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单词 Solemn
1. We entered into a solemn bond.
2. I was awed by her solemn words.
3. His solemn little face broke into smiles.
4. He was very solemn and refrained from talking.
5. Their faces suddenly grew solemn.
6. He looked very solemn as he announced the news.
7. His comments were wholly inappropriate on such a solemn occasion.
8. All members had to swear a solemn oath never to reveal the secrets of the organization.
9. There was nothing portentous or solemn about him. He was bubbling with humour.
10. He addressed them all in very solemn tones.
11. She gave a solemn undertaking to respect their decision.
12. Erica was solemn(), pulling at her blonde curls.
13. His laughter was not becoming on that solemn occasion.
14. The Premier's burial was a solemn occasion.
15. The solemn event rapidly degenerated into farce.
16. They have entered into a solemn bond.
17. Drums and cymbals beat out a solemn rhythm.
18. The new Embassador was received with solemn ceremonies.
19. His face suddenly turned solemn, his voice confidential.
20. Her mood was rather solemn.
20. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
21. He wore an extraordinarily solemn expression.
22. The solemn procession wound its way through the narrow streets.
23. The mood of the meeting turned solemn when the extent of the problem became known.
24. Her face grew solemn.
25. His face grew solemn.
26. His jocose manner was unsuitable for such a solemn occasion.
27. She gave him her solemn word that she would give up drugs.
28. The solemn statement of the central government on this issue was featured in full in the newspapers.
29. She usually had a smile on her face, but now she looked solemn.
30. I'll never be unfaithful again. I give you my solemn word .
1. We entered into a solemn bond.
2. I was awed by her solemn words.
3. His solemn little face broke into smiles.
4. He was very solemn and refrained from talking.
5. Their faces suddenly grew solemn.
6. He looked very solemn as he announced the news.
7. She usually had a smile on her face, but now she looked solemn.
8. His comments were wholly inappropriate on such a solemn occasion.
9. All members had to swear a solemn oath never to reveal the secrets of the organization.
10. There was nothing portentous or solemn about him. He was bubbling with humour.
11. The Premier's burial was a solemn occasion.
12. The new Embassador was received with solemn ceremonies.
13. He wore an extraordinarily solemn expression.
14. Her face grew solemn.
15. In a solemn voice, the councillor announced the names of the winners to the crowd.
31. He gave us his solemn word, then he welshed on us.
32. I'll never lie to you again. You have my solemn promise .
33. Everyone looked very solemn.
34. In a solemn voice, the councillor announced the names of the winners to the crowd.
35. His sense of the absurd kept him from becoming too solemn.
36. Janir looked as solemn as a churchgoer.
37. His face was solemn with concentration.
38. I was left broody, solemn, sad.
39. All I gave was my solemn word.
40. Large, solemn grey eyes gazed back, shadowed with tension.
41. I am pervaded by a deep and solemn sadness.
42. This therefore is a most solemn and prayer-filled moment.
43. That is my most solemn guarantee, no backing off.
44. What fine, solemn words these are!
45. This year, the picnic has a solemn purpose.
46. His movements were solemn and precise.
47. But they made love, with this solemn deliberation.
48. I imagined solemn covens chanting, straggling torchlight processions winding up to mountain tops, stone circles, sacred trees and springs.
49. Bailiffs, armed for this solemn occasion, are positioned at the forward corners of the bench beside the marble pillars.
50. I had a divine right and a solemn duty to warn them,[http://] but failed miserably.
51. Everyone stood respectfully, and looked solemn throughout the funeral service.
52. It is the solemn concept of art as the mirror of nature which is played with by Storni as dramatist.
53. It had been a solemn and impressive ceremony and, whatever my uncertainties, I felt bound to respond.
54. The description of the barge, and the people on it, is very solemn.
55. I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies.
56. Looking very solemn and Royal Academyish, I suddenly drew a fiendishly grinning devil playing a fiddle in the castle forecourt.
57. The towering buildings on either side are as solemn and silent as any of those monumental guardians recently uncovered along the Nile.
