no longer associated.• The prizes will be awarded to the individual or company named on the winning entry form.• Various prizes were awarded for each category.• They all used to have a bath after school, and at the end of the year prizes were awarded.prize2 ●○○ verb [transitive]  1  VALUEto think that someone or something is very important or valuable 珍视,高度重视 He is someone who prizes truth and decency above all things. 他把真理和正派看得高于一切。 The company’s shoes are highly prized by fashion conscious youngsters. 该公司的鞋备受时尚年轻人的青睐。2. REMOVEthe American spelling of prise prise的美式拼法→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusprize• But in this new conception of death people found a new conception of life, prized anew for its own intrinsic worth.• Their top of the range shoes are highly prized by fashion-conscious youngsters ... and can cost 70 pounds a pair and upwards.• This culture prizes conformity, and frowns on any form of rebellion.• I can not completely conform in this culture that prizes conformity so I might as well act as freely as I wish.• Silver and gold are rare and were prized for their monetary value, appearance and resistance to corrosion.• Then choose one of your prized life achievements and write about how you achieved it.• All kinds of birds and fish were also fair game, with parrots being particularly prized prey.• Bank pressures already have forced them to sell off 30 prized purebred heifers to raise money to pay back debt.highly prized• Fasting produced intense dreams and the capacity to dream was highly prized.• Salt, therefore, became highly prized.• The affluent viewers who watch financial news are highly prized by advertisers.• Swallows' nests were highly prized delicacies.• They're a highly prized military asset.• It was something else to tell that to a highly prized research scientist, engineer, or computer programmer.• The AK47 was a highly prized souvenir and frequently traded by frontline troops to those in the rear for choice booty.• And nothing is more highly prized than fiscal responsibility.prize3 adjective [only before noun]  1  WINgood enough to win a prize or having won a prize 可获奖的,优等的;已获奖的 He has spent months cultivating what he hopes are prize flowers. 他花了几个月培育他认为有望获奖的花卉品种。 → prize-winning2  BESTvery good or important 非常好的;特别重要的 The Picasso painting is a prize exhibit in the museum. 毕加索的画是该博物馆的珍品。3. a prize idiot/fool informalSTUPID/NOT INTELLIGENT a complete idiot, fool etc 十足的白痴/傻瓜Examples from the Corpusprize• a herd of prize cattle• There is an idea for a classroom project, an easy to enter prize competition plus a special cartoon.• Escamillo became a swaggering prize fighter named Husky Miller.• With trophies and prize money totalling over £3000 this event promises to be spectacular and exciting to both rider and spectators alike.• Three prize players were in school working to become eligible next season.• one of the team's prize players• Now he wanted the prize possession of my autograph.From Longman Business Dictionaryprizeprize1 /praɪz/ noun [countable] something that is very valuable or important to haveWith a portfolio of $1 billion, Amerco is an attractive prize.The administration has worked behind the scenes to help Turkey win the big prize — EU membership.prizeprize2 adjective [only before a noun] the best, most valuable or importantIn recent weeks, a number ofprize assets have been sold.the agency’sprize client, Coca Cola.Origin prize1 (1500-1600) prise, an earlier form of price; → PRICE1prize1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1prize2 verbprize3 adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChinese  successful in given is someone a Corpus who to something is that Business




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