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单词 Casualty
1. He was admitted to the casualty ward.
2. She read through the casualty list anxiously.
3. She lost her job in 1989, a casualty of the recession.
4. The driver was rushed to casualty after the car accident.
5. Training includes realistic simulation of casualty procedures.
6. Rosemary ended up in casualty last night.
7. He was admitted to casualty with head injuries.
8. Small shops have been a casualty of the recession.
9. The casualty toll could reach 200.
10. She treats skin and soft tissue injuries in casualty.
11. She had to be rushed to casualty.
12. He works as a doctor in casualty.
13. I was taken to casualty at St Thomas's Hospital.
14. The victims were rushed to casualty in an ambulance.
15. The cottage was a casualty of the forest fire.
16. The property sector was another casualty of the lurch towards higher interest rates.
17. The first casualty of the reorganization will be the bus service,(http://) which will be stopped altogether.
18. These casualty totals have to be set against the continuing growth in traffic.
19. There are fears that the casualty toll may be higher.
20. Mr. Jones was the first casualty of the firm's cut - backs.
21. The Safer City Project is the latest casualty of financial cutbacks.
22. We waited in casualty until a doctor could see us.
23. She became a casualty of the reduction in part-time work .
24. War movies were the other first casualty of war.
25. In war(), truth is the first casualty. Aeschylus 
26. Jones finished last season on the casualty list.
27. The casualty lists were growing longer and longer.
28. The respective casualty figures are, as usual, uncertain.
29. The first casualty was the poor Kiwi fruit.
30. Never apply water to a burn from an electric shock while the casualty is still in contact with the electric current.
1. He was admitted to the casualty ward.
2. She read through the casualty list anxiously.
3. She lost her job in 1989, a casualty of the recession.
4. The driver was rushed to casualty after the car accident.
5. Mr. Jones was the first casualty of the firm's cut - backs.
31. Ted wasn't the only casualty at Pipeline.
32. The casualty rate of entrepreneurs is very high.
33. The immediate casualty would be Mr Gorbachev's reform programme.
34. Unofficial statistics put the casualty rates much higher.
35. There was one more serious casualty.
36. But moderation was an early casualty in nominating conventions.
37. An early casualty was the tricycle idea.
38. The casualty list was 307, and the devastation immense.
39. A six-mile exclusion zone was ordered around the ship while a tug towed the casualty further offshore.
40. It began to prey on my mind so much that I went to the casualty department of Charing Cross Hospital.
41. Another casualty was Gordon Ashworth, a senior aide to Peterson, who resigned over money paid to redecorate his house.
42. Bearing in mind the recent huge casualty statistics, their sausages probably contained minced human flesh.
43. The corruption scandal has claimed yet another casualty: the Finance Minister,(http:///casualty.html) who was forced to resign last night.
44. Alphameric was the day's major casualty with its shares plunging 32 percent to 23p as hopes for its profit recovery faded.
45. Much was seized for food by a starving population, and much became the casualty of unexploded mines and bombs.
46. Apart from the risks to car drivers, passengers, and cyclists themselves however, pedestrian casualty figures are also alarming.
47. I particularly wish to thank the Casualty department and Ward 9 from where I was released.
48. Sister Casualty off duty invariably wore a trouser suit, white shirt, and silk cravat in assorted colours.
49. Hrudey was a casualty of a team in dire financial trouble that wanted to lop off its higher-priced and older players.
50. Furthermore, it is clear from the accident records that the casualty rate is higher in each age group.
51. A nine hour wait.Anger over long delays in casualty unit.
52. The Maritime school can counter-claim that casualty lists were far shorter in these two wars.
53. If that decision has now put him in the casualty ward, it has equally kept him from the sanatorium.
54. The casualty could be seen aground on the Mid Haisbro Sand, lifting slightly in the moderate swell.
55. Accident and school roll data have been analysed to identify those schools which have high casualty rates per head of school roll.
56. Discussion Patients admitted to casualty departments with acutely disturbed behaviour present a major diagnostic challenge.
57. Left wing Eric Lacroix became the latest injury casualty for the Kings.
58. Without their present powers even more of us would drive without due care and attention and the road casualty figures would soar.
59. I think Casualty was very much engaged with what it was like to live under Thatcherism.
60. A 75-year-old stroke patient died there last December when he fell from a trolley outside the casualty unit.
61. But doctors decided not to patch up her wounds in casualty for fear of scarring her for life.
62. The casualty list is so long that manager Walter Smith can barely face talking about it.
63. But if you continue to dig in your heels over this then one friendship or involvement may become a casualty now.
64. Passenger casualty rates have fallen by 30 percent. in the past five years.
65. It hopes this will give it a more accurate picture of the actual casualty rate.
66. Mr Patten was the only Cabinet casualty, although eight other middle-ranking and junior ministers also lost their seats.
