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单词 Web
1, She discovered a web of intrigue in the company.
2, We were caught in a tangled web of relationships.
3, The mass media forms a web of communications.
4, A spider's web can stretch considerably without weakening.
5, The spider spins its web.
6, A website may have many different web pages for you to click on and explore.
7, Log on to the Hammer Web ring, with 12 more sites devoted to macabre movies.
8, The tiger was enmeshed in the web laid by hunter.
9, He watched a spider spinning its web .
10, Our web page had 243 hits this week.
11, Everyone was involved in this web of deceit.
12, Search the Web for cheap flights.
13, He found himself snared in a web of intrigue.
14, I browsed the Web looking for interesting web sites.
15, The spider web brushed my forehead.
16, You don't need to fancy up your web pages.
17, Police officers uncovered an intricate web of deceit.
18, I found this survey on the Web.
19, Yahoo is the oldest and best-known Web directory service.
20, A spider can spin a web.
21, "What's the web address?" "www dot cambridge dot org".
22, Stewart spent hours trolling the Web for information.
23, Do you think that the spider can web anything?
24, Jane's been surfing the Web all morning.
25, When text is saved from a Web page,[http:///web.html] it is often very badly formatted with many short lines.
26, I've read an excerpt of the book on the Web and it's whetted my appetite.
27, The diploma course would offer remote access to course materials via the Internet's world wide web.
28, We've seen an enormous growth in the number of businesses using the Web.
29, The company's role is to repurpose print data for use on the Web.
30, The idea was to create a comprehensive road map of the Web.
1, She discovered a web of intrigue in the company.
2, We were caught in a tangled web of relationships.
3, The mass media forms a web of communications.
4, A spider's web can stretch considerably without weakening.
5, The spider spins its web.
6, I've read an excerpt of the book on the Web and it's whetted my appetite.
7, A website may have many different web pages for you to click on and explore.
8, The diploma course would offer remote access to course materials via the Internet's world wide web.
9, We've seen an enormous growth in the number of businesses using the Web.
10, The company's role is to repurpose print data for use on the Web.
11, Log on to the Hammer Web ring, with 12 more sites devoted to macabre movies.
12, The idea was to create a comprehensive road map of the Web.
13, The tiger was enmeshed in the web laid by hunter.
14, A spider spins a web in which it catches insects and bugs for its food.
31, Everyone will be invited to vote, he said, adding that voting is likely to be via the web.
32, I clicked on the link to the next page of the web site.
33, She entrapped herself in the web of her own lies.
34, We watched a spider spin a web between three tall grass stems.
35, Ducks are web - footed to help them move through the water.
36, Press the "reload" button on your web browser to refresh the site and get the most current version.
37, The spider must wait for prey to be ensnared on its web.
38, The young heroine steps into a web of intrigue in the academic world.
39, Wizards and templates can help you create brochures, calendars, and Web pages.
40, He was enmeshed in a web of deceit and lies.
41, A spider spins a web in which it catches insects and bugs for its food.
42, You can find out how to crack any kind of software on the web.
43, Clicking on the icon will take you back to the previous web page.
44, A spider had spun a perfect web outside the window.
45, The Web is based on hypertext links that allow people to easily move from document to document.
46, She has acquired an email address and a site on the WorldWide Web.
47, More and more people were drawn into his web of deceit.
48, His tactics were to entangle the opposition in a web of parliamentary procedure.
49, He's forced to untangle a complex web of financial dealings.
50, In your Web browser's cache are the most recent Web files that you have downloaded.
51, They accused him of weaving a web of lies and deceit.
52, There's also 5Mb of webspace so that you can create your own personal web site.
53, You may only use company computers to access the Web in your own time.
54, Many towns and cities have cybercafes where you can surf the Internet/Net/Web.
55, Corporate America has embraced the Web as a new vehicle for advertising.
56, A spider spins a web.
57, They were like caviar in close-up[http://], in a web.
58, But, like the Super Bowl itself, expectations for these Web sites usually surpass the actual event.
59, Usually, you can run a Web browser at the same time as you're editing your Web page.
60, That kind of bare-knuckled competition is proving to be a boon to travelers on the World Wide Web.
61, Needless to say you can link directly to the vendor's Web site from the listings.
62, Coalitionism was not then only a political creed, but also a web of friendships and habits that underpinned political cooperation.
63, You can also find used scooters in the classified ads and Web pages run by Vespa clubs.
64, I check out your web page everyday as apart from a decent cup of tea I miss my Sun newspaper badly!
65, Modify your computer so menus and desktop put your stationery, programs and favorite Web destination a mouse click away.
66, Verio currently operates nearly three times as many business Web sites as its closest competitor.
67, The discs include several of the newer demos, most of which are available on the Web for free.