58. The avenue ends with ferocious looking stone generals and solemn looking mandarins of various kinds.
59. She could hardly walk, she was undersized, and was very solemn.
60. Both solemn and very funny, it insistently finds poetry in the projects, dignity on the street.
61. More solemn shadows flared as he lit his pipe, the sound of the drawing air strained and high.
62. There was a short reading from the Quran and the solemn recitation of the Offer and Acceptance.
63. But a tonic for the solemn seriousness of the bloated music of the time.
64. Even if you hold some position of great authority, you don't have to be solemn all the time.
65. The occasion was a solemn one, and he wondered a little nervously how she would carry it off.
66. Hence peace-makings were solemn and formal occasions, committing groups of people to restraint.
67. And this can be as destructive to enjoyment and adventure as inflated claims or solemn incantations.
68. They sit quietly on the locker-room benches, their faces solemn, their eyes averted.
69. Could my fondness have kept you steady I should not now appear before you in this solemn manner.
70. What from the harbor looks solemn takes on a carnivalesque air when seen from a closer vantage point.
71. The solemn and deep tones in which these words were delivered have remained fixed in my memory.
72. Williams answered that he cared for no royal authority, since it all rested on a solemn public lie.
73. I gave her my most solemn word of honor that I loved her.
74. At that point, the solemn political discussion between Eleanor and young Joe ended abruptly, and Eleanor hurried off to bed.
75. Whether they knew George Pittendrigh or not they felt a need to be solemn, to show at least an awareness of mortality.
76. Solemn works printed on shirts suddenly become funny or ironic.
77. I don't want to go to school and learn solemn things. James Matthew Barrie 
78. There was a solemn funeral attended by dignitaries from throughout the country.
79. It was simple and quaint and the terrain around them was solemn and rugged.
80. After this solemn function[Sentence dictionary], the body was placed above a side altar in a crystal urn.
81. He held out his hand to his junior master and composed his face into a solemn expression of trust.
82. So he was not half as earnest and solemn as she had thought him.
83. As the child subjected him to a solemn, no-nonsense appraisal, Ashley's heart began to hammer behind her ribs.
84. She was the glamorous, daring one-Muriel was the younger, timid, plump, solemn younger sister.
85. The solemn tone of this story is untypical of her usual style.
86. Your frivolity is out of place on such a solemn occasion.
87. The judge read the verdict in a clear and solemn voice.
88. It took a fright like that to make Peggy look solemn.
89. Chancery was the oldest and most solemn part of the whole apparatus.
90. Their hair was everywhere in the gusts: a solemn mercenary navy imported by a poor place.
91. It was a green dark, full of a deep solemn hushing like heartbeats.
92. You have to be amazed how young and silly they could be or how solemn with foreboding.
93. Flags at half-mast, commemorative wreaths, speeches and Solemn music marked the day.
94. Withdrawn, solemn, feeling like a shadow, I took up the shoemaker's apprenticeship my parents negotiated for me.
95. She had broken the very solemn promises she had made on her wedding day, of course.
96. No one knowing how to react, all speaking in low tones with solemn faces.
97. As she made the sign of the cross he spoke in loud and solemn tones.
98. Behind them all walked Bishop Corrada, who sat in the sanctuary, solemn and stone-faced(), throughout the liturgy.
99. Endicott grew into a young man with a solemn mien.
100. But before they gave up their freedom they made a solemn pact to see them through possible months in jail.
101. Now Artemis heard something, something feathery shaking itself, and then clucking, in a low, solemn cluck.
102. The cosmos has solemn order and orbicular harmony.
103. Presently on the scene appears a solemn mortician.
104. Man and wife entered into a solemn compact.
105. Now all joined in solemn stentorian accord.
106. Complete machine solemn appearance generous, innovative modeling.
107. At times solemn speeches sober down a dinner.
108. The mourning hall was filled with a solemn silence.
109. Unwind the solemn twine, and tie my Valentine!
110. He was a slim, solemn,[] darkly handsome young man.
111. Guizhou Miao is the most solemn ceremony of worship.
112. We sung the hymn in measured and solemn strain.
113. I was awed by his solemn words.
114. The inauguration was a solemn event.
115. He would put me into a selected spot and, tracing a chalk line all round, warn me with solemn face and uplifted finger of the perils of transgressing this ring.
116. And a solemn military ceremony took place outside the NATO's headquarters.
117. Shushan The Toeless refused Confucius'apology. With a solemn complexion, he turned and limped away.
118. Traditional interior design in China blended solemn and elegant dual qualities.
119. Century village carnivals , China Hong Kong City 4-surprises, Jiayuan the pleasance friendship, Ka Victoria Gardens Association, said some fresh creativity. Is the most solemn regret.
