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单词 Biology
1) In biology class we had to dissect a frog.
2) The library has a large biology section.
3) The biology students had to dissect a rat.
4) Biology is sometimes quite hard to understand.
5) The course will encompass physics, chemistry and biology.
6) We dissected a frog in biology class.
7) She got A in / for Biology.
8) Even biology undergraduates may balk at animal experiments.
9) The college biology department has diversified by adding new courses in biotechnology.
10) The book deals with the reproductive biology of the buffalo.
11) She flunked biology examination.
12) In biology classes at school we used to dissect rats.
13) She has a degree in biology.
14) The chief sciences are chemistry,(http:///biology.html) physics and biology.
15) The life sciences include biology and botany.
16) How far is human nature determined by biology?
17) Biology is not my sphere.
18) Her background was in biology and medicine.
19) The biology of these diseases is terribly complicated.
20) What mark did you get in the biology exam?
21) Dan found biology difficult, and physics harder still.
22) He wrote this whilst invigilating a biology examination.
23) The biology class studied the generation of fruit flies.
24) Biology and English are my favourite subjects.
25) He's qualified to teach biology at high school level.
26) I'm doing physics, biology and chemistry.
27) I had to take a biology lesson this afternoon because the biology teacher was away.
28) Most of my colleagues in biology are still very mechanistic in their thinking.
29) She likes Biology, but she's not too keen on Physics.
30) Students are flocking to such fields as genetics and molecular biology.
1) The library has a large biology section.
2) The biology students had to dissect a rat.
3) Biology is sometimes quite hard to understand.
4) The course will encompass physics, chemistry and biology.
5) We dissected a frog in biology class.
6) She got A in / for Biology.
7) Even biology undergraduates may balk at animal experiments.
8) The college biology department has diversified by adding new courses in biotechnology.
9) The book deals with the reproductive biology of the buffalo.
10) In biology classes at school we used to dissect rats.
11) She has a degree in biology.
12) Biology is not my sphere.
13) He wrote this whilst invigilating a biology examination.
14) The biology class studied the generation of fruit flies.
15) How I hated biology ! Hearing the bell ring at the end of the lesson was music to my ears!
16) We went to the Biology class instead of attending the English lesson.
31) For a discussion of biology and sexual politics, see chapter 4.
32) How I hated biology ! Hearing the bell ring at the end of the lesson was music to my ears!
33) He's mad about his biology teacher, but it's only puppy - love.
34) This is another piece in the jigsaw that will help us understand the biology of cancer.
35) The sum total of my knowledge of biology is not impressive.
36) We had to dissect a worm and a frog in our biology practical today.
37) The college aims to be a world centre of excellence in the field of marine biology.
38) We went to the Biology class instead of attending the English lesson.
39) An A-level pass in Biology is preferred for all courses.
40) Molecular biology is pushing medicine into a new age .
41) I have a biology question for you - I gather you're something of an expert.
41) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
42) Her school report shows that she is weak at/in arithmetic and biology.
43) The first prize for Biology went to the youngest child in the class.
44) I couldn't touch the first question in the biology paper.
45) The gender division is reducible to biology.
46) It meant rewriting the dogma of molecular biology.
47) The study concentrated on physics, not biology, Adams emphasized.
48) Medicine, biology and chemistry showed a similar pattern.
49) One of these is its uneasy relationship with biology.
50) She wants to go to university to study biology.
51) I had chemistry and biology in high school.
52) But the reality of biology is much more complicated.
53) I liked biology a lot more amoebas and vertebrae.
54) Are molecular biology and physical chemistry nature?
55) National Socialism is nothing more than applied biology.
56) Evolutionary biology provides good confirmation of moral judgements.
57) Well(), they are trying to cheat on their biology.
58) Increasing intolerance for transgressions against the rule of biology.
59) Participants debated sensitive questions about biology, race and science.
60) Here was clear exposition of the biology involved.
61) My biology lab notes are written on green-tint quadrille.
62) Complete resolution occurred with conservative management. Molecular biology.
63) I was lousy at biology in school.
64) The Industrial Revolution was a great experiment in biology.
65) Besides, even within cell biology, ideas on the cell cycle were still in the formative stages.
66) The relationship between the new science and earlier developments in biology also turns out to be remarkably complex.
67) So it must be other people, not us or not people in general, who are deluded by their biology.
68) The 20-page text makes a valiant attempt to comprehend wildfowl biology.
69) A biology professor at San Diego State, she recognized business potential in some of her research.
70) But after the Council, the Church had opened itself increasingly to the insights of modern psychology and evolutionary biology.
71) Biology played an important role in southern exploration(Sentencedict), for many of the early explorers were sealers and whalers.
