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单词 Obsolete
1, New technology has rendered my old computer obsolete.
2, Electronic banking may make overthe - counter transactions obsolete.
3, Gas lamps became obsolete when electric lighting was invented.
4, Will computers render books obsolete ?
5, We're going to junk these computers, they are obsolete.
6, Our service is obsolete, requiring root and branch reform.
7, Their work is now rendered obsolete by machines.
8, With technological changes many traditional skills have become obsolete.
9, The horse-drawn plough is now obsolete in most European countries.
10, Some laws relating to obsolete customs are still in force.
11, Most factories in the area are obsolete and badly managed.
12, They tried to hammer obsolete ideas into the young people's heads.
13, First came the turbojet, now obsolete, then the turboprop, which is still found onboard small planes.
14, These goods are obsolete and will not fetch much on the market.
15, There ought to be a note on this obsolete word.
16, So much equipment becomes obsolete almost as soon as it's made.
17, Do the jobless have marketable skills or obsolete training?
18, But the editor's favourite word is now obsolete.
19, There is no question of making conventional computers obsolete.
20, Learning, like training,(http:///obsolete.html) quickly becomes obsolete.
21, The business suit and bedroom suite are nearly obsolete.
22, In the minds of many, the Falls were obsolete.
23, However, another of the original aims had become obsolete by this time.
24, Indeed many other art-historical givens have been rendered obsolete by pluralism and cultural diversity.
25, The 1974 constitution became effectively obsolete through the revolution of November 1989.
26, Our electronic companions tend to become obsolete as soon as we've become comfortable.
27, The word itself is so rare as to be almost obsolete.
28, The inevitable pressure of market forces rendered Luff's experiment obsolete, long before the track and overhead were worn out.
29, Old ideas about privacy, and the laws that were based upon them, are fast becoming obsolete.
30, Now, with technological changes, a number of traditional jobs, particularly those of low caste people, became obsolete.
1, New technology has rendered my old computer obsolete.
2, Electronic banking may make overthe - counter transactions obsolete.
3, Gas lamps became obsolete when electric lighting was invented.
4, We're going to junk these computers, they are obsolete.
5, Our service is obsolete, requiring root and branch reform.
6, They tried to hammer obsolete ideas into the young people's heads.
7, First came the turbojet, now obsolete, then the turboprop, which is still found onboard small planes.
8, These goods are obsolete and will not fetch much on the market.
9, There ought to be a note on this obsolete word.
31, It briefly considers the prospects for extending the operational life of obsolete systems through physical restoration as well as logical simulation.
32, Arguments that some of the skills practised by pupils are obsolete fall on deaf ears, or are heeded only very slowly.
33, For example, new antitank missiles, particularly when used from helicopters, are making main battle tanks obsolete.
34, That sort of thinking is now as obsolete as the coaxial cable.
35, The pace of technological change has already rendered obsolete many items that few would argue amongst the worth of preserving.
36, Those entries which are not marked as obsolete constitute the active population of the archive.
37, Similarly, an expert selling obsolete knowledge may soon find power is withdrawn.
38, But AIDS research is moving so quickly that the current cocktail soon will be obsolete, Teixeira said.
39, Therefore, the advice of the efficient-market believers to select randomly becomes itself obsolete if everyone takes the advice!
40, Later this raise had a stopping put in it when its function became obsolete.
41, Once we're found that favourite shape, there is nothing more frustrating than discovering that fashion has made it obsolete.
42, The heavy armament comprised 1,000 artillery pieces, but many were obsolete or short range.
43, He became almost quaintly obsolete, like the handle crank on the automobile.
44, Many of NATO's nuclear weapons in the European theatre are obsolete.
45, Little did they care that time had rendered them obsolete.
46, By the 1730s this construction had been superseded by a knuckle joint at the top and the gate-leg had become virtually obsolete.
47, From the most modern catering to an obsolete form of transport.
48, Zab finds herself using the now obsolete narrative conventions of the memoir.
49, If the laws change and make your will obsolete,() the lawyer is in a quandary.
50, Weapons that would have been invincible twenty years before are now vulnerable and obsolete.
51, In Fairfield and Visalia, managers constantly shift their resources to meet new needs and phase out obsolete activities.
52, Of much greater practical significance, and by no means obsolete, is the power to punish for contempt.
