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单词 Possess
(1) He alone is poor who does not possess knowledge. 
(2) Mercury was believed to possess magical properties.
(3) We possess ten acres of plow.
(4) I'm afraid this is the only suitcase I possess.
(5) Different workers possess different skills.
(6) Not all of us possess earthshaking talent. Just common sense and love will do.
(7) Belgium was the first European country to possess a fully-fledged rail network.
(8) The analysis of what kind of temperament you possess is vital.
(9) We possess ten acres of plough.
(10) She pretends to various abilities she doesn't possess.
(11) They possess property all over the world.
(12) The proletariat must possess the truth of Marxism.
(13) Vowels possess greater sonority than consonants.
(14) What attributes should a good manager possess?
(15) Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality.
(16) Revolutionaries should possess the noble qualities of the proletariat.
(17) I'm afraid he doesn't possess a sense of humour.
(18) He is said to possess a fortune of more than two-and-a-half-thousand million dollars.
(19) The students possess the conviction that they can make a difference to their community.
(20) Students need to possess certain basic skills by the time they finish school.
(21) Does he possess the necessary patience and tact to do the job well?
(22) Possess yourself in patience until I tell you the good news.
(23) The country did not possess the modern guns to equip the reserve army properly.
(24) Insects possess a biological clock that programmes the insect's growth(/possess.html),reproduction and dormant periods.
(25) She pretends to various abilities she doesn't, in fact, possess.
(26) You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love. As long as you keep your hand curly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your fingers around it and try to possess it, it will spill through the first cracks it finds. This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love. They try to posses it, they demand, they expect and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you.
(27) In the past the root of this plant was thought to possess magical powers which could cure baldness.
(28) In case both parties agree to let the alienator continuously possess the chattel when the real right of a chattel is alienated, the real right shall go into effect upon the effectiveness of the agreement.
(29) She had endowed Marcus with the qualities she wanted him to possess.
(30) He credited her with a maturity she did not possess.
(1) Mercury was believed to possess magical properties.
(2) We possess ten acres of plow.
(3) I'm afraid this is the only suitcase I possess.
(4) Different workers possess different skills.
(5) She pretends to various abilities she doesn't, in fact, possess.
(6) Belgium was the first European country to possess a fully-fledged rail network.
(7) The analysis of what kind of temperament you possess is vital.
(8) In the past the root of this plant was thought to possess magical powers which could cure baldness.
(9) We possess ten acres of plough.
(10) Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality.
(31) How did you manage to possess yourself of his secret?
(32) To possess power is the ultimate ego trip for most people.
(33) We're trying to bring out the latent artistic talents that many people possess without realising it.
(34) Did Mills possess such prized information?
(35) NATO forces possess an arsenal of 700 surface-to-air missiles.
(36) The story seems to possess me.
(37) You will also possess a large amount of information.
(38) Very few families in this area possess a telephone.
(39) Oh, what a power I possess!
(40) Boris seemed to possess both talents.
(41) The people possess inviolable rights.
(42) More, apparently, than our elected leaders possess.
(43) Worsley claimed to possess a degree from Trinity College.
(44) Honesty is the most praiseworthy quality one can possess.
(45) Their inward minds possess different energy configurations to ours.
(45) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(46) Individuals possess conveyances to go to the country.
(47) Zorna is said to possess miraculous healing powers.
(48) Too many nations already possess chemical weapons.
(49) They possess enormous strength and enjoy tormenting sailors.
(50) The theory states that individuals possess certain characteristics so that they are predisposed to act in a certain way within a given situation.
(51) On the other hand, we can never possess such a certainty that some one loves us.
(52) They are plants of the most varied appearance, and they also possess either a bulb or tubercle.
(53) Male indigo birds sport beautiful metallic blue plumage, while male whydahs sometimes possess spectacularly long tails.
(54) Alphabetic systems possess an inventory of symbols, called an alphabet, to represent the individual phonemes.
(55) But they already possess the scheduling, communications, decision-making, oversight, and reporting skills needed.
(56) Far greater than all the material possessions that I possess is my freedom to choose, my freedom to live, and my freedom to be happy. RVM 
(57) The rhetorical theorist does not assume that only some societies possess the rhetorical capacity to argue.
