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单词 Pending
1. Nine cases are still pending.
2. Pending his return let us get everything ready.
3. In 1989, the court had 600 pending cases.
4. There were whispers that a deal was pending.
5. Sales of the drug have been stopped, pending further research.
6. None of the four people killed was identified pending notification of relatives.
7. The lawsuit was then pending.
8. He was released on bail pending committal proceedings.
9. The accused was released on bail pending trial.
10. The item is Patent Pending No. 912057.
11. She has been released on bail pending further enquiries.
12. The matter is still pending in court.
13. A decision on this matter is pending.
14. He was freed on bail pending an appeal.
15. Our mid - term exam is pending.
16. She had a libel action against the magazine pending.
17. Diagnosis was deferred pending further assessment.
18. An election is pending in Italy.
19. The players have been suspended pending appeal.
20. Flights were suspended pending investigation of the crash.
21. She was held in custody pending trial.
22. The inquest was adjourned pending further investigations.
23. He was released on bail pending further inquiries.
24. This matter must wait pending her return from London.
25. They were released on police bail pending further enquiries.
26. He had been suspended from practice,() pending legal investigations.
27. The lawsuit is still pending in the state court.
28. All charges against her are dropped pending the verification of her story.
29. Names of the dead and injured are being withheld pending notification of relatives.
30. The judge ordered that he post a $10 000 bond pending his appeal of the verdict.
1. Nine cases are still pending.
2. Pending his return let us get everything ready.
3. In 1989, the court had 600 pending cases.
4. There were whispers that a deal was pending.
5. Sales of the drug have been stopped, pending further research.
6. None of the four people killed was identified pending notification of relatives.
7. Names of the dead and injured are being withheld pending notification of relatives.
8. The matter is still pending in court.
9. Our mid - term exam is pending.
10. Diagnosis was deferred pending further assessment.
11. The lawsuit is still pending in the state court.
12. None of the four people killed was identified pending ( the ) notification of relatives.
31. The identity of the four people was not made public, pending notification of relatives.
32. The department has placed its plans on hold pending the results of the elections.
33. A judge has suspended a ban on the magazine pending a full inquiry.
34. Work on the scheme has been halted, pending the results of a judicial enquiry.
35. The pending releases of the prisoners are meant to create a climate for negotiation.
36. Many trade disputes are pending, awaiting the outcome of the talks.
37. None of the four people killed was identified pending ( the ) notification of relatives.
38. The pending debate should be placed before a larger audience.
39. A growing number of customers have been inquiring about the pending price rises.
40. The director has been suspended on full pay, pending an internal enquiry.
41. Development of the site has been delayed pending completion of the sewerage scheme.
42. The three men were released on bail pending an appeal.
43. Pending the hearing of the case by the court, the business will be allowed to continue trading.
44. The criminal case against Mr Sole is still pending.
45. The Cleveland coroner adjourned the hearing pending further inquiries.
46. The case is pending before the lower court.
47. He was not cited pending further investigation.
48. His name was withheld pending notification of family members.
49. Its removal is not being contemplated, pending further research.
50. The matter is pending before the constitutional court.
51. A pretty grey-eyed woman was being held, pending enquiries.
52. Nine other people have been bailed, pending further enquiries.
53. The decision was taken pending a full disciplinary hearing.
53. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
54. He was released on conditional bail pending committal proceedings.
55. The pair discussed the measure, which is not being enforced pending court appeals.
56. Pending a successful appeal, Downing could claim for wrongful arrest and 27 years unlawful detention.
57. This will allow refitted wagons to be marshalled in mixed train configurations pending the completion of installation work.
58. The effect of the new law on high-rise and condominium dwellers is less clear, pending federal action expected later this year.
59. Courts may grant injunctions to stop defamatory publications which would prejudice pending criminal trials.
60. Many trade disputes are pending, awaiting the outcome of the talks; failure would activate them immediately.
61. This gives the courts a useful power to separate the wheat from the chaff among the pending cases.
62. The ban is pending approval of an anti-doping ethics code.
63. They were immediately suspended on full pay pending a full inquiry.
64. Hancock also faces charges of misleading sales practices in a pending Florida lawsuit concerning variable life insurance policies written in the 1980s.
65. The suspects were arrested after questioning Thursday morning, the chief said, but have been released pending court appearances.
66. Cooperstein has been reassigned to a non-managerial position pending the outcome of a company investigation, he said.
67. Wells expects to close the merger by April 1, pending regulatory and shareholder approval.
68. More employees are likely to lose jobs in the pending merger.
69. Other promotion and relegation issues are pending and will hinge on further liaison committee meetings as well as certain leagues' annual meetings.
