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单词 Interact
1. All things are interrelated and interact on each other.
2. These two chemicals interact with each other at a certain temperature to produce a substance which could cause an explosion.
3. Teachers have a limited amount of time to interact with each child.
4. You have to understand how cells interact.
5. Observe how the people in the group interact.
6. We are studying how these two chemicals interact.
7. It's interesting at parties to see how people interact socially.
8. Atoms within the fluid interact with the minerals that form the grains.
9. These two chemicals interact with each other at a certain temperature.
10. The policeman advised the criminal to interact with the police.
11. The two ideas interact.
12. Finally, all these complications interact with a complex environment.
13. Partners must interact with each other's ideas.
14. Electrons, being charged particles, interact readily with electromagnetic radiation.
15. Implementing agencies continuously interact with their environments.
16. How will the drug interact with other medications?
17. They interact as wholes, not as bits.
18. We learned about how people and their environment interact.
19. Only the violence of the subversive could interact with the violence of the caliph.
20. All the different aspects of a person interact with, and influence, each other.
21. The principal means whereby the two language varieties interact in conversation is through language alternation in the form of code switching.
22. Indeed, the way in which they interact is of crucial importance.
23. They occur alongside spoken language, interact with it, and produce, together with it, a total system of communication.
24. There will be a true global village in which telephones, computers and televisions interact.
25. Even though I'm supposed to be working by myself, there are other people who I can interact with.
26. The superoxide generated may have a direct cytotoxic effect or it may interact with inflammatory mediators to modify the inflammatory process.
27. In sum[/interact.html], there are far more flexible and powerful ways to interact with a computer than with a television.
28. Describes the regulatory system and considers how sponsors, directors, investors and advisers interact in funding, establishing and maintaining HITs.
29. The researchers will first develop demonstration programs to show which routines are required and how they will interact.
30. Playing a game is a way for a family to interact.
1. These two chemicals interact with each other at a certain temperature to produce a substance which could cause an explosion.
2. Teachers have a limited amount of time to interact with each child.
3. The policeman advised the criminal to interact with the police.
4. The two ideas interact.
31. The best Monday shows happen when Shaun and Bez interact, and you get a real sense of their personalities.
32. This is the most culturally diverse country on the planet, and all kinds of people interact.
33. Individuals therefore interact in terms of roles. Social roles regulate and organize behaviour.
34. Task Analysis A method for identifying and assessing the tasks which humans perform when they interact with a system.
35. Small groups allow people to interact, discuss and ask questions, which maximizes integration of learning.
36. The formality of reading allows her to interact with me without uncertainty and anxiety.
37. They will get a chance to interact with city government officials on a daily basis.
38. These factors interact making it difficult to predict the likely level of difficulty of a specific problem for pupils.
39. Hearing kids and deaf kids can interact with each other and bring everybody closer together.
40. Discipline and regulation How do the Institute's disciplinary arrangements interact with the Institute's role as a regulator?
41. They enhance the Web experience by letting you interact better with your virtual surroundings.
42. Some herbal medicines may be safe; others may interact with other medication you are taking.
43. In fact all levels should be able to interact and feed information back to each other.
44. Thus, the ways in which children interact differently with peers and adults have different outcomes for development.
45. This allows the designer to plan the way in which the user will interact with the program in real time.
46. Simultaneously, they interact with the mean flow, so that the velocity profile also has three-dimensional variations.
47. Members, whose average age was 22.5 years, welcomed the opportunity to interact on a regular basis with non-disabled peers.
48. It would be foolish to believe that any group of people can interact without a political undercurrent.
49. Computerised library courses certainly teach the student how to interact with the terminal and use computer dialogue.
50. Consequently in a static diamond there are no charged atoms to interact with the electric field of infrared radiation.
51. So long as we are in our cars as solo drivers, we do not interact with others.
52. Drugs which interact with the other types of glutamate receptor are without effect.
53. We can apply this thinking to organisations and look at how they interact with their environment and with other organisations.
54. Hiding from self and hiding from others interact in a particularly unfortunate way.
55. These measures can not be seen in isolation as they interact with each other.
56. A community based approach can provide a local organisational framework more able than individuals to interact with administrative and planning institutions.
