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单词 Progressive
1. Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. 
2. Education is a progressive discovery of our ignorance. 
3. The children go to a progressive school.
4. This is a progressive course in English study.
5. These weaknesses negated his otherwise progressive attitude towards the staff.
6. There is often a progressive loss of sight in old.
7. Summerhill school is noted for its progressive policies.
8. Many young politicians are progressive.
9. The school has carefully fostered its progressive image.
10. It's a progressive idea.
11. There's been a progressive decline in the standard of living over the past few years.
12. The last few months have seen the progressive meltdown of the country's political system.
13. It was a progressive disease and he would suffer more and more.
14. This is a very progressive firm that uses the most modern systems.
15. This is a progressive firm that uses the most modern systems.
16. HIV is a progressive disease which the immune response ultimately fails to control.
17. One prominent symptom of the disease is progressive loss of memory.
18. The result is a progressive decline in physical abilities.
19. Warton again adopts a progressive position.
20. Politicians were transformed into much more stylish,(http:///progressive.html) progressive dressers.
21. It was 15,042 for the Progressive Democrats.
22. The relationship of progressive rock and the counterculture is thus uneasy and internally contradictory.
23. The approach taken by US courts has been more progressive than that in Britain.
24. 'He's working hard at the moment' is an example of the present progressive form of the verb 'work'.
25. 'I was eating when the phone rang' is an example of the past progressive.
26. Halsey was identified as a leading proponent of the values of progressive education.
27. The left of the party is pressing for a more progressive social policy.
28. This is a yardstick for measuring whether a person is really progressive.
29. The victory on paid holidays was achieved out of a mixture of motives, an amalgam of control and progressive reform.
30. Almost continuous revolution for twenty-seven years following independence had disrupted industry, commerce, and all progressive development.
1. The children go to a progressive school.
2. This is a progressive course in English study.
3. These weaknesses negated his otherwise progressive attitude towards the staff.
4. The approach taken by US courts has been more progressive than that in Britain.
5. There is often a progressive loss of sight in old.
6. Many young politicians are progressive.
7. It's a progressive idea.
8. It was a progressive disease and he would suffer more and more.
9. This is a progressive firm that uses the most modern systems.
10. This is a yardstick for measuring whether a person is really progressive.
31. The formidable challenge for progressive bishops and theologians who dominated the Second Vatican Council was to formulate a compelling alternative.
32. These men advanced the same arguments against Holy Trinity that conservative theologians employed against the progressive Church.
33. They act as a complement to his large works which are responses to a progressive environmental catastrophe.
34. These companies pay lip-service to management development, fashioning their big progressive mouths with a cosmetic of highly developed lipstick techniques.
35. How, in that case, could late 1960s progressive rock be specific to the counterculture?
36. Yeltsin is taking shots from Communists, ultranationalists and even the progressive democrats who used to be his allies.
37. The idea is to cause progressive damage to the cancer cells, while allowing the normal cells to recuperate.
38. It dramatized the challenge of trying to pose as a progressive leader while maintaining a profiteering, corrupt political organization.
39. Winnetka is blessed with a long history of progressive education.
40. But how different and progressive are these NGO-managed health centres?
41. Human nature and human achievements have come to appear far more ambiguous than the progressive hopes of the nineteenth century admitted.
42. Income tax is a progressive tax because higher earners pay a higher proportion of their income in this tax than lower earners.
43. Given the progressive nature of taxation, the proportion of earnings paid in direct taxation varies.
43. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
44. The Progressive Democrats said his comments amounted to a charge of perjury against their leader.
45. Although there are many types of dementia they can generally be defined as involving progressive and irreversible brain failure.
46. This model promoted the assumption that evolution is based on a progressive trend with the human race as its goal.
47. The critical question was: Why has life undergone this progressive development in the course of time?
48. A look at some examples of the so-called progressive rock of the mid - and late 1960s may clarify this question.
49. The progressive form follows a steady pattern of worsening symptoms and disability without periods of remission.
50. Mr McDowell is also chairman of the Progressive Democrat party.
51. We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place where you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turning, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man. C.S. Lewis 
52. My argument is that state capitalism of the kind outlined above would be a highly progressive development.
53. It was agreed that all transmission of film material will be in a progressive scan format from launch of services.
54. Several deletion mutants were prepared by exploiting singular restriction sites in the cDNA to enable progressive sequencing.
55. She spoke frequently in the Debating Society in favour of progressive causes such as abortion, animal rights, state education and nuclear disarmament.
56. Real disposable incomes of partners-adjusted for inflation and progressive income taxation-have stabilised.
57. Suppose such a party were to win, like the Progressive Democrats in 1987,11.8% of the first-preference votes.
58. Their inclusion in the non-progressive category does not influence the main conclusion that deficits are highest in monitoring patients with progressive disorders.