70. A poor result was obtained from one private jacuzzi which resulted in its closure pending further investigations.
71. Spencer may play against the Nuggets, pending the results of X-rays and an MRI....
72. Bail was set at $ 60, 000 pending an initial court appearance scheduled for Monday.
73. Meanwhile, an application is pending to include the walk in the national park system.
74. A petition for leave to appeal is now pending before the Appellate Committee of the House of Lords. 2.
75. The executed legal charge was sent to Warrens to be held, in escrow, pending completion.
76. Shekhar was asked to continue as caretaker Prime Minister, pending elections in late May.
77. It was the finale for a grand old lady which filled a gap pending the arrival of more modern types.
78. His identity is being withheld pending notification of next of kin.
79. He also was arrested Dec. 22 in Lowell on a charge of domestic assault and battery, which is pending.
80. Aruba was separated from the other islands in 1986, pending full independence in 1996.
81. At the time of the list's publication, business was still pending over three of the son-in-law's colleagues.
82. He was released temporarily under a writ of corpus, pending his forthcoming trial.
83. The two boys aged 15 and 16 were both released on unconditional bail pending another hearing next week.
84. A stock exchange spokeswoman declined to reveal the buyer pending final payment(Sentence dictionary), which should occur within 10 days.
85. Another pending decision which also awaits the new Board of Supervisors concerns the proposed bond election, tentatively scheduled for May 20.
86. I think that I am right in saying that regulation 3 provides that the changes will not affect pending applications for review.
87. The fear of pending competition has forced network operators to spend heavily on upgrades.
88. He had petitioned the court to stay his execution pending review.
89. This deprived litigants of access to the United States' courts, although some had cases already pending before the federal courts.
90. I have dealt with questions of costs and appeal and stay of the effect of the order pending an appeal.
91. News of the Romans and the pending invasion was probably brought in by the merchants.
92. The victim's identity is being withheld pending notification of relatives.
93. Cleveland deputy coroner Ronald Smith said as there was a possibility of industrial disease he was adjourning the hearing pending further inquiries.
94. Many developments have been delayed for years pending completion of new or improvements to existing sewage works.
95. All police leave and holidays had been cancelled pending the trial's outcome.
96. The companies said the venture is expected to be operational later this year, pending regulatory approvals.
97. The men, all under 25, were questioned yesterday at Middlesbrough police station before being released on bail pending further investigations.
98. A bill pending in Congress would deregulate electricity sales nationwide.
99. His suit, still pending, elicited howls from farmers and sugar-cane growers.
100. Sedgefield Magistrates decided the case should be dealt with by the Crown Court and gave Parker bail pending committal.
101. Authorities withheld the players' names pending the filing of formal charges.
102. Ten States have begun to implement comparable worth principles and there are law suits pending against another thirteen.
103. The acquisitions are pending transfer of franchise agreements and other regulatory approvals.
104. Shaheen was to take over, pending appointment of Sahnoun's replacement.
105. Mrs Mandela and Mrs Falati were given jail sentences last year but were released on bail pending an appeal.
106. However, these have been excluded, pending the results of a fundamental review of capital accounting.
107. Two senior officials have been suspended on full pay pending a second internal inquiry.
108. A settlement is pending in a recent class action suit against Greyhound.
109. The law will take effect pending two more public hearings.
110. The overall government line was to stonewall international pressure for pollution curbs, pending more research.
111. Poindexter remained at liberty after sentence, however, pending an appeal against his conviction.
112. It shouldn't take more than a couple of months to wrap up any business pending before the existing council committee.
113. It remains open pending the outcome of the tribunal, which is expected to last 3 weeks.
113. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
114. The Contra Costa County coroner said identification of the dead worker was pending on tests to be completed late Wednesday.
115. It is our policy not to comment on pending litigation.
116. In certain cases the value is left out, perhaps pending further enquiry.
117. Conditions on the granting of bail may be imposed by the magistrates' court on defendants against whom charges are pending.
118. Following the grand jury's indictment, however, the retrial was set aside pending the outcome of the federal case.
119. Although the city government promised an answer by late December, the appeal still is pending.
120. The Woldemariams have a wrongful death case against Broadus and Lee pending in civil court.
121. The company expects to close the transaction by late June, pending approval from state regulators.
122. But the measure is still pending and has the backing of the Clinton administration and congressional leaders.
123. A legal case is pending which will force a DNA test to acknowledge paternity.
124. An immigration-reform measure pending in the Senate Judiciary Committee would cut the length of employment to three years, but Sen.