(58) He'd have wished to own her, body and soul, to possess her.
(59) I do not claim to be gifted - it's just something you either possess or you don't.
(60) Trumpet players in dance bands possess many different sorts of mutes with a corresponding number of resultant timbres.
(61) I also happen to possess a hugely competitive nature, especially when it comes to sport.
(62) The ability to respond in crisis is one of the skills which all teachers must possess.
(63) These days, there is little doubt that creatures possess a mind structure.
(64) We are, after all, only trustees of the wealth we possess. Without the community and its resources… there would be little wealth for anyone. Albert Schweitzer 
(65) It gives additional information which can be used as experience grows and by those who already possess some knowledge of Homoeopathy.
(66) We are concerned with three main questions in this work: Do moral judgements possess objective truth or falsehood?
(67) In order for a planet to possess a magnetosphere it need not have an internal magnetic dipole moment.
(68) Assets are imperfect substitutes because they possess different characteristics with respect to liquidity, marketability and profitability.
(69) Even when silent he seemed to possess a new calculating intelligence.
(70) Nevertheless, many bishops continued to possess legal expertise, and it is not surprising that they made use of their knowledge.
(71) But I restrained the impulse, for it is as well to eke out such tokens of our goodwill as we possess.
(72) Any such tribunal does however possess the discretion to allow the individual to be assisted by such an adviser. 4.
(73) She wants to ruin the play to which I have given all I possess.
(74) The highest proof of the spirit is love. Love the eternal thing which can already on earth possess as it really is. Albert Schweitzer 
(75) Point-factor systems tend to emphasize paying people for the positions they occupy rather than the skills they possess or their performance.
(75) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(76) If calligraphy is not a skill you possess or think you could learn, do not despair for there are some alternatives.
(77) Virtually every adult man, and a few older women, possess familiars.
(78) Mercury was believed to possess magical properties and some regarded it as the quintessence of the human body and of all substances.
(79) The fact is simply that the two colours do not possess universal symbolic meanings shared by all the peoples of the globe.
(80) Their luminal surfaces possess microvilli which increase the absorptive capacity of the cells.
(81) Both departments involved in teaching this degree are actively engaged in palaeoenvironmental research and possess established research facilities.
(82) People who possess a negative character and a narcissistic personality tend to be more deceiving and deceptive. Dr T.P.Chia 
(83) The scientists reassigned to the survey possess expertise in areas such as population dynamics, physiology, animal behavior, habitats and biodiversity.
(84) Cigarettes, like handguns, are legal for adults to sell and possess.
(85) Therefore individuals need to possess personalities conformable to the ambient level of cultural evolution.
(86) While the Macintosh still possess all the benefits it seems, to a casual observer, to be an incompatible system.
(87) By conflating childhood with mythic time - and does not the world possess mythic proportions when we are small?
(88) Objects, however, by virtue of their concrete nature, can never possess that entirely arbitrary and abstract capability.
(89) To achieve any measure of integration requires a confidence and a breadth of understanding which teachers possess in varying degrees.
(90) You need to possess a tremendous mental strength to withstand the rigours of rowing.
(91) However, the courts possess considerable discretion as to whether to utilise this armoury.
(92) Of course it is necessary for the prospective student to possess a reasonable amount of intelligence as well as a genuine desire to help others.
(93) Films possess the ability to convey both motion and colour.
(94) I have done a bit myself, but possess neither the ability nor the patience to do fine work.
(95) Although it occurs among mammals and birds, few other fish possess binocular vision.
(96) The colour to possess is a golden glow for six months a year.
(97) And if they are more numerous, then maybe the dead possess more spiritual power as well.
(98) Human beings possess the ability to experience subjectively the objects in their environment and themselves as an object in it.
(99) But with only two characters you can't hope to control everything, or claim to possess every solution.
(100) Unkindness, especially unkindness coupled with wit, is the greatest asset a courtier can possess.
(101) She hoped that he would not find the jam jar too utilitarian, but he appeared to possess few vases.
(102) An extract from the bark of the conifer Pinus Pinnaster has been found to possess exceptional anti-oxidant properties.
(103) Does anyone possess or know which model of drill is needed to power the attachments?