57. It doesn't capture the way genes interact with each other or with other components of the cell.
58. Joe and Rex could interact with one another, so the real odd man out was Loi.
59. Moreover he highlighted the fact that cultures do not interact simply with one another but with the environment as well.
60. What is more, these factors interact with one another and different combinations and sequences will determine what eventually happens.
61. She recognizes how they interact with her body chemistry, tiredness or her period.
62. However, these two stores may interact with each other to generate calcium signals.
63. Vendettas and clan warfare are part of the culture in Corsica, where political and criminal violence often interact.
64. These scratches create lots of interesting surface texture, acting as drawings that both float above the painting and interact with it.
65. Alternatively, pragmatics and other linguistic components or levels can be allowed to interact.
66. The two may interact with one another - for instance when countries try to control capital outflows in order to maintain a given exchange rate.
67. Engelbart was embarking on a crusade to augment human capabilities by applying new technologies and developing ways to interact with that technology.
68. For some, the use of an avatar frees them from shyness and allows them to interact more openly and honestly.
69. If they become a chore, they defeat the purpose of helping the child to want to interact with you.
70. But there are some molecular vibrations which can not interact with this radiation.
71. The third law is about forces and how objects interact with each other.
72. From empirical evidence it seems that species that interact freely with others do so with a great number of other species.
73. They interact with the natural world in complex, ill-understood ways - ecology is the youngest science.
74. A central issue is whether syntactic and semantic information contribute independently or interact in the comprehension process.
75. This model incorporates all different categories of information which interact in an ongoing manner to constrain the processing of a sentence.
76. And if so, what were they and how did they interact with the virus to produce an epidemic?
77. The different dimensions of conflict overlap and interact in a sometimes bewildering variety of ways.
78. In a case like this, gender divisions interact with inheritance patterns to produce particular forms of relationship between brothers and sisters.
79. Evidence is accumulating to show that gut epithelial cells interact closely with adjacent mononuclear cells.
80. This occurs in the upper atmosphere when neutrons produced by cosmic rays interact with nitrogen atoms.
81. For the first and last time in her life, Amelia was too preoccupied to interact with her peers.
82. These are all techniques by which families can be helped to understand the way they interact together by practical, visual means.
83. The virtual particle can interact with the magnetic field and affect the moment of the muon.
84. The plasma membrane is the medium through which all cells interact with their environment.
85. In general, there exists a considerable variety of ways in which a system may interact with its environment.
86. You never have to interact with them and then you can observe how they respond to your environmental structuring.
86. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
87. The next chapter will extend further the explanation of how the structures interact to produce different forms of the body politic.
88. We shall explore how these factors interact more fully below.
89. They then interact with microwaves on their way up and again on the way down after gravity has turned them round.
90. This effect, however, appears to interact with retention interval in a way that is not necessarily consistent with repression interpretations.
91. The hype of the virtual reality movement obscures the practical potential for re-thinking basic ways in which people interact with computers.
92. Although these task demands can be identified, they may interact or compound the difficulty in particular tables.
93. Newborns seem especially prepared to greet their parents, and they are able to interact with their parents on many levels.
94. I consider their most advanced processes and how I can interact with them.
95. Board games can enable pupils to interact and consider different viewpoints and motives at times in the past.
96. Certainly the two interact in various ways; but they remain apart.
97. At the seminar I met a number of interesting people and explored ways we could interact by sharing ideas.
98. Desks are arranged in a U-shape, so the teacher can interact easily with the students.
99. They clearly interact with one another, as has been obvious from the foregoing.
100. Simply by carrying out its day-to-day operations, an organisation necessarily communicates certain messages to those who interact with it.
101. People who are unfamiliar with keyboards could choose instead to interact with the computer using their normal handwriting.
102. The Fundamental Rule could in principle allow any component to interact with any other component.
103. At individual learning stations, anglers can interact with experts such as Charlie Ingram and Al Lindner.
104. They have excellent, fully developed personalities and even interact with each other and their environments.
105. Biomorphs should interact, in the computer, with a simulation of a hostile environment.
106. To act or react on each other; interact.
107. Socialise and interact with others as much as possible.
108. The yeast two-hybrid analysis demonstrated that CK1A and CRY2 can interact in vivo under blue light, which indicates that CK1A may play an important role in blue light signal induction of Arabidopsis.
