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单词 Short-term
1. His short-term memory was damaged in the accident.
2. The treatment may bring short-term benefits to AIDS sufferers.
3. There is no easy short-term solution to Britain's chronic economic malaise.
3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
4. Investors weren't concerned about short-term profits over the next few years.
5. The drugs had a severe effect on her short-term memory.
6. Small traders often have short-term cash-flow problems.
7. His short-term memory is failing .
8. We need long-term solutions, not short-term Band-Aid ones.
9. She's suffering from short-term memory loss.
10. We want long-term solutions, not short-term palliatives.
11. Most of the staff are on short-term contracts.
12. UK banks tend to concentrate on short-term lending.
13. They sold the company purely for short-term gain.
14. Our short-term aim is to deal with our current financial difficulties, but our long-term aim is to improve the company's profitability.
15. Short-term securities can also be held as part of an investment portfolio.
16. The first symptom of the disease is often short-term memory loss.
17. The company has 90 staff, almost all on short-term contracts.
18. Short-term contracts increase staff turnover.
19. Were such calculations always based on short-term considerations?
20. Employment of construction managers is sensitive to the short-term nature of many construction projects and cyclical fluctuations in construction activity.
21. Meeting these attainable short-term goals and progressively crossing them off the list can provide an important sense of achievement and reinforcement.
22. The three main sources of short-term financing are trade credit, short-term commercial bank loans, and commercial paper.
23. We do not try to fine-tune the economy on the basis of short-term predictions.
24. Companies are under pressure to trade off price stability for short-term gains.
25. The rest of the staff have been hired on short-term contracts.
26. There was a net outflow of about £650m in short-term capital.
27. This is a cynical manipulation of the situation for short-term political gain.
28. Also on Jan. 1 Havel declared an amnesty which involved pardoning certain categories of short-term prisoners and reducing the sentences of others.
29. But it was a reminder the supply of agricultural commodities at reasonable prices could not be guaranteed in the short-term.
30. Such critics have argued for the imposition of transaction taxes to choke off short-term capital flows.
1. His short-term memory was damaged in the accident.
2. The treatment may bring short-term benefits to AIDS sufferers.
3. We do not try to fine-tune the economy on the basis of short-term predictions.
3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
4. There is no easy short-term solution to Britain's chronic economic malaise.
5. Investors weren't concerned about short-term profits over the next few years.
6. The drugs had a severe effect on her short-term memory.
31. The system illustrated here follows a logical sequence of development resulting in a short-term financial planning and cash budgeting system.
32. The company will use the money to buy back short-term, high-interest debt.
33. By adjusting the statistics, natural bulges are evened out(/short-term.html), allowing for short-term shifts to be inferred more accurately.
34. The rate of return on short-term Treasury bills is highly responsive to inflation.
35. They seek short-term competitive advantage even when it leads to long-term suicide.
36. Her injuries have left her with chronic migraine headaches, seizures, insomnia, nausea and short-term memory loss.
37. It is an expression of alliance between groups of kin rather than a short-term arrangement between two private individuals.
38. In addition to its lower cost, short-term debt offers one other advantage over long-term debt and that is its added flexibility.
39. Some are comprehensive and cover short-term exports on a continuous basis, others are tailored for specific contracts.
40. But this sort of gamble, based on a short-term guess, could go badly wrong.
41. Invest in a stock mutual fund. Buy a short-term bond fund.
42. The difficulties are most acute for those associations specialising in short-term accommodation and for those finding housing for refugees and asylum seekers.
43. Exercise is not a short-term cure like taking an aspirin to cure a headache.
44. But the trauma of even comparatively simple surgery can cause some people to experience short-term problems with memory and logical thought.
45. John Sculley hoped to boost short-term profits by pricing it at $ 2, 495.
46. Deaf signers exhibit effects of language knowledge on the form of coding inferred from results of short-term memory experiments.