68, First we thought the PC was a calculator. Then we found out how to turn numbers into letters with ASCII - and we thought it was a typewriter. Then we discovered graphics, and we thought it was a television. With the World Wide Web, we've realized it's a brochure. Douglas Adams 
69, The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web. Pablo Picasso 
70, As we are drawn closer we become further entangled in his web of deceit.
71, Its new Web site offers one thousand items for sale, mostly targeted towards the Christmas gift market.
72, The chief architect of the new Web page is 18-year-old Roderick Portales.
73, Content Advisor, which provides a way to bar kids from unsavory Web sites.
74, Users now wanted to connect to the Internet, browse the World Wide Web, send e-mail and read newsgroup messages.
75, E-comms 6 1.5 25.0 Electronic solutions including data management and web design.
76, Controlled by a hand-held remote with a small built-in keyboard, it would be used to browse the World Wide Web.
77, It also means you can send Web pages by email.
78, Most of the neighborhood Web sites post information about community meetings and cultural events.
79, Under the agreement, Verio will offer NetObjects Fusion 4.0 customers 30 days of free Web hosting and domain-name registration.
80, Most free ISPs require you to download dial-up programs from their Web site.
81, Proxy settings Most Access Providers have a server that caches copies of popular Web sites.
82, Another neat toy: an on-line tour of botanical garden Web sites.
83, It is, though, an easy option for simple Web pages.
84, Adopted children and birth parents are registering at Web archives with hopes of making matches.
85, A web clamp is useful for holding frames together while the glue sets.
86, It also aims to provide developers with the ability to produce Web pages that can operate through multiple access devices.
87, You are almost certain to get hundreds of Web pages to examine.
88, But what pleasure to be left hanging as the sticky captive in the center of the silvery web!
89, Becky Trayser at Fratney helps her students create a web of possibilities for each topic they are covering.
90, Relatively few sites are so compelling that Web surfers make it a point to visit every day.
91, In general, the longer the chain, the less stable the interacting web to environmental disruption.
92, It's easy to spend hours just browsing the web without really finding anything.
93, Under the agreement, Verio will provide its leading Web hosting and e-commerce services to on-line merchants.
94, The subordinates acknowledged that some conflicts would inevitably arise, no matter how well the manager maintained the web of relationships.
95, Claudio was easily caught in her web of coquetry and lies.
96, Chapter 3 described the web of relationships of pre-colonial societies in which kinship was the prime determinant of obligation and responsibility.
97, Perhaps the most authoritative Web site in the Stern universe is the one carefully maintained by Kevin Renzulli.
98, Internet bottlenecks and overloaded servers at popular Web sites can still create substantial delays.
99, Web server functions can be categorized into information retrieval, data and transaction management, and security.
100, It has also received accolades for conforming to the W3C's Web standards, unlike its Windows equivalent.
101, It is being incorporated into the World Wide Web browsers such as NetScape, giving it a wider audience.
102, Describing himself as a history buff, Acosta offers his Web site primarily as a catalyst for further discussion.
103, The best-known example is Java, a programming language from Sun Microsystems that can bring web pages to life.
104, One refers to the page that appears when you start your browser and acts as your home base for exploring the Web.
105, Do I need special software to dial into and use the Web?
106, It burst on to the scene just as the Information Superhighway and World Wide Web were becoming household words.
107, This is accomplished in the Web by using a core browser or application that is augmented by supporting applications.
108, The findings from these interpretations will be communicated to and developed with the relevant communities through consultations,[Sentencedict] workshops and the web.
109, The folks at the Discovery Channel are making the best effort at pioneering original content for the Web.
110, The Web has become an umbrella for a wide range of concepts and technologies that differ markedly in purpose and scope.
111, Rotary press a web or reel fed printing press which uses a curved printing plate mounted on the plate cylinder.
112, The duty officer at the Cabinet Office Briefing Room was at the centre of a web of information technology.
113, When you surf to a new Web page, you have no idea ahead of time whether it contains a Java program.
114, Though many are accessible through a Web interface, the better ones are generally one clients.
115, The Web community of developers and users is tackling these complex problems.
116, Others are conducting their discussions on World Wide Web sites devoted to particular topics.
117, When a user browses the Web(), objects are retrieved in rapid succession from often widely dispersed servers.
118, For instance, the network will begin by offering a Web site to play computer games.
119, Approximately 53 % of total revenues were attributable to Web hosting and other enhanced services.
120, Owners' Network hopes to make money by selling advertising space on the Web pages.
121, Anyone with experience as a Web page designer can easily get a job.
122, She found the finest clay, built a web of wires to spread it on, and sat breathless at her bench.
123, Another way to profit is to charge others to advertise on your Web page.
124, Construction Plus is a series of community-focused web portals initially targeting architects, civil engineers and construction contractors.
125, Read me Search engines Use a search engine when you're looking for specific mention of something on a Web page.