109. As an ecologically vulnerable region where atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere and biosphere interact, the Yellow River Delta plays an important role both in economy and environment in China.
110. Chlorine has been shown to interact with the thin membrane that covers the cuticles of your hair causing tiny bubbles to form.
111. Hydraulic turbine's discharge apparatus are made of scroll case, guide apparatus, runner and draft tube, which are interrelated and interact with each other.
112. Oracle Business Indicators provides business users the capability to interact with reports.
113. Autism typically appears around age three and is a neurological disorder that affects a person's ability to communicate and interact with others.
114. One of the EJB 2.0 best practices is to use a stateless Session bean to interact with Entity beans that have any local client views.
115. As you interact with others, neither exaggerate nor downplay what's true for you.
116. They interact and coexist in the mechanism of human cognition.
116. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
117. The idea is that when two services interact with each other, the service link type is a declaration of how they interact -- essentially what each party offers.
118. Plasmons will interact strongly with photons at the interface of a metamaterial?s metal and dielectric to form yet another quasi-particle called a surface plasmon polariton(SPP).
119. The result shows that the method can solve the break line and interact line problems of old type machine.
120. Determining which classes are Tapestry-specific, which are business-specific, and how they all interact is best done before you're sitting in front of an empty class file in your favorite code editor.
121. Protected Mode is not applicable to gadgets as they are code present on the local computer and interact with files and APIs on the local computer.
122. Input-output table: A matrix which shows the way in which industries or sectors interact.
123. A command interface is used to interact with gnuplot using the 'set' commands to specify how the image is to be formatted and presented.
124. Contrast to these antimitotic drugs, taxol, the first compound known to interact exclusively with a polymer form of tubulin, works through bind tightly to microtubules and stabilize them.
125. He permits a real character like Satan to interact with a merely allegorical or symbolic character like Sin. The effect for Johnson - and who can say that this is -- that Johnson is wrong?
126. Even if they cannot holddown a regular job, volunteering at the zoo gives them a chanceto get out of the house, take part in meaningful work, and interact with otherpeople.
127. But once you've finished at Harvard Business School or any other top academic institution, the vast majority of people you'll interact with on a day-to-day basis may not be smarter than you.
128. A user can simply interact with an online form to modify the writable service elements (for example, the bandwidth).
129. Very soon most manufactured items, from shoes to cans of soup, will contain a small sliver of dim intelligence, and screens will be the tool we use to interact with this transistorized information.
130. CONCLUSION: C-terminal region of FPC can interact with KL, which probably provide the approach for further studying the role and biochemistry mechanism of FPC protein in ARPKD.
131. The marketing-as-a-conversation pattern involves using Web 2.0 concepts and technologies to interact with consumers in a highly individualised way.
132. All these mechanisms can interact and interfuse with one another and form intelligently and naturally operating mechanisms.
133. These, together with the variations of tone within the surrounding black area and thinly splashed and spotted ink over the central white zone(), interact with the powerful two-dimensional central motif.
134. Importantly, users can also interact with the display when they touch it, to zoom in or rotate the buildings, for example, without breaking the 3D illusion.
135. We can capture this protocol using an abstract class that specifies the invoicer and orderer roles, their responsibilities, and the protocol (conversation or rules) for how they interact.
136. real-time simulation often requires a computer to interact with external hardware in a dynamic loop.
137. Sen Tian thinks, want to break interact of this one spirit, be the same as patient argue is infructuous , and more efficient way is to persuade a patient to accept a symptom, "Let matters drift " .
138. Among these typhoons, Lynn in 1987 appeared to interact with the northeasterly monsoon most significantly.
139. As a friend, I have no problem to interact with any nationality that comes from a different culture but as a life partner I am not too sure how adaptative I am.
140. Art genres, such as intermedia art, visual or kinetic poetry may also be synaesthetic forms of art, including hybrid art forms that interact with media performance, space and architecture.