59. He was viewed by critics as being secretive, arrogant and aloof, but supporters described him as progressive and effective.
60. The first effort at campaign finance reform was a product of the progressive era almost a century ago.
61. Chiron Vision develops and manufactures products for treating progressive eye diseases and for improving cataract and refractive surgery.
62. The progressive decline in the course of addictive disease follows similar patterns in differing individual sufferers.
63. I got a job under a free-thinking Head in one of the most progressive education authorities.
64. The move by the three Progressive Democrats, was unanimously authorised by party representatives.
65. Many of these changes have been directly related to progressive taxation, transfer payments and high levels of employment.
66. Superficially, this could be cited as evidence of progressive social change.
67. There are grounds for arguing that learning hierarchies like this which are both progressive and universal are extremely difficult to find.
68. And smooth, surge-free progressive power delivery to help keep you in control at all times.
69. Overall though, gay is good, which is why Sam Snort welcomes the proposed decriminalisation of homosexuality on the part of the Progressive Democrats.
70. Perhaps by making cannabis legal our society would imply progressive sanction to the use of any mood-altering drug.
71. Inevitably, in time, some of the progressive ideas being put forward seeped into public consciousness.
72. We have a better opportunity for generating progressive, democratic change than at any time during the past 50 years.
73. The progressive dismantling of regional development policy since 1979 has moved more swiftly than steps aimed at deregulating the housing sector.
73. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
74. War and cold war had some progressive effects with the colonial empires.
75. Mr Reynolds's government lost the motion by 88 votes to 77 after a walkout by coalition partners the Progressive Democrats.
76. Under a system of progressive income taxation, there are few apriori sustainable generalizations about the labour supply consequences of taxation.
77. Rave culture itself has become separate from other more progressive aspects.
78. Such lipid accumulation frequently leads to mental retardation or progressive loss of central nervous system functions.
79. It has accepted that progressive aging of the population necessitates a parallel increase in numbers of doctors.
80. The disease does not go away if one ignores it: progressive decline is inexorable.
81. Hence the expansion of dictionary definitions descends into progressive generality, displaying a weaker and weaker semantic relationship with the original word.
82. It acted in Parliament as the representative of Labour interests within a broader alliance of progressive forces.
83. The tense is present perfect progressive.
84. And what is Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation?
85. Q: What is "progressive disclosure" in a topic?
86. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
87. The academia put forward the adjustment of "nine grades excess progressive rates" in recent year, namely: "increase tax exemption, reduce tax bracket, reduce tax rate".
88. Objective The clinical observation of treatment with acupuncture and herbs for muscular pseudohypertrophy and progressive myodystrophy.
89. Haitan Strait is a south-north and long restricted channel strait, tidal wave in the strait belongs to progressive wave.
90. The marketization of pension fund's investment is a progressive course.
91. The clinical manifestations contain hemorrhage, refractory headache, and epilepsy etc, part of the patients show progressive hemiparalysis due to long-term intracephalic steal blood.
92. They have to identify which of the infinite number of progressive tax schedules they embrace, and then explain why it is best.
93. The civilization is a concept which is opposite to barbarism, fatuity and ignorance. It symbolizes the progressive degree and civilized state of human society.
94. The tax could be sold to reluctant legislators as a progressive tax on the wealthy.
95. My friend, Patrick, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lane ? ? s Radical Progressive Party.
96. Haeckel used embryology extensively in his recapitulation theory, which embodied a progressive, almost linear model of evolution.
97. Progressive tax rate, as a major concept in The Taxation, is frequently used in income tax.
98. The phenomena of progressive failure leading to collapse in mined - out area were numerically investigated.
99. Along with the progressive development of tissue Doppler imaging, it is expected to become the most important criterion to the selection of patients for cardiac resynchronization theraphy.
100. Because of the orthogonal reconstructing method, the quality of reconstructed image can be greatly improved and the progressive image transmission also becomes possible compared to JPEG algorithm.
101. Progressive throttling of flow shall be accomplished by a characterized profile quad seal retainer washer.
102. Eg : " My friend, Crawley, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr Lane's Radical Progressive Party . "
103. English verbs have two aspects : the progressive aspect and the perfective aspect .
103. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
104. Members of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party plan large demonstrations throughout Chen's stay.
105. He always enjoyed listening to progressive rock, hard rock, heavy metal , funk, blues and reggae.
106. Germany has long had a progressive social security system that benefits parents.
107. The general structure and the stock layout design proposal of the progressive die were introduced.
108. Otosclerosis is a progressive degenerative condition of the temporal bone which can result in hearing loss.
109. The common findings of these two patients are unilateral proptosis , limitation of ocular movement and slow progressive course.