53, There is danger that technological change will render obsolete a product or method of production.
54, By association, then, sculptural adornment so popular under art nouveau was rendered obsolete.
55, Is the notion of a distinct foreign policy arena as obsolete as it is ambiguous?
56, With financial innovation, traditional instruments may become obsolete in influencing the money supply.
57, New technologies make obsolete many of the regulations, such as capital controls, that had previously existed.
58, No closets, cramped kitchen, obsolete dining room with a long gloomy table.
59, These documents are valid for six months and may be updated, replaced, or made obsolete at any time.
60, So many nations are developing cruise missile technology that a traditional air dominance fighter such as the F-22 could become obsolete.
61, The 1908 Act is an obsolete restriction that is not appropriate for modern mining methods.
62, One might wish to replace the obsolete name of a country or language with the modern name in every definition or etymology.
63, Now, however, it seems that even among the top designers, obsolescence is obsolete.
64, The Croydon design used a vertical falling piston against a nozzle and is now obsolete.
65, In the breeding tank there are none, so his function becomes obsolete.
66, The faster products change, the faster they become obsolete, and even obsolescence creates openings.
67, The telescope was designed to allow new instruments to be installed as old ones become obsolete.
68, For we have not clung to obsolete and impalpable assumptions concerning our society purely as the result of obtuseness and ignorance.
69, The most obvious advantage of this system was that it made obsolete the fifty-five spheres of Aristotle.
70, Even when some superstar analyst discovers a winning way to interpret data, others follow, and the method becomes obsolete.
71, But now it looks to me like the River Rouge plant, built for a purpose long obsolete.
72, Largely made obsolete by V. 32bis technology, V. 32 modems can still offer inexpensive access to on-line services.
73, The new administration has proposed scrapping more than 400 obsolete government programs.
74, In that time, the all-important double-team has been rendered obsolete.
75, To preserve nonuse will require policies more ambitious and comprehensive than the obsolete bipolar deterrence strategy.
76, Newly made bombs would replace old, and now obsolete, weapons in the stockpile.
77, I think death is the most wonderful invention of life. It purges the system of these old models that are obsolete. Steve Jobs 
77, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
78, There is no genius to stocking Post-it Notes, eliminating obsolete bureaus, and cutting costs.
79, At best such ventures can extend the operational life of obsolete systems.
80, This tape player is already obsolete.
81, He tried to do away with the obsolete regulations.
82, Weather conditions can change quickly, making preflight briefings obsolete.
83, This kind of weapon is obsolete.
84, Obsolete To fill with sublime emotion; elate.
85, Natural childbirth would become obsolete.
86, To cause to become unfashionable or obsolete.
87, Our service is obsolete, requiring root branch reform.
88, The main deficiency lies in the areas such as obsolete advertisement strategies, confused fee charging modes, unclear orientation of the role played by advertisers, delay of legal norms, etc.
89, Veteran readers may remember these, but, like my slide rule, they have become almost obsolete.
90, Besides the aforementioned problems, many people believe that traditional costing systems have become obsolete because of the changed proportion of direct labor, direct material and overhead.
91, These small-scale prevalence of small businesses, obsolete equipment, the product of a single, low quality, lack of market competitiveness , and so obviously inferior.
92, In the long run growth depends on replacing obsolete methods of production with better ones, and supplanting old industries with new ones.
93, In order to maintain Abrams tanks at high operational readiness, the company will recommend improvements and replace obsolete parts.
94, Operating room environment and conditions for poor and obsolete equipment, lack of sterile concepts, such as surgery often fly insect fly into.
95, The broken connection issue is just one example of how the WebSphere MQ culture tends to perpetuate established practices even after they are obsolete or demonstrably broken.
96, The whole paraphernalia of contemporary neoclassical economics seems to have become suddenly obsolete.
97, For obsolete, unusual, or insufficiently finely tuned display hardware, manually setting modelines may be the only available solution.
98, This brush holder of technology and structure has obsolete technology, lack of support structure is complex and the friction coefficient.
99, The piece features interactive images of speakers whose languages are becoming obsolete here, such as the Chinese dialects Hakka and Teochew and the Indian languages of Malayalam and Telugu.
100, Monitor inventory quality , obsolete slow moving stock and expired stock etc.
101, Rural electrification following the Great Depression made farm windmills obsolete.