67. If a woman without sons is widowed, she is the ultimate casualty.
68. The X-ray and casualty departments on the ground floor were closed during the height of the storm on Thursday evening.
69. Add Apple Computer Inc. to the growing casualty list of companies mired in the slumping personal computer market.
70. So it was back to adult medicine, and the odd casualty who needed treatment.
71. Once a casualty of war itself, now occupied by the peace keepers.
72. A police patrol car also became a casualty after officers attempted to help stranded motorists.
73. He concluded that there had been an accident and the body was removed to the Norfolk and Norwich casualty department.
74. One casualty is Gary Gibson's string of new routes at Craig-y-Biceps.
75. A casualty of reorganisation at Reed, she has not been allowed to languish in the cold for very long.
76. The only casualty came in the first week after the ceasefire last August.
77. But the base is about to become a casualty of the peace dividend.
78. I want to reclaim it - so I can stop being a casualty of this war that has no name.
79. The youth he rescued, known only as a Mr Thorpe, was treated in the casualty department at Middlesbrough General.
80. The first, and apparently only casualty was the little corn mill at Dowdeswell, immediately deprived of its water supply.
81. The fourth car passenger was still too injured to be moved from the Accident Recovery Room in Casualty.
82. But that tradition melted down this winter, a casualty of the trash politics of 1996.
83. Remember - anything that reduces the casualty count will work in your favour because of your fixed rank bonus.
84. In the recovery process, though, a major casualty was polyester.
85. The meeting came on the same day the latest casualty of the rent increases left his pub.
86. The baseline for this target is the average casualty total for years 1981-85.
87. The sting in the tail of the recent good weather has been noticed in the casualty units of at least two local hospitals.
88. They put him out of the tent to await transport to the casualty clearing station or death, whichever should come first.
89. Then I noticed my digital altimeter watch had gone blank, a casualty.
90. Non-playing colleagues rushed him to the local casualty department, where a large plaster cast was fixed on to the injured area.
91. Apart from Beaton himself, the major casualty was Mary of Guise.
92. Patients admitted to the casualty department with disordered behaviour present a considerable diagnostic challenge.
93. Considering the relatively small number of men actually at risk, the casualty rates were very high.
94. If the relatives could not pick the patient up, he would be lodged in the casualty department of the local hospital.
95. Casualty doctors who're at the sharp end see the evidence that speeding is deadly.
96. Opened in 1875, it now provides physiotherapy, x-ray, a casualty service and minor operations.
97. McGee could come in for Andy Mockler, who is the latest injury casualty and leaves McHale with a depleted squad.
98. President Lincoln accepted the horrendous casualty reports without protest, but he must have agonized over them in private.
99. Merriam had been divorced from his college sweetheart, the marriage a wartime casualty.
100. The tax expired last Dec. 31, a casualty of a congressional budget impasse in Washington.
101. Right-winger Alan Linton was the first casualty when he was stretchered off with a double break to a leg after 16 minutes.
102. No casualty figures were available, but civilians living near the headquarters fled.
103. A junior hospital doctor was telling Virginia Bottomley of the long hours he worked in casualty.
104. When that happens,(http:///casualty.html) unlimited free access to their Web sites could be the first casualty.
105. So successful was the tactic that the return fire from the Dragoons passed over their heads without inflicting a single casualty.
106. This will be very important when, following a major casualty, the Policyholder is seeking immediate help from us.
107. Despite the enormous casualty figure, a major concern of governmental officials was that insurance cover property losses.
108. Once the patient has passed through casualty and becomes a coronary care admission the pain has usually eased significantly.
109. Here was a task force rapidly put together, travelling almost 7,000 miles and successfully taking an island without a casualty.
110. Both road traffic and the overall casualty rate per passenger mile went up by one percent.
111. Another early casualty was James, the son of Zebedee whom Herod killed with a sword.
112. The other nine wannabes will be offered parts in soaps such as Holby City and Casualty.
113. So if your system depends on such centralization, commitment is sure to be a casualty.
114. You can become a casualty as the result of a human relations problem left unsolved. 2.
115. The only terminal casualty of this extraordinary occurrence, apart from the aeroplane, was a hare which it struck on landing.