72) And if that belief is true, then we are not deluded by biology.
73) As the boundaries between biology and technology are arguably dissolving, so the relationships between humans become unstable.
74) We are trying to build machines that draw upon the highly successful designs used in biology.
75) Someday the difference between machines and biology will be hard to discern.
76) Let me give a classic example from another branch of biology.
77) Lesbianism, too, is often described as a correlate of biology.
78) Molecular biology is often difficult to recommend text books for because of its multidisciplinary nature and rapid developments.
79) The same is not true of the following feature of the model, which embodies a fundamental principle of biology.
80) Yet other species exhibit variation patterns that defy analysis of the sophistication of present-day biology.
81) The crucial question for evolutionary biology is where the balance is struck between signalling real information about your state and signalling misinformation.
82) Substitute biology teacher John Scopes volunteered to be the test case.
83) The rules are rooted in the particularities of human biology, and they affect the way culture is formed.
84) Reading opens possibilities to become involved in history, biology, geography, and politics.
85) Cataloguing the birthplaces of proteins will be a giant step towards solving the mysteries of human biology.
86) The new organisation will be more akin to an organism, adopting the language of biology rather than the machine.
87) But in the give and take of biology the tubeworm has to supply raw materials to the bacteria.
88) But there is no general support in biology for sexism about careers.
89) Piaget moved from biology to philosophy and eventually to psychology early in his life.
90) An officer must know some chemistry and biology, and the local geology and geography.
91) There is no vacuum. Evolutionary biology provides good confirmation of moral judgements.
92) We have a biology exam tomorrow, and I haven't done any work for it yet.
93) Nevertheless, these volumes have drawn together many little-known areas of social insect and spider biology in lucid accounts.
94) The objective is to provide the student with a basic knowledge of normal human biology with aspects relevant to clinical medicine.
95) Here, parexcellence, is the meeting of the ways for developmental and evolutionary biology.
96) You use many of the same muscles in molecular biology, politics, and the movies.
97) Genetics is to biology what atomic theory is to physics.
98) Do they suggest a neat and straight forward relationship between biology, culture and differential educational needs?
99) In fact, psychology and biology have to be equal partners in our analysis of the brain.
100) Back in their high school biology class, the students had been studying the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
101) An introductory course is provided for students who have not previously studied Biology at these levels.
102) As far as I recall from school biology,(/biology.html) you do not acquire relatives by waving.
103) It is not only biology, but cosmology, physics and astronomy that presuppose a general evolutionary account of the cosmos.
104) Second, most scientific disciplines, including molecular biology and genetics are obliged to seek funding for research from industry.
105) The key points of the functionalist perspective may be summarized by a comparison drawn from biology.
106) With this felicity of thinking, they easily bridged the physical and social sciences, from biology to psychology to sociology.
107) In biology the equations are as much the product of evolution as traits such as eye color.
108) Morality does not depend on our acceptance or rejection of Darwinism, either as biology or as metaphysics.
109) We no more understand how biology emerges from physics than we understand how classical measuring apparatus emerges from quantum mechanics.
110) Look under B in the index to see if biology is covered in the book.
111) Sachs got his degree in biology from Yale University and went on to earn degrees in medicine and film from Stanford University.
112) Supported by four applied science courses covering the biology, entomology and pathology of seeds, and plant breeding.
113) Genetics and biology have little to tell us that is relevant, except in so far as these sciences throw light on human nature in general.
114) Biology graduates are also well qualified for employment in the newer biotechnology-based industries.
115) This is not a treatise on geology, biology, or any other science.
116) One is the speed with which the revolution in biology has been effected.
117) They used the devices of anthropology, sociology, history, and biology trying to prove that Negroes were inferior.
118) So far the list contains: marine biology, the Maritime Center, the Ancient Mariner, submarine, and marinating.
119) It is in the second part of the book that Yockey extends this theory to problems in molecular biology.
120) In humans, biology grants even more, but the same laws apply.
121) It was finished, obviously, and he had to take consolation in the fine line be-tween biology and spirit.
122) After being enrolled at the university at the age of seventeen, Freud studied physiology, biology and anatomy.
123) Forty percent of biology teachers in rural Kansas describe themselves as creationists; the number drops in urban areas.
124) But if we give up the second belief, then we do not think we are deluded by biology.
125) Our research was on teaching pupils practical skills in Biology and Physics.
126) Indeed the most dramatic example of mass extinction known to biology has been caused by the introduction of an alien species.
127) The few men who teach biology, math and chemistry are all married except Mr Milligan.
128) It has given people, primarily women, an unprecedented degree of influence over their biology, and their lives.