125. Since then, the Community has grown to number twelve; and further applications for membership or association are pending.
126. University officials deny that his pending resignation is related to the financial mishaps.
127. Dozens of court cases had been adjourned pending the judgment.
128. A second indictment is pending in Tampa on charges of marijuana smuggling.
129. Sowders said, noting that a decision is pending on selecting a hearing examiner for the case.
130. The vendor will undertake that the company will refrain from doing certain acts or matters pending completion.
131. Prosecutors were considering filing criminal charges, and a civil suit was pending.
132. Mrs Mandela was jailed for six years on kidnapping and assault charges but released on bail pending a yet-to-be-heard appeal.
133. Legislation is pending in Sacramento and Washington that would penalize prisoners who file lawsuits that are later judged to be frivolous.
134. The decree reaffirmed central banking control pending the conclusion of a new union treaty.
135. Stay of Calder's suspension pending an application to the Court of Appeal.
136. If they did, they could apply for political asylum and remain for years while their cases were pending.
137. Her appeal is pending, awaiting the outcome of the Texas dispute.
138. As reports of pending victory filtered back into the command post, the General made his final mistake.
139. Her husband, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease, was detained in hospital and sedated pending geriatric assessment.
140. Now the piece had been put into a polythene bag and given a label pending its despatch for forensic examination.
141. The Oregon and Washington laws are on hold pending appeals.
142. I have halted all pending foreclosure sales until they can be further reviewed for discrimination or inconsistency in program delivery.
143. Alves da Silva remains in jail pending a new trial this year.
144. In addition, other property owned by Hammer has sold for about $ 1 million,(http:///pending.html) pending court approval.
145. Two other death row inmates have final appeals pending before the Supreme Court.
146. The Reform Party also has petitions pending with state election officials in Arkansas and Utah.
147. More than satisfied, the Immigration officer issued a temporary document pending the enquiries that must inevitably follow.
148. The order to hand over the documents was stayed, pending the outcome of Spicers' appeal to the Lords.
149. And Los Descendientes del Presidio de Tucson recognize that pending milestone with a party in honor of our cultural traditions.
150. Both the subcommittee and Mr Gingrich agree that no public comment should be made about this matter while it is still pending.
151. The reorganization is expected to go into effect on 1 October pending congressional approval of the internal transfer of funds.
152. Relevant proceedings are pending if they are in progress at the date the application for a care or supervision order is filed.
153. He appealed against the verdict, and on July 16 was released from detention pending his appeal.
154. And certain personnel records can be withheld, for example, as can documents relating to pending litigation.
155. Now a further prosecution is pending after a local businessman agreed to act as a prosecution witness.
156. Similar legislation is pending in the House, which plans to begin floor debate the week of March 18.
157. She was granted bail pending an appeal against the sentence.
158. The toddler is to remain with temporary foster parents in Wirral pending a court hearing next week.
159. The case is hanging fire for the moment, pending some changes in the paperwork filed so far.
160. A still unresolved problem is the pending litigation over the collection.
161. The New Statesman itself and Scallywag have indicated they will contest the libel actions still pending against them.
162. All told, $ 75 billion in spinoffs were pending in late December, according to J. P. Morgan.
163. Zoltan's company, Cyanamid, plans to license its pending patents to makers of digital watches.
164. The generalized assertion of privilege must yield to the demonstrated, specific need for evidence in a pending criminal trial.
165. Taken together, the new biotechnologies and the pending scientific insights will be immensely powerful.
166. The deal is expected to close by June 30, pending regulatory approval.
167. On April 8 a Superior Court judge ruled that Gates could return to full duties pending a judiciary hearing.
168. Cleveland coroner Michael Sheffield adjourned the inquest pending further inquiries.
169. His $ 400, 000 loan application is still pending before the federal Small Business Administration.
170. The three have been released pending forensic examinations of the drugs.
171. For the importer it provides short-term finance, pending the re-sale of the goods in his domestic market.
172. The Mayor was obliged to adjourn the meeting pending discussion by the Corporation.
173. Ron Bayley, a spokesman for the Seattle company, said he could not comment on pending litigation.
173. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
174. Pending final approval, work in the field is expected to begin in the second quarter.
175. The National Executive Council resigned but was re-appointed on an interim basis pending the selection by Soglo of a transitional government.
176. He suggested a three-month moratorium on politics while the administration and Congress work at reaching agreements on a number of pending issues.
177. As a matter of practice execution is often not carried out pending the hearing.
178. Mendoza is here pending his request for political asylum.
179. The cause of death was listed as pending.
180. He knew my examination was pending.
181. She was very much aware that a climax was pending.




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