126, Focalink of Palo Alto aims to provide advertisers with demographic profiles of people who visit various Web sites.
127, There are a couple of disadvantages to Web based organisers.
128, Set in San Diego, the play examines the tangled web woven by those who conceal certain truths from others.
129, You can read a detailed description of the products on their Web site.
130, A group of cartoonists got fed up when the Web site where they were posting their work -- kept going down.
131, The usefulness of most Web sites is directly proportional to the benefits it offers to the people who visit it.
132, In short, the Web provides a totally different and unique method of accessing information.
133, "Web police" are often able to determine the exact source of unwanted mailings on the Internet.
134, The international sector Our economy is deeply enmeshed in a complex web of economic relationships with the rest of the world.
134, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
135, Over time, doubleclick. net Web servers learn your browsing habits and preferences.
136, So Monnens decided to try to bridge the gap between advertisers and Web sites.
137, Electronic publishers are racing each other to meet demand for local information on the Web and to capture local ad dollars.
138, They built hub-and-spoke route systems based on a few large airports, rather than a web of direct, non-stop flights.
139, Forms make Web browsing an interactive process for the user and the provider.
140, I've also used my web site to make a number of resources available for the wider community.
141, A: Cookies are one of the more mysterious features of browsing the World Wide Web.
142, He carried his books over his shoulder, tied together in a green web belt with brass buckle.
143, Many companies use Intranets to distribute internal documents-in effect publishing Web pages for their own private use.
144, Were she on the World Wide Web, my mom would bookmark this page.
145, By examining the cookie, Web sites can take note of what other sites you have visited.
146, Acrobat is used by corporations to publish documents like annual reports and catalogs on the Web.
147, The missive points out that the Web is getting faster and easier to use, giving people more access to multimedia creativity.
148, You're merely searching a database of Web pages located on the search engine's server.
149, Initial offerings, available today at, include a complete range of web hosting and domain name registration services.
150, Verio also offers selected enhanced services such as Web hosting, electronic commerce and virtual private networks.
151, Web browsers, once limited to displaying text and graphics and downloading files, have created an entirely new element of risk.
152, When that happens, unlimited free access to their Web sites could be the first casualty.
153, Check libraries, newspaper ads and the World Wide Web to see what kinds of careers are out there.
154, Verio was recognized for its progression from an Internet-access provider to an e-commerce and Web hosting leader.
155, Late in 1994, Riley abandoned paper altogether and before long, the Riley Guide moved on to the Web.
156, In the World Wide Web arena, it is Netscape that holds the commanding lead thus far.
157, The remaining web of streets was due for redevelopment - the standard solution to housing decay in the last couple of decades.
158, The web site proved to be a bit bulky and tough to maneuver during a weeknight trial run....
159, If you're going to add a Web search engine to your site, this is a lot easier.
160, A bedstead and a long-broken twin tub washing machine, hang together in this contorted web.
161, The CyberArcade uses monitoring software to restrict computer access to inappropriate, adult-oriented Web sites.
162, Many people are still using it to create and edit Web pages.
163, Anyone who's serious about their presence on the Web has their own domain name.
164, One company said that up to half of their employees spend over an hour's work time a day browsing the web.
165, The facility also houses shared and dedicated web hosting servers.
166, The essential difference between free email and its paid for counterpart is that the email service is provided through a Web interface.
167, Gamble[/web.html], announced last week that it would follow a direct response model for Web advertising.
168, The environmentally friendly retail chain will combine its Web operations with its retail and mail order activities.
169, The big corporations, fearing their royalties would disappear down a Web plughole, ganged together to sue Napster.
170, He spun his web and ran there and here in scummy clothes with bloodshot eyeballs.
171, So just because you can't find it through a Web search doesn't mean it's not there.
172, In most cases, you subscribe by sending a single email message or by filling out a form on a Web page.
173, Paul Pioneer Press when management put him in charge of the paper's Web site, called
174, First, on-line services tend to be considerably slower for Web browsing than ISPs.
175, Speed constraints on the World Wide Web can make downloading photographs of merchandise frustratingly slow.
176, Another investigation you can try is to destroy part of a web and then watch the spider repair it.
177, When you browse the Web, various Web sites can read that file and write data into it.
178, Emap is to invest £4.4 million in launching and developing the new web business.
179, The different levels of domain are examined, and in particular how e-mail and Web addressing are handled.
180, She also debuts on the collectors' Web site, www. barbie. com.
181, All you have to do is start up your Web browser.
182, The web design strain after simple, characteristic, and elaborative.
183, An experimental study of flutter instability of H-shaped slender member with different sizes of slotted web is carried out using both section models and aeroelastic model.
184, I am looking for a web designer to build a BASIC group buying website that consists of the usual features of a site like Groupon or Daily Deals.
185, So go easy on the rel nofollows or you might break the web.