141. Services like Google Wallet likely won't upend the business models of commercial banks, but could alter the way customers interact with them.
142. These ethnical cultures interact together with the unique environment, as form a culture province macroscopically and some sub-culture province with contiguous cultures microcosmically.
143. This is an excellent control idiom for sovereign - posture programs with which users interact for long hours.
144. Interact with suppliers and guide related FAE and FSE to achieve the business target.
145. Due to the medium vision is not perfect, so the light in the process of transmission distortion interact with each other.
146. Developers interact with MongoDB via the shell program, which permits command-line arguments,[] or by using a language driver to access datastore instances.
147. With a better understanding about how user and group accounts interact with DB2 UDB, you can plan and implement the optimal user and group account configuration for your environment.
148. In particular, we looked at waiting, motion, and task switching and how CLM can help development teams, the business, IT, individuals, and outside parties all work together and interact more easily.
149. It is always a kind of model, model and original shape that lawgiver and penal code theoretician set up together to interact .
150. Interact with registration service providers; Find out the profession situation.
151. By one-step epoxidation of double bond in the side chain of cardanol, epoxy-cardanol has been synthesized, which may interact with diethylene triamine to form amino-cardanol.
152. Cavity field squeezing properties is studied after Rydberg atoms interact with the cavity field.
153. All these mechanisms can interact and interfuse and form intelligently and naturally operating mechanisms.
154. Function types are indeed the natural way to represent the type of a lambda expression, but unfortunately they interact badly with an existing language "feature": erasure.
155. The simplest explanation is that dark energy is Einstein's famed " cosmological constant, " an energy that permeates space but does not interact with any type of matter.
156. Controls are manipulable, self - contained screen objects through which people interact with digital products.
157. Beyond in game actions, the new system can also be used to interact with the menus and other xbox applications with simple gestural motions.
158. As we have just seen, the eighth and sixth centers ( both Light sensitive ) interact.
159. A user will not be inconvenienced with logging-in to multiple services in order to interact with different friends, especially if said user is a casual user of the internet.
160. The electron beam must interact with the traveling wave field at the approximate speed, so that the electronic efficiency is much lower.
161. Youth subculture is the inevitable result of the double effect of globalization and transitional society that interact with the physical and psychological character of youth.
162. These influencing factors interact with each and they do not function separably.
163. Tip:Use a sock or glove as a hand puppet to interact with your child. Ask your child questions, tell her stories or sing songs.
164. It is time for information communication and taste communication to accrete , coexist and interact with each other.
165. Firstly, allowing links like artistic creation, artistic production, art market, art products distribution and consumption interact with each other effectively to achieve increasing circular results.
166. To do a clear investigation of the microscopic process of the particles interact with bubbles, is the momentous foundation of flotation equipment design and flow-sheet design.
167. Once again, as at Marineland, Jeff could interact with the dolphins and find affection in return. Little did he dream how severely his love would be tested.
168. Multiple signaling transduction pathways are involved in plant defense responses to insect herbivores, and they can interact with each other, either synergistically or antagonistically.
169. We find strong support for the claim that the legitimation process has a relational foundation that involves ties between organizational entities and the external others with whom they interact.
170. The DispatcherQueue class is the only way to interact with the Dispatcher class(), and multiple queues per dispatcher allow for a fair scheduling policy.
171. And while sometimes kids can drone on and on and become easy to tune out, you can't do it when they're trying to interact with you.
172. Gesture recognition provides the user a means to interact in suppositional environment, which is a kind of human-computer interaction techniques most expected.
173. An SDK component is also part of DSL with a piece of software that developers interact with is a local web server called Chiron.
174. Naismith watches would-be owners interact with the horse and visits the site where the animal would live, often several times.
175. That pairing includes a virtualization service provider (VSP) in the primary partition whose job is to interact with virtualization service clients (VSC) in each virtual machine.
176. Also, a named pipe created with Java cannot interact with the Windows shell[ ], and therefore cannot be used by the DB2 LOAD command.
177. The conclusion of this study is that syntactic processing and semantic processing interact with each other in the late proficient Chinese-English bilinguals'comprehension of English sentences.
