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单词 Homosexual
1. A fraud trial involving two homosexual lawyers was abandoned.
2. One of Ruth's brothers was homosexual.
3. It's an often repeated fallacy that homosexual men have more promiscuous lifestyles than heterosexuals.
4. He came out as a homosexual after his mother died.
5. With homosexual behaviour, however, the opposite has been true.
6. What, then, of the homosexual union?
7. Nine states have outlawed homosexual marriages.
8. He was outrageously affected, flamboyantly homosexual(), and extremely clever.
9. However, we shall concern ourselves only with homosexual practicalities.
10. What did he mean, the homosexual life?
11. Homosexual men and women are campaigning for equal rights.
12. This is true for both heterosexual and homosexual couples.
13. The law applies to both heterosexual and homosexual employees.
14. She once asked him outright if he were homosexual.
15. Isn't this suggestive, perhaps, of sublimated homosexual attraction?
16. In male prisons, while homosexual relationships exist they are less likely to be tolerated if they involve truly loving feelings.
17. I denied homosexual inclinations but he still made me bend down so that he could inspect my behind with a wooden spatula.
18. Should the case of the homosexual union be treated differently?
19. These are, to state the obvious again, not homosexual poems.
20. John Vassall, a sad homosexual who gave away naval secrets while working at the Admiralty.
20. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
21. Indeed, many homosexual actors and models are among the men regarded as most attractive to women.
22. Persons who have engaged in homosexual activities or have shot street drugs within the last 10 years should never donate blood.
23. You see, I've always been firmly convinced that I was homosexual.
24. Stepan Verkhovensky is prissy, frenchified, very feminine though not at all homosexual.
25. By 1980, venereal disease was widespread-and four out of every five of the patients were homosexual men.
26. The profile of this population was generally quite different from that of infected homosexual men.
27. Member whatever viewpoint he or she put forward, has condoned homosexual behaviour.
28. The second, 1 Cor 6: 9-11, speaks about both the active and the passive participants in homosexual activity.
29. In its present form it would have no relevance to homosexual unions and little relevance to a union involving a transsexual.
30. Respondents backed equal rights for gays and lesbians, but they were about evenly split on the morality of homosexual relationships.
1. A fraud trial involving two homosexual lawyers was abandoned.
2. He came out as a homosexual after his mother died.
31. For society, the real choice is between homosexual marriage and homosexual alienation.
32. I shall suggest that there is a sense in which the very notion of a homosexual sensibility is a contradiction in terms.
33. It is a foregone conclusion that the homosexual laws will not be reformed yet.
34. They doubt that Caravaggio was even homosexual, as is widely believed.
35. Male homosexual relations are still much more heavily restricted by criminal sanction.
36. The case increased pressure on President-elect Bill Clinton to rescind the ban on homosexual service members.
37. Clinton opposes homosexual marriage, according to White House spokesman Mike McCurry.
38. In all institutions complex social systems flourished, based on close emotional, homosexual relationships.
39. Supported reducing the age of consent for homosexual acts to 16.
40. For instance, a homosexual man recently became infected with a zidovudine-resistant strain of HIV-1(), although he had not taken zidovudine himself.
41. If there was a substantial homosexual contingent at any one mass, it was composed of fairly discrete people.
42. He finally came out in 1998, after years as a closet homosexual.
43. So to the question, Must liberated homosexual males always produce a culture of promiscuity? the answer appears to be no.
44. In employing essentially utilitarian criteria, the Wolfenden Committee gave rise to legislation which decriminalised certain forms of homosexual conduct.
