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单词 Nettlesome
1 The Whitewater tangle remains a nettlesome wild card.
2 More nettlesome was the prosecutorial attitude the archdiocese had assumed.
3 But as nettlesome as these issues can be, popular culture raises another issue of paternity with another kind of collaboration.
4 Other nettlesome issues are still open, as well.
5 Opening these areas up could prove nettlesome.
6 Its rise will be far more nettlesome than that of his own country a century ago.
7 There are nettlesome issues of pricing as well,[] with Iran on gas price and with Pakistan on transit costs.
8 Beyond the nettlesome issue of abetting government censorship, they said six weeks was not enough time to shift production on such a large scale.
9 Couldn't Chinese leaders address inflation and the nettlesome American pressures at the same time by increasing the value of the yuan?
10 SuIt'slingers . These nettlesome types look for any excuse to take you to court.
11 Many mathematicians simply set nettlesome questions like these aside and get back to the more pleasant business of proving theorems.
12 Suit Slingers. These nettlesome types look for any excuse to take you to court.
13 That last component has proved the most nettlesome because it is hard to know how to value assets, such as mortgage-backed securities, that rarely trade.
14 There was also the nettlesome question of where the new roads would actually go.
15 In a rare act of coordinated defiance, more than a dozen newspapers across the country jointly published an editorial last year calling on the government to take on the nettlesome process of reform.
16 Though the pink dolphins are protected by law, the fishermen see them as nettlesome competitors for the catches that feed their families, and their frustration sometimes boils over.
17 It was a current idea then and many politicians and army medical men felt it was revolutionary and positively nettlesome.
18 The shadow of the Uruguay round arguably extended beyond this nettlesome detail.
19 The violence last week in Xinjiang between Uighurs and Han Chinese underscores two nettlesome issues for China.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:11:11