102, A file reference does not create a build dependency, so it is possible to build the referencing project without building the dependent project(), and the reference can become obsolete.
103, Still, tape storage will not be obsolete in the near to medium term, contrary to popular belief.
104, She never said we were working with obsolete equipment , any more than she said she was the pilot of the ship.
105, Their strategies, structures, systems, and organizational culture grow increasingly obsolete and dysfunctional.
106, Illegitimate child. Old, denigrating , and now obsolete term for the child of an unmarried mother.
107, As mentioned above,(http:///obsolete.html) the new Identity Safe renders privacy control obsolete.
108, Digitization and various forms of electronic media, some critics say, are rendering the printed text as obsolete as the writing quill.
109, The traditional positioning accuracy detection method of feed shaft for numerical control(NC) machine tool exists low accuracy, method obsolete and poor measurement repeatability.
110, This version introduces Identity Safe, which replaces and totally surpasses the old Privacy Control module. (Privacy Control is still present in the Add-On Pack, but it's obsolete).
111, It cannot be said that air attack has rendered the battleship obsolete.
112, The crystal detector was soon replaced by the thermionic value and had largely become obsolete by 1939.
113, Either man is obsolete or war is ( R . Buckminster Fuller ).
114, Weapons of an earlier age, such as the bayonet, became almost obsolete in this new kind of warfare, and the role of cavalry and field artillery was greatly reduced.
115, In 2010, IRL is obsolete, because we all realize by now that when we communicate with each other online it's just as real as when we do it in print or even face-to-face.
116, Galleons were originally developed during 16th century. During 18th century they will become somewhat obsolete because ship types like East Indiaman and Ship of the Line.
117, Time to revise the high school biology textbooks. Turns out the standard image of a sausage-shaped bacterium crawling along lengthwise is obsolete.
118, In refusing to be obsolete, you challenged and defied the evolutionist historians.
119, The law has been made obsolete by new developments in forensic science.
120, An obsolete unit of luminous intensity, originally defined in terms of a wax candle with standard composition and equal to1.02 candelas.
121, Basically cleared off the newest antijamming ultra - high frequency communications system, ARC - 187 substitutes is considered obsolete ARC - 156.
122, In the long run, accelerating the redevelopment of the obsolete areas is the ultimate solution.
123, But data from the atlas has rendered the old maps not only obsolete but flat-out misleading.
124, Hard links are becoming more and more obsolete, in favor of soft links.
125, The redistillation apparatus was made by the renovation of obsolete equipments, which was helpful for increasing the utilization rate of dormant assets.
126, He saw nothing beyond himself along the branch. His kind was obsolete.
127, The army plans to phase out the equipment as it becomes obsolete.
128, Today's competition renders obsolete huge chunks of what we know.
129, And some of them came from individuals or organizations that simply wanted to get rid of their obsolete equipment at the lowest cost.
130, The typewriter is obsolete.
131, Regular use of computer makes the registry fragmented and cluttered with obsolete and invalid data.
132, A component or a Line Replaceable Unit (hereinafter the "LRU") is considered as obsolete when it is no longer possible to order identical or functionally equivalent and compatible spare parts.
133, Professional acquisition of a variety of scrap metals, electronic wires, plastic, chemical waste and obsolete equipment, and other waste materials.
134, You're unlikely to notice tape modulation noise outside of a recording studio because it's specific to analog tape recorders, which are fast becoming obsolete, and usually hidden by the music itself.
135, These obsolete weapons are being replaced by the more capable Type 98 (PF98) 120mm recoilless anti-tank rocket.
136, It was an obsolete thing, and few cared to study it.
137, On January 1, 1983 NCP was deemed obsolete when the ARPANET switched over to the new TCP/IP protocol suite, and as a result, marked this date as the official birth date [for some] of the Internet.Sentencedict
138, Now Google's made the page view even more obsolete with its new Google Instant Search capability.
139, In fact once the ecosystem matures the inside-out model will become as obsolete as it is building in-house applications from the ground up today.
140, Hwange Colliery said it is confident of securing finance to replace obsolete equipment at its mines.
141, Indeed, your average computer is virtually obsolete by the time it is skipped from the factory to the retail store.
142, However, high demand uncertainty and forecast inaccuracy often result in obsolete inventories of some products while others stock out.