47. The best news, however, is the fall in short-term arrears.
48. Disney will pay $ 2 billion in cash, and will raise the other $ 8 billion by issuing short-term commercial paper.
49. Short-term loans are commonly employed to finance inventory and accounts receivable.
50. These lines are used if a company is unable to sell commercial paper, the primary source of short-term funding for corporations.
51. They provide a basis for evaluating shorter-term budgets and prevent long-term aims from being forced aside by short-term operational needs.
52. They borrow short-term funds and use these funds to purchase higher yielding assets, such as Treasury Bills and commercial bills.
53. Short-term measurements were carried out in the drivers' breathing zones by drawing polluted air through a charcoal tube during unloading.
54. Politicians and voters alike are too concerned with short-term problems.
55. The striker joins recent recruits Paul Lemon and Michael Smith and all three have been signed on short-term contracts.
56. The second major source of short-term financing is commercial bank loans.
57. And in an electoral system dominated by money, that often means the short-term interests of their largest campaign contributors.
58. This regime should have been more than adequate to demonstrate any significant short-term effects of reduced sleep.
59. When the FDA approved fenfluramine and phentermine, the agency recommended that both drugs be used only on a short-term basis.
60. It ignores capital flows which, in the short-term, can be used to service existing debt.
61. A third major source of short-term financing, commercial paper, is available to large firms with high-quality credit ratings.
62. They suggest that there is a bimodal distribution of citation counts, with short-term and long-term components.
63. The steps are short-term measures aimed at easing public concerns about airbag safety while the automakers work to develop safer airbags.
64. Some local attorneys worry about short-term privacy lapses and long-term effects of even small radioactive doses.
65. The Fed sets monetary policy by controlling short-term inter-est rates and by trying to control the supply of money.
66. Short-term projects to improve customer service might buck up the conviction of those managers.
67. In the case of short-term and occasional courses the answer is no.
68. This may sound like the conventional wisdom on the brave new world of short-term, contingent jobs.
69. The overall in-hospital mortality of 15.6% of this cohort was similar to short-term mortality of similar cohorts in previous studies.
70. Short-term liquid assets are held for active trading purposes and for buying long-term investments.
71. Short-term contracts can mean only two or three years in one place before a new job on a different continent beckons.
72. The operating conditions make short-term or spot contracts highly risky; stockpiling is uneconomic, because bauxite has few alternative uses.
73. The firm pledges its inventory as collateral for a short-term loan, but the lender has no physical control over the inventory.
74. The selection of short-term or long-term financing requires the consideration of a very definite risk-return tradeoff.
75. You guys have been great in coming through with short-term results.
76. Fixed assets plus net current assets less long-term sources of funding, less shareholders' equity equals the short-term funding required.
77. They must never be broken up for short-term gain. 3.
78. In any case, short-term rates are not far above zero.
79. Indeed, the relatively brief history of information technology has already demonstrated the dangers of even short-term forecasting.
80. Unemployment was obviously a factor in bringing about both long-term and short-term political changes.
81. We will fund the provision of short-term rented housing to reduce the use of bed and breakfast accommodation.
82. Mr. Walker: In making decisions about opencast coal applications, one must consider carefully both the short-term and long-term environmental implications.
83. Mr Ashdown is not content with imposing his version of stability as a temporary expedient, a regrettably necessary short-term tactic.
84. Some current assets are by nature needed to maintain the company operations and would not normally be available to meet short-term obligations.
85. Therefore, they turned to the short-term bond markets.
86. Cash and short-term investments totaled $255.1 million.
87. This force of attraction is undiscriminating but strong enough to bind you together in what might otherwise be a very unstable, short-term affair.
88. The majority of Microsoft's $50 billion cash and short-term investments are held overseas, where most of its revenue is generated.
89. The short-term financial commitments of a company, such as accounts payable, taxation and dividends payable, usually due within 12 months.
90. Rest, the short-term technical indicators are still good continuation of a rebound in the afternoon.
91. In addition, the short-term financing coupon distribution market is also very busy.
92. Therefore, accounts receivable from customers are classified as current assets, appearing in the balance sheet immediately after cash and short-term investments in marketable securities.