129) She is redoing her A-levels in chemistry, physics and biology in the sixth form of a London girls' school.
130) The one I mostly chat to is the biology teacher.
131) Biology even promised to control world fertility with the Pill.
132) Overall. the biology of the Chesapeake was clearly of an intricacy beyond present comprehension.
133) Hey, look on the bright side(/biology.html), at least it gives them a head start for their biology GCSEs.
134) It was my interest in gardens that led me to study biology.
135) Another change within the last 200 years is in the field of reproductive biology.
136) Later discoveries about genetics, molecular biology, population dynamics and behaviour have given it new dimensions.
137) It's a striking example of the explanatory power of modern biology.
138) Feminists are also realizing that a rejection of biology can, paradoxically, increase the influence of biological determinism.
139) But nature is no respecter of rights, and around 10 % of the population has had this right compromised by biology.
140) No one can say that implacable biology ordains failure, that gay social organization is fixed, promiscuous, and doomed.
141) Darwin's integration of evolutionary and physiological biology had been attempted, in the 1840s, through pangenesis.
142) Thus, for example, biology or food science could represent science, and geography or history could represent social studies.
143) This is the key principle of modern biology, as described by Charles Darwin in the mid-nineteenth century.
144) In many ways, this highly sophisticated research does increase our understanding of human biology.
145) Biopsychological theories tend to assimilate differences between men, and, even more pronouncedly, between women, to biology.
146) These are matters well known to everybody, with the details easily available in any basic biology book.
147) At the centre of Piaget's theory lie a number of basic concepts that owe a great deal to his interest in biology.
148) Advances in molecular biology in recent years have served to emphasize the possible relationships between homoeopathy, immunology and genetics.
149) Consideration of some of the routine day to day techniques of molecular biology allows this to be illustrated.
150) Without an advocacy stage few general theories in biology would ever have arisen.
151) Unfortunately the book was completed too soon to reflect the enormous impact of fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry on biology.
152) The couple have a 21-year-old daughter, Michelle, who is studying maths and biology at York University.
153) A biology student with a stutter now occupied the back room.
154) Undoubtedly, information theory has its uses in molecular biology, in particular by giving insights into the way genes code for proteins.
155) Huxley as a popularizer of Darwin and as a teacher of biology emphasized rather different aspects of science.
156) But one aspect which is new springs from the advances which have been made in molecular biology.
157) Without both elements, evolutionary computing will struggle to have sufficient power to emulate the success of biology.
158) Approximately 70 relatives and friends have made the trip from Pittsburgh to watch this grad student in biology chase her dream.
159) Cohn Tudge: Thus began one of the most fruitful working partnerships in modern biology.
160) This true type, having found her man, was forced to accept that biology was indeed destiny.
161) But it also allows the traditional power biology has within psychology to reassert itself within them.
161) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
162) But the avant-garde has found support for its imaginative approach from such sciences as biology.
163) Biology seems to be the foundation of social obligation most obviously in the case of parents and children.
164) Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose.
165) The rise of the eugenics movement in the early twentieth century crystallized the intellectual and political imperatives of evolutionary biology.
166) During the years when the elephant jibe was rife, microbial genetics was at the forefront of molecular biology.
167) Human biology could rule out long stays aboard a space station.
168) Erasmus Darwin published his Zoonomia in 1794, which was partly a medical textbook, partly a treatise in biology.
169) Chemistry and physical chemistry laboratories will later be supplemented by biology and pharmaceutical technology laboratories.
170) It so happened that the last person I asked, over coffee in his room, was the biology master.
171) Hamilton has a habit of being at the right place in biology at the right time.
172) Nothing seemed impossible; the whole of biology was about to become transparent to this wondrous new science.
173) It meant nothing less than rewriting the dogma of molecular biology, almost a redefining of the meaning of life itself.
174) It may appear that male and female students are polarized on the basis of biology.
175) In the final analysis, conflicting molecular data sets can be judged by considering the biology of the considered organisms.
176) Nevertheless, Bakker has contributed enormously to our understanding of dinosaur biology.
177) It is because human societies pursue values that their study falls within the province of history rather than biology.
178) Thus, it became the first self to be born outside of biology.
179) Prospective physical geographers should take basic courses in calculus, physics, chemistry, engineering, modern biology, and computer programming.
180) The theory of evolution by natural selection reached out far beyond biology, and therein lies its significance.
181) In either case, then, one can not be deluded by biology.
182) Experience in molecular biology, immunology and cell biology would be an advantage.
183) Our more significant and currently fashionable meeting-point with biology is not at the level of race, but at that of species.
