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单词 Persist
(1) If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise. 
(2) If you persist, you will annoy them even more.
(3) Despite official denials, the rumours still persist.
(4) If symptoms persist, consult a doctor without delay.
(5) Existential questions requir-ing religious answers still persist.
(6) Why do you persist in blaming yourself for what happened?
(7) Strength shows, not only in the ability to persist, but the ability to start over.
(8) If you persist in upsetting her, I will have to punish you.
(9) If the symptoms persist, seek medical advice.
(10) If the symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
(11) The bad weather will persist all over the country.
(12) When I set my mind to something, I persist.
(13) He will persist in riding that dreadful bicycle.
(14) His strength of will enabled him to persist.
(15) This situation cannot be allowed to persist.
(16) Fog will persist throughout the night.
(17) If symptoms persist(), consult your doctor.
(18) The cold weather is set to persist throughout the week.
(19) He urged the United States to persist with its efforts to bring about peace.
(20) If you persist in doing that you will end up in trouble.
(21) Britons persist in treating any pay rise of less than 5% as a slap in the face.
(22) Politicians persist in imagining that "the people" warm to their cheesy slogans.
(23) If symptoms persist for more than a few days, see a doctor.
(24) Environmental pressures encourage genes with certain mutations to persist and others to die out.
(25) Most of them persist in setting strict demands on themselves.
(26) But he did not persist with it.
(27) Mr Straw issued a stern warning to those who persist in violence.
(28) Even in this day and age the old attitudes persist.
(29) Alcohol and tobacco consumption by young people is especially worrisome because habits formed early are likely to persist.
(30) Why did this chronic shortage of rural council housing persist?
(1) Despite official denials, the rumours still persist.
(2) If symptoms persist, consult a doctor without delay.
(3) Existential questions requir-ing religious answers still persist.
(4) Why do you persist in blaming yourself for what happened?
(5) Mr Straw issued a stern warning to those who persist in violence.
(6) If you persist in upsetting her, I will have to punish you.
(7) The bad weather will persist all over the country.
(8) His strength of will enabled him to persist.
(9) Most of them persist in setting strict demands on themselves.
(31) Yet they persist anyway-at least they do as long as they are leaders.
(32) It shows yet again that good habits persist as do bad ones.
(33) The Committee's solution was to persist with a separate offence of infanticide.
(34) Under a fixed exchange rate a currency flow surplus is likely to persist for some time.
(35) And yet, despite our earnest desire for happiness, we persist in disregarding the spiritual depths of ourselves.
(36) The desire to persist in interrogation is a valid reason for keeping a suspect in custody for thirty-six hours and indeed beyond.
(37) Why do self-oriented intents and deceptive behaviors persist in organizations?
(38) Secondly, admission to a psychiatric unit has presumably been the result of distress which in many cases will persist after admission.
(39) There are usually reasons why some ideas take hold and persist while others fail to do so.
(40) But now, a hundred years on, certain factions persist in taking it at face value.
(41) The cloudy conditions will persist through the evening and overnight with just the occasional spot of drizzle, mainly over the hills.
(42) These tend to disappear as we grow older but occasionally persist into adulthood.
(43) So it was evident that Dan was able to persist in some of his endeavors-but not in his basic academic work.
(44) Although most frequent between ages 11 and 30, acne can persist for many years.
(45) However, as is clearly argued in the chapter, old debates persist through new technological developments.
(46) Even if the adults do not try to talk the child out of it, they may not persist with their request.
(47) Attitudes of interest and awareness therefore are highly important and that importance will persist throughout the teacher's career.
(47) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(48) Hence Paris modernism was able to persist as a vital and radical force.
(49) This illustrates a difference that was to persIst between the two houses as the program evolved.
(50) They may need to pause for a minute after each picture, since after-images tend to persist.
(51) Dear Harsnet, he wrote, why do you persist in this rigmarole of refusing even to acknowledge my existence?
(52) Sightings of space aliens persist, with several organized groups claiming to have seen them, or even to have been abducted.
(53) The men and women were on their knees, begging the agents and constables not to persist with the evictions.
(54) This guidance helped them gain insight into the characteristics that inhibited their own ability to persist and to complete schoolwork.
(55) It is difficult to avoid concluding that, where they do persist, transposable elements must be conferring some benefit.
(56) The first few pairs of somites that form do not persist; they disappear and are incorporated into the head.
(57) We persist in grasping at neat, simple answers, when we should be questioning everything.
(58) Yet Masterkova proved to be the only one to persist throughout her career on that lonely road.
(59) The old patterns are allowed to persist but are made progressively more inconvenient.
(60) Some of these differences are in the structure and organization of the school - differences that will persist despite the National Curriculum.
(61) All that dealers needed was the ability to persist after the phone had been slammed down on them.