93. Treasury securities actually include a number of different investments, including treasury bills (short-term investments), treasury notes (medium-term) and treasury bonds (long-term).
93. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
94. So the Fed is shifting from its usual policy of buying only short-term debt, and is now buying long-term debt — a policy generally referred to as "quantitative easing.
95. That is why in recent years, foreign exchange has been strengthened in the short-term debt management.
96. Equally, John Walker, who won a Nobel for his research on the energy molecules of the cell, would not have solved the problem if he had had to rely on short-term grants.
97. According to this study, the current credit score table or the evaluation base on accuracy of short-term consumer loan can be improved with the information on the given table.
98. Measures of soil and water conservation are to enhance consciousness of ecotope and restrain from short-term action paying attention to economy.
99. From Japan's past experience, the deficit financing of measures can indeed significantly increase the base money supply, lowering short-term and long-term interest rates.
100. Even the hair-shirt option, then, will bring only short-term relief.
101. Last week, for example, the commercial-paper market – short-term lending to everyone from large corporations to states and cities – shrank by nearly $100 billion or 6 percent.
102. Short-term debt paying ability concerns the personal economic benefits of the enterprise and creditor alike, usually included in the financial analyses system as an important project.
103. This will require people have great courage, and will not make intelligent heart being tied and great chances being lost for selfhood parochialism , outdated obstinacy and short-term benefit.
104. Good relative performance, especially short-term relative performance, is commonly sought either by imitating what others are doing or by attempting to outguess what others will do.
105. A short-term load forecasting technique for power system based on adaptive optimal fuzzy logic system is presented.
106. This paper studies power system short-term operational reliability evaluation considering weather forecast.
107. The book goes straight to the point covering all the essential elements for short-term trading.
108. In 1998, the government guaranteed almost the same rate of return through short-term debt obligations.
109. But since Indonesia three weeks ago announced rules to push money out of the short-term central bank debt market, preferred by foreign speculators, markets have actually reacted favorably.
110. Both the rate of short-term credit and medium-and-long-term credit increment is remarkable and negative to the influence on the rate of local economic growth.
111. With this type of loan the bank gives you a short-term loan designed to last through the construction process.
112. Bear Stearns and Northern Rock, largely reliant on short-term borrowing, faced the modern version of a "run" when their counterparties refused to roll over debts.
113. Short-Term Credit Insurance is an insurance product which gives protection against losses of non-payment of a trade debt subject to insurance provisions agreed by both the insurer and the insured.
114. And each category is different from other categories. In addition, the thesis delineated the connection order between the short-term time adverbs and other time adverbs.
115. 'You're just never going to see that in short-term bond funds, ' Mr. McDevitt warns.
116. In certain price range, the seller's market to the buyers' market transition, the investment in real estates will make money the effect short-term also to reduce.
117. One of the most striking short-term pulls on oil prices is a futures-market condition called contango.
118. Lacker expects growth not to be less than 2.75 percent, and said he thinks the drags on the economy are mostly short-term. He projected inflation at 2 percent.
119. Did you knowthat chimpanzees can trounce humans in short-term memory games?
120. Operation said, PTA may have short-term rebound, but limited as a whole, medium-term remain relatively empty. Speculative funds being short could consider going short cotton.
121. Markets for even the most conservative short-term loans are constricting in the United States.
122. A short-term financial instrument that is the unconditional obligation of the accepting bank.
123. Analysts say this is positive for the short-term budget picture but is by definition providing only temporary relief.
124. A forecast model for short-term water consumption in municipal water supply networks was established by the combined method of wavelet decomposition and Artificial Neutral Network(ANN).
125. "Deflationary expectations for the next few months mean that real short-term bill yields are "not necessarily negative," he said.
126. But this bank possibly sells short-term bond concrete digit, but also not yet decided.
127. Only new inventions are patentable . You need to keep your invention confidential until you file your corresponding designated application or short-term application.