(104) They appealed to the selfless moral and ethical standards we like to believe we possess.
(105) More expensive items in the same range should be finely knotted and possess cleanly articulated and symmetrically arranged decorative forms.
(105) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(106) Similarly, it is possible for individuals to possess weak skills in reading or math while also being work-inhibited.
(107) Creed, as we know, does not possess the stoutest of spirits.
(108) Inheritance therefore benefits those who already possess substantial capital assets.
(109) Understanding is the most prized quality we can ever possess.
(110) He had missed his chance to kill the man and possess Polly, have her for his own.
(111) Never have I seen Fincara's magic so possess anyone's spirit - flee from him, mortal!
(112) The caller claimed to possess valuable information about the boy's whereabouts.
(113) Since 1990, it has been illegal for the US to develop or possess biological weapons.
(114) If a child is learning at grade level, by definition he or she must possess reasonably good intellectual abilities.
(115) Some plants already possess genetic resistance to attacks by insect pests while others resist certain fungal diseases.
(116) He accepts that it is impossible for mortal man to lay claim to attain, or to possess, perfect Truth.
(117) They do not possess the seductive allure of other parts of the female anatomy.
(118) You know what, it's not your life, it's life. Life is bigger than you, if you can imagine that. Life isn't something that you possess,() it's something that you take part in and witness. Louis C.K. 
(119) Life favors those who possess the powers of human strengths, such as a positive character, knowledge, diligence, determination and perseverance. Dr T.P.Chia 
(120) What magic did these brothers possess that had catapulted them into the rarefied atmosphere of the multi-billionaires.
(121) Assuming the form of the lost love, the spirit comes in a dream to sexually possess the abandoned one.
(122) Many readers possess their own forms of transport and are prepared to travel reasonable distances within the authority when requiring material urgently.
(123) We can possess a mathematical certainty that two and two make four, but this rarely matters to us.
(124) As consumers, but non-producers, retired people possess no strike sanction.
(125) This is surely not only the earliest marble statue we possess but one of the first made.
(126) They also possess more subtle powers of political pressure and the use of persuasion.
(127) Firstly, a research programme should possess a degree of coherence that involves the mapping out of a definite programme for future research.
(128) But why should the crown possess this mystic attribute of being able to contain and confer sovereignty?
(129) In practice, firms do not normally possess accurate information about the demand curves for their product.
(130) Although her poems appear short and simple, they in fact possess an ever-deepening complexity.
(131) He felt that the emptiness was trying to possess him.
(132) I believe with every human bone, piece of flesh and hank of hair I possess that the government is right.
(133) The latter is really reserved for those highly skilled golfers who possess the necessary shot-making ability.
(134) The number of nations that possess nuclear weapons has risen.
(135) Rather, like insects, they are annoyances except when they seem to possess such overwhelming numbers.
(135) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(136) Sport can possess the characteristic of a capital good, one that yields a return as part of a market production process.
(137) Animals possess legal rights; although, as we have seen, the notion is more restrictive than that of human entitlement.
(138) Consequently there is a persistent rivalry among humans in their quest to possess it.
(139) It's one of the most rewarding attributes they possess - discovering and articulating the weird mutation in the human race.
(140) For a novel writer who may possess individual writing characteristics, unknown to the handwriting recogniser, performance can be low.
(141) Central and local government compete for maximum advantage and possess different resources.
(142) By law, a convicted felon is not allowed to possess or use a firearm.
(143) Rangers, meanwhile, are convinced they possess enough heavy artillery to win the war tonight.
(144) By the beginning of the eighteenth century the diplomats appeared to possess a kind of corporate identity.
(145) She was depriving him of nothing, taking from him nothing he wanted or could possess.
(146) Unlike Locke, it does not possess the assurance of having won the argument on that ground.
(147) This mountain may possess other features, but the double peak or notched cleft remains constant.
(148) Regardless of how high you are in the corporation and how much power you possess, you can lose it overnight.
(149) Men are always enslaved by material abundance and wealth, and the more they possess, the greedier they become. Dr T.P.Chia 
(150) The High Elves possess a great respect for their land and build their cities in harmony with nature as much as possible.