178. To know how well a person can interact with others, American schools generally use a certain model for personality assessment.
179. Chitosan is one of the most abundant natural polymers, This biopolymer has useful functional groups such as hydroxyl and amine, so it can interact with metal ions.
180. So that's more tests, more time for developers to run the test suite, and more chances of missing code coverage, especially when different modes interact.
181. Many kinds of exogenous shocks interact through international economic association and together generate the international business cycle.
182. You get tunnel vision & you interact in a way that always makes your situation worse.
183. The classroom is the place where language learners interact with one another in the process and asocial environment of interpersonal communication.
184. The couple who interact, who pay attention, who really listen and really look at one another, kindle deep erotic love through layer upon layer of creative understanding and acceptance.
185. Serial Process Run-time pattern (see Resources), shown in Figure 11, allows the OTMPS to interact with different applications in a serial manner.
186. SCM systems can interact with legacy systems through interface software or middleware.
187. Consider the use of an Automated Teller Machine (ATM). Most people know how to interact with these machines. They know what buttons to press and they know the outcome.
188. To further enhance listening and oral skills we provide ample opportunity for students to interact with teachers from overseas as well as having direct instruction from native speakers of English.
189. Results The protein expressed by the plasmid which had a correct reading frame, had no transcriptional activation and could interact with a known coactivator PNRC.
190. The relationship between the protagonist and the femme fatale forms the common side of the two triangles ( e. g. , the axis around which both triangles interact).
191. These influencing factors interact with each other and they do not function separably.
192. The process formed the cycle structure characteristics of factors inherent, which all factors may be interact each other and through some repeatedly operations becoming a whole.
193. Teng also interact naturally divided into the domestic network sci - fi originator.
194. The positive nanocapsule can interact with the negative biomembrane, resulting in targeted delivery on specific sites.
195. Connecting services and requests means that the participants agree to interact over a service channel according to the service interfaces.
196. Tablet computers are larger than a smart phone but interact with the user in much the same way, using a touchscreen as a primary input device.
197. The familiar windowed desktop of any operating system is simply a layer on top of the core code that makes it easier for you to interact with your computer.
198. The main aesthetical ideal of ZhangYan to poertry is tastesaesthetic interest , which mutually interact and perfect.
199. In the next section, I'll describe how these services interact with the rest of the run-time system.
200. Impersonation allows the thread to interact with securable objects using the client's security context.
201. It considers the working environment from a human-centred viewpoint looking at the whole system and its influence on the way people behave and interact with the railway.
202. It must not corrode metal fittings and interact with finish systems.
203. This article examined problems produced when two C functions interact using a conventional data buffer management scheme.
204. Cavity field squeezing properties is studied after Rydberg atoms interact with field.
205. In particular, because of their low mass and their tendency to interact with one another over great distances, they cannot be "pinned down" to any one location.
206. People who interact on a regular basis and are focused on a specific set of customers in a common industry, domain,[http://] or geographical region.
207. Once the editor loading is complete and it is ready to use (and interact with JavaScript), a standard function is called in the page that contains the editor, if the function is defined.
208. To interact the virtual objects in VE , a series of geometric transformation should be offered . This paper studies the geometric transformation procedure, which exists in the coordinate system of VE.
209. For example, in installation, deployment, and just-in-time resource activation scenarios, the resource might not exist when a manager starts to interact with it.
210. It is beyond verbal description to interact with the likes of you.
211. InfoQ: If you have your own interpreter, how does this interact with metaprogramming and other dynamic behavior of Ruby?
212. With the DITA framework, you can document how a software application and its users interact.
213. The commands or GUI interact with OS/400 service tools that are accessing the primary partition where all of the partitioning information is maintained.
214. Requesters and providers interact directly, through the minimum number of ESBs (there is no need to enforce hierarchical routing through the enterprise ESB that hosts the top-level registry).
215. But even the tiny gap involved in Mr DiMatteo's approach proved to be too wide: the electric field of the hot object was still too far away to interact with the electrons in the photovoltaic cell.