45. Eugene Goodheart, tor instance, describes Birkin as suffering from a homosexual fear oft women.
46. Many of these predisposing factors are observed more often among drug users than among homosexual men.
47. The law says you can marry at 16, but not consent to homosexual acts until you are 21.
48. He sent his men to infiltrate homosexual groups and smoke out deviants.
49. He was desperate to understand his sexuality, and afraid of becoming totally homosexual.
50. His evidence will be used in a homosexual rape trial.
51. Bates is intense as the lonely homosexual whose obsessive selfless love is only reciprocated by a dumb animal.
52. The 6-3 ruling was hailed by gay activists as a landmark in homosexual rights.
53. Greek literature provides evidence for homosexual activity among both males and females.
54. But a small,[] growing school of Catholic intellectuals argue that natural theology actually supports the morality of homosexual unions.
55. The Committee's recommendations on prostitution were acted upon with far more haste than those concerning homosexual conduct.
56. Prejudices are challenged and myths exposed - for example that only homosexual men and drug users are at risk.
57. Anyone can catch the disease -- not just homosexual men or drug addicts.
58. The bill also would bar the federal government from recognizing homosexual marriages.
59. In many ways the underworld of heterosexuality seems no more rational than the free-for-all of homosexual life.
60. He had also threatened to make false claims of homosexual advances.
61. Thus an Ohio guidance counselor was disciplined for telling a school secretary that two of the students she was counseling were homosexual.
62. Researchers in Britain however, have not, found homosexual relationships to have the same importance as the basis of a subculture.
63. On the Freudian model it is the repression and sublimation of homosexual desire that helps secure identity and social organization.
64. In his eyes, a monogamous homosexual relationship was as moral as a monogamous heterosexual relationship.
65. He is assiduous in plying me with melba toast, and has the charm one always associates with a private homosexual.
66. Main outcome measures - Number of cases of rectal gonorrhoea and newly diagnosed infection in homosexual men.
67. Sartre decrees that Gustave was never homosexual; merely passive and feminine in his psychology.
68. Some Presbyterian conservatives blame the losses on indecision over homosexual ordination.
69. I know, of course, that distinguished individuals, even groups, in the homosexual community have claimed kinship with him.
70. Lambeth Council is trying to encourage more homosexual men and women to adopt children or become foster parents.
71. Data on rates of infection among homosexual men is scarce.
72. Unlike its recommendations on homosexual conduct, the section of the report that dealt with prostitution was largely uncontroversial.
73. Mr Portillo's decision, which follows his admission last year to homosexual experiences as a young man, surprised Conservative headquarters.
74. Minton belonged to the kind of homosexual whose ideal is manly because their temperament is feminine.
75. They are certainly not engaging in homosexual activity, but she is definitely at risk if he is a carrier.
76. Many Christians accept the fact that a proportion of people are homosexual through no fault or voluntary choice of their own.
77. It is also an account of hypocrisy. Hoover, who persecuted homosexuals, was himself homosexual.
78. Delusion-formation in paranoid disorders makes use of this process to provide defence against the passive homosexual wish.
79. Mrs Whitehouse's position was, then, that homosexual behaviour was abnormal and sinful.
80. Simon Hughes continued his dismissal with a swirl of dictionary arguments concerning the unacceptability of homosexual relationships as families.
81. As neither has happened it is probable that the incidence of HIV-1 infection among homosexual men has not fallen.
82. Mr. Lawrence Is the hon. Gentleman in favour of reducing the age of consent in homosexual offences to 16?
83. My analysis of the particular qualities of the institution shows that it may well extend to cover a homosexual union.
84. The ordination of women and treatment of homosexual clergy - both sensitive issues - may well cause rifts.
85. He was dismissed for gross misconduct[sentencedict .com], which seems to have centred on drug taking and homosexual activities.
86. Already a number of police forces have issued directives against discrimination making it inevitable that Darlington police will have a homosexual policeman.
87. Of these, around 13,900 had been infected through male homosexual activity, 2,000 through drug use and 6,500 through heterosexual activity.
88. So-called aberrant behavior, in particular lesbian and homosexual behavior, was shown to have a natural precedent and a genetic basis.
89. More fundamental, and not to be avoided, is the question of whether homosexual unions should be excluded.
90. All sorts of superficial variations-from homosexual marriage to companionate partnership-may be played on the primal themes of human life.