(151) Your mission is to boldly go about the galaxy destroying the Klingon forces which possess many new tactical weapons and abilities.
(152) This has plane wave solutions which are transverse waves travelling with velocity c, properties that electromagnetic waves also possess.
(153) Later we find many other magical properties that these complex numbers possess, properties that we had no inkling about at first.
(154) Doing so enables us to rework these things and possess them.
(155) Nevertheless, taken on balance, if you possess unpleasant chemical properties, it pays to advertise.
(156) They will possess the same cognitive structures and whatever maturational schedules thereof that underlie hearing children's language acquisition.
(157) It is difficult to maintain control where a scattered enforcement staff possess high discretion.
(158) Lawyers and accountants, for example, exercise substantial influence over those who do not possess similar expertise.
(159) But in most cases we possess complete sets of furnishings and fittings.
(160) This fundamental marketing information can easily be gleaned from the vast stores of historic customer data which hotels possess.
(161) They tended, however to be much less articulate than others in the Rowdies group and to possess far less social knowledge.
(162) To enable waves to break some distance offshore it is necessary that the offshore profile should possess a very gentle gradient.
(163) This is true even though they bring to the search the knowledge they already possess about how spoken language works.
(164) But they possess no vocal chords as man and other mammals do.
(165) They are buildings of the Romanesque or Gothic periods and possess strong Byzantine characteristics.
(166) When your desires are strong enough you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve. Napoleon Hill 
(167) What is the non-animal quality which men possess which other animals do not possess?
(168) They possess an impressive array of scent glands under nervous and endocrine control,(http:///possess.html) the hormones involved being mostly steroids.
(169) Ten minutes from the sea is for those who possess a helicopter or seaplane.
(170) These flowers possess spring-loaded anthers that give honey bees a rough blow when they enter.
(171) Each has a Breda Bofors gun and an Aloutte 3 helicopter; both possess the range for hit-and-run raids to the Falklands.
(172) The theory of Darwin and Fisher is the only coherent explanation we possess for such characters.
(173) Keepers must breed from what little they possess.-which itself means evolution.
(174) That all living creatures possess a capacity to learn is apparent from the way they find their way around an environment.
(175) Our quality of mind and emotion is more important than the clothes we wear or the knowledge we possess.
(176) The ants' larvae possess silk glands with which they spin their own pupal cocoons.
(177) What explanatory surveys require are cases which possess characteristics relevant to the problem of the research.
(178) Almost all the major fins possess spines and venom glands.
(179) These animals possess the remarkable ability to withstand intense heat and drought for prolonged periods of time.
(180) Nomatterhow ethereal they may seem, they do not exist in a timeless limbo but possess determinate antecedents in time and space.
(181) The three defendants were found guilty of conspiracy to possess drugs. 9 February was set for sentencing.
(182) The store manager appeared to possess a certain charisma which enhanced his position as a manager of others.
(183) Most of the boys seemed to possess a squash racquet.
(184) Do you know what morals are Violet? They're other people's rules. Do you know what a conscience is? Freedom to use your own intelligence to determine what is right or wrong. You possess that freedom and no one can remove it from you. Amy Tan 
(185) Present science teaching generally assumes implicitly that pupils possess the reasoning patterns.
(186) To possess power is the ultimate ego trip for many people.
(187) Ecotopian biotechnology on the contrary would possess an infrastructure based firstly on ecological rationality and secondarily on an economic basis.
(188) Counselors within school systems and psychotherapist5 in the community possess the knowledge and skills to assist students, parents, and teachers.
(189) It is curious, too, to note that echidnas also possess spurs but their venom gland is non-functional.
(190) We no longer possess the Susan Membrane that would allow a Marine to enter a state of suspended animation.
(191) They possess the concreteness of imaginative, spiritual experience rather than the concreteness of quotidian reality.
(192) In this study, nude mice were used that do not possess mature T lymphocytes but do have natural killer cell activity.
(193) He did not possess a markedly religious temperament, and most of his concerns were those he could share with lay people.
(194) For each cognitive skill which humans possess, they must also possess its opposite.
(195) Job candidates who already possess these computer skills may be preferred over those who need to be trained.