186, Because there may be multiple classes defined in the Web service code, you must select only one of them as an interface to the Web service.
187, Web based tender system to source, award and manage the total procurement process. Leverages supply and demand, through reverse auction, ensuring that goods are bought at the best possible price.
188, Most often this involved a segment of a girder web.
189, In this paper author deals with anchors - gunite - web shoring's mechanism and its effecting factor.
190, Deckle : A device for fixing the width of a paper-making machine's web . It was originally the movable wooden frame on the hand-mould used for paper making .
191, The potential for remote sites and users to utilize "thin client" technologies like Citrix, Windows Terminal Server (WTS), or Web clients.
192, JavaScript is an incredibly powerful tool, and for too long it was a corruptive force on the web.
193, As more and more corporations are jumping onto the web service bandwagon, researchers forecast that web services will provide more than just a single-ended process.
194, These developers, unfamiliar with the intricacies of Web services technology and development, rely on tools for most of the service code implementation.
194, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
195, And here is an interesting thing - social web tools encourage and facilitate self-organization.
196, The JOTI Web Site acts as a coordination center to locate safe Chat areas, E-mail addresses and activities proposed by other groups.
197, For the IBC Web site, we needed to show a summary list of announcements and the most recent entries in the forum.
198, The HTTP server task (the Domino Web server) must be running on the server where the mail file resides.
199, Click Profile in the top header on the Live homepage. In the Web Activities section in the left side-bar, you can add and manage your feeds.
200, The space between the 2 parts since feel pots is filled web sent wet sand.
201, And in this volume of stories presented here, he tries to draw the young gunslinger , Roland Deschain himself, into his deadly web and convince him of the inevitability of his cause.
202, Web switches intercept all traffic destined for a particular site.
203, The priority value specifies the importance of that page relative to that Web site only.
204, This paper establishes the model of web service choreography based on concurrent transaction logic and the translation rules from WSCDL to concurrent transaction logic are given.
205, Welcome to Castrol Dongfeng Lubricants Co. , Ltd. web site, I hope it is helpful for your business, work,() and life.
206, Wrapped Document/Literal pattern provides highly interoperable web service design and has been accepted in the service provider community as a de facto standard while defining the Web Services.
207, The project key must be globally unique if DOAP descriptions are to be shared on the Web.
208, A new way of design and implementation of familial intelligent device based on WEB are presented in this paper.
209, It just takes you on a shuffle through the web to interesting sites.
210, This can change, however, if you become more proactive in applying experimental design tenets to your Web data collection procedures (such as, randomize the selection of voters in your Web polls).
211, In order to consume or deploy 4GL functions as Web services, I4GL provides an interactive tool called 'w4gl' that collects the necessary inputs from the user and records them in the database.
212, Flash Card Machine features a free web app for creating and sharing your own flash cards.
213, The girl was enmeshed in a web of deceit and lies.
214, For fiber, researches both theoretical and experimental, have been done on polymer air drawing mechanism, and for web only experimental researches have been done.
215, Describe Web authoring, including Web site design and Web authoring programs.
216, It is founded upon the open standards of W3C(World Wide Web Consortium) and IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force) and it now has been accepted by public.
217, But real estate Web site, which tracks listing prices on multiple listing services across the country, took a look at what's happening to listing prices for homes over the $2 million mark.
218, the openness and visibility of today's modern Web seems to provide living examples of what's effective at driving forward business results with SOA.
218, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
219, Office worker Jin Fen, 26, said he spends an hour and half every day trolling the web for bargains.
220, NET technology to setting up "order form management system for Electronic Commerce Website" which base on B2B in a active enterprise web site.
221, Small rectangular backup bars were used to fabricate the web - bottom flange connection.
222, To solve these problems, the modular construction and reuse of ontology become a current hotspot in Semantic Web and ontology engineering.
223, Clustering in AS5 supports buddy replication for SFSBs for improved scalability and passivation for clustered web sessions to control memory usage.
224, Here we propose a simple but effective web application creating Venn diagrams from two or three gene lists.
225, Applying Occam's Razor to web design will help you find the most elegant and direct solution to your design problems.
226, To make matters worse, anyone can republish Social Security numbers if they were already published on a public government Web site, according to a recent court ruling in Virginia.
227, From a JAX-RPC Service, you can use a proxy to invoke the web service's operations.
228, The firm, fixed-price award calls for Stanley to provide technical services to support and maintain the Total Information Gateway for Enterprise Resources (TIGER) Web portal program.
229, RIYADH (Reuters Life!) - Illegal stunts in cars, joyriding, bullying and political dissent -- video-sharing Web site YouTube has taken off in Saudi Arabia.
230, The courses set up by the Studio include computer graphic design, computer three-dimensional figure and animation, web page design, nonlinear video post-editing and others.




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