120. The womans felling so of man very benignity , very true, not severe and solemn demeanor, then possibility creation become intimate with of wishes.
121. When the inspector returned, he was straight-backed and solemn, like someone ready to give orders.
122. There is no denying the fact that climate pollution is an exceedingly solemn problem: the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it.
123. But below the sort of solemn and respectful expression trenchant and insidious uneasiness and panic.
124. While they pay respect to the environment by utilizing passive energy, they are also a new architectural reinterpretation of the traditional tower expressed in a solemn manner unique to the school.
125. Every solemn, " official " utterance can be paired with another that is sharply irreverent.
126. Kang Lagerstroemia in two LED exclusive secret base, and in the sea, grassland, lake, faint valley ...Hill landscape water, saw two people a solemn pledge of love.
127. To receive the plenary indulgence, the faithful should participate in one of the solemn functions to be held May 15-25 in the diocese, as well as fulfilling the customary conditions.
128. His solemn eyes were too bright . And down one cheek was a track of wetness.
129. Linev with cyclophosphamide. The composition , consisting of a vertical line with in a solemn feeling.
130. In the solemn echoing drive she let four taxicabs drive away.
131. Mongolia is also a distressful nation, full of solitude, solemn and stirring, Mongolian musical culture is like that of other countries, lighting wisdom and civilization of mankind.
132. In irised out had on urban area big land, ancient was the solemn manorial lord drives to eagerly anticipate us personally to visit him to construct to take vacation newly the manor.
133. "Sir Elton and Mr Furnish are making a solemn and formal commitment to each other and our Guildhall offers them both dignity and privacy, " she said.
134. In former times, England had her Tyburn , to which the devoted victims of justice were conducted in solemn procession up what is now called Oxford Road.
135. The Chinese usually do not like black and white. Black represents solemn atmosphere. The people wear black uniforms on serious occasions, but the colour usually has derogative symbolic meanings.
136. Autumn wind furled up the leaves dropping in the street, a solemn sight of solitude with autumn-wind and dancing leaves.
137. Change to come to Ministry of Foreign Affairs just as since solemn and just protest go toward, change to come to my etc. just as since go toward the text crosscurrent.
138. We made a solemn pact to go to sea together.
139. I think you good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart.
140. M. the Prior and Vicar-General of Saint-Germain des Pres ordered a solemn procession of all his clergy,[http:///solemn.html] in which the Pope's Nuncio officiated.
141. I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath.
142. The prelude of the night is commenced in the music of the sunset, in its solemn hymn to the imitable dark.
143. His behaviour was not in keeping with the solemn occasion.
144. At the most solemn moments he will flash a mocking smile or make an ironic remark.
145. This is our Sade, more serious than we expect her to be and unconcerned if we find her a little solemn.
146. Bofore the ink was dry on the Paris Agreement they began to dishonor their solemn obligations.
147. And his parents went every year to Jerusalem, at the solemn day of the pasch.
148. And walk through this bumpiness road, in the solemn song of sorrow.
149. Vote statistics is a solemn and cockamamie work in democratic election, the method of manual vote is not only inefficiency but also prone tom ake a mistake.
150. An unswerving, steely resolution showed on the old man's solemn face.
151. The mood is very solemn, and often the only visible light is the Advent Wreath, and the candles upon the Lord's Table.
152. Statements by a pope that exercise papal infallibility are referred to as solemn papal definitions or ex cathedra teachings.
153. For certain souls do not some thoughts and actions, prompted by love, amount to solemn betrothal?
154. He looked as if he had glued the rakish beard on to his solemn face.
155. The clock struck the solemn hour of one, that hour when fancy stalks outside reason, and malignant possibilities stand rock-firm as facts.
156. As 'God of Truth and Integrity', Mithras was invoked in solemn oaths to pledge the fulfillment of contracts and punish liars .
157. The solemn Mr. Merryweather had to perch himself upon a crate.
158. But when biblical exegesis replaces the solemn, dispassionate weighing of evidence you know that things have gone badly wrong.
159. From near, then far, comes the solemn, tragic sound of a flute.
160. Color alone white jade green sky blue and Jiangzi , color pragmatic, solemn atmosphere.
161. This was nothing to do with the scrabbling desperation of a starving people, but a highly ordered, solemn and even reverent religious ritual.