(196) Time, as you will agree,(http:///possess.html) is the most valuable commodity that we possess.
(197) Ideally, any alternating voltmeter should possess infinite impedance and any a.c. meter negligible impedance.
(198) They may also include specific commitments you have taken on, or skills which only you possess.
(199) If our love is only a will to possess, it is not love. Thich Nhat Hanh 
(200) Mooting not only gives you practice in court procedure but helps to develop the aplomb that every advocate should possess.
(201) The attendants of Naga Royalty also possess only one head.
(202) There is a glorification of virtue, a the most praiseworthy quality one can possess.
(203) In 1996, the nominees possess solid credentials for the presidency as well as the vice presidency.
(204) The simplest creatures to possess these physical characteristics are the jellyfish and their relatives.
(205) This suggests that platelets must possess very sophisticated intracellular control mechanisms.
(206) Individuals who possess certain skills may also find their power diminished if those skills are made redundant by developments in new technology.
(207) They used to argue about which condition was worse, each blessed with the energy which only the self-righteous possess.
(208) Ultimately, it has to be worked at so that its possibilities are realized fully by those who possess it.
(209) Perhaps there are special brain cells which we possess that chimpanzees do not.
(210) The Western Highlands possess a beauty and a majesty found nowhere else in Britain.
(211) Traditional managerial approaches do not work because they assume that most people already possess most of the capabilities required for performance.
(212) It is important to remember that labour is heterogeneous in the sense that different workers possess different skills and abilities.
(213) The data gathered for the exercise clearly reflect the now very considerable research strength and performance that we possess.
(214) Even good ideas are frequently contained in banal packages that neutralize the virtues they possess.
(215) Particular substances were commonly held to possess magical and even medical potential.
(216) And then it made him somewhat fearful, the thought that he alone should possess this knowledge.
(217) One alternative approach is to develop an additional base of power that your opponent does not possess.
(218) One of the few skills I possess is the ability to type with ten fingers.
(219) Governments should not be deluded into thinking that they can arrogate to themselves powers that they do not and can not possess.
(220) Many offices, on the other hand, already possess fast data networks.
(221) It's seems that their marriage is a lost cause in which possess the husband and wife not real affection for one another.
(222) They will try to gain possession of the last piece of ground we possess.
(223) What service advantages does the Peony Credit Card possess?
(224) Reptiles possess a scaly, dry skin.
(225) What qualities must a truly bargain hunter possess?
(226) Only those can be said to possess transferability.
(227) He seems to possess some innate badness of character and fondness for low company.
(228) These estimators include the signal subspace methods, ESPRIT and WSF. They possess good statistical performance.
(229) Possess the modern sweater production equipment and workshop more than 5000 of square metre.
(230) Theseus: You no longer possess the powers of a god, Kratos.
(231) Most MBA students possess the qualifications to work at top firms.
(232) There are some metals which possess the power to conduct electricity and ability to be magnetized.
(233) These simple methods possess a certain elasticity as to their practical application.
(234) Extraverts tend to possess skills such as sociability, talkativeness, and a high interest in affiliation.
(235) Ants don't carry calendars around with them any more than fiddler crabs possess real wrist watches.
(236) Possess the skill of drawing, numeration, experiment, test, express and operation, and the ability of design.
(237) We possess a soul, a nonmaterial essence that escapes the rigid fatalism of matter.
(238) The thermal demagnetization results indicate that the whole section only possess normal polarity.
(239) G cells may possess endocrine, paracrine and exocrine functions simultaneously.
(240) Ramsbottom didn't possess a dinner jacket, but he was told that a dark suit get by.
(241) Conclusion: The leiomyomatous neoplasms are rich in vascularity. the benign and malignant tumor possess vascular feature.
(242) The hope to draw close to possess the truth of a feverish one.
(243) It is sad to think that the love of a mother can possess villainous aspects.
(244) A Hun doesn't possess a woman until she bears his child.
(245) Stella - based models such as Limits to Growth possess a remarkable surfeit of feedback circuits.
(246) Does George Bush possess a disarming grin, or a facetious smirk?
(247) Ghosts and other spirits often possess people in movies and make their heads spin around!
(248) Small of stature and simian in appearance , these creatures possess surprising strength and unnatural agility.