91. He was sent to a state reformatory at age 11 for knifing a white homosexual attacker.
92. Surrogate twins of a homosexual couple have been granted indefinite leave to stay in Britain.
93. Changing social values have increased the numbers of homosexual or unmarried households.
94. The groups deal with all aspects of homosexual life, from relationships to coming out.
95. Design - Case-control study in cohorts of drug misusers and homosexual men.
96. The photograph depicted two naked men, engaged in one of the most nauseating of homosexual acts.
97. You-you impressionable teenager with a crush on the football captain and anxiety about your own masculinity-you just might be a born homosexual.
98. The negro was obviously homosexual and I realized that homosexuals had been buying that stuff for years.
99. These protections addressed issues ranging from the death penalty and homosexual rights to term limits, campaign-finance reform, and congressional redistricting.
100. Steve was 18 when he told his parents he was homosexual.
101. He was gay at a time when homosexual acts were prosecuted in Britain.
102. The prevailing tone was homosexual - there was no doubt about that.
103. According to letters unearthed by the Gillmans, Mallory's sole homosexual experience was with James Strachey.
104. The facts of male homosexuality are also endlessly misrepresented and confused by the homosexual women who often speak for gay liberation.
105. Is psychological activity of the homosexual what kind of?
106. My Rottweiler Les is of the homosexual orientation.
107. Bad: Bruit that male a homosexual.
108. Of or concerning homosexual love and desire; amatory.
109. In that case I'm a homosexual heroin addict.
110. Are you aware that this so - called museum is run by homosexual pornographers?
111. American society is being roiled by the controversy over homosexual marriage.
112. Autoeroticism in female mammals, as well as heterosexual and homosexual intercourse (especially in primates),[http://] often involves direct or indirect stimulation of the clitoris [...].
113. They reported that the homosexual men in the set were more likely to report seeing buttocks, anuses or sexually ambiguous figures in the inkblots.
114. Rotating one's hand around is a weakened form of shaking one's head in some English-speaking countries. This shows carelessness, hesitation. It also can indicate a homosexual or bisexual person.
115. Be similarly to this case, one day people will also know enough about homosexual, and treat them without fear or favor.
116. Once I started breaking sales records, I broke Elvis Presley's record, I broke the Beatles' record - once I started doing that, overnight they called me a freak, a homosexual, a child molester...
117. Millions upon millions of women are trapped in loveless and often miserable marriages to homosexual men.
118. I never knew he was a closet queen , ie homosexual.
119. Contraception facilitates nonmarital sex, and one method of contraception—the condom—because of its dual use as a preventive of venereal infection, facilitates homosexual sex.
120. Homosexual rights remains a controversial topic all over the world.
121. Because of the internet, homosexual literature exists and develops quickly.
122. In a certain number of cases, we succeed in developing the flighted germs of heterosexual tendencies which are present in every homosexual.
123. It had warped me into a suffocating, totalizing essence, pinned me with the girders of weakness, monstrosity, and leprosy that supported their dichotomous construction of Homosexual.
124. Twenty-two male and sixty-eight female undergrads were presented with photos of 90 men's faces (half were homosexual) for either 33ms, 50ms, 6500ms or 10, 000ms.
125. In his biography Alec Guinness: The Unknown, Garry O'Connor reveals that Guinness was arrested and fined 10 guineas for a homosexual act in a public lavatory in Liverpool in 1946.
126. By the nineteen - twenties it had come to signify " homosexual ", at least in London homosexual circles.
127. Missoula, MT -- Heterosexual men who are regularly fellated by homosexual men have a lower risk of developing prostate and testicular cancer, a research study has found.
128. Rasputin's assassin and alleged homosexual lover, Felix Yusopov, claimed that his prowess was explained by a large wart strategically situated on his penis, which was of exceptional size.