216. But once you let go of that self-consciousness, you can interact without it getting in the way.
217. Object-oriented design and programming is paradigm of programming in which a software system is modeled as a set of objects that interact with each other.
218. Meanwhile, the two aspects interact with each other, which make the effective permeability decreases.
219. To interact with central marketing to ensure all local marketing plans aligned to national marketing plan.
220. Part 1 of this article series presents the DB2 security model, and discusses how user and group accounts interact with DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows (DB2).
221. By using social network theory to understand how zebras interact, scientists hope to explain why the plains zebra is thriving while the Grevy's zebra is endangered.
222. It's important to have an "official" major number because, in order to interact with this particular device, the administrator must create a special file in /dev.
223. Web services interaction: Consider whether Web services in your enterprise need to interact with Web services of other enterprises via a grid or point-to-point connection.
224. Tagamet HB and Coumadin can interact in a way that, in severe cases, may cause internal hemorrhaging and bleeding from the mouth, nose, rectum and urinary tract.
225. Centering around sculpt, these integrated factors interact and affect each other.
226. If be started at the same time, socket contact and down-lead all bear hard, meet interact, produce the harm that expect is less than.
227. Low wages and repeated or prolonged unemployment frequently interact to undermine the capacity for self-support.
228. The application is a simple PDF viewer that allows users to view and interact with a PDF file using Adobe's Acrobat Reader control.
229. The preliminary results are that Gas7 interact with F-actin and Gas7 over-expression in undifferentiated neuroblastoma cell cultures dramatically promotes neurite-like outgrowth.
230. The way octonions interact, however, is peculiarly exasperating and unlike anything we are familiar with from our conventional number system (see diagram).
231. Most Drug Rehabilitation programs teach patients to interact in a drug-free environment.
232. Can this medicine interact with other prescription and over-the-counter medicines—including herbal and dietary supplements — that I am taking now?
233. The Entity Data Model (EDM) is a conceptual data model that can be used to model the data of a particular domain so that applications can interact with data as entities or objects.
234. These effects are primarily due to the loss of any helper T cell that can interact with the B lymphocyte correctly.
235. The rest of this article explains how these technologies interact so you can make sense of the underlying path, from service call to an invocation of a business method in an implementation.
236. The parts of the universe that can interact with the system are called the surroundings.
237. In this pattern, external business partners interact with multiple back-end business processes through a single front-end application.
238. The Mediation Code will not be re-generated because they interact with Service Data Objects (SDO).
239. Royal and online to interact grandly recreation is finite public wholly - owned subsidiary.
240. The HMC is a multifunction stand-alone system that can interact with multiple System p computers simultaneously.
241. GDB switches the terminal to its own terminal modes to interact with you, but it records the terminal modes your program was using and switches back to them when you continue running your program.
242. The creators of "Modern Family" are tapping into a different, more self-regarding anxiety: less focused on how families interact with the outside world; more centered on how they function internally.
243. Three powers — Germany, China and Iran — face challenges forcing them to refashion the way they interact with their regions and the world.
244. Here are some basic code examples to help you understand how to interact with the database using CFML.
245. When designing a language from scratch, we have the opportunity to evaluate language features as a group, adjusting them to interact synergistically or avoid negative interactions.
246. In the last column in the UML workbook series, we devised a system that would interact with both a human actor (a loan applicant) and an external system actor (a credit bureau).
247. You cannot interact with the JsonML parsing process in the same way, but you can add a callback binding to the parsing stage that parses each element and outputs the results.
248. Students also will find the competencies useful, because they provide students with a framework for gaining control over how they interact with information in their environment.
249. Different populations living together and interacting. Populations can interact as competitors, predator and prey, or symbiotically.
250. The problem of oversimplification and improper selection of DC model, which exists in the DC modeling when AC and DC systems interact in AC/DC hybrid power system, is discussed.
251. They found that a progressive virus "sticking" on feathers occurs because AIV-contaminated waters interact with the preen oil gland secretion.
252. Some of these micro-processes are independent of each other, while many of them interact.
253. Blackheart the Inciter: This stun associated with this creature's charge ability will now properly be considered a stun for talents, abilities, and items that interact with stuns.




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