162. Confarreation was in Roman law the oldest and most solemn form of marriage.
163. In 137 AD the Bishop of Rome ordered the birthday of the Christ Child celebrated as a solemn feast.
164. The sword image shows his ideal and leads to virile solemn and stirring style.
165. The countess shook her head disapprovingly and wrathfully at every solemn expression in the manifesto.
166. All Buddha also uses 24 K gold foil gold, bright golden light, solemn - hui anxiety.
167. Tun - weng grew solemn and said, " Then, you've been - you've been what they call ` jilted.'
168. The brass band played the National Anthem as a solemn, fervent one.
169. Milton almost requires a solemn service of music to be played before you enter upon him.
170. The young girl in the picture has a thoughtful and solemn mien.
170. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
171. To the rich Electronics solemn promise: to leave a pay-phone company at the same time the 10 city and township Wanted agents.
172. Why else declare what is, after all, only a guesstimate on 31 October, a solemn day of mourning in the Christian calendar and of ghoulish Halloween partying in the Anglo-Saxon world?
173. Loneliness is a spiritual cautiousness, like the bloomy snow lotus herb on the summit of the mountain, beautiful and solemn.
174. The Buddhist sutra streamers beside the pagodas look solemn and respectful.
175. At eleven o'clock Squealer came out to make another announcement. As his last act upon earth, Comrade Napoleon had pronounced a solemn decree: the drinking of alcohol was to be punished by death.
176. In the main temple compound, he said, worshipers lighted yak butter lamps, and "the mood was very, very quiet and solemn."
177. Democratic challenger John Kerry, who also made the list, was called "a solemn unifier for the Democrats" by Joe Klein, who wrote a best-seller about the Clintons.
178. Pimadaixiao man kneeling in front of everyone's face splash down, and solemn Koushou thank - you!
179. When he left to go up the line, they looked at him a solemn expression.
180. When he died three years later, at the age of 84, he was buried with all the solemn pomp and national assembly and the United States House of Representatives voted to wear mourning in his honor.
181. As Godliman entered the map room a cluster of youngish people with solemn faces emerged from the conference room beyond.
182. The demonstrator responds the Shiah political figure Sadeer summons, very early east Baghdad Sadr City solemn Zhafaer square accumulation.
183. Accordingly he held the toy jovially before him, and, coming out into the dining-room, where Jennie was working at the sideboard, he exclaimed in a mock solemn voice, "Where did this come from?"
184. Bach's Harpsichord music is deeply affected by his organ music, so some Preludes,[http:///solemn.html] Fugues and the Sarabande in his Suites are filled with solemn religion spirit.
185. When he left to go up the line, they looked at him with a solemn expression.
186. In our impression, Xi Jinping is a prudent and solemn person with undiscovered resource and astuteness.
187. It is our solemn duty and obligation to defend the peaceful status quoin the Taiwan Strait.
188. Here the unfeeling Toad a snigger, and then pulled himself and tried to look particularly solemn.
189. The June 1 Massacre that was a solemn and stirring, glary case engraved on both history of Wuhan University and history of student movement of China.
190. Entering Aba, you have entered a solemn and stirring chapter to the annals of human military expedition .
191. Although they had not made love , they had secretly exchanged solemn vows and pledges, bearing their hearts to each other.
192. Through a solemn act of law, the Central People's Government has granted Hong Kong a high degree of autonomy, unparalleled anywhere in the world.
193. And the Dagda took his harp and swept his hand across the strings in three great, solemn chords.
194. And Jehu said, Sanctify a solemn assembly for Baal. And they proclaimed it.
195. The attack in Sadr City Friday comes as Shi'ite Muslims observe the solemn Ashura holiday.
196. I hereby do asseverate my solemn belief that globalization, taken as a whole, is a positive economic force and well worth defending.
197. An entrance procedure requiring a three-year novitiate and solemn vows ensured a committed membership.
198. Our ruined bulletin has been condemned for its boo solemn column.
199. Grant Wood instantly rose to fame in 1930 with his painting American Gothic, an often-copied interpretation of the solemn pride of American farmers.
200. In Helsinki , Finland, leaders attending the 38-nation Asia-Europe summit observed two minutes of silence, and a solemn military ceremony took place outside of NATO's headquarters.
201. But also have the circumstance in calibration type or show advocate when use the eat chair that carries rider, in order to show solemn mood or make person sense sits a few more cozily .
202. One reason having four Shrapnel Blasts is important here is just to get rid of Solemn Simulacrum before he can take him with Vedalken Shackles.




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