110. And I was heartsick that my party and its progressive causes were disintegrating before my eyes.
111. The opposition Democratic Progressive Party ( DPP ), which organised it, claims 600,000 took part.
112. My friend, Crawley, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lane's Radical Progressive Party.
113. For well recorded progressive rock(), the W1000 are also very nice.
114. That's the chronic and progressive swelling that may occur in the arms of breast cancer patients after lymph-node surgery and radiation.
115. In some ways this sort of relativism strikes a progressive and reasonable note.
116. Compensation for losses to Islam was provided by the progressive Christianization of the Germanic, Celtic and Slavonic peoples of Europe in the western post-imperial epoch.
117. The results showed that the main manifestations of IPF were severe dry cough, progressive short breath, cyanosis, clubbed fingers and crepitant rales in lungs.
118. A 4-year-old girl presented with generalized papules , erythema, desquamation, subcutaneous nodules around large joints, as well as a 3-year-history of progressive eye damage.
119. Instead of the Democratic Progressive Party and the meaning of the flat cut, never not flat.
120. The opposition Democratic Progressive Party, which Mr Chen used to lead, is embarrassed.
121. Study on the progressive aspect of English verbs from cognitive prospective can be analyzed from direct situation and indirect situation.
122. In Democratic Progressive Party to be very flat, the counter - flat standpoint different initiation serious internal strife.
123. Performance characteristic and stress condition were analyzed in the process of progressive cavity pump well startup and a startup torque dynamic model was established.
124. First, supporting these means sanctioning redistribution, as they are funded by a progressive tax system.
125. The article firstly introduces the previous studies of verb classification by temporal features, and then discusses the different type verbs and their expression of progressive aspect.
126. When Pereira Ignacio passed on this count, too (he had studied at Cornell, entertained progressive views on labor relations), a formal bottler's agreement was finally signed.
127. Timed game play, with progressive scoring based on how quickly you work through levels.
128. The first part introduces the selection between the proportional tax rate and the progressive tax rate.
129. Progressive taxation is logical because the wealthy pay more tax.
130. The attitudinal past and progressive aspect in English, when used in sentences of requests and proposals, may have functions of flexibility and politeness.
131. Democratic Progressive Party members are seen protesting outside the Taipei District Court July 31 , 2007.
132. However, he developed progressive cachexia, withdrew from hemodialysis and subsequently died.
133. This progressive detailing of the project management plan is often called "rolling wave planning(), "indicating that planning is an iterative and ongoing process(see Figure 3-7).
134. SGM is fit for the prediction of ultimate bearing capacity of progressive failure piles.
135. Also speaks regarding Bian Cai Yingwen to lead Progressive Party with method , Cai Yingwen directly counter - attacks.
136. In the East the progressive revolt had a more decidedly urban complexion.
137. The density of the synthetic fiber is progressive structured by the clean air way with higher filter efficiency and longer working life.
138. My friend , Crawley , has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lane's radical Progressive Party.
139. Later, the performing arts with innovative, progressive increase in the band accompaniment, while dance and sing.
140. PNHP believes this program should be financed by truly progressive taxation.
141. Challenges against patriarchal - feudalism came from progressive intellectuals in the wake of the Reform Movement of 1898.
142. Generally speaking, a progressive income tax may cut down labor supply and reduce a laborer's real income.
143. The paper introduces how to use multi station progressive die with high precision to manufacture stator core and rotor core of square stepping dynamotor .
144. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a very rare, progressive neurological disorder.
145. The opposition Progressive Party ( DPP ) has planned a large - scale rally in Taipei Saturday against the deal.
146. Methods. A 45-year-old patient who was previously well presented with back pain and rapidly progressive paraparesis.
147. By means of progressive regression method, a mathematical model of the air hammer was developed.
148. There exists two contrary cultures in N: the stagnate culture and the progressive culture.
149. That is the progressive aspect which we will look at tomorrow.
150. Shi Zhengfeng said that in Democratic Progressive Party's clique struggles is also very obvious.
151. Unilateral progressive sensorineural hearing loss, vertigo or imbalance, and tinnitus are common symptoms of meningiomas of cerebellopontine angle.
152. After being weaned for about 1 week, the swinery showed progressive emaciation, slow growth, declining food intake, irregular hair coat and poor spirit.
153. Our understanding project human resources management comprehensively and newly, provide a new ideas for effective project management. This paper adopt a progressive logic relations to demonstrate .
154. But Taiwan's pro - independence opposition Democratic Progressive Party has opposed a comprehensive economic pact.
155. Taxes can be further categorised as proportional, progressive or regressive.
156. The net result will be a progressive convergence of nations to a declining per capita emission rate.
157. Her poetry tells a progressive, perceptive and broad-minded Li Qing - zhao who is not inferior to any man.
158. Child-centered education began with Rousseau and Pestalozzi. It was developed further in the United States by John Dewey. In the United States it was called progressive education.




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