128. This figure reflects the "M2" definition of the money supply comprising paper currency and coin-plus-checking accounts, short-term savings accounts and small certificates of deposit.
129. The euro's next short-term key level was around $1.3511, a 50 percent Fibonacci retracement of its fall from $1.5145 last November to its June low around $1.1876.
130. He said he sees short-term support at a trendline and recent low of $3,725 and $3,671. A move below that area would warn of a bigger decline than previously estimated.
131. Therefore, the thesis analyzes the international short-term capital flows in terms of the current account.
132. By means of analyses on macroscopic inspection, chemical composition, mechanical property, microstructure and fractography, the reason of cracking failure of boiler pipes is short-term overheat.
133. Methods Spinal marrow chromosome karyotype analysis was performed with short-term culture and R-banding technique in 63 patients with malignant hemoblastosis.
134. Gold, US treasury short-term bond and USD are the only few that shine in such gloomy and doomsdays week.
135. short-term investments which do the accounting change, short-term investments renamed the financial assets transaction.
136. There has been no recent need for long - term or short-term borrowing.
137. CONCLUSION: Short-term CsA treatment combined with DBMC infusion can lower acute rejection of heterotopic rat cardiac allograft and prolongs survival time of cardiac allograft.
138. Packing loan is a short-term loan , but it is of great difference from the general floating capital loan.
139. Fuller's good navy record won him a short-term appointment to the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.
140. A stringent test that indicates if a firm has enough short-term assets to cover its immediate liabilities, without selling inventory.
141. Lehman Brothers announced last week, and insolvency since the market crisis continued to intensify the pressure to have the world's central banks to inject their own short-term money market funds.
142. Chapter 3 expounds on the numerical information processing at each stage of the memory system including sensory store, short-term memory, long-term memory, and long-term working memory.
143. Another core concept for usability is reducing the amount of information the user must keep in short-term memory.
144. Her strategy is to scarify short-term interest for long-term cooperation , and She welcomes new friends and enjoys having long-time relationship with you.
145. Main conclusion as follows:(1)from the standpoint of their short-term relation. the coefficient of regression of lag 1 and 2 indicates that FDI makes positive effect on market concentration.
146. Finally, this paper studies the synthetic evaluation on Shenzhen Urban Rail Transit Short-term Construction Plan (2011 2020) by using gray relevance analysis method.
147. The short-term use of corticosteroids antepartum for the prevention of respiratory distress syndrome does not seem to pose a risk to the foetus or the newborn infant.
148. A 0% credit card can also be useful for paying off big-ticket items or short-term borrowing, but don't keep money on it for longer than the 0% offer lasts – you will be hammered with interest.
149. The banks' short-term assets earn interest but less than that obtained through "Investments" and "Advances to customers".
150. You should note, however, that bad credit cash advance services are short-term borrowing.
151. Pluvial maple : From short-term come up tell, this is an evildoing to 9 cities.
152. In addition, the CHMP has concluded that piroxicam-containing medicines should no longer be used for the treatment of acute (short-term) pain and inflammation.
153. Cyclosporin, a type of drug called a calcineurin inhibitor, is among the most effective short-term treatments for plaque psoriasis.
154. Unless you live above a train station or are hosting rock concerts, is this likely to be a problem for your short-term storage?
155. Then, the online modification algorithm POMA based on prediction is put forward for short-term scheduling, which overcomes the myopia of the traditional methods.
156. The results showed that the neural network forecasting model based on L-M algorithm has higher prediction accuracy and a high value in the rural power system short-term load forecasting.
157. The short-term crisis is due to the rapid growth of federal debt outstanding that will soon hit the ceiling set by Congress.
158. Lehman's collapse was already driving up the cost of short-term borrowing.
159. Treasurers of companies, for example, routinely move funds from one country to another to get a higher yield on short-term investments.
160. Old colony real short-term rentals in Myrtle Beach and Beach Surfside.
161. The rapid growth of short-term borrowing inevitably affect the cost of listing the company's financial growth.




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