116. We coveted those badges, and I never realized how much until that night in Casualty.
117. The Rosemont Ranch is merely the latest casualty in a war where no prisoners are taken.
118. The company is the latest casualty of the worldwide recession.
119. Casualty Co. in a dispute over limits states have imposed on auto insurance rates.
120. The list was so long and detailed it resembled a casualty list following a small battle.
121. Because of this the government sees this work as providing the largest single contribution to its casualty reduction target for the year 2000.
122. Brunel University claim their dressing room looked like a casualty unit after the clash with Hayes.
123. Casualty figures are low, indicating that neither side is prepared to engage in heavy fighting.
124. The casualty insurance is $ 300 a year.
125. The new school was never finished, it was a casualty of the recent spending cut.
126. Without his heroic efforts, his wounded commander would not have been moved safely out of the kill zone to the casualty collection point.
127. The indexes consist of personal casualty loss, economic property loss and disaster relief loss.
128. The apposition of property loss and casualty often appeared in the criminal law of China as a situation of the objects to which certain statutory punishment applied.
129. Indeed, from this moment on, any maritime casualty without an established cause was charged to the monster's account.
130. How we reply the great earthquake?Gusty disaster work a great deal personnel casualty and belongings losing in the turn of a hand, and produce big infection for people psychology.
131. The only casualty of the lightning strike was Frick's pants.
132. Two years ago, Citigroup demerged its Travelers property and casualty business.
133. The indicator system for assessing military district general hospital clinicians combat casualty care is mainly studied.
134. The casualty of the traffic accident was a doleful record.
135. In all cases,(http://) do not attempt to remove the casualty without the assistance of a qualified first aider unless an imminent threat to life exists.
136. Speaking of casualty insurance, chain-ladder is one of the most important and popular methods to estimate reserves.
137. Sure enough, he found her there, looking at the posted casualty reports along with many others, searching the alphabetized lists of KIAs and WIAs.
138. If no direct pressure can be applied because of for example severe lacerations, lay the casualty down in a suitable and comfortable position and await arriving qualified first aider.
139. Place a triangular bandage on the casualty – long side across the shoulders.
140. In the course of translation the casualty is always the typical idiom of the source language.
141. I want to talk about certain kinds of monoline insurance companies that-- the biggest--one category is property and casualty.
142. During used, if it can not work, serious economic loss, personnel casualty and military disadvantages will be caused.
143. Property and casualty insurance industry is a risk management one, whose key competitive factor is the(ability) of risk management.
144. VI Design and Usage of PICC Property and Casualty Company Ltd.
145. The rehearing of procedure of second instance in our code of criminal procedure is too brief in principle, which leads to the casualty of several aspects of the judicial justice.
146. The subject is the Aetna Life and Casualty Company in Hartford, Connecticut.
147. The director requests the first-aid personnels to carry on hematischesis processing immediately to the casualty, simultaneously sets up the warning line, prevents to have two accidents.
148. Lay the casualty down as soon as possible to prevent the flames sweeping upwards. Quickly put out the flames by dousing the casualty with water.
149. This provision is applicable notwithstanding the fact that the vessels, or any one of them, may be at anchor (or otherwise made fast) at the time of the casualty.
150. A manufacturing firm has many opportunities or options to eliminate interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk, liquidity risk, and the risks associated with property and casualty perils.
151. WedLock, as it's coyly named, is a new type of casualty insurance that gives the unhappily married policyholder a payout after he or she is unhitched.
152. A strong, magnitude 6.5 earthquake shook Alaska's remote Aleutian Islands early Friday, the US Geological Survey reported. No casualty has been reported yet.
153. SAFECO probably is the best run large property and casualty insurance company in the United States.
154. Establish a firm footing and swing around with the casualty, keeping as much rigidity in the neck as possible.
155. If possible, wrap the casualty tightly in a coat, curtain or blanket (not the nylon or cellular type), rug or other heavy-duty fabric.
156. One major casualty of this breakdown has been a more engaged policy toward China, which is Taiwan's No. 1 trading partner.
157. Before the ceremony, the two searched a series of introduction to the insurance of wedding celebration and wedding feast, covering: casualty insurance, endowment insurance and health insurance, etc.
158. In case of fire, it is very apt to collapse and causes severe personnel casualty and property losses, so that its fireproof problem is paid more attention to.
159. No casualty and damage in the area has been reported so far.
160. The emergency ward at Antakya hospital is about to receive its latest casualty from Syria.
161. Collision safety of bus has been paid much attention in recent years, roll-over collision is one of the highest casualty ratio condition in traffic accidents.