143, Blue, light yellow and the pale powder was already obsolete, pure yellow, apple green, dark blue and perse, even scarlet isochromatic is the utilization are many.
144, In order to strengthen the medical equipment management and prevent the lose of fixed assets, the obsolete equipment management becomes more important.
145, But the American Heritage Dictionary says gun moll is based on obsolete British slang.
146, I posed to them an indelicate question: Are movie stars obsolete?
147, The acquisition of the Il-78 tankers is a major departure for the PLAAF, which currently relies on about 10 Xian H-6Us – obsolete H-6 bombers fitted with underwing hose-and-drogue pods.
148, The objector obsessed by the obsolete and obscure notion swears an oath not to offend.
149, Because these services are not browser-dependent, advertisement revenue is more or less obsolete in this context and must be substituted with an alternative model.
150, A statement Friday by the China Banking Regulatory Commission says it is ordering banks to withdraw loans from companies running obsolete equipment and causing too much pollution.
151, For owners of the obsolete businesses this is an unmitigated disaster.
152, Some two hundred obsolete warships and submarines have been taken out of service during the past five years.
153, The seminar of the removal and disposal of obsolete offshore installations and structures in the excursive economic zone and continental shelf was held in sept 1995 at Bangkok.
154, Kevin O'Callaghan is a design wizard and Monumental is his manifesto, featuring hundreds of beautiful and useful design objects made out of obsolete, useless, cast-off technology.
155, They must be adept at rendering obsolete the products and services they have created.
156, According to China GAAP, obsolete stock can be measured by the less one of the cost and the net realizable value.
157, Obsolete venereal disease kitchen range, fibre, hardens kitchen range obsolete quality of the, pleurisy mould.
158, These machines are now obsolete as computer type setting has taken over.
159, The obsolete ALTER statement provides the same function as EVALUATE.
160, There is a difference between a padded bra and silicone implants—the padded bra can be safely removed after it has served its purpose; the "porn boob" has rendered the bra meretricious, obsolete.
161, Some have argued that the falling price of whole-genome sequencing will soon render exome sequencing obsolete (IS 4/16/2010).
162, He used elaborate sentences, carefully balanced , and obsolete, resplendent words.
163, Quatities of obsolete explosives and propellants due to strategic reserves and renewal of weapons are a potential hazard as well as utilizable resource.
164, More probably, while we try to compare the relative power of the West and the East, we are clinging to an obsolete vocabulary.
165, Meanwhile, how to utilize obsolete equipment to meet new system train demand is also one research field of this paper.
166, Article 32 of the EIT Law provides that enterprises can receive accelerated depreciation allowance where the fixed assets become obsolete due to technology advancement.
167, The machine transformed into applying existing process requirement can reduce investment of equipment; also play full action of obsolete equipment.
167, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
168, Conclusion: In the young adults group, to Steadystereotypia the obsolete thighbone neck bone fracture incision replacement treatment, cannot choose this method.
169, Some argued that the GATT had become obsolete as a vehicle for reducing trade barriers.
170, In other words, the military of the world's richest nation amounted to hardly more than a border constabulary armed with obsolete equipment like 1903 Springfield rifles.
171, This saves costly repairs to existing servos and eliminates difficulties in obtaining spare parts for obsolete equipment. Learn more from EHPS product spec 03342.
172, Slang, referring to an antiquated computer; any obsolete data processing equipment.
173, An older unit, the lumen per square foot, or foot - candle, has become obsolete.
174, Participants are considered "existing trade regulations obsolete, unable to cope with China's monopoly of Rare Earth."
175, The term "birdbrain, " is obsolete, she said, and should be replaced by "brainy birds.
176, Objective To investigate the relationship between papillary muscle dysfunction and mitral regurgitation in patient with obsolete myocardial infarction.
177, Indeed, your average computer is virtually obsolete by the time it is shipped from the factory to the retail store.
178, It became obsolete with the virtual abolition of imprisonment for debt in 1880.
179, Obsolete product shall be controlled in a similar manner to nonconforming product.
180, The selling price is difficult to assess as the obsolete stock haven't been sold.
181, I believe that it is obsolete, pedagogically disastrous, and ignores the tremendous scientific advances of the twentieth century.
182, You must rerun snapshot because current snapshot files are obsolete.
183, This is why dealing with obsolete electronics is very much a double-edged sword.




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