184) Sampling techniques were adopted from statisticians working in the fields of biology and botany.
185) By far the most exciting is Molecular Biology of the Cell, which will surely become the standard work for cell biology.
186) Feminists in psychology have always had more respect for biology than have feminists in other disciplines.
187) In 1918 Piaget also completed his doctorate in biology, and he turned to psychology.
188) I really shouldn't go out - my biology final is tomorrow.
189) The meeting was chaired by Professor Grainger of the Biology Department.
190) At other times, however, he is more circumspect and admits that this is a hotly disputed issue in biology.
191) The conservation movement means that they have no choice but to be dragged into biology as well.
191) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
192) Applicants should have a degree in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology or a similar background.
193) And even a non- biology major could tell the rubbery item with the tentacles was obviously related to an octopus.
194) Natural science managers oversee activities in agricultural science, chemistry, biology, geology, meteorology, or physics.
195) Candidates with an interest in molecular biology, protein biochemistry and immunology are urged to apply.
196) Molecular biology of colorectal neoplasia Large bowel cancer is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the western world.
197) The problem of the observer is as crucial in biology as it is in physics.
198) Glaser switched his area of research from bubble chambers and cosmic rays to molecular biology and biophysics.
199) Neuroscience Network Projects: Scientists are increasingly turning to chemistry and biology to create new designs for neural network computer systems.
200) In the last instance, it views feminist politics as an elaboration of biology.
201) Since then, the ideas of which Dawkins was an early champion have changed biology beyond recognition.
202) His presumption that, through her body, a woman signifies inferiority, rests on a mistaken biology.
203) Pomiane chose for his career the study of biology, specialising in food chemistry and dietetics.
204) Trivers is a legend in biology, as he is the first ingenuously to confirm.
205) I don't see what's so sinister about biology as a hypothesis.
206) It is thought that biology is the richest source of ideas for scientific as well as poetic creativity.
207) That is why the surface to weight and volume ratio, so often neglected in discussions of animal biology, is important.
208) All of biology is arguably a form of nanotechnology.
209) No, next semester in her biology class.
210) Eco-epidemiology is a new branch in mathematical biology.
211) Department of Chemistry Science and Applied Biology, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK, China; 3.
212) The paper has stated the inquiry learning and inquiry teaching'implication, and has discussed the biology inquiry teaching' fundamental feature and fundamental segment.
213) Alan Turing was not to see the coming revolution in modern biology, or the advances of neuroscience in deciphering the workings of the brain.
214) The analyst, Grant Steen, reached that conclusion after studying 742 medicine and biology papers that were withdrawn from 2000 to 2010.
215) The development of tumor cytobiology and molecular biology provide new methods for Chinese herbal medicine against tumor.
216) BM - 8 phase - contrast microscope is widely used in biology, bacteriology, histology, pharmaceutical chemistry, such as research work.
217) The research of ribonucleic acid structures and functions and its applications has always been one of the significant field of biology .
218) Many questions of biology and chemistry can be reduced to versions of the travelling salesman problem, where the challenge is to find the most efficient solution among a whole host of possibilities.
219) From the viewpoint of protecting aquatic biotope, fish is deemed as target of river aquatic biology.
220) This paper inquires into the related questions of knowledge innovation of enterprises according to the evolution biology related concepts and theories from the new angle of view with analogism method.
221) I am a student of Biology department, Hubei Normal University.
222) The development of molecular biology and genome project have fostered much interest in the structure and function of centromeric heterochromatin.
223) Researchers from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) discovered a new way to make use of drugs' unwanted side effects.
224) Fuzzy immune PID controller is used for rebuilding PID ship autopilot based on immune adjusting mechanism of biology system.
225) In the late of 1920s, the teachers and students of the biology department surveyed the Guangdong and Guangxi Yao.
226) This course is an introduction to principles of materials science and cell biology underlying the design of medical implants, artificial organs, and matrices for tissue engineering.
227) Yale social scientist Joseph Simmons agrees that biology is a big piece of the puzzle.
228) Prof Oreffo added: "It is important to realise the ability to retain skeletal stem cell phenotype using surface topography offers a step change in current approaches for stem cell biology.
229) We should absorb the advanced countries' legislative experience and establish the legal adjusting mechanism according to our country's legislation, so as to protect our county's biology safty.
230) The experimental results show that the image segmentation method based on the biology vision model is effective and efficient.
231) The late Neoproterozoic is an important period of biological evolution; and the emergence of metazoa is a representative event, which marked the history of biology evolution having entered a new era.
232) Gregory Wilson, an assistant professor in the University of Washington's Department of Biology, fully supports the new paper's conclusions.