129. The homosexual population has become more overt and militant during the decade.
130. Used as a disparaging term for an effeminate man , especially a gay or homosexual man.
131. And meanwhile, individuals' extents of homosexual identification will still retroact to their personality, experience and circumstances.
132. Covert sensitisation required patients to counter homosexual thoughts with shameful fantasies of arrest by the police or discovery by their family.
133. The project aims to give homosexual men information about HIV/AIDS via their mobile phone's short message service (SMS) in the dominant language, Kiswahili.
134. "Are you a real homosexual or a bi-sexual?"Garrick asked me at the computer classroom in Global Village Organization, our English cram school classroom.
135. In my opinion, homosexual and heterosexual should be treated and beheld equally, and nondiscrimination of minority is a symbol of civilization of society.
136. Genetic profiling revealed "clusters" of closely-related variants among young white homosexual men, pointing to risky sex practises among this minority.
137. Headgesture: 13456 Shaking head shows probability , hesitation, carelessness, or even a homosexual or bisexual person.
138. That same morning Vincent visited his friend, the notorious homosexual, Comte de Passavant.
139. Sexual orientation appears to be a contributing factor in youth suicide, with homosexual and transgendered youth experiencing between 17% and 42% more suicide attempts than their heterosexual peers.
140. The wife was heartbroken and guilt-ridden until she found emails in her husband's account that pointed to his other life: one where he would solicit unprotected homosexual sex online.
140. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
141. There is much evidence to suggest that King Richard I (the Lionheart) was a homosexual.
142. Next I made an allusion to courtly love, which appeared at the time at which homosexual amusement had fallen into supreme decadence, in that sort of impossible bad dream known as feudalism.
143. Opinion to the homosexual love: I can presume their own world.
144. The handsome and good and not is homosexual mans are all married.
145. By acting altruistically toward nieces and nephews, homosexual men would perpetuate the family genes, including some of their own.
146. "Far more likely is that he was a man with a different sexual orientation, homosexual or transvestite, " said Bruce's leading researcher.
147. Chapter two summarizes the homosexual literature in the Qin Dynast.
148. Assuming the man to be making a homosexual advance, he storms out of the house angrily.
149. Because a homosexual this label, become occasionally cannot tolerate for the government.
150. Some homosexual men were identified by a black dot on their arm band.
151. Fae:Do you think the fact that you're homosexual makes you morally bankrupt?
152. Such practice is the achievement that these male homosexual websites come to filch several years apparently.
153. The third chapter studies Baldwin's homosexual issue by exemplifying two homosexual relationships in the novel: Rufus and Eric; Rufus and Vivaldo.
154. Not surprisingly,[] many guilt-ridden ambisexual men and male prostitutes used this kind of contorted logic to rationalize their own homosexual activity.
155. "Yeah! Do you know? Sister Shelly, I am a homosexual! "Garrick cheers up.
156. Some people would say that having a homosexual parent would traumatize a child and ruin their social life.
157. Even in legal parlance, the word used to refer to one aspect of homosexual practice is ' sodomy '.
158. However, there is no solid scientific evidence that people are born homosexual.
159. Far more likely is that he was a man with a different sexual orientation, homosexual or transvestite.
160. Scientists say male birds that eat mercury-contaminated food show "surprising" homosexual behavior, the Daily Telegraph of London reported.
161. In a society that institutionalizes homosexuality, they will be homosexual.
162. This will very likely also be true of homosexual and bisexual relationships.
163. Ninth, I had not thought lets all people through this card face up to the homosexual, very many people look at the question by own viewpoint, did not understand, moreover does not want to understand.
164. Increased high risk behaviours, such as multiple sex partners, unprotected hetero- and homosexual practices, drug and alcohol use.
165. Are you claiming that homosexual card, meaning you're in the clear?
166. However , homosexual anal intercourse, being an unnatural act, creates a lot of blood.
167. Homosexual love was important in this period and carried over into Christian monasticism.
168. Slang Used as a disparaging term for a gay or homosexual man.




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