(249) Anteaters possess a very simple sensory system for use in locating prey.
(250) Straddle - type single - track beam of Press Steel Concrete ( PC ) possess the action of bearing, orienting and stabilizing.
(251) Understand the knowledge, skills, and competencies that an internal auditor needs to possess.
(252) His paintings possess both the characteristic of western paintings and also impressionistic style of Chinese paintings.
(253) Besides having horns and claws, I now possess a tail and leathery wings.
(254) Isomorphism, in brief , means two graphs possess identical topological structures.
(255) When held to the light the small oblong leaves are seen to possess tiny perforations.
(256) The models and parameters possess typicality . The methods are reasonable and efficient.
(257) Must possess minimum Driving License . Preferably Heavy Vehicle Driving License.
(258) There are lots of factors influencing power load and all of them possess indetermination.
(259) Many microorganisms possess the ability to dehydrohalogenate DDT to DDE.
(260) The glisten glazes possess glistening effect only when they are applied on a proper under - glaze.
(261) The product possess the best scorching quality of sulfonamide type accelerators.
(262) How can the Greeks, who possess such wonderful treasures from the past, tolerate such dirtiness?
(263) The coil reactance size too possess the very great effect to design economy and operational performance.
(264) The hope to draw close and possess the truth of being can be a feverish one.
(265) The advanced agile missiles possess maneuverability, agility and accurate guidance performance by adopting thruster vector control.
(266) The Levites always have the right to redeem their houses the Levitical towns, which they possess.
(267) It is quite evident that all bodies possess some power of magnetic induction.
(268) These cells possess the ability to divide and create progeny self - renewing.
(269) Healthy lifestyle possess the characteristics of go - aheadism, nobleness, harmoniousness, fitness, and health - beneficial.
(270) Conclusion Rhodiola extracts possess the effects of against lipid peroxidation and apoptosis.
(271) The hope to draw close and possess the truth of being can be feverish one.
(272) This problem deals with determining whether binary trees represented as LISP S - expressions possess a certain property.
(273) What are the internal supporting factors Sheridan Libraries possess in supporting DL initiatives?
(274) I admire this liberal life without fetter instead of money and status she possess.
(275) Flowing freely curve shape, delineate the sport and the metre that calmness art possess singly.
(276) We who possess a supreme commitment to spreading the Mystic Law are unequalled in strength.
(277) Advanced agile missiles possess maneuverability, agility and precise guidance performance by adopting thruster vector control.
(278) Uncovering that mispricing may require specialised knowledge that few investors possess , creating profitable barriers to entry.
(279) Men with high creativity possess epistemological, psychological as well as moral characters.
(280) A metamorphic rock intermediate between shale and slate , that does not possess true slaty cleavage.
(281) The experimental results demonstrate that the method possess good vision effect and transparence.
(282) Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality. Slumber not in the tents of your fathers.
(283) Such thrusting figures often possess considerable egos and want to maximise personal glory.
(284) Men should a dress shirt and tie or even a suit if they possess one.
(285) Driving deep into the forests, she was able to subdue and possess a Succubus minion.
(286) The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness.
(287) Since the wavelets possess symmetry and interpolation, the sampling theorem on approximation subspace is established easily.
(288) Pyroxene crystallites in boninite matrix possess peculiar dendritic morphological features in the Xiangcheng area, western Sichuan.
(289) Zymomonas integrant possess the ability to ferment pentose into ethanol.
(290) All the photosynthetic bacteria possess the capability in addition to various facultative aerobes and obligate anaerobes.
(291) Possess strong problem - solving skills to deal effectively with EBS issues and good logic capability.
(292) Not all of us have to possess earthshaking talent. Just common sense and love will do.
(293) Each horse must possess a valid international passport recognized by the Federation Equestre Internationale ( FEI ).
(294) Huffing, bouncing , hectoring fellows do not possess cool courage.
(295) They possess great strength when they shapeshift, allowing them to tear apart metal and talons.
(296) It is illegal to buy , sell or possess a squirt gun.
(297) The energy that atoms and molecules can possess according to quantum theory is quantized.
(298) Your values nit what you possess, but what you contribute.




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