(62) These larvae do not develop, but the skin lesions usually persist for weeks.
(63) Lacking familial motivation and psychological stability, he can not persist responsibly at work even when he can find it.
(64) Your most valuable asset can be your willingness to persist longer than anyone else. Brian Tracy 
(65) There are even more examples of very thin units that persist over fantastically large areas in particular sedimentary basins.
(66) In the face of enduring human callousness how can man persist with his compromises?
(67) Their conceptual framework is based on two central questions: What functions must be performed if the state is to persist?
(68) So long as they are subject to the dominance of the economic imperialism of the West their poverty will persist.
(69) Similarly, neither the Titans nor Dionysos are destroyed or annihilated by Zeus' thunderbolt; they, as Chaos(), persist.
(70) Uniscan could persist throughout the 1950s without much difficulty since it in no way threatened national independence.
(71) But, if the cooler conditions persist, and Melbourne is notorious for its fickle weather, it will favour Lapentti.
(72) The fact that superstition, occultism, and vague forms of religious paganism persist into modernity is nothing to shout about.
(73) As people lived longer and the death rate fell. a larger population was able to persist.
(74) We described stratification earlier as a stable structure of inequality between groups which persist across generations.
(75) Nevertheless serious misgivings may persist about the wisdom of ascribing identity to meanings.
(76) Why do stereotypes like this persist not just in folklinguistics but also in modern scientific linguistics?
(77) We found that chronic constipation in young children can persist for many years.
(77) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(78) In other countries, however, suspicions persist that the weapons and the paramilitary training were put to illegal use.
(79) However, substantial grade differences in sickness absence persist after taking account of a wide range of risk factors.
(80) If you persist, your success is out of question.
(81) People who persist will finally win the day.
(82) We also elaborate the strict technology assessment procedure, persist the technology assessment standard, conform the technology assessment method and initiate the deep level from this ponder.
(83) Have in the banality of the life how much solitary of you, I, there will be how much persist expectantly.
(84) You always need to persist (or store) data in an enterprise application, and writing data access and retrieval code is a pain.
(85) Currently to persist and improve the autonomous system for national areas has great meaning to fully build well-off society and create socialistic harmonious society.
(86) Persistent pupillary membrane is a condition of the eye involving remnants of a fetal membrane that persist as strands of tissue crossing the pupil.
(87) The current teaching situation of organic evolution in America high school tells us: be on your guard against antievolution thought and persist the theory of evolution.
(88) Whether the young cells that persist become neurons or glia depends on where in the brain they end up and what type of activity is occurring in that brain region at the time.
(89) Intra-abdominal gas can persist for a day or two following celiotomy.
(90) Until China's allows a free-floating currency, controversy over its value will persist, and the yuan will play a limited role in the global economy.
(91) The hidden variable on the form (Figure 20) is used to persist this value between different command actions on the page.
(92) To create a completely new way to persist customers, you can still locate a customer just by extending the interface and adding configuration code to the container.
(93) Those who persist with the present policies should step aside.
(94) Something like digging a pond, drilling a well, or building a berm may only provide a small benefit, but it’s a benefit that will persist for years — potentially for generations.
(95) But such a sea might not have been a boon to life, even though acid-loving microbes persist here; high levels of phosphorus argue against a living presence.
(96) Especially given how expensive lawyers are these days, why on earth would the culture of 'must mark up documents to show value' persist?
(97) The command interactively prompts you to persist or shelve each diff.
(98) Huge gaps persist in economic growth and income distribution between the urban and rural population, coastal and inland regions, and among the provinces.
(99) Once the event server has received the event, it will attempt to persist it to the cloudscape database configured.
(100) However, chronic myopathy may persist after prolonged treatment with high doses of corticosteroids.
(101) A cache is deleted either when it is explicitly destroyed using a JVM utility or when the operating system restarts (a cache cannot persist beyond an operating system restart).
(102) For a time to sing small offset printing failure persist " impending will rice? "
(103) First, data binding in general can greatly simplify programming tasks, especially when you need to persist data to some type of static storage (like a file, as shown in this article).
(104) We then argue that the existence of a self-enforcing mechanism in managerial teams alleviates free riding and may be the reason for the team to persist.
(105) Dacca's air is burdened by vehicleemissions; air quality improved after the advent of unleaded gasoline, but toxins such as carbon monoxide persist.
(106) Changes you make through this menu persist only for that particular editing session.
(107) If i persist, if i continue to try, if i continue to charge forward, i will succeed.
(108) We persist in decoration and designing of the parlor to be utilizable , economic, durable, artistic, elegant, with special characteristics, so that it can impress deeply on clients at the first sight.
(109) In fact, in the new manual, if symptoms like these persist for more than two weeks, the bereaved person will be considered to have a mental disorder: major depression.
