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单词 Intervening
1. Intervening militarily will not bring peace.
2. During those intervening years Bridget had married her husband Robert.
3. The intervening years had dimmed his memory.
4. They had scoured the intervening miles of moorland.
5. The bank has been intervening in foreign exchange markets.
6. We are actively intervening to settle a quarrel.
7. Our President has no intention of intervening in your internal affairs.
8. To occupy the intervening months she took a temporary job.
9. These flashed their electric message through intervening night.
10. During the intervening period, prices had tripled.
11. There's been no increase in the intervening years.
12. In the intervening years, there have been some changes, but not nearly enough.
13. In the intervening period, of course, the Daleks had changed the face and destiny of the show for ever.
14. Secondly, Hu suggests that the Fed should forswear intervening directly in equities or equity derivatives.
15. In the intervening period the decision of the Comintern Congress had become public.
16. Are there no other ways of intervening in their environment to avert the catastrophe Walinsky describes?
17. I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for intervening on that point.
18. But in the intervening period their triumph seemed beyond doubt or challenge.
19. He soon realized that a lot had changed in the intervening years.
20. It was a long time since my last visit to Berlin, and it had changed dramatically in the intervening period/years.
21. I hadn't seen him since 1980, and he had aged a lot in the intervening years.
21. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. When she came back, she found that much had changed in the intervening years.
23. The script has lost all of its shock value over the intervening 24 years.
24. Recounting the matter in present time-without being returned-the patient is using all the intervening years as buffers against the painful emotion.
25. He was one of twelve people accused of rigging bids on construction projects, intervening in union elections, and plotting murders.
26. The mineral calcite is made up of carbonate sheets and intervening planes of calcium ions.
27. The techniques themselves are identical whether the variable being controlled is a prior or an intervening variable in the relationship being investigated.
28. They were probably right to suspect that St Petersburg had begun to think of intervening in their affairs.
29. Failure to improve could result in the secretary of state intervening.
30. In 1979 Tom Kendall joined the desk from Wharton, with a brief intervening stop in the back office.
1. Intervening militarily will not bring peace.
2. During those intervening years Bridget had married her husband Robert.
3. We are actively intervening to settle a quarrel.
31. But in their professional role, teachers are, of course, in charge: they are not intervening variables but intervening agents.
32. These are, however, even inserted at positions identical to those of corresponding fungal and liverwort intervening sequences.
33. In the intervening period, the market sector has become dominant and all three sectors concentrate on using resources efficiently and effectively.
34. Having established this knowledge a system of ideas has been formulated for intervening and hence preventing the disease or problem.
35. Other variables will be included in your schedule which are referred to as secondary or intervening variables.
36. There is literally nothing of an official nature which can serve as a guide to possible fluctuations in the intervening years.
37. To undertake a critical reading which is unconcerned with how it is intervening in the present is a denial of intellectual responsibility.
38. If it disappears when an intervening variable is controlled, the mechanism linking the two variables has been interpreted.
39. Let us therefore assume that nervous disorders act as an intervening variable.
40. The other masons then filled in the intervening bricks along a string stretched be tween the corner bricks.
41. With MainWin(), the Windows applications will reportedly run in native mode with no intervening emulation level to bog down performance.
42. Rarely has a term of public discourse gone so directly from obscurity to meaninglessness without any intervening period of coherence.
43. In effect, teachers become intervening variables in their own experiments.
44. For a considerable part of the intervening period there was recurrent civil strife between magnate and dynastic factions.
45. I regard organizational climate as an intervening variable which affects the results of the operations of the organization.
46. It is scarcely found in the intervening period, but its presence here is no accident.
47. They want to give new competitors more of a chance, even if it means intervening in the market to do so.
48. In the decline the church had experienced in the intervening years, fewer catholic school children had opted out.
49. Mr Greenspan could, and would, defend himself by arguing that the world had changed dramatically over the intervening decade.
50. I wanted to look young when I met my brother, perhaps because I had accomplished nothing in the intervening years.
51. In the intervening 60 years much had changed in the public imagination.
51. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
52. Labour's acceptance of the market strengthens the increasingly powerful case for government intervening selectively.
53. The answer depends, to some degree, on the effectiveness of those who have been active in the intervening years.
54. If we want to argue that the causal mechanism is fairly direct, we have to control for similar intervening variables.
55. That, and the narrowly missed encounter with Richard Blake after the intervening four years.
56. To occupy the intervening months she took a job in a hospital.
57. But some underlying patterning remains, despite the intervening years and the subtle shifts in values and beliefs.
58. In the intervening years, as property taxes ate away at their nest egg, their proposals for other developments fell flat.
59. Agricultural surpluses have become commonplace in the intervening years and this is preventing increased production from upping incomes.
60. Together, the graphs sum up what happened during the intervening eighty years.
61. Rather than intervening directly, the Home Office appointed an independent commissioner, whose report vindicated Dyer's accusations.
62. One has to be grateful to him for intervening personally.
63. In the intervening days Flora walked on air, or lay awake in her dormitory rehearsing the things she would tell Felix.
64. Thus, institutional design appears to be an important intervening variable between socio-economic variables and democratic performance.
65. Contracts are typically for a three- or five-year term and can prove inflexible in the intervening period.
66. Sometimes they assume that such relations can be altered by intervening at this purely psychological level.
67. The discipline of cash limits was repeatedly disregarded, with political factors often intervening to soften the government's monetarist convictions.
68. During the intervening seven years, he has become replacement therapy for little girls who have just donated their dolls to Oxfam.