162. The evaluation of doctors' clinical care ability by the indicator system stressed the assessment of the comprehensive combat casualty ability and relevant care techniques.
163. Ironically,(http:///casualty.html) one major casualty of that extreme position has been the environment itself.
164. The casualty of the Iraqi troops was more than 85,000.
165. A FLEC commander said the Togolese team was not targeted in the attack but was a casualty of the war.
166. Periodically business statistics, collect the updated information on Casualty from local and international markets.
167. Gusty disaster makes a great deal of personnel casualty and property losing in the turn of a hand, and makes great effect on people's psychology.
168. Casualty lists were published the day after the train accident.
169. With the other hand, China has allowed to WTO, the growing openness of foreign insurance companies have entered the casualty insurance market.
170. The casualty of the murder case didnt want to appear in public.
171. At that hour, midday Friday, the U.S. Navy hospital ship Comfort had temporarily suspended flights for incoming patients because the ship's casualty receiving department was beyond capacity.
172. One casualty of this has been the reputation of the Republic's leader, Chiang Kai-shek.
173. At press time , there was no report of casualty or property loss.
174. When " Missing -- believed captured " appeared on the casualty lists, joy and hope reanimated the sad household.
175. Ship's chartering, claims settlement , maritime and admiralty casualty hand - ling, and other business.
176. Though casualty figures remain unclear, estimates suggest at least 20, 000 Chinese soldiers died, while Vietnamese dead number under ten thousand.
177. The Vindicator was a response to the high casualty rates suffered during close quarter battles, such as street fighting or in jungles.
178. Pontiac, long known for its sporty designs and once marketed as GM's "excitement division", is a prominent casualty.
179. Presence of a container near the casualty known to hold or have held poison or a poisonous plant.
180. In this paper the casualty loess landfall are classified into two types according to their modes of development: tension-sliding loess landfall and collapsed earth cave dwelling .
181. The helicopters will be used for search-and-rescue missions, casualty evacuation, observation and surveillance, and limited electronic intelligence gathering.
182. It is calculated through the translation of casualty and direct loss into a normal index, which is a method of simplicity and applicability.
183. Support is also provided for the Fabric industry content packs, including banking payments, healthcare payer, insurance property and casualty, and telecommunications operations packs.
184. Based on the analysis of characteristics of explosive field formed by FAE , characteristic equation is fitted with trial data. Then the range of casualty ranking of FAE is deduced (the power range).
185. Obama made the stimulus a cornerstone of his economic recovery plan even before he took office, but his calls for bipartisanship were an early casualty.
186. When truths collide, compromise becomes the first casualty ( Henry A. Kissinger ).
187. Roll-over is one of the main traffic accident forms for coach, invasive deformation such as superstructure disassembly or sink is likely to cause severe passengers casualty.
188. Casualty investigation, treatment, legal and administrative regulations otherwise specifically stipulated.
189. Courses focus on: casualty insurance and general liability. property insurance. employee benefits. social and health insurance. loss adjustment. underwriting. risk theory. and pension planning.
190. The current controversy was the latest casualty of my lifelong effort to lead parallel lives, to wall off my anger and grief and get on with my outer life, which I loved and lived well.
191. The safety issues and considerations for responders in an unsafe environment, including the recognition of an unsafe area, decontamination and access to alternate means of casualty management.
192. However, the frequently serious accident of mine has caused the seriously personnel casualty and the economic loss.
193. In addition to ILFC, AIG was considering selling other parts of its business, including assets related to property and casualty insurance.
194. It is substantially unreasonable that taking the apposition of property loss and casualty as the basis for the statutory sentences of the apposition of death penalty and punishment against freedom.
195. C.N), the largest U.S. bank and a major casualty of the crisis, could fall below $10 a share, less than a third of its 150-day moving average price of $32.82, as the credit crisis unravels further.
196. One casualty of the battle for Monte Cassino was the Benedictine monastery, built in the 6th century.
197. In the oxygen making, any careless use will cause explosion of the air separation equipment, whose consequence is extremely serious, either suffering injury or personnel casualty.
198. I started trading in 1978. At the time, I was managing a commercial casualty insurance agency in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan.
199. Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance Company of China, Ltd...
200. Artical expressly pointed out the fishery is environmental Pollution of casualty , at the time, fishery is environmental Pollution of fabricant and abatement.
201. This is a state of emergency. I don't wanna be another casualty.
202. The construction site is seething with activity , and over against it, the dead calm of the casualty ward.




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