(110) Since its originated, the practice of "Reeling for Kam, pupate into butterflies" entrepreneurial spirit, persist in reform and innovation, pragmatism carefully.
(111) But still my wishful dreams persist, and in them the dead streets are resurrected in a bustling afterlife, the ravaged downtown neighborhoods dense with foot traffic and a lively mercantile carnival.
(112) To persist in the basic state policy of opening to the outside world and to further expand economic and technical exchange and cooperation with foreign countries.
(113) There was a lot of baffle or difficulties in all this way, I stayed in a dark abysm , but I've seen hope when persist in writing.
(114) Therefore, we persist to do our utmost to set up a business system of product research, safe quality, technology service and credit system.
(115) Other phobias that persist intomodern times may have been fixed much more recently than snakes and spiders, say in the late Paleolithic age, about 100, 000 years ago, or even morerecently.
(116) Credit, creativity, piratical, united; we persist in perfect, in order to bring more high quality, useful products to the customers.
(117) Inhalation: remove to fresh air. If symptoms persist, obtain medical attention.
(118) We always persist in the principle of " Sincerity, quality, factualism and creativity" to give our customers good design, development, manufacturing, consultation and technology cultivation.
(119) The dried, hardened remains of the lahar persist today, a streak of barren rock on a landscape that is otherwise richly vegetated.
(120) If you persist in breaking the law you will go to prison.
(121) Because Flitter creates a new content type, the next step must define a new database table to persist the custom Flitter data and correlate its fields to a Drupal node.
(122) Pray for the Spirit to move among the 11,350 lost Tai Kao in Yunnan, who have some Scripture portions in their language but persist in idol worship.
(123) In fact, Tillich believed that the courage we really need is the courage to persist and continue in the face of feelings of guilt of meaninglessness.
(124) The techniques involved in implementing an EAz data access object to persist and retrieve permissions.
(125) But a huge gap remains between the gross receipts of black-owned businesses and those of white-owned businesses. And other racial disparities persist.
(126) We must persist in study on for good or for evil.
(127) The company should equipoise the three development levels and get power to achieve the strategy of persist rise.
(128) Rumors persist about a Super Mutant refuge nestled high in the ski lodge to the northwest.
(129) Yet a sharp recent retreat in commodity prices, which has seen oil prices plunge some $20 in just three weeks to around $68, suggests the disinflation trend is likely to persist.
(130) As you have learned from this article, JPA provides an easy way to persist data in your applications.
(131) A male chooses to persist, A female chooses spoony .
(132) We are aim to persist improving, strive for perfection, and to provide the precision, steady, dependable and longevous injection moulding machines.
(133) Study and evaluation of the reform should give priority to the development of students persist, persist in multiple evaluation methods, accuracy and ambiguous expression of unity.
(134) The U.S. Labor Department will publish its April employment report next week, and analysts at Citigroup said dollar bearishness should persist.
(135) This is called backwardation and signals that investors are spooked by the current environment, but don't necessarily think it will persist.
(136) In the time lever, I believe that I can persist in doing it ultimately, up to learn it as well as English what I learned.
(137) If I persist, if I continue to try, if I continue to charge forward, I will succeed.
(137) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(138) Henceforth will I recognize that each day I am tested by life in like manner. If I persist, if I continue to try,if I continue to charge forward, I will succeed.
(139) Persist relaxed pace to stable, light and agile, we expected gas penetration pubic region, Yongquan.
(140) No matter happy or not, all want to bear oneself to persist at the beginning and hazily .
(141) North Korea will be on the agenda after its missile tests, as will Myanmar, since its generals persist in prosecuting Aung San Suu Kyi, the world's most famous political detainee, on trivial charges.
(142) The brocade shows unintentionally to softly persist to long for and worship in eyes of the orchid, in the eye in increase to handsome pony elder brother's son again have no side person.
(143) For the duration of the run unit, WORKING-STORAGE items persist in their last-used state.
(144) Free-form Data Access: The free-form data access pattern is used to persist CMP beans to a datastore not supported by any of the templated patterns described above.
(145) Fixed an issue that was causing Summoner Inventory to not persist through system restarts in some cases.
(146) While deploying her particular talent for mollification and conciliation, she will persist in pursuit of the German national interest.
(147) The trade surplus is likely to persist, and reserve assets, after all, are generating interest incomes.
(148) Persist in enforcing the law humanity is the essential requirement of the police organs to cany out" three represents" principles.
(149) The jackrabbit-ocm component maps Java objects to JCR nodes and vice versa, making it possible to persist normal Java objects in a content repository.
(150) Yet misperceptions about U.S. privacy and civil liberties protections persist, such as the erroneous belief that only U.S. citizens can obtain information that has been collected on them.
(151) Shengda persist the quality policy of quality first, customer satisfaction, and established effective production management system according to the ISO9001-2000.




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