69. Power becomes the intervening variable between desired outcomes and actual results.
70. I spent most of the intervening period in the National Portrait Gallery.
71. Hence we examine the issues surrounding the development of legislative and other means of intervening in the press.
72. Troops may be moved over intervening models, buildings, terrain and any other obstacles or scenery.
73. Some time, then, during the intervening years, he had been granted a barony.
74. Over the intervening years the inter-action and travelling of these eight aircraft is intricate.
75. Is there any evidence of gravitational attraction being modified by intervening matter.
76. Squigs bounce over intervening troops and scenery and land where indicated.
77. Barney Moss stared at Doyle through the intervening glass-topped door, and Doyle felt the hostility like tiny knives.
78. It is interesting to speculate on the possible reasons for his total obscurity during the intervening years of the Restoration.
79. They'd answer the outside world by giving their own authorised version of the intervening years.
80. She is charged with intervening when fathers flee to other states or countries to avoid complying with court orders of support.
81. Clearly, the intervening period since the Minister's statement of August 1976 had led to some clearer thinking.
81. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
82. In multivariate procedures the controls are deployed as potential intervening variables.
83. I wished to annihilate the tedious intervening days!
84. Little had changed in the intervening years.
85. Two color pyrometers were developed to solve the problem of signal attenuation by intervening smoke or fumes .
86. I had spent the intervening time in London, with Gretchen.
87. Their lives have obviously changed in the intervening years -- so that available time, money, and attention are now in more limited supply.
88. Shareholders were precluded from intervening in the ordinary business of the company.
89. Intervening showers broke the drought in time to fill out winter wheat.
90. If the application paid enough attention, it would notice the fact that you requested two formatting steps without an intervening selection option.
91. Methods 25 patients with acute myocardial infarction in intervening group were treated with aminazine.
92. Intervening in the field of the subject, in to far as he is subject to jouissance, the masochist, after all, knows well that it matters little to him what is happening in the field of the Other.
93. The black hole's white-hot glow from super-heated gas is reddened by intervening dust.
94. He took the lamp in his hand , crossed the two intervening outer rooms, and opened it.
95. Are such " passive intervening landowners " liable under section 107 ( a )?
96. Objective To judge the intervening project's implementing effect of neonatal hyper-unconjugated bilirubinemia in early days.
97. Objective To provide the science evidence of the intervening of mental crisis intervention in earthquake.
98. Johnson impressed throughout, forcing a fine save from Thomas Sorensen and intervening expertly on a dangerous Dean Whitehead cross, and had the Kop singing his name long before the end.
99. The basis on which these waveforms are divided is their mode of propagation through intervening material.
100. Harvard University lays on both sides of the intervening Charles River.
101. In the intervening years he became something of a jokester and goofball.
102. All the intervening steps of these tardier processes were overleaped.
103. Conclusion Application of acarbose in the intervening treatment of IGT subjects can reduce the incidence of diabetes and without increase the secretion of insulin.
104. Objective To observe the nucha electrical acupuncture Intervening at early times preventing the occurrence of poststroke depression(PSD)in acute cerebral infarction(ACI)patients.
105. The Bank of England had been intervening in foreign exchange markets.
106. Lobules of neoplastic cells have an intervening stroma with characteristic lymphoid infiltrates.
107. It stressed not only to strengthen the security of energy regions, but also provide for the intervening of the corruptive regimes in those weak states.
108. Yet now we have a universalist theory telling us that there are endlessly many relations intervening between you and your happiness.
109. Players take the role of a US Marine Corps unit intervening in the conflict.
110. Teaching willingness has an intervening effect between learning motivation and learning satisfaction.
111. But perspectives have changed inthe intervening decades, and Schumpeter's entrepreneurs are once againroaming the globe.
111. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
112. If at the time of intervening the intervener lacks full legal capacity, the obligation to hand over is subject to the defence which would be available under VII. – 6:101 (Disenrichment).
113. 90 minutes pass before the ambulance arrives. My allergist spends the intervening time preparing a four page memorandum giving my medical history, my current condition, and a treatment plan.
114. If she had hung on any longer, the intervening time in office would have developed into "non-step electioneering".
115. Mobile phone condole acts the role of an electron to intervening deeply our daily life.
116. In the eight years intervening between the third and the present edition, molecular biology has continued to facilitate the analysis of neurobiological problems.
117. The type character must immediately follow the element, with no intervening characters of any kind.
118. If the coefficient of the first term is negative, it is preceded by a unary minus in the first column, with no intervening blank column.
119. If the intervening runner or stolon rots or is cut away, the daughter plants becomes independent.
120. They are also why judicial intervening is hard to be employed.
121. We have no intention of intervening in the internal affairs of other countries.
122. In the intervening period he worked as a factory hand, a labourer, a gardener and, for ten years, as a computer systems designer.
123. The cysts were closely spaced with an intervening variably fibrotic stroma.
124. Since adopting the free-floating exchange rate, South Korea's government has given up intervening the exchange market.
125. Current, coronal arteries and veins intervenes cure is in center of great majority intervening treatment still is it is main avenue with arteria femoralis .
126. The courts have split on the question of CERCLA liability of passive intervening landowners.
127. After intervening the intervener must without undue delay report and account to the principal and hand over anything obtained as a result of the intervention.
128. Objective To search after intervening and treating technique for learning disorder children.
129. Intervening ethynyl unit is beneficial to extend the conjugated pathway, and increase the two - photon absorption cross - section.




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