233) The biology of bacteria can be quite hard to understand.
234) This is the website of Department of Biology, York University.
235) We also assign sections addressing Biology, computing, and advanced topics.
236) Reaction mechanism, equipment and effects of acid waste water treatment by neutralization and biology filter pond in chlor-alkali production process.
237) Bioinformatics is the interdiscipline of computational molecular biology and information processing science.
238) The consequence of these amazing fossil finds has been a simultaneous redefinition of what it means to be a bird and a reconsideration of the biology and life history of the theropod dinosaurs.
239) The above reflects the common trend of the biological curriculum development, reflecting the biology curriculum by "discipline center" to the "social center" and "Student Center" integration features.
240) Thus, genetical background of relation of constitution with syndrome, and constitution with" treating the same disease with different methods"are explained from view of point of molecular biology.
241) Methods Specimens of bone marrow in these patients were analyzed by cytomorphology, cytogenetics and molecular biology.
242) Electrochemiluminescence technique has became a new gene detection method. It combined the sensitivity of electrochemiluminescence with the stability of traditional biology detection method.
243) A Bioinformatics Specialist with a strong background in the fields of Molecular Biology and Biostatistics was hired.
244) With the development of molecular biology and genetic engineering, intron is found to be especially important in gene expression regulation.
245) In the biology class, the teacher explained to us the principle of assimilation.
246) Many mathematical models in physics, mechanics, biology and astronomy are given in such forms. Many problems of dynamical systems can be reduced to an iterative functional equation.
247) The biology activities for N-acyl-N'-phenyl thiourea derivatives have been studied.
248) The canoeists' sporting life is affected mostly by factors related to medical science, biology, sports training and sociology.
249) In this study, the aim is to optimize the systems of IVM, IVF of oocytes and IVC of embryos in ovine and further promote embryo biology engineer development.
250) Study on the biological conversion is a cross field of chemistry and biology. It mainly contains biocatalytic engineering and medium engineering.
251) Synthetic biology stands at the meeting-point of destructing life and construction of life.
251) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
252) I stumbled upon this curious blend of biology and fable during a wintry campus visit to Harvard's Farlow Reference Library and Herbarium a few years ago.
253) Molecular Biology We are seeking an intern to work within a multidisciplinary team of engineers and molecular biologists.
254) Fish stock assessment science is quantitative and requires students who excel in biology, math and computer science, he said.
255) Li, who recently presented her results at the Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, will begin trials of Isorhy in rodents later this year.
256) Shih, H. -T. , 1988. A preliminary report of crabs collected in the intertidal zone at the mouth of Tatu River ( Crustacea : Decapoda) . Bachelor's thesis, Department of Biology, Tunghai University.
257) He bought equipment such as refurbished micropipettes — a staple in any molecular biology lab — and a used centrifuge on eBay.
258) In this biology class, we are going to talk about fatty acids.
259) This work, reinforced by geological and comparative anatomy studies, forced a paradigm shift on biology and was seen as overturning firmly held religious beliefs about the origins of life on Earth.
260) Bingzhi set up the first biology department of China in Southeast University. The biology lab showed in the picture in 1921.
261) At present our school accept post-doctoral researchers in 9 majors which are botany, zoology, physiology, genetics hydrobiology , microbiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, ecology and biophysics.
262) Edward Osborne Wilson pointed out that the social behavior of animals has the foundation of biology by Sociobiological studying.
263) These investigations have opened vast perspectives of polynuclear complexes in the fields of biology.
264) Rainwater can undertake through roof garden save up and biology are handled.
265) In fact,() Hy-Line International today is the only layer breeding company in the world to have its own molecular biology laboratory.
266) Well, I think Ohio has a better biology department than Florida.
267) I didn't do biology O-level , so I have not even the smallest grasp of the nutritional properties of plants and seeds, let alone animals.
268) These equations come widely from different fields including physics, chemistry and mathematical biology.
269) It is satisfaction of using measure system of simulation six-port reflectometer to measure the biology tissues, its results has actual meaning.
270) On the basis of biology, it deduces the relation between the high electrostatic field and the transmembrane voltage by the formula of nernst and the quantum tunneling effect.
271) The biotope landscape refers to protecting the existing habitat for animals and plants, restoring the natural environment that was destroyed, and creating new biology environment to life.
272) Subject_Topical_Eng: Lanzhou University; School of Life Science; Botany; Bionomy ; Biology.
273) In the present paper, the advances in ecology, evolutionary biology and taxonomy of the genus Plantago were reviewed.
274) The most concerned heavy metals leading to contamination are Hg, Cd, Pb and metalloid as which all have apparent biology toxicity.




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